Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 93: Yipintang, the ancient sea!

Silver Moon City, the first piano building on this street.

"Here is the last piece of keel guqin. Master Yunmo of Yinyue Mountain Villa cast it myself. I won't introduce it. Everyone knows its value. Now the auction starts.

"I have a hundred top-quality spirits."

"I have two hundred."

"I'm out two hundred and fifty."




"I have eight hundred fine spirits."



"Well, congratulations to this buyer, eight hundred top-quality spirits, this last piece of keel Guqin belongs to you." The auctioneer laughed.

The auction is over.

In a loft upstairs, Sima Changkong and Shangguanhen sat together and looked at the auction below.

"Thank you, Lord Sima, for your cooperation. Thank you in the next emperor." Shangguan marks solemnly.

Sima Changkong frowned and looked down: "I just raised my hand and didn't do anything. It's just that I've been auctioning these keels for a while. What is Guhai doing?"

"The emperor sent a letter here, naturally with a purpose." Shangguan Hen shook his head without explaining.

Sima Changkong still frowned: "These keel instruments are all the dragons that guarded Yinyuehai in the past. They are also considered to be under the control of King Lu Yang. Making dragon bones into musical instruments is insulting to King Lu Yang sitting down Guhai, this is to anger the dragons. Guhai is playing with fire. Can he cope with it? And, even if Guhai can hide, how about the Dahan Dynasty of the Jiuwu Island? "

"The emperor has his own plans." Shangguanhen shook his head without explaining--

Geng Jinzong headquarters, one hundred thousand mountains.

Geng Jinzong was near mass extinction, and few people fled, which could not achieve the climate.

Under the guidance of Huangfu Chaoge, the Million Army saw the interior view of the tragedy of the human tragedy, and some disciples of Geng Jinzong who were subdued earlier confirmed everything.

"Kill them, these demons, kill them."

"Geng Jinzong, how can our city be loyal to these demons?"

"City lord, my sister died terribly."




Millions of troops immediately filled with indignation. This terrifying scene has long overturned all the recognition of Geng Jinzong. The former Geng Jin Sovereign, who was so good-looking, turned out to be a human-eating demon.

"It is my order that the remaining disciples of Geng Jinzong are wanted in the city. No matter whether they are alive or dead, the arrests and arrests are rewards. Secondly, they will spread the evil behaviors throughout the city to let the people around them know the devil's behavior. Road.

"Since then, our city has nothing to do with Geng Jinzong."




Without Huangfu's reversal, the minds of these people have changed.

"Mr. Huangfu, Geng Jinzong is dead. If you have the ability, collect the eighteen cities as soon as possible, otherwise, other forces will come soon." Gu Hai looked to Huangfu Chaoge.

"Also, thank you Mr. Gu this time." Huang Fu nodded.

"Don't thank me. They are Lu Yanghuang's minions. They are all going to die. Your identity has been exposed. It is best to return to the capital immediately." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"You don't go back with me." Huangfu Chaoge frowned at Gu Hai.

"I said before that forcing Lu Yang Wang Liguo was the first step, destroying Geng Jinzong was the second step, and the next step was the third step, and it couldn't stop for a moment. This time it was Ao Shun who was scared away. Let me be more confident in the third step, so I must set it up immediately. "

Huangfu Chaoge nodded with a slight sigh: "I took half of the spirit stone searched from Geng Jinzong for the turnover of the Shenlu dynasty, and the other half, take it with you."

800 million top grade spirit stones, half of the ancient sea, but at this moment, no one can pick out the thorn.

This time, the King Gong dynasty cooperated with the Dahan dynasty and the Shenlu dynasty. The ancient seas came out, and the Huangfu dynasty paid money. Both were indispensable.

"Thank you so much." Gu Hai nodded, without refusing.

"call out."

At this moment, a streamer shot in the distance, but a flying boat approached instantly.

Everyone's face changed, but soon they eased off. The person who came was not a stranger, but a master of fleeting years.

"I went to Lushen City, you are not there, I knew you were here." Master Liu Nian lamented.

Turning his head, Master Liunian looked around a messy 100,000 mountain, took a deep breath, and looked at Gu Hai and Huangfu Chaoge in surprise.

"You are so capable, Geng Jinzong is overthrown." Master Liu Nian was surprised.

"It's dangerous and dangerous." Gu Hai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Master, you are alone." Huangfu Chaoge curiously.

Master Liunian nodded: "Gu Hai, this is the imperial edict given to you by the holy god, you can answer it."

The master of fleeting years took out a book of edicts and looked at the ancient sea.

But at the moment, Gu Hai frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Thank you Master, I still won't answer."

"Well, ancient sea, this is the Holy Book of the Lord of Yipintang, Holy." Master Liu Nian wondered.

With a bit of a bitter smile, Gu Hai shook his head and said, "I joined Yipintang back then, and I didn't go to the official position of Dagantianchao. Now it is even more so, Yipintang master, haha, forget it, I have my own Dahan Dynasty, There is no need to go to the Daqian Heavenly Kingdom as an official. I joined Yipintang at first, just to repay her. Wanqing helped me innate. I was grateful to her before joining Yipintang. Now, Wanqing is gone, and I have no intention to enter Yipintang again. "

Master Liu Nian slightly sighed, and then sighed slightly: "Mr. Gu, when you meet Wan Qing, it is your luck. Wan Qing meets you. Why isn't she lucky? . "

"Um." Gu Hai frowned at Master Liu Nian.

"Yipintang, and the original Shenji camp, you should all know that it is not the official establishment of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, but belongs to the 'Foreign Affairs Department.'" Master Liu Nian explained.

"What happened to the foreign affairs department."

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not subject to the establishment of the chapel. It can be rescheduled. It only needs to handle some special affairs of the Holy Spirit. You can do your own affairs when you are outside. For example, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, It's not that, although the **** machine lord Li Shenji, although also a member of the Foreign Affairs Department, he also created a gate, you know. "Master Liu Nian said.

"Foreign Affairs Department, unrestricted," Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, in other words, it's like 'Kei Qing', a non-staff member, who is only responsible for the mission of the Holy Spirit. This is the case of Yipintang. Yipintang will not affect your Dahan Dynasty. On the contrary, there are some It is more convenient to use Yipintang, which can help the Dahan Dynasty to be stronger. "Master Liunian explained.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, silent for a while, and finally shook his head: "No, I know it's good, but since I found the country, I always want to rely on external forces to help, after all, it is not good, the country must be self-reliant."

Huangfu Chaoge looked to Gu Hai in surprise. Huangfu Chaoge is also the king of a country. Naturally, he knows the difficulty of running a country. If he is himself, maybe he can't help the temptation, but Guhai ...

"Mr. Gu, I think you better take it, eh." Master Liu Nian sighed slightly.


"After all, this is Wan Qing's mother and daughter's industry. Yipintang, if you don't run it, you will be mastered by others. You want to let Wanqing's mother and daughter's Yipintang take control of others." Master Liunian advised.


"Second, you promised Wanqing to take care of her younger sister, Long Wanyu. You do n’t have Yipintang status. It is difficult for you to meet her. How to protect it?"

Gu Hai frowned.

After being silent for a while, Gu Hai nodded his head and said, "Well, I'll take the place of the master of a product."

The ancient sea took the decree.

The master of fleeting years took out a purple token and said, "Wan Qing's Yipintang Master Token was destroyed, and the Holy Spirit gave another one. This is a Yipintang Master Token, not a Marquis."

Gu Hai took it lightly.


Suddenly, a golden airstream came out of thin air, instantly covering the ancient sea.

"This is, Qi counts, so great luck." Gu Hai's face changed.

This number of qi is actually half of the qi that captured the Geng Jinzong before.

The qi number circled around the ancient sea, and suddenly poured into the purple Yipintang token. The token was close to the body, and this part of the Qi was transported at any time.

"Originally, Wanqing was going to take you to the capital and hand the book to the Holy See. The seal of the Royal Seal will give you luck. But this time, the Holy Father proclaimed the decree for you, but it is free After this process, this is a lot of luck for the masters, every ten years, reward a batch, this is the first batch. "Master Liu Nian explained.

Guhai looked at the token. The word “一 品” was on the front and the word “Guhai” on the reverse. It was similar to the main token of the water rudder. It had a small space, only ten times larger than the space of the water rudder token. Large pieces of luck are hidden in this small space and can be retrieved at any time.

Gu Hai nodded.

"By the way, Gu Hai, maybe you have to be careful. Long Wanyu is not very friendly to you. You may think that you killed Wanqing, you have to be careful." Master Liunian smiled bitterly.

"Long Wanyu, where is she now?" Gu Hai wondered.

"She, the Holy Lord did not allow her to come out, but she kept making trouble. In the end, the Holy God was helpless, and sent someone to protect him. Only let him go to the Shenwu King barracks, and let the Shenwu King protect him. It is still safe now, and I will issue a decree to you. Now. "Master Liunian smiled bitterly.

"Master, Long Wanyu's side, you bother me a lot." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I will, by the way, Mu Chenfeng still has those Shuren." Master Liu Nian wondered.

"Mu Chenfeng, I sent him to work, this time, can you kill Ao Shun, it depends on the results of Mu Chenfeng." Gu Hai Shen said.

On the one hand, Huangfu raised his eyebrow slightly and said, "The third step, your third step is to kill Ao Shun."

"Ao Shun, that's the Kaitiangong strongman." Master Liu Nian also changed his face.

"I know, well, I'm going to leave too, Binggui is quick and can't delay." Gu Hai shook his head and said goodbye to the crowd.

In a few words, Huangfu Chaoge arranged three subordinates to the ancient sea. The ancient sea drove the Baiyun flying boat, carrying 400 million top-grade spirit stones, and a large number of Geng Jinzong's cheat books. And go.

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