Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 97: An empty door opened to welcome the dragons

Nine Five Island.

Sima Changkong quietly arrived with a group of subordinates and smoothly checked into the Royal Casino Resort.

Sima Changkong took a group of subordinates to participate in all gambling projects. After gambling, I was sighed for a while.

"The lottery, betting on horses, really novel, this royal casino is a good business." Sima Changkong sighed back to his villa rest area.

Foot massage, hot spring, pedicure, massage, shaving, Sima Changkong have tried it all.

"No one in the Royal Casino had reported it before." Sima Changkong reprimanded his subordinates.

"Sir, how could we have time to enjoy it," a subordinate grieved.

"Well, yesterday, Gu Hai also came back. It seems that Ao Shun's arrival is not too far away. You are inquiring about the news these days, and inquiring something." Sima Changkong said in a deep voice.

"No, no," the subordinates said bitterly.

"No," Sima Changkong wondered.

"Yes, yes, oh oh, yes, there is one thing, I don't know ..." A subordinate frowned.


"We saw a large number of stone workshops and craftsmen on the four sides of the sea on the island of Jiuwu Island, and they were carving 'dragons' day and night." A subordinate said.

"Carved dragon." Sima Changkong puzzled.

"Yes, a lot of stone dragons were carved, but the carving is not fine. You can only see the outline of the dragon. After carving, you will immediately dive into the sea." The subordinate said.

"Shilong." Sima Changkong frowned and thought--

In the Dahan Palace, within the large array.

Gao Xianzhi came again with Gou Chen, looking at Gou Chen, Gao Xianzhi burst into a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Master, you still know art, and actually listened to my two songs. The host told me to stop singing to you for a while. I will sing to you later," Gou Chen said excitedly.

Finally met the confidante, those children who did not understand before did not count, this Gao Xianzhi listened to his two songs, actually applauded and moved.

Gao Xianzhi's face was pale for a while. She clapped her hands just to interrupt Chen's intoxicated state. She could not hold her mouth anymore.

Still singing.

"Well, Gou Chen. In the future, Gao Xianzhi is not allowed to sing to Gao Xianzhi." Gu Hai snapped.

"Ah, no, Lord Gao likes my song ..." Gou Chen countered.

"Thank you, Emperor." Gao Xianzhi was a gift of gratitude to the ancient sea.

Gou Chen: "..............."

"Mu Chenfeng, Aosheng's tone, and the way of speaking, I probably know it. You have also practiced the piano, and you should be very sensitive to the sound. You should explain the specific characteristics of Aosheng's voice to Gou Chen and portray it clearly. Said.

"Yes." Mu Chenfeng nodded solemnly.

After much description, Gou Chen has mastered Ao Sheng's voice.

"Going to Chen, looking back at your task is to expand my voice and turn it into a proud voice." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ah, this is simple." Gou Chen nodded.

Gou Chen is a celestial piano, but simple sound adjustment is extremely easy. I tried a few times to amplify the tone of the ancient sea's voice, sentence breaks, and frustration, but the sound was replaced by the sound of Aosheng.

"Yes, this is indeed the voice of Ao Sheng. Although I haven't heard it for hundreds of years, I can be sure." Miao Chen nodded.

"So, that's fine." Gu Hai hissed.

"But, is that all right? Ao Shun is not a fool." Miao Chen said blankly.

"So, I need all the Shuren and your hundreds of basalt strong men to help me, and then listen to my order and listen to my arrangements." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh." Miao Chen said blankly--

Three days later.


On the Qiandao Sea, a dragon groaned and howled.

Outside Jiuwu Island, the group of dragons gave up the flying boat, and all the roars flew in the direction of Dahan Palace on Jiuwu Island.

Ao Shun stepped, standing on the top of a dragon, looking coldly in the direction of the Dahan Palace in the distance. The place was too dazzling, and he was tumultuous in the sky.

The number of dragons is huge, there are a thousand dragons, three thousand dragons, and the hegemons, all flying in the air.

A huge number, aggressive, showing fierce air.

The sky, accompanied by Ao Shun, was covered by dark clouds, where the dragons arrived, lightning flashes and thunderstorms.

"The luck of the Dahan dynasty, this is the Geng Jinzong. Huh, Dahan dynasty, there is only one small island, dare to call yourself a dynasty."

"Prince, that's where it is. Gu Hai's son and a group of subordinates must be there."

"Well, why isn't there a fang leader?"

"Yes, the Fang leaders should have arrived in advance."




The dragons wondered.

Ao Shun was cold and cold.

Rolling dark clouds, the carrier rolling heavy rain towards Dahan Palace.

"Look, so many dragons."

"Dragon, so much."

"That's a dragon, no, and a dragon. It's a real dragon."




Hundreds of people showed horror as the rainstorm fell.

The violent breath of the dragons was not suppressed, but it was completely released. As soon as the breath of anger came out, no hundreds of people underneath showed a thrilling color. The breath was overwhelmed by this breath.

It was a feeling that the sky was falling, and no hundreds of people showed panic.

And countless practitioners from the sea of ​​thousands of islands, but at the moment is scalp tingling.

"The Dahan Dynasty, how did you provoke so many dragons?"

"This is the breath of anger, these dragons are coming to destroy the Dahan Dynasty."

"It's over, the Dahan Dynasty is over."




Countless practitioners were terrified and wanted to avoid the disaster, but they were full of curiosity.

The ancient sea, Qiandaohai's legend, this toss is too exaggerated, it has provoked so many strong people, the attack of the dragons is basically the rhythm of sweeping Qiandaohai.

Numerous practitioners gathered in the direction of the palace with curiosity, and there were some island owners from the Qiandao Sea in the Quartet. At this moment, they were flying in the direction of the palace with surprise and resistance.

In the direction of the imperial palace, a large stone wall was nailed with a large number of Yuandaojing strong men in Qiandaohai.

It's not a year before Gu Hai will be revengeed.

There are countless good people.

At this moment, the Royal Casino next to the Royal Palace gathers the most repairers from the Qiandaohai, the racetrack at this moment.

Halfway through the race, all the horses fled abruptly in terror.

"What's going on." Many gamblers showed blankness.


There was a thunderous sound in the distance, and the gamblers turned their heads and looked.


Turning his head, he looked at the sound of cold air.

For the practitioners of Qiandaohai, the battle of the dragons and domineers in the past is shocking enough, but there are thousands of dragons, masters, and a thousand dragons in the distance. Coming towards the palace.

Here, this is what happened.

Many gamblers left in fright.

However, many good players and gamblers stayed in surprise.

Sima Changkong brought a group of subordinates who had been waiting at the rooftop of the villa. The view here was the best.

"Finally, here." Sima Changkong's eyes flashed a light.

"Sir, the Dahan dynasty in Guhai is completely finished. This, this, this time, Ao Shun actually brought such a huge army of dragons, three thousand yalongs, and a thousand dragons." A subordinate trembled.

"Yeah, that's interesting." Sima Changkong's eyes flashed a light.

Speaking, Sima Changkong turned his head and looked in the direction of the palace.

The direction of the palace was so calm this time. Even the large clouds of fog that usually opened were completely released at this moment, as if the empty doors were wide open, and anyone could break in.

If in the past, there must have been a small night of Qiandaohai sneaking in, but now, who dares to go in.

Thousands of dragons came, as if in order to destroy the Dahan Dynasty, they went to death themselves.

"My lord, even the formation method is not set, what is Gu Hai's support?" A subordinate was puzzled.

Sima Changkong also frowned slightly.

Far away, Ao Shun stepped on the head of the dragon in front of him and reached the palace not far.

Looking at the distant empty palace, Ao Shun frowned.

He came with a large army of dragons, and he was so imposing that the Dahan dynasty dynasty should have seen it long ago, and had no reaction at all.

"Ang." "Ang." "Ang." "Ang." ...............

The dragons roared, and the greater fierce power went straight to the Dahan Palace.

The Dahan Palace is still very peaceful, guarded around, silent, without any fear.


In the roar, Qun Long had arrived not far from the Dahan Palace, but Ao Shun had his eyes narrowed and slowed down, but Qun Long was a little confused.

"Prince, it's not quite right. The Dahan Palace has no reaction to our coming here." The dragon at his feet slept.

"Take care of him, Prince, and straighten the palace. Then, if I catch a few people, I will be able to ask where Gu Hai's son is." Another dragon sulked.

Ao Shun was nodding.


Suddenly, from the imperial palace, a huge breath soared into the sky.

The rolling black clouds suddenly emerged out of thin air, and the new dark clouds suddenly collided with the violent sound of the dark clouds convened by the dragons.


As soon as the two clouds clashed, the breath of the sky shattered, and the clouds over the sky suddenly disappeared.

"The atmosphere of Kaitian Palace." Suddenly a dragon's face changed.

Thousands of dragons stopped outside the palace for a moment and looked coldly at the distant Chongtian Temple.

The breath of Kaitian Palace disappeared, the heavens disappeared, but the flames of thousands of dragons suddenly stagnated.

"Dugou defeating, hum." Ao Shun's face was cold and his face was cold.

I thought it was the last solitary loneliness who wanted to defeat him.

"Gu Qin, Dahan Baiguan, get out of me." Ao Shun chuckled again.

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, the door opens.

With ancient civil and military officials, Qin slowly walked out of the hall.

One hundred officials came out of the hall. Many officials looked up at the thousands of dragons. Suddenly, their scalp became numb, but they were still calm.

Gu Qin stepped in front, but at this moment there was no panic, but a slight smile appeared.

This slight smile, but looked at the dragons for a moment.



9347139.png) \ '> It is him, he is Gu Qin, the eldest son of Gu Hai, I have seen his portrait. Cried a dragon.

"Prince, I'll catch him," another black dragon called.

"Prince, haha, you dragons, you are really brave. Who are the Dragon Princes, do you want to set up another Dragon Palace." Gu Qin smiled coldly.

However, Ao Shun looked around. The imperial palace didn't take any precautions. In the previous information of Mr. Mo, didn't he say that the imperial palace was surrounded?

"Presumptuous, prince, I'll catch him. Little Dahan, also want to pretend to be a ghost." The black dragon rushed down.


When the dragon rushed in, the giant claws of the dragon seemed to grab the Chongtian Temple in an instant, tear up the ministers, and seize the ancient Qin.

Gu Qin stood still, not afraid of the general, watching coldly.

The rushed black dragon was full of doubts. The man was crazy, wasn't he afraid of death?

Just before rushing to the Temple of Heaven, a voice came suddenly into the Temple of Heaven.

"Oh, Brother Wang, have you been flying for too long, have you been confused? Who is the prince? I don't remember." A very bland voice came from the hall.


The claws of the black dragon suddenly settled in mid-air, and its body stiffened there.

His face was horrified, and there was a chill in his whole body, as if he was stuck in his neck for a moment, and his scalp exploded.

This voice, this voice is ...............

The Black Dragon instantly thought of a thrilling possibility, slowly flying away, and that claw, after all, did not dare to grab it.

The bland voice, the bland tone, almost all the dragons changed their faces for almost an instant.

Even Ao Shun's face sank and his eyes were sullen.

The dragon's momentum was one of them.

In all directions, countless practitioners looked in the direction of the Chongtian Temple in surprise. At this moment, there was no large block, and the field of vision was very wide. At a glance, you can see the indifference of ancient Qin.

"Who is inside the Temple of Heaven, in a word, the black dragon was scared just now."

"No wonder Gu Qin was not afraid. He invited a master."

"Who is it, all dragons are scared."




Countless practitioners showed surprise and widened their eyes.

Royal Casino Resort.

Sima Changkong also raised a brow: "This is the voice of Prince Long, Ao Sheng."

"What, Gu Hai invited Prince Long Ao Sheng, no wonder, no wonder he can deal with Ao Shun so surely." A subordinate was surprised.

"The atmosphere that opened the Tiangong Palace just now, yes, it must be Ao Sheng."

"Some have seen it now, Ao Sheng and Ao Shun, they are going to fight again."




A group of subordinates were surprised, only Sima Changkong showed a complex look towards the distant temple in the distance, frowning and thinking.

Ao Sheng, the real dragon prince of the Dragon family, his voice, how could the dragons have not heard it, and how could they have heard it wrong, but how could Prince Ao Sheng be here.

The group of dragons was restless for a while, and a group of Yalongs had never seen Ao Sheng before, but a few of them have seen it. As soon as the news was communicated, the Yalongs were even more restless. Yalong followed Ao Shun to be able to enter Jicheng became a real dragon, but now, Prince True Dragon is here, do you want to deal with him?

"Prince, that was just a rebellion against Ao Sheng, and today just happened to seize this opportunity to take him in one fell swoop." A lawless red dragon shouted.


Suddenly, a skull was thrown into a side hall not far away.

"The fangs of the fangs." The red dragon, whose face had just appeared fierce, showed a hint of surprise.

"This dragon, the following offender, is disrespectful of loneliness, it is your subordinate, brother Wang." Ao Sheng's voice came again into the temple.

A dragon head suddenly calmed down the red dragon who had just fought. When he came to his mouth, he suddenly stopped.

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