Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 98: Storytelling, Zheng Aosheng


In the Dahan Palace, within a hall, Lu An was still bound, with a look of horror, standing next to Montai, staring coldly at him. With a dirty long sword in his hand, put the sword body on Lu An's shoulder, and wipe the dirty sword with Lu An's clothes.

In the face of Monte Thai, Lu An looked panicked, for fear that Monte Thai's sword would be cut into two pieces by accident.


"Ang! Ang! Ang!" ……………………

Outside, the roar of the dragons came.

"It's Ao Shun, they're here, Prince Ao Shun, they're here, great!" Lu An was suddenly excited.

"Huh?" Mengtai's eyes narrowed, and the sword in his hand suddenly cut open Lu An's clothes.

"I don't shout, I don't shout!" Lu An said in horror.

"Huh!" Montai said lightly.

"You, your name is Montai? Ao Shun came with the dragons. The Dahan Dynasty must be over. You let me go. I recommend you to my grandfather. I will give you a high weight. As long as you can save me, I will be heavy. Repay you! "Lu An cautioned.

"Well, just you? Repay me? The dynasty dynasty will soon be overthrown and give me a high position? Ha!" Montai sneered.

"It's impossible. My dynasty dynasty is much better than the Dahan dynasty, and, as soon as Ao Shun comes, the Dahan dynasty will be flattened immediately!" Lu An dismissed.

"Do you think Ao Shun can still go out alive?" Montai sneered. Please enter the URL in lowercase letters: heiyaпge to watch the latest and fastest chapters

"Impossible, you cannot be Ao Shun's opponents!" Lu An looked ugly.

Montaign smiled disdainfully, without explanation.

Lu An was complex and couldn't figure out. What can Gu Hai do to deal with Ao Shun? impossible! But why is this Monte Thai so determined? There must be something wrong, there must be something wrong! Is it as I guess, Mr. Mo is a big deal? Yes, Mr. Mo's details, no one can find out, Grandpa can't be worse, is he really having problems?

Once a person's mind enters a dead end, he will constantly dig into it. Especially Lu An, who thinks he is very smart, is in the process of filling his brain.

"Impossible, if Mr. Mo is really a spy, this time we deliberately let us use it as a bait to seduce Ao Shun's group dragons and then wipe them out? Then there is only one possibility. It is the Dagan Saints who are here to wait? Lu An analyzed.

Sure enough, after a while noisy outside. Suddenly came the voice of Ao Sheng.


Lu An was suddenly shocked, and his head was roaring.

"Ao Sheng? Yes, I saw Ao Sheng with my grandfather last time. This is Ao Sheng's voice, is it true, everything is true?" Lu An affirmed her suspicion in horror.

Because Ao Sheng came, Montai was not afraid.

Mr. Mo is spy, is it true? Is everything true?

Lu An was in panic.

It's over, is everything over?

Montai showed a sneer on the side, but Lu An did not find that the palm of Montai's grasping sword was already wet with sweat, and Montai was also nervous.

Listening to the sounds outside, Monte Thai slowly retracted the sword in accordance with the requirements of the ancient sea.

Suddenly when the sword came back into the sheath, Lu An shouted suddenly: "Prince Ao Shun, help me ~!" ——

Cupola outside the temple.

The fangs' heads flew out, and the dragons gave a violent meal.

The Dragon race is forbidden to kill each other, and the mutual killing is to be reduced to a sin dragon. But now, the fangs have been killed?

Prince Ao Shun, there are a total of eight leaders. This fang is one of the eight leaders, and it is also a strong one. Prince Ao Sheng kills when he kills?

Ao Shun squinted and stared at the Chongtian Temple. Ao Sheng? Why is he here?

There was a commotion among the dragons, and they looked at Ao Shun together, waiting for Ao Shun's order in general.

Suddenly, a shout roared near a side hall.

"Prince Ao Shun, help me ~!"

"Huh?" Ao Shun's face changed.

Lu An's voice? Ao Shun moved his hand.


The roof not far away burst into a blast, and immediately saw Montai, who was desperately angry, and pulled his sword to the top of Lu An's throat.

"You're looking for death?" Monty stared.

"My grandpa is in danger! Mo Yike is a big raper! The bureau is set to kill you!" Lu An exclaimed suddenly.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Monte Tai stunned Lu An with a single palm.

Hugging Lu An, the sword was placed over Lu An's neck.

"Presumptuous!" Qun Long roared angrily.

"You move, I'll kill him!" Monty showed his face.

Ao Shun stared. About to speak. Soaring into the temple, a voice suddenly came.

"Long's crimes are under my control, but Lu Yang's crimes are not my responsibility. Lu An is my life. Oh, after all, he is Lu Yang's seed, and I should not come to kill!" The voice of victory came.

Ao Shun and Qun Long were stagnant, and looked complexly towards Lu An, not far from Montessori. However, after all, no shot was taken, at least Lu An could not die temporarily.

But what did Lu An's previous words mean?

Fang, Mengtai made Lu An, and was sweating all over again. This was a tightrope walk. Fortunately, the dragons were not moving, as the emperor expected.

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, Gu Qin looked at Lu An in the distance and exhaled secretly.

Lu An's shout was originally not included in the calculation of his father, but later he finally wanted to make the icing on the cake to make the plan more perfect. Pit teammates with pig teammates. This is a dangerous move. Father Huang chose Montaigne, after all, nothing went wrong.

"Mo Yike is a big gangster? Impossible!" Ao Shun suddenly said coldly.

"Prince, right, Mo Yike didn't stop you from bringing us?"

"The identity of Mo Yike has always been a mystery!"

"A trap set by Mo Yike?"

"Mo Yike and Ao Sheng have a good discussion?"

"That's the emperor's grandson. It's impossible to harm the emperor!"




There was a commotion among the dragons.

In the distance, in the Royal Casino Resort, Sima Changkong looked at the scene in the distance and frowned deeply: "Mo Yike? Is it a holy man? Intentionally set up an appointment for Ao Sheng, ambush Ao Shun here? So obvious reason It ’s a very obvious fact! In this way, Ao Sheng is here to be more justified. This dispels a lot of doubts. Unfortunately, I know that Mo Yike is definitely not a holy person, otherwise, Wang Ye would have known It's up! "

"But what if it was quietly arranged by the Holy?" One whispered.

Sima Changkong frowned slightly: "No, no, Gu Hai is telling a story!"

"Ah?" Several genera showed a hint of doubt.

"Gu Hai is telling a story to Qunlong. The purpose of the story is to prove that Ao Sheng is in the sky!" Sima Changkong's eyes were stunned.

"Isn't it Ao Sheng in the Temple of Heaven?" Said a daze.

Sima Changkong shook his head gently: "The story is not over yet, don't be noisy!"

All the members of the family showed a hint of confusion. Why did the adults not understand when they spoke in the mist?

Ao Shun looked ugly when he looked at the Chongtian Temple. Is it true that Mr. Mo is a big gangster? Designing me? Let Ao Sheng set up a trap and wait for me? If so, it would be terrible. The imperial dynasty is in peril. Has your layout over the years become a joke?

is that true? Is Lu An true?

"Prince, no matter what, Ao Sheng's arrival here should not lead any soldiers. Maybe we can fight him back and eradicate this rebellion!" A red dragon leader said coldly.

Ao Shun's eyes narrowed suddenly, eh?

"Hehe? Brother Wang, it's really fun to speak with your hand? Yeah, I'm alone, no one else, or who of you come in to see?" Ao Sheng's voice came.

The group of dragons lingered slightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" .........

At this moment, suddenly, the Quartet waters of the Jiuwu Island suddenly appeared in the sky with dark clouds. A short while after the dark clouds appeared, they suddenly disappeared.

The group of dragons turned and looked.

But when I saw a distant sea, from time to time, a huge dragon tail emerged from the water, and then instantly penetrated into the ocean floor.

No dragon can be seen on the sea, but in a place where the water is not deep, a dragon can be seen faintly swimming on the bottom of the sea, only a dark shadow can be seen, but it is enough, it must be a dragon That's right.

Not one. Ten shadows of dragons roamed on the sea floor.

Not ten, but hundreds and thousands!

He broke into Jiuwu Island aggressively before and did not watch carefully what was on the ocean floor. At this moment with a careful look, suddenly the dragons took a breath.

At least nearly 10,000 dragons have surrounded us?

Around the island of Jiuwu, are all the dragons?

"Brother Wang, you and I are brothers after all, you and I talk, your group of people interjected, not so good!" Ao Sheng's voice came.

The dragons that were still in disgrace just now were dumbfounded, especially the red dragon leader who had just solicited to fight against Ao Sheng, opened his mouth, and for a long time did not know what to say.

At the same time, in the distant ocean floor.

A group of Shuren Xuanwu was dragging huge stone dragons in the ocean floor.

"Be careful, Shi Long sinks a little deeper, you can see a dark shadow, don't expose it, and, just now, my Xuanwu tribe also linked the dark clouds of the sky at the same time. Don't make a mistake again! "One Xuanwu counted down to another Xuanwu in the distance.

"Yes, grandpa!" Xuanwu said sorry.

On the other side, a tree-man was holding a branch of five stone dragons to swim along the bottom of the sea with a branch, frowning at a tree-human on the other side, saying, "You just do n’t want to be polite to that dragon. They came with the fangs to catch it. The young masters were sealed and repaired, just clasping their heads, and letting their tails occasionally expose the surface of the sea. They are fastened, and if another dragon wants to expose their heads to the sea, then they will be exposed and killed!

"Yes!" Shuren answered not far away--

Royal Casino Resort.

Sima Changkong Station was not high enough, and the field of vision was not wide enough, but I instantly guessed what happened. Suddenly his face changed: "I understand, I understand. Shilong? Borrow the body to return the soul? I almost got jailed!"

"Ah?" One puzzled aside.

"The first step is doubt! The second step is confusion! The third step is appearance! Gu Hai told a good story!" Sima Changkong frowned and sighed.

"Ah? Lord, you mean that the group of stone dragons made Ao Shun think they were real dragons?"

"Yes, Gu Hai took three steps and told us three things!" Sima Changkong sighed.


"The first step is suspicious! Tell you what your ears hear may not always be true. The second step is chaos! Even what the most trusted person tells you may not be true! The third step is appearance! What you see with your own eyes may not be true! "Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

"Uh, it's not true? It should be Ao Sheng in the Temple of Heaven, isn't it?" Said a daze.

"Yeah, sir, I feel like Ao Sheng is inside!" Another frowned.

Sima Changkong didn't bother, but listened to the voice of Ao Sheng from the distant Chongtian Temple again.

"Brother, do you remember that time? I was not a prince, nor were you a prince. At that time, we, at least, were not so head-to-head as they are now. At that time, you were the elder brother and I was the younger brother. How good it was then, eh! "Ao Sheng's voice came again.

"Fourth step, appeal? Just to prove that the temple is Ao Sheng, Gu Hai laid so long, told such a long story?" Sima Changkong looked diligently into the distance.

All her own genus have been confused, not to mention the dragons in the sky?

"Brother? Ha, ha ha ha ha? You still treat me as a brother?" Ao Shun's eyes stared, with a resentment.

"It was only that year, what did you do for me? But I didn't do nothing for you, did you forget it? Or do you only remember your part?" Ao Sheng's voice came again.

"Sir, there must be Ao Sheng inside, otherwise, how would you know what happened to Ao Shun when he was a kid?" A genus retorted.

Sima Changkong looked at his genus and was too lazy to explain. Ao Sheng's voice seemed to tell about the childhood between the brothers, but there was nothing specific in the words, and the other party was needed to fill the brain. This is the art of language.

He didn't say anything, but you listened a lot.

"That year? Do you still remember that year? When you were bullied, I chased that octopus demon for thousands of miles, and was almost swallowed by the octopus demon. What did you do for me? Just ask the father for a tonic. When I went out to play, I hid them from my father and took you out quietly. When I came back, I was punished, but you did n’t do anything. Do you still remember my brother? You forced me to be a prince and took me. It's my good brother, you really are my good brother! "Ao Shun growled loudly.

The dragons were silent for a while.

"Brother, we all want to grow up. It's not what it used to be. Isn't it? You used to be a prince, but now it isn't. After all, you and I are brothers. I don't want to meet as soon as possible. In this temple, I won't come out to meet you for the time being! "Ao Sheng's voice came again.

"Oh, you don't want to fight for your life, but you want to design an ambush?" Ao Shun flashed angrily in his eyes.

In the distance, Sima Changkong sighed slightly: "Oh, I don't want to meet before I don't come out? What a brother's excuse! After talking with the family, what a shameless story can really work! Oh, it ’s Ao Win! "

"Uh? Lord, is Ao Sheng originally?" Curiously.

Sima Changkong looked at all the genera and sighed slightly. This group is fooled, not to mention the dragons in the sky?

Gu Hai took four steps! Appeal from suspense! It has been made clear that it is not important who is in the Chongtian Hall. In Qunlong's mind, that is Ao Sheng.

Gu Hai's story has already achieved results. Ao Sheng was created successfully!

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