Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Sentence to heart

"Oh, you don't want to fight for your life, but you want to design an ambush." ​​Ao Shun flashed angrily in his eyes.

Ao Shun directly tore off the mask of brotherhood knitted by Ao Sheng and questioned Ao Sheng directly.

The group of dragons calmed down, waiting for the answer from Ao Sheng in the cupola.

You said that your brother was affectionate and took the crown prince. Now he is still designing an ambush. Is this brotherhood affectionate?

There was a moment of silence in the Cupola, and a moment of silence in the Quartet.

Thousands of people from the islands all hold their breath, but this is the battle between the Chu princes of the Dragon clan. No one dares to disturb the confrontation between the two princes.

After being silent for a while, the voice of Ao Sheng came again in the Chongtian Hall.

"Alas." Ao Sheng sighed.

Ao Shun in the sky was with his eyes narrowed.

"Brother Wang, do you really think I am designing an ambush for you? If I am designing an ambush for you, will I be waiting for you alone." Ao Sheng sighed slightly.

The dragons were puzzled, Ao Shun didn't understand, and all the practitioners watching around were also surprised.

"Brother, you are not suitable to be a prince. Your father and king do not ask about world affairs. It is against your dragon family that you are the leader of the dragon group. But for my dragon family's prosperity, I will temporarily be the Prince.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, it's a difficult one, I'm not suitable, you are suitable." Ao Shun said coldly.

"Today, since Brother Wang asked, I'd better let Brother Wang understand why you are not suitable." Ao Sheng's voice was filled with confidence.

"Oh." Ao Shun looked coldly at the Chongtian Temple.

"Brother, I said, do n’t disagree, haha, come step by step, just say that the dragons you brought are all the dragons you trust most, are they also the most loyal to you, willing to die It's all up to you. "Ao Sheng's voice was disdainful.

"Of course, these are all my subordinates, naturally they are loyal to me." Ao Shun said coldly.

"Then I will say, no." Ao Sheng said lightly.

"Um." Ao Shun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do you know how much I arranged here, they are just to monitor you, you know?" Ao Sheng's voice came again.

"Impossible, these are all persecuted by you and turned into sin dragons." Ao Shun suddenly called, but for some reason in his heart, suddenly panic.

"Really, huh, actually, to this day, there is no need to hide it. After this day, they should return, and return." Ao Sheng's voice came.

Ao Sheng's words fell.

Suddenly, among the dragons, a white dragon flew out.

"Prince Ao Shun, I'm sorry." Bai Long flew to the other side of the Chongtian Temple and flew in the air, as if standing on the side with Ao Sheng, and stood up against Ao Shun.

"White leader." The group of dragons was uproar.

"Prince Ao Shun, I'm sorry, thank you for your appreciation." A blue dragon flew out instantly, flying with Bai Long.

"Blue Chief." Qun Long was horrified again.

"Prince Ao Shun, sorry."

"Prince Ao Shun, sorry.




One after another, the dragons flew out quickly, and stood opposite to Ao Shun.

At the entrance to the Diantian Temple, Gu Qin was excited for a while. The father and emperor guessed right. Prince Ao Sheng had a plan, and it was impossible to let Ao Shun ignore it. Thinking of so many, Ao Sheng actually sent so many spies.

A dragon flew away from the team and stood opposite to Ao Shun.

Ao Shun's face became increasingly ugly.

Around the world, countless practitioners have already widened their eyes. This scene is too weird. These dragons were sent by Prince Ao Sheng to get them offended and lurk around Ao Shun.

Dragon water is too deep.

In the distance, Sima Changkong is located.

"Sir, these dragons were sent by Prince Ao Sheng to monitor Ao Shun, and Prince Ao Sheng asked them to come out, and they came out." A subordinate exclaimed.

Sima Changkong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "But did you pay attention to Ao Sheng's tone? They didn't let them stand out directly, but they took the initiative to stand up themselves."

"Uh." The subordinates froze slightly.

"Ao Sheng's tone just said 'Yes', but didn't say 'You all stand up'." Sima Changkong shook his head and said.

"Is there a difference?" A group of subordinates puzzled.

"Of course there is a difference. If 'no', it doesn't matter if it doesn't." Sima Changkong shook his head.

"Yes, it really is."

Sima Changkong narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Ao Sheng's words are ambiguous, but he just led a direction, dug a pit, and waited for the dragons to jump in."

"No, how could Qunlong ........."

"That's because the story I told earlier was good. It took four steps to prove to Qunlong that it was Ao Sheng. Qun Long believed that he was Ao Sheng, and now the second stage can continue." Sima Changkong said in a deep voice. Road.

Sure enough, in this session of work, the two leaders led the three hundred dragons out of the group of dragons and stood on the opposite side of Ao Shun. Although sorry in the eyes, they were more determined.

They belong to Ao Sheng.

Ao Shun came here with three thousand dragons, one thousand dragons, and in an instant, three hundred dragons already stood on its opposite side.

Ao Shun's face was ugly and dying: "Little white, little blue, OK, OK, OK, OK, I trust you so much, you, you guys ..."

"Prince Ao Shun, I'm sorry, before Xiao Lan and I became leaders, countless achievements were made by the Prince Prince to send us to help us, just to gain your trust." The leader of Bailong Shen said.

"Hum." Ao Shun snorted, feeling irritable.

"Brother, don't hold your breath. The angry ones are still behind. This is the first batch and the second batch, believe it or not." Ao Sheng's voice came again.


Qunlong suddenly changed his face, looked at each other, and there were enemies around him.

"Impossible, the rest is loyal to me." Ao Shun said coldly.

"Really, or I'll ask." Ao Sheng's voice was flat.

Qunlong was suddenly silent, but Qunlong's whole body suddenly became cold.

"The second batch, um, who to ask, okay, just ask this group of Yalongs. It looks like Brother Wang didn't treat them like any other before, it's just an ordinary daredevil team. Do you think they will be loyal to you.

Jie Long, Your Majesty, now I will give you a chance, just once, standing on the side of Brother Wang to be against me, or standing on my side and against Brother Wang, choose immediately, choose my side, the sins of the past, Never blame, choose my brother, oh, I will not say it, you understand. Ao Sheng's tone was very flat.

Ao Sheng uttered his words suddenly, and suddenly Long Yu called out, "Prince Ao Sheng, I am willing to abandon the dark and cast the light."

"Prince Ao Sheng, I was forced." A hegemon shouted.

"Prince Ao Sheng, I am willing to be loyal to you."




The blockbuster Yaron suddenly exclaimed.

Quickly flew away from the group of dragons, flew towards the first batch of dragon teams that had just betrayed, and stood up against Ao Shun.

"You, you, you, **** things." Ao Shun roared with a stare in his eyes.

The standing scene of Hula La, the shocking scene, the countless practitioners who were shocked to see the horrors all showed horror. This is too exaggerated.

Three thousand Yalongs flew away in a blink of an eye. No, there were three hundred Yalongs remaining, but there were only three hundred Yalongs.

Two thousand and seven hundred Yalongs all stood on the side of Ao Sheng.

Previously, Ao Shun's team was huge and could be turned around. In turn, Ao Shun's team was much less than the opposite.

Seven hundred dragons remain, and three hundred Yalongs remain.

In the distance, Sima Changkong smiled bitterly: "Usually Yalong is left outside the establishment, and now Yalong will not give you a good return. A psychological oppression not only suppresses Ao Shun, but also suppresses the dragons."

Ao Shun stared angrily at the opposite side.

"Brother Wang, no matter how you and I are brothers, no matter how brothers are, we won't kill each other, will we?" Ao Sheng's voice came again.

Ao Shun gritted his teeth and looked coldly at the Chongtian Temple.

"Brother, you won't kill each other, aren't you trying to deal with me?" Ao Shun said coldly.

"I can deal with you with a limit, isn't it? Otherwise, how can I explain to my father and king." Ao Sheng said in a loud voice.

Ao Shun's face was gloomy.

"I said so much, just to tell you one thing, you are really not suitable to be a prince. Just now, it is the second batch. Believe it or not, there are the third batch of dragons behind you." Aosheng's voice Come again.

"Impossible, the rest are my most trusted." Ao Shun coldly.

"What you trust most may not be the one who is most loyal to you, so let me show them out so you can see clearly." Ao Sheng's voice came.

Ao Shun had numbness in his scalp and was cold all over the body, impossible, impossible.

The practitioners who were watching from all directions stared wide open: "And there is."

Sima Changkong said funnyly: "While digging each other's corners in front of each other and angering the other side, while still soothing the other side's emotions, not let him be furious, huh, **, and also set up a chastity arch, but, The effect was good. At least Ao Shun was not stunned by anger, and immediately entered the Chongtian Temple. "

"Ah, sir, what are you talking about?" A subordinate said blankly.

Sima Changkong shook his head without explanation.

"The third batch, oh, brother, your group of sin dragons, you think they are loyal to you, but you know that their loyalty to you may not be able to defeat me.

Now, for the remaining dragons, I will give you a chance to redeem your guilt. As long as you stand on my side and betray your rebellion, your old sins will be written off, and you will no longer be a sin dragon. All, all give back, etc. "

Ao Sheng's voice came again, but the dragon behind Ao Shun suddenly changed his face.

"Prince Aosheng, that's the truth." Huang Long exclaimed suddenly.

"In my case, there is no weight.


721208095/32846786 / -7335294885628159761.png) '> "Ao Sheng's voice came again.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates have talked a lot, I, I am willing." Huang Long cried suddenly.

"Leader Huanglong, you ..." The group dragon behind Ao Shun suddenly exclaimed.

"Prince Ao Shun, I'm sorry, I still have a home, and I want to go home, I'm sorry." Huang Long flew up to the sky, and flew with the former White Dragon and Blue Dragon leaders.

"Prince Ao Shun, I'm sorry, the dynasty dynasty, it will soon be destroyed. Follow you. There is no future. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to go home, sorry." A green dragon flew out immediately.

"Green Dragon Chief."

"Prince Ao Shun, sorry."

"Prince Ao Shun, sorry."




The dragons struggled, and the third batch of dragons flew out again.

Two leaders, with another four hundred dragons, stood on the side of Ao Sheng.

Ao Shun didn't get angry this time, but suddenly there was a sudden stun.

The one thousand dragons and three thousand yalongs brought by them are only three hundred dragons and three hundred yalongs loyal to themselves. The other dragons are on the side of Aosheng, and they are all on their opposite side.

Do you fail like that?

In just a few words, Ao Sheng made them go against each other. Isn't he really not suitable for being a prince?

"Brother, you see, some of the dragons you brought are loyal to you. Do you think you are still suitable to be a dragon prince?" Ao Shengdandan said.

"Oh, my good brother, you, you are really good." Ao Shun gritted his teeth, his face was extremely ugly.

"Brother, don't worry, you won't be okay, and I won't take you anymore, brothers are crippled, huh, I can't do it, and the father and the king don't want to see it, but the father doesn't ask the world Among the dragons, there can only be one voice. Those traitors who have begged you to rebel and rebellion must not be punished, just like the previous fangs. "Aosheng Dandan said.

"You, you want to kill my subordinates." Ao Shun glared.

"Brother, you are deceived by them. This group of rebellions must die." Ao Sheng said coldly.

The dragons behind Ao Shun suddenly exploded with scales all over his body, his eyes unwilling to be angry, and he seemed to be aggressive.


The group dragon that had just defected from Ao Shun suddenly roared, as if maintaining the majesty of Prince Aosheng, and glared at the group dragon opposite.

There were only three hundred dragons and three hundred dragons on the opposite side. Where the momentum was huge at the Temple of Heaven, the dragons on the opposite side were suppressed.

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, Gu Qin showed a slight smile, and in an instant, the offense and defense were transposed.

"Ao Sheng, don't be complacent. Do you think I'm under this?" Ao Shun stared coldly.

"Brother Wang, you mean those dragons who support you in the dragon clan, huh, you think, I will not clean up the dragon clan, will I come today?" Ao Sheng smiled lightly.

Ao Shun was a shocking spirit: "What are you talking about?"

Ao Sheng said indifferently: "If you don't believe it, you can try to shout and see if there are any subordinates you arranged or support you secretly, even if there is one, I Turn around now and leave, what? "

Ao Shun's face changed, and he turned to look at the Quartet waters. Under the sea, there were thousands of dragons lurking, and he must have secretly supported himself.

"Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin, come out." Ao Shun shouted.

The Quartet sea was calm, and Ao Shun's face changed.

"Uncle Gen, Uncle Gen, you said you have organized a team and waited for the opportunity to help me restore it. The team is already lurking in all branches of the Dragon clan. Come out now, stand out, support me, stand out and roar." Ao Shun Yangtian yelled.

Ao Shun's voice spread to the Quartet, and the seawater trembled around him.

However, in the waters of the Quartet, everything was quiet, and no dragon came out to support Ao Shun.

The icy reality seemed to have crushed Ao Shun in an instant.

Ao Shun's face was earth-colored, and he looked at the Chongtian Temple in horror. What about the dragons who supported themselves, they rebelled, they were caught by Ao Sheng, or they were killed by Ao Sheng.

Desperate emotion filled Ao Shun's whole body, but just standing in the team, standing on the side of Ao Sheng's group of dragons, but the scalp sighed a long breath, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, he did not stand in the wrong team, otherwise Misfortune, Prince Edward is terrible.

Sima Changkong, who was not far away, smiled bitterly: "This second stage, heart-to-heart, tells a horror story, and it scares Ao Shun." !!

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