Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Where is Ao Sheng?

Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal.

Ao Sheng asked three times, and a large number of men brought by him betrayed himself three times. In the blink of an eye, only 300 dragons and 300 dragons remained loyal to him.

Ao Shun showed despair. Is he really not suitable for being a prince? After a short while, he almost betrayed me.

But at this moment, under his own shout, the dragons in the Quartet's sea area had more than 10,000 dragons, but none of them came out and did not support themselves.

For a moment, Ao Shun felt himself ahead, and all of it was dark.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, clean up, so clean up." Ao Shun smiled suddenly.

When Ao Shun was ousted from his role as prince, there was only anger and no anger, because Ao Shun firmly believed that he would have a day of resurgence.

Because, among the Dragons, there are a large number of Dragons with their hearts toward themselves. They just do not want the Dragons to fight internally. If they raised their arms, they would inevitably respond.

But at this moment, Ao Shun just realized suddenly that it turned out that everything was thinking too much.

No one supported himself, only the three hundred dragons and three hundred dragons behind him.

Am I really not suitable for being a prince?

Ao Shun's face was pessimistic. Suddenly, Ao Shun's face changed.

"No, what about Uncle Lin and Uncle Gen, they didn't come, why didn't they come." Ao Shun stared at the Chongtian Temple.

"They, oh, brother Wang, do you think what would you do if I changed to you?" Ao Sheng's voice came again.

There was still no positive answer, but listening to Ao Shun's ears, his face turned wild.

"You killed them, you killed Uncle Lin, you killed Uncle Gen, Ao Sheng, but they grew up watching you, you actually killed them." Ao Shun was about to erupt.

"They're not dead yet." Ao Sheng's voice came in time, instantly extinguishing the anger in Ao Shun's body.

"Not dead, not dead." Ao Shun stared at the Chongtian Temple.

"However, it's almost the same. Instigating civil strife within the Dragons is equivalent to rebelling against the Dragons, which is a death penalty." Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Death, no, no, how can Uncle Lin and Gen Uncle die, Ao Sheng, don't kill them, they are our closest relatives, don't kill them." Ao Shun revealed a despair.

"Brother, I said it earlier, we have grown up, not only physically but also psychologically. We have made mistakes and will be punished after all. We don't care how close we are to you. Brother, I hope you can recognize Clear the situation. "Ao Sheng's voice refused.

"Prince, fight with them." Ao Shun said in despair.


The group of dragons roared for a while. Obviously, they can't fight at all, they are dead end, their heroes are short of breath, and the battle between Chu and Jun is always cruel, no matter which race they are.

Fight, all go together.

No, only all the dragons who support him will be slaughtered. He still has no loss.

"Prince, how can we fail, how can we fail."

"Prince, we will always support you, you are our prince, we only recognize you."

"Prince, you let me die, I never blink, because I only recognize you in my heart."




The three hundred dragons and three hundred dragons desperately expressed their last loyalty to Ao Shun. It seemed to be killed soon. The loyalty in the heart broke out completely.

Ao Shun looked at the loyal eyes of his subordinates, and for a moment, his eyes were wet.

These dragons, who are most loyal to themselves, did not treat them well in the past, but they brought them into despair and despair.

"You won't die. I'm here. You won't die. Uncle Gen can't die. Uncle Lin can't die." Ao Shun trembled his teeth and cut his teeth.


Suddenly, Ao Shun turned his head and looked towards the Temple of Heaven with a sad look.

"Ao Sheng, you won, ha ha ha ha ha, my good brother, you won, I admit that you are the Prince of the Dragon clan, so that everything is OK, I admit it, but you can't kill them, inside Dragon Palace Uncle Gen and Lin could not kill them either, they were counted as brothers ..., counted as brothers ...... "Ao Shun closed his eyes with an unwillingness.

"I'm begging you." Ao Shun sorrowful in humiliation.

"Prince, don't, we fight with Ao Sheng."

"Prince, don't give in to him, I'll kill one."




In the roar of the group of dragons, it seems that they want to rush to Chongtian Temple desperately to restore the final dignity for Ao Shun.

"Stop it." Ao Shun growled.

The dragons stopped for a moment, and sadly said, "Prince."

Ao Shun looked at the Chongtian Temple: "Ao Sheng, did you hear me, did you hear me?"

There was silence in the cupola, and the dragons were quiet.

After a while, there was a sigh in the Temple of Heaven: "Brother, you and my brother, it shouldn't be so **** you, but it's about the rise and fall of the Dragons. Sometimes, I have to harden my heart, Do you think I put all the dragons involved in the rebellion, is it all? "

"Yes, as long as you let them go, whatever you want me to do is fine." Ao Shun with a sad voice.

"Well, now that Brother Wang has said this, I will give them a chance, all of them degraded as sin dragons, but I worry that they will follow you sooner or later, and then I will retreat in the early stage.

Brother Wang, I have an island estate in the North Sea. Brother Wang is troubled, and I will live there in the future. How about? I will send the Dragons to serve you. Except that I cannot leave that island, on the island, no matter how you arrange it, how? . "Ao Sheng said lightly.

"You want to house me." Ao Shun resigned.

"Brother Wang, there is only so much I can do." Ao Sheng sighed from the temple.

When Ao Shun's face was ugly, Yang Tian smiled bitterly: "Ao Sheng, my good brother, ha ha ha ha, my good brother, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"Prince, don't listen to him, he wants to hurt you, we fight with him." A group of loyal subordinates grieved angrily.

Ao Shun shook his head and said, "He doesn't dare. The father is still alive. He doesn't dare, but it hurts you. The identity of sin dragon cannot be eliminated in a short time."

"Woohoo, I'm not waiting for my death. The prince is distinguished, how can I ..." The loyal dragons cried.

"The king is defeated, hehe, I finally understand the meaning of this sentence. It is really true that the king is defeated, Ao Sheng, I promise you, Uncle Gen, Lin Shu, and all the people who support me, you Don't bother them any more, don't allow it. "Ao Shun growled, as if shouting the last trace of dignity.

"Brother, you can rest assured that although you have to force it, I do n’t want them to really die. You can eliminate my worries. They will definitely live. You and my brother. I do n’t want to do it myself. You are the former Prince. , Other dragons are not qualified to do it for you, come on your own, seal your own cultivation, today's things, and so on. "Ao Sheng's voice came again.

Quietly around, countless waiters have already widened their eyes.

Sima Changkong.

"My lord, this Ao Sheng is quite grand, just under house arrest."

"Yes, if I am Ao Shun, I can accept this fact, and I will be under house arrest, hum, and I will be able to make a comeback when the Dragon King goes out."

"Yeah, the Dragon King doesn't speak for a day, and Ao Shun must have a chance. As long as those who support themselves are alive, what else is important?"




A group of subordinates praised Ao Sheng's demeanor and Ao Shun's ability to flex and stretch.

Only Sima Changkong opened his mouth.

"No, isn't it really solved a Kaitian Palace." Sima Changkong with a surprised wry smile.


With one palm, Ao Shun patted himself on the head. Suddenly, the whole body burst into a colorful light and headed straight towards his head, as if forming a prohibition, printed on his head.


Ao Shun's body trembled violently, and the whole person was a bit faint.

"Feng Tiangong, Ao Shun has sealed his own Tiangong. The power of the three souls cannot be mobilized." Someone confessed in horror.

"Prince." A group of loyal subordinates cried sadly.

"Seal Tiangong. Now, I seal my Dantian, Ao Sheng, you are optimistic." Ao Shun said coldly.


Suddenly, purple light appeared from both palms and went straight to the five internal organs.


"Seal your heart."


"Seal the lungs."

"Seal the spleen."

"Seal the kidney.


"Feng Dantian."


Ao Shun sealed the whole body repair, and immediately repaired everything, and fell on the Chongtian Temple Square.

The loyal group of dragons suddenly showed a sorrow of grief. The prince was so humiliated to save himself. At this moment, the group of dragons became more loyal to Ao Shun.

One day sooner or later, when the Dragon King goes out, as long as Prince Ao Shun orders, we will forget our death.

"Ao Sheng, it's okay now." Ao Shun sealed his own repair, but at this moment smiled calmly, as if his whole body was relaxed.

"Well, brother, come in, you can rest assured that what I said will count." Ao Sheng's voice came again.

Ao Shun took a deep breath, and slowly walked toward the Temple of Heaven.

At this moment, on the Plaza of the Heavenly Temple, Gu Qin and his civil servants and officials made way for him. The scene of Ao Shun ’s self-seal just shocked a lot of people. Gu Qin could n’t help but almost gave his thumbs up, real man. Ah, be tough on the enemy, even worse on yourself.

On the heavy footsteps, Ao Shun stepped towards the Chongtian Temple.


Stepping in, Ao Shun stepped into the Chongtian Hall and walked forward a few steps


g) \ '> Suddenly saw the scene inside the cupola.

But saw only three people in the cupola.

Gu Hai, Miao Chen, Gou Chen.

Except Gu Hai, Miao Chen and Gou Chen both stared blankly at Ao Shun.

"Here, this is cheating in." Miao Chen rubbed her eyes, still unbelieving.

"Gu Hai, you actually came back, Ao Sheng, where is Ao Sheng." Ao Shun said blankly.

"Brother, don't know me anymore." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

On the one side, the undulating strings of Chen Chen fluctuated, and Gu Hai's voice suddenly became the voice of Ao Sheng.

For a moment, Ao Shun's head didn't turn around, and he froze for a while, then his face became white and red for a while, and he became extremely wonderful.

"Kuang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Suddenly, the doors of the Tiantian Temple slammed shut—

When Ao Shun stepped into the Chongtian Hall, and the door was closed, the dragons who were loyal to Ao Shun suddenly changed their faces.

"What are you doing?" Qun Long cried immediately.

At that moment, Ao Sheng's voice came again from the Chongtian Temple: "Gu Gu is going to make a mistake today. The Dragons want long-term peace and stability, so there cannot be rebels and rebels."

"What." Three hundred dragons, three hundred Yalong stared.

"Ao Sheng, you villain," Qun Long growled suddenly.

"The group of dragons who abandoned the dark cast just now, listen, since you have abandoned the dark cast the bright, take out your certificate to prove that you are not incompatible with this group of rebellions. Now, this is the moment of your proof. Their blood cleansed your sins and killed me, and other dragons are not allowed to interfere. "Ao Sheng's voice came again.


Suddenly, the dragons who had just stood in line to Ao Sheng's side suddenly roared and showed fierce faces. Of course, there are some dragons who can't bear it, but at this moment it is no longer an intolerable problem. This is a very serious political problem. How do they make themselves safe.

"excuse me."

"excuse me."

"You are the one who defeats the king, and you choose it. No wonder we are."


"Ang." "Boom."




Soaring above the temple, the dragons fought wildly.

Under the huge melee, there were suddenly dark clouds, and a thunderstorm burst down.

Ancient Qin opened a large array in time to prevent the palace from being damaged.

"Roar." "Dead to me." "Kill." ...............

Under the command of Prince Ao Sheng, the dragons in the Quartet waters were not allowed to intervene, and the sky was instantly broken.

Numerous monks who waited and waited suddenly screamed and fled. After all, the power of the aftermath was too fierce.

And Sima Changkong.

"Prince Ao Sheng is indifferent."

"It's normal. The dispute between Chu and Jun has always been cruel. There is no righteousness or morality at this time."

"As long as you are in a stable position, all morality can be torn up."




A group of subordinates judged Ao Sheng's order. Only Sima Changkong could see it clearly. At this moment, a bit of bitterness was revealed, and I didn't know how to speak.

The Ao Shun crisis, even if it is lifted.

Ao Shun was forced into a desperate step, step by step, to death, and from the beginning to the end, he was facing only an imaginary enemy.

Yes, the imaginary enemy, a character created by the ancient sea, is not a real character.

Then, this character was not real, forcing the group dragons into despair and forcing Ao Shun to death.

Gu Hai did not cost a single soldier to kill the crippled Dragon army.

When he came, Sima Changkong guessed a lot of possibilities, but never thought that it would be the result.

With one mouth, the Dragon Army is flickered away, and Gu Hai's mouth is worth thousands of troops.

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