Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Ao Sheng is here

Thousand Island Sea.

A huge flying boat roared past, the flying boat was extremely luxurious, and there were huge dragon-shaped patterns carved on it.

On the flying boat deck, there were a large number of men, each with a different look and a different shape.

The first man in the red robe, with a broad face, was not angry.

The man in the red robe was holding the railing with both hands, looking at the distance, and said lightly, "This is Qiandaohai."

"Yes, Prince." Everyone respected behind him.

"Thousands of islands, huh, that battle eight hundred years ago was really wonderful. The big Yitian Pavilion has become so messy. It's a pity to watch the old man, unfortunately." Prince Hongpao said lightly.

"Prince, last morning's Mu Chenfeng from Yipintang came to my dragon palace, and made a loud remark, saying that Ao Shun wanted to restore, didn't the prince send him off, why should he go to Jiuwu Island this time?"

"Yeah, Prince, that Mu Chenfeng wants to use the Prince's hand to deal with Ao Shun, the beauty he wants."

Two of them laughed.

Prince Hongpao is Ao Sheng.

Ao Sheng looked at the distance with narrow eyes, shook his head and said, "Uncle Gen, what do you think of Mu Chenfeng."

In the crowd, an old man frowned slightly and smiled slightly: "I don't know."

Ao Sheng took a deep breath and said, "I know, Uncle Gen and Uncle Lin, you are still thinking about what happened to me that year, but I also have distress. Brother Wang was so noisy that year, it was trying to bring me into the Dragon race. No more disaster, eh. "

"Prince, why is that?" Uncle Gen frowned.

"Why do n’t the father and the king ask about the world? Have you ever thought that I am a prince? I am self-appointed. Without the consent of my father, I can be a prince. I can have more than one prince in the Daqian Dynasty. Because the Dragon can only have one voice, no situation is allowed during the retreat of the father and king. "Ao Sheng Shen said.

"Uh." Uncle Gen frowned slightly.

"I know Brother Wang's plan, and he is going to use a group of sinosaurs, that group of Wuhe people, and some inside the dragon clan ... Hehe, anyway, he wants to regain the crown prince, Mu Chenfeng is right." Ao Shengdan Road.

"Prince ..." Uncle Gen frowned.

"You don't need to say that, I understand in my heart, Uncle Gen, you are in charge of a team at Dragon Palace. That is the trust of your father and king. I hope you will not be ashamed of your father." Ao Sheng Shen said.

Uncle Gen frowned, and answered, "Yes."

"My dragon palace is not accessible to everyone, Mu Chenfeng, Yipintang, neither. This time I came to resolve the grudges between me and Brother Wang. I hope he can see that I can make it through Calm down. "Ao Sheng said lightly.

"Jiuwu Island, oh, Ao Shun is too trivial, Mu Chenfeng said that he also took the Dragon Army to go. At this moment, Jiuwu Island has been razed to the ground."

"In front of it is the Jiuwu Island, but even the dragon of sin is my dragon family. The Great Han Dynasty of Jiuwu Island, the country of an island, what is it? One dragon is enough to wipe out."




The crowd behind Ao Sheng immediately showed a slight disdain.

"Ang." "Boom." ...............

Everyone was joking, and there was a sudden roar from the distance.

"Um." Ao Sheng frowned, squinting.

But when they saw the sky, a large group of dragons were chasing and killing other dragons. They were all sin dragons and ya dragons, and they fought fiercely.

"What's going on, those are all sin dragons, all of Ao Shun's subordinates, why did they fight themselves?" Uncle Gen revealed a hint of surprise.

"This is a life-and-death fight, so fierce."

"Why are Ao Shun's subordinates fighting by themselves?"




The people on the flying boat showed surprise--

The Great Han Palace.

The moment the dragons struck the sky, the palace burst into a big burst.

The gate of the Chongtian Temple opened slightly, and the ancient sea slowly stepped out of the Chongtian Temple.

"Father Emperor, we succeeded." Gu Qin smiled excitedly.

"The Emperor is wise." The ministers suddenly gave their excitement.

When they stepped out of the Temple of Heaven, the ministers still showed their horror. But it was a sky full of dragons, but it didn't take long before the emperor turned his hands over the clouds and turned them into rain.

The most powerful one, Ao Shun, was kicked by the donkey, concealed himself, and then escaped.

I heard that the book is not so evil.

The emperor is too powerful.

Not far away, Montai rushed quickly.

"Emperor," Montai said with excitement.

At this moment, Montai was completely subdued. The sky is full of dragons. Even if a Yalong confronts himself, he can only escape. As a result, the emperor is playing with the applause.

Even Ao Shun, who had the strength to open the palace, was also taken down by the emperor, which was far worse than himself.

Perhaps at the time Miao Chen struck, the emperor would have the means to deal with it if it was not for Shangguan Mark.

What about opening the Tiangong Palace, the emperor is not alone.

"It's done," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, just before I started, I took an opportunity to let a sin dragon rescue‘ Lu’an. ”Montai nodded solemnly.

"Lu An saved it, that's good, Monte, this is a good job, I'm very pleased." Gu Haiwei smiled.

"It was all arranged by the emperor, and Chen didn't do anything." Although Meng Tai said nothing, he smiled.

I don't know when it started, Montaign began to look forward to the emperor's appreciation.


"Prince, we captured a rebellious dragon and caught it alive." An excited roar came from outside.

"Ancient Qin, the cloth array cooperates with maggots and aerosols," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes," Gu Qin answered.


Suddenly, in a cloud of fog, the fog was rising. For a time, five fingers were out of reach, and eight dragons caught a dragon and rushed into the array.

"Libashan is full of energy."




The sound of a series of overlord Xiang Yu sounded.

"What." Qun Long exclaimed.

The spiritual stones of the ancient sea are not enough to arrange the twenty-nine heavenly and horizontal array. Only the twenty-eighth heavenly and horizontal array can be arranged. Nearly all of the 400 million top-quality spiritual stones searched by Geng Jinzong cannot be used to deal with the Kaitiangong strong Ordinary Yuan Ying, it is not difficult, and besides, there is the assistance of Dinglong array, as soon as Yalong enters it, he can't wait.

Cloud beasts appeared one by one, and immediately suppressed the dragon entering the battle.

Just like the sea of ​​silver and moon in the past.


Yalong was calmed down by Dinglongzheng, and the dragon roared with panic.

Gu Hai has a blood knife in his hand and a dead knife in his hand, soaring into the sky.

"Gu Hai, it's you."

"Prince, what is this Prince?"

"Ah, skeleton, ah, don't eat me, ah."

"This is the bottom of the Love Flower Valley. Those Yalongs are eaten like this."

"Prince, I am relying on you, Prince."




A crowd of Yalongs screamed in horror, but, with the hands holding the knife, all wounds quickly appeared, the dragons were madly engulfed, and the array was complicated. Once they entered, they could n’t get out. In the southeast and northwest of Qing Dynasty, no matter how to flee, they were soon pursued and killed by the ancient sea.

The large array can be soundproofed, the outside can't hear the internal sound at all, but the inside can hear the outside.

"Prince, we caught a rebellion, hahaha." Another new dragon rushed into the battle.

"Kill." Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and with the help of a group of Xiang Yuyun Beasts, he quickly pursued and killed the group of dragons.

"Roar, shit, what are you doing."

"Prince, what is this ancient sea going to do?"

"Prince, don't you say, forgive me for innocence."

"Ah ~ ah ~~~~."




The screams continued.

More and more dragons enter the large array to ask for good luck. Fortunately, there are sufficient ancient stones in the ancient sea. The 400 million top-grade spirit stones are arranged in a large array of 28 heavens and earth. There is a constant flow of energy.

Said to be tortured, but it was Gu Hai who bullied the group of dragons with the murderous sword of the dead sword and struck them separately.

One Xiang Yuyun beast is equivalent to the peak of Yuanyingjing. One hundred peaks of Yuanying cooperate with the ancient sea to deal with a dragon of Yuanyingjing. What Guhai has to do is just to make a wound on the dragon. How difficult is it?

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.

The dead bones kept falling from the air one by one, and the ancient seas became fiercer and fiercer.

Outside the Royal Palace, the Royal Casino Resort has the aftermath of the battle of dragons, but the harm is not great.

"My lord, look, I said it was Prince Oceau. It just entered one after another. There are already nearly a thousand dragons. How can the ancient seas resist without Prince Ocean's suppression?" A subordinate proudly said.

Sima Changkong shook his head: "At the beginning of Yinyuehai, Guhai slaughtered Qianlong with arrays. Now, at home, he has a big array of benefits, isn't it?"

"Uh." A group of subordinates stunned for a while.

When one thousand and five hundred dragons were devoured into dead bones by a dead knife, one thousandth of the force fed back into the ancient sea and went straight to the lungs.

Among the lungs, the Jin Zhenyuan accumulates quickly, forming a huge true Yuan ball in a blink of an eye, the Jinlong power of the real dragon is running, and a consciousness suddenly bred a golden dragon in the lung Yuanzhen.


With a roar, Jinlong swarmed along with melancholy gold elements and walked along the meridians. He walked along the ancient sea with the kidney blue dragon, liver green dragon, and Dantian purple dragon without disturbing each other or invading each other.

When Zhenyuan walked around the body.


With a loud noise, a blast of air flowed around the surface of the body, and the strength of the whole body seemed to have skyrocketed in an instant.

"Jindan Realm is seventh." Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

One thousand and five hundred dragons finally let themselves break through again.

Gu Hai turned his head and prepared to slaughter other dragons again, but turned his head and looked away, but no dragon entered the battle.

"Um." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

What happened? There are two thousand five hundred dragons. Did they all escape?

"Prince, here it is, here it was. Someone lied to us in the name of you." A sudden roar came from the outside.

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