Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 102: The dragons confront the temple


Three hundred and four hundred dragons chasing six hundred dragons is a one-sided massacre. The six hundred loyal dragons of Ao Shun fled towards the four parties, and other dragons also chased the past to the four parties. Therefore, there is not a large wave outside the Dahan Palace .

Even though the aftermath was not large and the dragons tore it up, they were still extremely ferocious. The aftermath caused severe wind and rain, flying sand and rocks, and countless onlookers fled in fear.

The head-to-head rebellious dragons were arrested and entered the Dahan Palace, but when they entered, there was no news.

No one knows what happened inside.

In a blink of an eye, more than a thousand dragons entered the big battle, and the rebellious dragons became less and less, but at this moment, the fighting in the distance stopped abruptly.

Whether loyal to Ao Shun or loyal to Ao Sheng, the two sides stopped dead and alive and looked at a gorgeous flying boat together.

"Too, too, too, prince, why are you from outside the island."

"Prince, you have just arrived, then, that, who is in the temple."

"Elder Lin, Elder Gen, you, you, you have not been arrested by the prince."




Seeing Ao Sheng Feizhou's group of dragons, they were almost all stunned.

How could it be the Prince's flying boat? Isn't the Crown Prince in the Temple of Heaven, and the Elders Roots and Elder Lin shouldn't be imprisoned? Isn't the Prince going to clean the dragons.

Could it be ...............

Suddenly, the group of dragons suddenly thought of a possibility, and at that possible moment, almost all dragons had the feeling of swallowing dead mice, so awkward.

Feizhou slowly came towards Dahan Palace, passing by, gathering more and more dragons.

In the blink of an eye, there are already 800 dragons and Yalongs together with complex moods. No matter the Yalongs or Dragons, they are all black lines at the moment. This, this, this is a bit unintelligible.

Ao Sheng stood on the flying boat, and a group of dragon elders listened to the detailed report of a dragon that had just been caught, one by one with black lines.

"Miscellaneous things, the prince is here, how could there be a prince in the Chongtian Temple." An elder stared.

"It's true, there's really a prince." The dragon clan questioned was also stunned.

Ao Sheng was also black-faced and slowly walked towards Dahan Palace.

The war outside the imperial palace has stopped, and like other dragons, all dragons were in a circle at the moment they saw Ao Sheng's true body.

And some of the onlookers who fled scattered also showed a look of surprise.

"So, that, that's Prince Ao Sheng. I've seen it in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom before. It's really Prince Ao Sheng."

"Impossible, he is Prince Ao Sheng, who is in the temple?"

"Two Prince Ao Sheng."




Countless practitioners revealed their astonishment. This has not been relived from the shock of the previous two princes' duel. Is there another prince who plays the real and fake princes?

When Sima Changkong saw the flying boat, he also smiled bitterly: "This time, Guhai will be in trouble."

"He, he, he, impossible." A subordinate of Sima Changkong screamed in exasperation.

"That's Ao Sheng, that's right. Behind him are all elders of the Dragon clan. He is Ao Sheng."

"If Ao Sheng is on the flying boat, who is in the Soaring Temple?"




A group of Sima Changkong subordinates stared at the eyes, for a while, like the dragons, awkward as if swallowing a dead mouse. Just now they continued to advocate that Ao Sheng in the Temple of Heaven was powerful, and vowed that it must be Ao Sheng, now this is * * A naked face.

Ao Sheng is here.

Can the cupola be true?

The previous roaring battle disappeared, the surroundings became extremely silent, and a strange atmosphere permeated outside the Dahan Palace. Everyone glared and revealed a perplexed confusion.

If there is a real Ao Sheng on this flying boat, then everyone and all dragons have been deceived, and a voice in the Temple of Heaven has been deceived.

"Prince, here it is, here it was. Someone lied to us in the name of you." The white dragon leader among the former dragons snarled at the palace.

Large array of interiors.

Guhai slaughtered 1,500 dragons, repaired into the seventh place of Jin Dan's realm, and while wondering, there was a sudden roar from outside.


Gu Hai suddenly raised a brow and waved his detective, and immediately saw the outside world from within the large array.

However, he saw an extremely gorgeous flying boat floating in the air. On the flying boat, he was the first man in a red robe. His face was majestic and he looked coldly at the front. A group of subordinates in various costumes stood behind him.

Around the flying boat, the previously hostile dragons suddenly stopped, and there were a thousand dragons surrounding the flying boat. As for the remaining dragons, they must have slid away to a distance, and they did not know where they were.

"The host, no, no, no, it's Prince Ao Sheng, why did he come." Among the crowd in the palace, Mu Chenfeng's face ran over, apparently Mu Chenfeng had seen Ao Sheng, and his face was Recognized.

Ao Sheng.

Guhai frowned slightly, her eyes narrowed.

"Here, what can I do?" Mu Chenfeng was anxious.

Gu Hai was slightly silent, pondering for a while, taking a deep breath and sinking, "Gu Qin, withdraw."

Not far away, Gu Qin could also see the outside world, showing a trace of worry, but he obediently turned his hand away, and the clouds and mist of the Royal Palace suddenly burst open.

The clouds of clouds retreated.

On the ground, 1,500 keels fell and were immediately exposed in front of everyone.

"His hiss ~~~~~~~~~~~~."

When the keel was exposed, the Dahan Palace suddenly heard the sound of cold air.

Not far away, the thousands of people on the island who watched the sea had a scalp tingling.

The boulder outside the Dahan Palace, which nailed more than a hundred Qiandao Haiyuan Infant Powerhouse, was particularly dazzling. Today, the 1,500 dragons were killed in an instant, and the flesh was completely absent. Piles of bones, what they had previously encountered.

This is a dragon. A dragon can sweep its own island. Now, one thousand and five hundred dragons have all become keel bones, just in ten hours.

Some practitioners who had previously thought about how to grab the dragon veins of the ancient sea earth, at this moment all put away their unrealistic thoughts.

Rob, grab a fart, who dare to grab it.

"Sir, these dragons, like Yin Yuehai, have changed and become keel." A subordinate looked at Sima Changkong with shock.

Sima Changkong's expression is very bland, it seems to have guessed the average.

The group of dragons originally looked at Da Zhen angrily. After all, the people in the Da Zhen had previously turned themselves around, and if they saw him again, they would tear him apart.

However, when the large array was withdrawn, once Qianlong died out, the dragons suddenly became a spirit.

"What just happened."

"All dead, all dead."




The group of dragons looked in horror towards the center of the bone mound, the ancient sea holding a blood knife and a bone knife.

"Ancient, ancient, ancient demon."

"It's the ancient demon, it's him. Like Love Valley, it must be the ancient demon."

"Ancient demon."




The dragons looked at the ancient sea in horror.

The ancient sea Jindan Jingxiu is to **** Jindan Jing, when you have seen Jin Danjing slaughtering such a diverse babies, the dragons looked at Gu Hai in a horror.

"You, you, you killed me over the Qianlong tribe." An elder man on Feizhou glared angrily.

Gu Hai looked at Prince Ao Sheng, and when Prince Ao Sheng's eyelids were raised, he also looked at Gu Hai.

"The master of Yipintang, Guhai, has met Prince Ao Sheng." Guhai said slightly.

Gu Hai opened his mouth, but there was a quiet moment all around, the dragons didn't dare to plug in, but looking at the ancient sea one by one, they were all horrified.

"Yipintang." Ao Sheng narrowed his eyes.

On the side of Mu Chenfeng, he immediately said, "The Holy Lord personally moved the purpose, and Feng Guhai was the master of Yipintang, the body of the marquis."

"Prince Ao Sheng, came from afar, and Guhai missed it." Guhai smiled slightly.

Ao Sheng yelled with both eyes: "I missed you far away, huh, huh, I don't care if you are a Yipintang owner, do you risk me?"

Ao Sheng's tone was cold, and all the dragons around him stared at the ancient sea, which was the ancient sea in the past. They turned all the dragons to deceive them.

"Prince Ao Sheng joked, when did I take your name?" Gu Hai grinned in denial.

Gu Hai's denial made all the onlookers in the surrounding area widen their eyes. Do you think everyone is blind, then Yagu denial is useful.

"Prince, it must be him. He just lied to us just now. He took your name, lied to Ao Shun, and lied to us to kill each other." The leader of Bailong resentfully.

"Um." Ao Sheng looked coldly at Gu Hai.

A huge momentum oppressed. Suddenly, the Dahan official's face changed and he couldn't lift his head.

"In front of me, you also want to lie." Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Oh, Prince Ao Sheng, and the leader of this white dragon, why, did I lie just now? Yes, I was confronted with Ao Shun in the Chongtian Hall, but when did I pose as Prince Ao Sheng Did I say I was Ao Sheng? If I did, let Prince Ao Sheng handle it, but ask the dragons and ask everyone here, when did I say that I am Ao Sheng, what do I say , What tone at that time. "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Uh." The leader of Bailong was stagnant.

Ao Sheng also frowned at the leader of Bailong.

Bai Long frowned for a moment, in the memory, Gu Hai did not say that he was Ao Sheng.

"You guys, remember what Gu Hai said at the time." The leader of Bailong looked at a group of other dragons.

The other Dragons kept remembering all the dialogues between Gu Hai and Ao Shun, but they kept going back and forth, but they couldn't find the words that Gu Hai said they were Ao Sheng.

It really didn't seem to admit it.

The dragons looked stiff for a while.

"Prince Ao Sheng, it seems that I am innocent." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

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