Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 103: What matters to you?

"Prince Ao Sheng, it seems that I am innocent." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

In ancient Haiyu, all the dragon races were shocked. You are innocent, and countless practitioners on the other side of the Quartet have widened their eyes.

You are innocent, then what happened to the 1,500 keels under your feet, and how to explain them, they are all suicides.

It's innocent, lie to ghosts.

"Prince, he lied, that is, he risked your name." The leader of Bailong stared angrily.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Catch the thief and get dirty. This white dragon, you say I'm impressed by Prince Ao Sheng. I asked you to tell the evidence, and you can't tell it. Can you just scorn it just by your word? Am I a taste shop. "

"Huh, Gu Hai, it's useless for you to quibble. You have done so much, don't you think we are princes, do you think everyone is blind?" The leader of Bailong stared.

"I am me. I haven't said that I am Prince Ao Sheng. You think I am Prince Ao Sheng. That is your stupidity. You have misunderstood yourself. Instead, you will frame me and let me pay for your stupidity." Gu Hailiang Looking cold at the dragons.

"what did you say."

"Roar." "Roar." ...............

The group of dragons roared angrily, and seemed to tear up the ancient sea. You actually said that we were stupid.

The ancient sea looked at the dragons coldly, and was not afraid. The surrounding areas slowly smoked out, and the dragons roared for a while, but no one dared to break down. After all, the large array below was really scary, and there were mountain-like dragon bones to prove it. No one broke down.

"You said we were stupid. I misunderstood that you were a prince. This wasn't all caused by you. You also said that there were thousands of dragons hidden on the bottom of the Quartet. You were deliberately guiding us, and you were posing as a prince." The leader of Bailong glared and yelled. .

Gu Hai sneered, "Everyone is easy to remember. Otherwise, please help me recall what I said at the time. You said that when you saw a million dragons on the bottom of the sea, I never said it, and I never acknowledged it. Yeah, who helped me recall what I said at the time, who. "

Gu Hai questioned, Prince Ao Sheng also looked at a black dragon.

The black dragon's face froze, "He said at the time," Oh, brother, it's really fun to talk to you, yeah, I'm alone, I didn't bring anybody, or else, whoever you come in to see Look,'."

After the black dragon spoke, the group of dragons remained silent for a while.

At that time, we thought you were saying good things, we all thought you said something, and then dragons appeared in the waters of the Quartet. After ten thousand dragons roamed the ocean floor, we thought you were a prince.

"Bai Long, I heard it, I said it, and I was alone, you did n’t believe it, you were stupid, you misunderstood yourself, and who you blame, I told you innocently, but you have to think wildly, but you have to impose sin. To me, ridiculous. "Gu Hai coldly yelled.

The hordes of words jammed like a dead mouse, why is it 'again'.

"What's going on on the bottom of the Quartet, what's going on with the shadow of the 10,000 dragons." The leader of Bailong said coldly.

"What matters to me." Gu Hai laughed funny.

"Uh." In a word, the aunty group dragons stagnated.

Yeah, Guhai didn't mention the Quartet sea area at all. It was connected by itself. Now that Guhai pushes clean, he can't hold the handle at all.

"You also called Ao Shun as your brother." The leader of Bailong exasperated.

"Yeah, I can call him 'Brother King', or I can call him 'Brother Li', 'Brother Zhao', whatever, how I call him, what matters to you." Gu Hai said coldly.

Bai Longzhen's face turned red, brother, is the king with the last name, not the king.

"What other father and brother to mention to him?" Bai Long resigned.

"It's all about you," Gu Hai said coldly.

"You." Bai Long was desperate, almost spitting out old blood.

"Prince, prince, he still imitated your voice, this can't be fake, everyone heard it." The blue dragon leader cried.

"Yes, Prince, he imitated your voice at that time, and we were fooled." Qun Long immediately affirmed.

The group of dragons suddenly looked angrily at the ancient sea.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." Gu Hai suddenly laughed and interrupted the dragons.

"Imitating sounds, huh, this is also a condemnation, it is really ridiculous, and the sound cannot be the same. Believe it or not, the people in my Dahan dynasty can find a hundred sounds like Prince Ao Sheng. People, how can you imitate Prince Ao Sheng, just because the sounds are similar, you should be convicted. "Gu Hai said coldly.

Qunlong: "……………………"

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Qun Long collapsed and looked at Gu Hai, can you still have a face.

Countless practitioners in the Quartet also widened their eyes. This ancient sea **** was too clean. The group of dragons that said it was dumb.

Not far from Sima Sky.

"Master, why is this Gu Haitui so clean? What he did, he did not do it cleanly." A subordinate dismissed.

Sima Changkong smiled with a slight smile: "This is the cleverness of the ancient sea. Indeed, sometimes it is determined one thing without reason, just like Prince Ao Sheng today. He said you are guilty, you are guilty, but At this moment, the ancient sea must set aside the relationship. "


"This is the cleverness of the ancient sea. Before intimidating Ao Shun, from the beginning to the end, the ancient sea did not leave a handle. Be careful, even if this matter is turned out in the future, the ancient sea can be invincible Ground, just did not expect this matter to come so fast.

Why should the ancient sea be left out?

The Dragons are allied with the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, and Guhai is the master of the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty.

To be precise, the two are still colleagues, colleagues and hostility are different.

If it ’s hostile, you do n’t need a reason to catch you, but my colleagues, if you disregard morality, how can you let Dagantian look at others?

If Gu Hai impersonates Ao Sheng, it really does damage Ao Sheng's reputation. Ao Sheng has the right to deal with him. However, if Gu Hai does not impersonate Ao Sheng, at least there is no evidence to prove that the ancient sea impersonates Ao Sheng. What is the excuse for Ao Sheng? Accusations of stupid subordinates. "


"This ancient sea is not slippery." Sima Chang frowned.

"That ancient sea will be fine."

"Maybe, Ao Sheng will not easily compromise." Sima Changkong showed a hint of worry.

In the distance, Gu Hai looked at Prince Ao Sheng and said, "Well, Prince Ao Sheng, this group of dragons should be the dragons of sin. In accordance with the rules of the Dragons and Dagan, you must not leave the assigned place without permission. But this time, I came to my ninety-five islands for thousands of miles. It was a great crime. Secondly, they betrayed the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom for rebellion and the dragon race.

"You." Qun Long glared angrily at the ancient sea.

"Oh, what a sharp mouth, let alone, I will not investigate your crime of impostor, but, my brother?" Ao Sheng said lightly.

Ao Sheng spoke, and the group of dragons remained silent for a while.

"Go Chen, Miao Chen, bring Ao Shun out." Gu Hai Shen said.


The gate of the cupola opened suddenly.

Miao Chen, with a complex complexion, walked out slowly with Ao Shun.

At this moment, Ao Shun had no previous ambitions. He wore a shawl, was embarrassed, his eyes were red and bloodshot, as if he wanted to choose someone and eat it.

"Gu Hai, you liar, liar, I will kill you, kill you, roar." Ao Shun growled sadly and angrily.

Geng Jinzong, Ao Shun was deceived by Dugu, frightened and fled. It is already a shame and shame, and his face was lost to the Qiang family. This time, he brought the army of the Dragons to shame.

However, how could Ao Shun think that he was deceived by Gu Hai again. Last time, he fled into the desert and was frightened by Gu Hai. This time, he was even ashamed. He was absolutely strong and invincible. The forces that swept the Jiuwu Island fell short.

Opening the Tiangong strong oneself, he was fooled by a few words from Gu Hai to his self-seal, and grabbed his hands. Thinking of this, the area of ​​shadow in Ao Shun's heart was increasing geometrically.

This is no longer an issue of shame, nor is it an issue of inferior IQ. This is mental retardation, which is worse than mental retardation.

In the future, how to serve the dragons and how to gain a foothold in the dragons, how do the little dragons see themselves is basically the shame of the entire dragons.

If Ao Sheng, he would admit that he is not as strong as him, but it is Gu Hai, a monk in Jindanjing, an ant, and he is fooled by an ant.

"I'll kill you, kill you." Ao Sheng growled sadly at Gu Hai.

"Master, Ao Shun is going crazy, always crying to kill you, we can't stop it." Gou Chen said bitterly.

"Ao Shun now has his blood on his brain, and you've hit him too hard." Miao Chen also said bitterly.

Ao Shun, who is not as good as himself, was eventually stunned by Gu Hai's self-styled repair, and he was arrested, and Miao Chen had never seen such a strange thing in his life.

"Ao Shun, look who's here," Gu Hai cried.

Sure enough, the big enemy screamed, let Ao Shun suddenly excited, looked up.

But I saw the distant group of dragons gathered near a flying boat, and on the flying boat, Ao Sheng was standing.

"Ao Sheng." Ao Shun was agitated and immediately sober.

"Brother Wang, don't come without a problem." Ao Sheng smiled bitterly.

Ao Sheng was completely speechless when he learned that he had no psychological quality, but he didn't expect to get this field.

"Ao Sheng, hum, don't want you to come here for a while." Ao Shun's face was gloomy.

Turning his head, Ao Shun looked towards the Chongtian Temple Square. A dragon corpse piled up into a mountain.

"My subordinates, my subordinates, you killed them all, you killed them all." Ao Shun faced Han Han, staring at the ancient sea.

"This group of sinful dragons who betrayed the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom and the Dragon Clan, and wanted to kill me, the master of Yipintang, I have the right to kill them all, including you." Gu Hai said coldly.

"Okay, okay, okay ........." Ao Shun's eyes were flushed, staring at the ancient sea with a flash of hatred in his eyes.

"Bring the brother Wang back." Ao Sheng cried to the leader of Bailong.

"Wait." Gu Hai cried abruptly.

"Um." Ao Sheng looked at Gu Hai.

"Prince Ao Sheng.


This time, Ao Shun betrayed the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom. He led the Dragons to come to chaos and was captured by me. Owing to the affection of Prince Ao Sheng, I can give you Ao Shun, but I hope this is over and the Dragons are not allowed to do it again. Investigate. "Gu Hai looked at Ao Sheng in a deep voice.

Ao Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a slight chuckle: "No investigation, huh, I can not investigate, others can ignore me."

"Oh, the meaning of Prince Ao Sheng. Afterwards, Ao Shun will take me to the Jiuwu Island with the group of dragons, you don't care." Gu Haidandan said.

"Good," Ao Sheng said lightly.

"Prince Ao Sheng, I also ask you to take back what you just said and restrain the Dragons and stop coming to my ninety-five islands to make troubles." Gu Haishen said.

Ao Sheng narrowed his eyes and sneered sneerly: "Funny, what are you, let me take back what I said and kill my dragon family. I won't hold it, it's already the limit, and I want to order me to work for you.


The dragons roared for a while, looking fiercely at the ancient sea.

"Hum, Gu Hai, you just wait to die." Ao Shun sneered in a timely manner.

The atmosphere of terror pervaded the Dahan dynasty, and countless officials showed panic. The emperor could scare Ao Shun once, but not the second time.

Numerous practitioners also widened their eyes.

"The Dahan Dynasty completely offended the Dragons, and it was finished."

"Yeah, Ao Shun must revenge, Gu Hai can't stop it."

"Prince Ao Sheng, obviously protected Ao Shun, and the Dragon people."

"Yeah, in the eyes of the Dragons, the Dahan Dynasty is a fart, why should I give you face?"




Countless practitioners feel that the ancient sea is over. Some people regret it, while others are worried.

Gu Hai looked at Prince Ao Sheng, but suddenly smiled slightly: "Well, now that Prince Ao Sheng has spoken this, there is no need to talk about it."

"Um." Ao Sheng looked at Guhai in doubt.

"Miao Chen and Gou Chen, please show me Ao Shun, Ao Shun, we will not give them anymore, who dares to act arrogantly, kill me immediately Ao Shun." Gu Hai eyes glared coldly.

"Bold." "Presumptuous." "Dare you." "Miscellaneous." ...............

The dragons roared and stared.

The ancient sea was fierce, and looked coldly at Prince Ao Sheng: "Do you think I can be deceived, I think you are ridiculous, Prince Ao Sheng, do you want Ao Shun to die?" Genuine content!

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