Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Retreat Ao Sheng

The ancient sea was fierce, and his eyes were cold on Prince Ao Sheng: "Do you think I can be deceived, I think you are ridiculous, Prince Ao Sheng, do you want Ao Shun to die?"

The style of the painting turned sharply. Gu Hai was still justifying with Qun Long just now, trying to let Prince Ao Sheng be angry, and in a blink of an eye, Gu Hai turned his face and Prince Ao Sheng.

This little Jin Dan, shouldn't he immediately kneel down, begging for mercy, what kind of confidence does he have to fight against Prince Long.

In the distance, Sima Chang raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, these contradictions are going to worsen."

Countless practitioners on the sidelines hold their breath and stare at the ancient sea. Your head is broken. You used to pretend to deceive Ao Shun. Now, who do you lie to? The tone is so tough.

Even Qunlong changed his face.

"Roar." "Roar." "Roar." ...............

The dragons roared and looked angrily at Gu Hai. Gu Hai not only grabbed Ao Shun, but also satirized Prince Ao Sheng. Is this provoking the dignity of the entire Dragon clan?

Ao Shun suddenly stagnates, and his head is a bit unable to turn. Just now it seems that Gu Hai is ready to let himself go. Why do I have to be ruthless? My head is broken. Why not be free and revenge. Now, Gu Hai She turned her face.

With a wave of hands, Gou Chen and Miao Chen escorted Ao Shun in front of Gu Hai.

Controlling Ao Shun, Gu Hai looked coldly at Prince Ao Sheng.

Prince Ao Sheng was also blindfolded, apparently did not expect that Gu Hai dared to disobey himself at this time.

"Oh, your name is Gu Hai, I really look down on you." Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Prince Aosheng, all dragons, listen to me, where do you come from and where do you go back? This is my Dahan Dynasty, and you are not welcome." Gu Hai said coldly.

"Presumptuous." Qun Long froze suddenly.

The dragon elders on the flying boat also stared at the ancient sea with wide eyes.

"I'm presumptuous. Whatever, give me leave Dahan." Gu Hai said coldly.

In that resolute tone, countless onlookers in the surrounding area were cold sweats. Is this ancient sea really not afraid of death?

"Dahan Dynasty, haha, believe it or not, I can destroy him by turning my hands." One of the elders looked coldly.

Mu Chenfeng whispered aside: "This is the root elder of the Dragon clan, which was previously supported by Ao Shun."

"Elder Root, oh, I believe you can destroy my Dahan, but believe it or not, I will kill Ao Shun immediately." Gu Hai used a blood knife to rest on Ao Shun's back, his face exposed.

"Dare you." Elder Gen stared.

At this moment, Ao Shun was numb with scalp, because Ao Shun could feel the murderousness of the ancient sea, did he dare to kill me.

"Uncle Gen." Ao Shun looked at Elder Gen with a hint of help in his eyes.

"Gu Hai, you dare to hurt Aoshun a hair, I want you to die." Elder Gen faced Lu Sen coldly.

Gu Hai sneered slightly: "You thought I would be afraid of you threats. Just now, Prince Ao Sheng said, I let Ao Shun, and he didn't care about the other, Ao Shun said he would take revenge, then I would die, let Ao Shun go, I It's all dead, why should I let it go, you think I'm as stupid as you are. "

"Jack." Uncle Gen stared.

"Huh, to blame, blame your Prince Ao Sheng, he forced me, he forced me to use Ao Shun as a threat, or he forced me to kill Ao Shun." Gu Hai looked coldly at Prince Ao Sheng .

"Presumptuous." Ao Sheng stared angrily.

"Isn't it, Prince Ao Sheng? Today, a little ancient sea provoked the dignity of the Dragon tribe. For the dignity of the Dragon tribe, you must make me look good, and I take Aoshun as the quality. If you dare to act rashly, I will kill Aoshun You forced me with righteousness, and I killed Ao Shun with integrity, didn't you lead the group of dragons, force Ao Shun to death, and your brother-in-law. "Gu Hai said coldly.

Gu Hai asked, Qun Long looked at Ao Sheng.

Would Ao Sheng have to act again, and deal with Dahan, that is, to kill Ao Shun, would he really use his righteousness to kill his brother and sister.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, do you dare." Ao Sheng looked at Gu Hai coldly.

Gu Hai said in a few words but forced himself to the moral punishment platform. Today, he dare to do it, that is, to kill his brother, the dragons are watching, the world is watching, if Ao Shun is forced to die, his status in the Dragon tribe will also be damaged.

"Dare, you can try it." Gu Hai said coldly.

"The dragon over there is not allowed to move." Gu Hai suddenly blew the dragon not far away and wanted to leave quietly.

The dragon wanted to lurk behind the ancient sea quietly, but it was clearly seen by the ancient sea and exploded.

The dragons stagnated and looked coldly at the ancient sea.

"Okay, okay, okay, Gu Hai, you really have the courage, let my brother, what conditions do you want?" Ao Sheng silently, coldly.

"Sorry, I don't want to release Ao Shun now, Prince Ao Sheng, please, where do you come from and where do you go back." Gu Hai said coldly.

"Presumptuous." Ao Sheng stared.

"Do you think, my dragon, let you call and go as soon as you call it." Ao Shenghan whispered.

"I am Dahan, haha, it is indeed far worse than your dragon family. Your group of dragons will be turned away, but since my Dahan was established, it will not evade any threats. Come on, jade burns, still take the opportunity to kill brother, Prince Ao Sheng, do you want to try. "Gu Hai said coldly.

Ao Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and an icy road flashed in his eyes: "No one can threaten my dragon family, neither can small dahan, and give me the ancient sea."

The dragons roared, and Zhang Yawu's claws sprinted in the direction of the ancient sea.

"Ang." "Roar." "Boom." ............

The murderous roar, shaking the earth, countless officials showed thrills, Montai, Chen Tianshan and others all clenched their fists, their faces were tense, and countless practitioners in the Quartet were shocked.

The roar of shouting and killing seemed to destroy Dahan in an instant and kill the ancient sea.


A soft squeegee sounded.

The voice was not loud, but the horrendous dragons were frightened by the voice.

But it was Gu Hai, who cut through his body and inserted it from Ao Shun's back to his chest.

The blood knife broke into and broke out.

The blade of Ao Shun's chest was still dripping with blood.

Ao Shun vomited blood, looking at the half-blade that appeared on his chest, his face was incredible.

Gu Hai really, really dare, he really dare to kill me.

The sky full of dragons was scared and silly. Gu Hai actually inserted Ao Shun into the body with a stab. How dare he, how could he.

The dragons were shocked.

Ao Sheng also changed his face and looked at Gu Hai in shock.

Gu Haimu sneered and looked at the sky full of dragons, and yelled, "Come on, you continue to come, why don't you continue, counsel."

The group of dragons suddenly retreated a bit, as if frightened by the anger of Gu Hai.

"You, you dare to kill my brother." Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Don't pretend to be stabbing, this knife is not my stab, but your stab, Prince Ao Sheng." Gu Hai said coldly.

Ao Sheng held his fist and looked at Gu Hai, his eyes were full of ice cold.

"Stop, stop."

Suddenly yelled.

It was Sima Changkong that could not stand it anymore, and immediately flew out.

"Stop." Montai stepped forward and stopped Sima Changkong.

"Oh, Mr. Sima." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

But it was recognized at a glance. In the past, Yinyue City, the first person to buy an ancient sea piano, took over the silvermoon city after he committed suicide in Heyuecheng, and he was actually in Dahan.

"Mr. Gu." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Turning his head, Sima Changkong looked at Prince Ao Sheng and said, "I am Sima Changkong, I have seen Prince Ao Sheng."

"Oh, the former champion, I remember you, Sima Changkong, was almost the champion, and now sits and plays in Long Shenwu." Ao Sheng Shen said.

"Yes, it is right here, passing through here and here, I saw an offensive battle. I shouldn't have been doing much business, but I was working for the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and I shouldn't be so endless. How about the fight. "Sima Changkong said with a smile.

"Strike, how to fight." Ao Sheng said coldly.

"The ancient sea was returned to Ao Shun, and Prince Ao Sheng pledged to restrain the Dragon clan, not to investigate everything about the ancient sea and the Dahan dynasty, how?" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"Don't pursue him." Ao Sheng looked coldly at Gu Hai.

Sima Changkong smiled bitterly: "Although Gu Hai was not stabbed to the point, Prince Ao Shun was bleeding. For a long time, it will happen if nothing happens."

Ao Sheng's face was gloomy, and there was a moment of silence.

The group dragon was anxious.

Elder Root and Elder Lin were even more anxious.

"Prince, Ao Shun is about to die, you are brothers after all, you ..." said Elder Gen anxiously.

"Well, Uncle Gen, you also think that Gu Hai said, I want to kill Brother Wang." Ao Sheng's face changed.

"No, but, now Ao Shun ........." Elder Gen face showed anxiety.

Amidst the anxiety of the dragon tribe veterans, let Sima Changkong listen to it, and rescue Ao Shun before talking.

Ao Sheng took a deep breath, his face was ugly for a while, and finally nodded his head and said, "Yeah, just let you, let Long Shenwu and your Sima family have a feeling."

"Thank you Prince Aosheng." Sima Changkong laughed suddenly.

Turning his head, Sima Changkong looked at Gu Haidao: "Mr. Gu, look ..."

Gu Hai looked at Sima Changkong and frowned slightly. "Sorry, Mr. Sima, I don't know Long Shenwu and your Sima family, and I can't agree with you. Thank you for your kindness."

"Uh." The dragons around him froze.

"Gu Hai doesn't know what to do."

"The prince promised not to pursue it anymore, and he was still deadlocked."

"Junk stuff."




The dragons scolded Gu Hai.

Sima Changkong frowned at Guhai, but could not prove to Guhai the prestige of Long Shenwu and the Sima family.

"Mr. Sima, your kindness, I took it. Moreover, even if I knew the prestige of the Dragon God Wu and the Sima family, I still adhere to my principles." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh." Sima Changkong froze slightly, seeming to think of something.

"I do n’t trust you, but I do n’t trust the Dragons. Oh, why should I use Ao Shun in exchange for the safety of my Dahan? Ao Shun is in my hands, and my Dahan is as stable as


r \ 'style = \' background-image: url (/img/1439969407868/32846786/1008467851570428301.png) \ '> Our life is in our own hands, but if Ao Shun gives it to us, our life will be paid It's in their hands, killing me or not, it's all in their thoughts, so why should I wait for someone else to decide my fate. "The ancient sea said lightly.

Sima Changkong smiled bitterly for a while: "I don't think about it, but your hatred is getting bigger and bigger."

"Anyway." Gu Hai shook his head.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked at Prince Ao Sheng.

"Prince Ao Sheng, do you want to come forward and try again, and see if I can cut Ao Shun upright, or if you go back and try it, can you stitch it together, maybe it's a whole corpse, haha Haha. "Gu Hai laughed loudly.

The dragons were angry and resentful, but they could only stay there, and no one dared to move.

Ao Shun's blood was flowing out, but his face was pale.

"Prince, Ao Shun will die soon," said Elder Gen anxiously.

"Gu Hai, okay, okay, okay, I still underestimated you, you dare to kill my brother, I will destroy your nine races." Prince Ao Sheng chuckled.

"If you drag again, you can see how long Ao Shun can hold on. If you drag again, he will die." Gu Haixi laughed.

"Well, how can you let my brother go?" Prince Aosheng said with a trace of anxiety.

"In the next day, I will take him to the capital of the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, where I will hand it over to you. Today, do n’t even think about it, you can only get his body at most. Now, take all your dragons , Leave me on the Nine-Five Islands, go now, go now. "Gu Haihan said.

Qunlong's face was ugly.

Ao Sheng's face was extremely ugly, but Ao Shun was dying. If he dragged on, Ao Shun really died.

"Prince, retreat." Elder Gen said bitterly.

"Prince, retreat and revenge in the next day."

"Prince, Ao Shun cannot die, and you cannot be killed by you."

"Prince ..............."

There was a group of dragons anxiously asking.

The group of dragons looked at Ao Sheng, and Ao Sheng held his fist.

When he came, how could Ao Sheng think that he would actually be dilemmed by a little Jin Dan.

Ao Shun looked at Prince Ao Sheng weakly, his eyes seemed weak and closed, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Ao Sheng, don't you just want me to die? You don't need to worry about me taking the throne anymore.

Ao Shun was about to close his eyes weakly.

"Go." Ao Sheng shouted with a strong dread.

"Hurry on, hurry on." Elder Gen and Elder Lin shouted anxiously.

The reluctance of the dragons, especially the sinful dragons.

Twice, this is the second time.

For the first time, the Dragon Army was led by Prince Ao Shun, but was almost overwhelmed by Gu Hai's forces.

The second time, Prince Ao Sheng led the army of the Dragon clan, but was hurried away by Gu Hai's force.

Is this ancient sea a dragon nemesis?

Feizhou first shot away in the distance, and the group of dragons followed quickly, leaving with a group of elders.

"Ang." "Ang." "Ang." ...............

With a burst of unwillingness and humiliation, the group dragons quickly left.

Leave countless practitioners on the sidelines, open their mouths, ca n’t close for a long time, just kidding, this Dahan dynasty is playing too much, then it ’s the group of dragons, the group of dragons was forced back by the ancient sea .

The crowd had been shocked for a while before, and now the second time, the crowd can no longer describe Dahan this evil master.

"Mr. Gu, Ao Shun will soon die." Sima Changkong reminded with a bitter smile.


The ancient blood knife from Ao Shun's body: "Relax, you can't die."

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