Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 106: Trap knife

Three days later, Gu Qin handed over the map.

Gu Hai looked for a while, and then confused, "You are sure, Yi Tian Ge used to use this array method."

"Yes, there was also a floating city in Yitiange at the beginning. This is the array of chess. I can't see it." Gu Qin frowned.

Gu Hai's eyes were stunned: "This is a chess array, a very strange chess array."

"Oh, how about a world-wide battle, compared to the twenty-nine worlds," Gu Qin curiously said.

"Not the same, not the same, this is an infinite chess array." Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"What is infinite chess?"

"There is no limit, no boundary. Twenty-nine heavens and earth are in a vertical and horizontal array, and there are limits. Twenty-nine in vertical and horizontal directions are the limits of twenty-nine games. But this infinite chess array is different. Endless vertical and horizontal lines. "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"That should be better than the twenty-nine heavens and earth battles."

"No, not necessarily, it depends on how you arrange it. Infinite chess arrays need to be continuously filled with different matrix methods, and they cannot be filled randomly. You need to perfectly integrate the crowd matrix methods. The more you fill, the stronger the matrix methods, and the Less, then weak. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"This is a growable formation. The more padding formations there are, the more powerful they are." Gu Qin's expression moved.

"Yes, the source of the padding method is the treasure of this chess game, and this treasure will fill all kinds of chess pattern, and it will become a treasure of the method. "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"This kind of treasure should be based on Yitian chess fragments. The old people who watched chess in the past used Yitian chess as the source." Gu Qin solemnly said.

"Well, in Chongtiandian Square, start making altars, and prepare to make the treasure of this array." Gu Hai Shen chanted.

"Father Emperor agreed." Gu Qin smiled.

Gu Hai nodded.

Ancient Qin quickly set up.

All the altars are stacked with top-grade spirit stones, and 100 million top-grade spirit stones are used.

The ancient sea also received a token from Yixiantang from Gaoxianzhi and Mu Chenfeng, and gave them two other treasures and spirit stones compensation.

Golden wood water fire soil.

Wurudu's token was laid flat on the table in front of Gu Hai.

"It seems that Long Xiaoyue went to the congenital ruins to find the unborn, but only found these five magic weapons and gave them to the five rudder masters." Gu Haishen said.

Five tokens containing Yitian chess fragments.

The ancient sea set up a small chess array in the way that the ancient Qin handed in, and slowly extracted five tokens. Gradually, five small white crystal fragments broke out from the inside.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka."

As soon as the Yitian chess pieces came out, the five tokens broke apart and instantly turned into powder.

Five fragments, two fragments in the heart space of the ancient sea, one from the former Dinglong ring, and one from the jade plate obtained in the continent.

A total of seven pieces were put into the eyebrow space.

The ancient sea separated a ray of consciousness into these seven fragments, slowly refining.


The shards immediately trembled, and seemed to be struggling with the ancient seas, unwilling to be refined.

"Can't help you," Gu Hai said coldly.


The celestial sacred seal of the town of Tianzhen repressed suddenly, and the powerful repression force, the seven fragments of the repression could not be moved at any time, and the ancient sea consciousness was blended and refined.

It has been refined for ten days.


Suddenly, the seven fragments were tamed and still controlled by the ancient sea, just like the bone knife of the past.

In these ten days, the ancient Qin was already on the square, and the altar was set up.

Go to the altar, slowly release the seven fragments, the ancient sea starts the formation.

One hundred million top-grade spirit stones suddenly gave birth to rolling strength, and rushed straight towards the seven fragments.


Suddenly, the seven fragments burst into a dazzling light for a moment, as if they were broken into powder again by the rolling force, but this group of powder was condensed together and could not escape.

"Tiandao's life and death situation, twenty-eight heaven and earth formation, twenty-nine heaven and earth formation, Dinglong formation, follow me." Gu Hai Shen said.

There is a consciousness of the ancient sea in the fragments. Under the intention of the ancient sea, one by one the array method is burned in the center of the energy ball, and a large number of powders are quickly arranged.

In this way, Gu Hai sat for three days and three nights.

Suddenly, the debris was lumped together.

"Can it condense into a chess shape?" Gu Qin stared curiously.


But I saw that the group of powders stood up strangely, but slowly condensed into a long knife.

"Knife." Gu Qin showed a hint of surprise.

The shape of the knife is similar to that of the dead knife, that is, the bone knife, but it is slightly different.

In addition, there is too little flour to support a solid long knife. It is just a foggy outline, a long knife that looks like a virtual one, but around the long knife, countless energies are used to arrange the way.


The long sword fiercely absorbed the energy of the altar, one hundred million top-grade spirit stone, and it was all absorbed in just a short while.


The altar was turned into powder, and a long white knife was born. It was surrounded by mists, and the mist slowly rotated, like a matrix around a long knife.

The long knife was inserted into the ground, surrounded by mists of fog, and the long knife gradually became unclear. It just seemed that there was a foggy area in the Chongtian Temple Square.

"Yifu, are you alright?" Gu Qin said excitedly.

"You try," Gu Hai laughed.

Gu Qin stepped forward curiously, entered the heavy fog, saw the outline of the knife, and probed to grab it.


Grab it and grab it.

"Um." Gu Qin did not believe it and tried again.

However, it still can't catch the general.

"This is a twenty-nine heaven and earth battle, and the sword is introduced inside." The ancient Qin looked moved.

"Yes, unfortunately, it is far from being able to support the twenty-nine heavens and earth's vertical and horizontal array. It just hides the knife. It is covered by heavy fog. Most people can't see it and enter the fog area. As the knife solidifies and the formation becomes more complicated, the knife will become more and more powerful. "Gu Hai's eyes flashed a dignity.

"Why the righteous father condenses it into a knife shape." Gu Qin curiously said.

Gu Hai shook his head and said, "I always feel that although the old man who watched chess is dead, there are still layouts, and Yitian chess fragments. I will not continue to keep the original state, so I will re-refine it and break all Yitian chess. The structure of this knife restructured the shape of this knife. Later, we got Yitianqi fragments, which can continue to be integrated into them to make them stronger. "

"Yes." Gu Qin nodded.

"This knife can arrange a large array. It is the source of the chess pattern. It can form a super array. It traps all sentient beings and cannot escape. It is called 'Treatment Knife'." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Trapped knife." Gu Qin nodded.

"There are still more than 100 million spirit stones brought back this time. You start to send people to build a spirit base on the Jiuwu Island. When the next day, when we have one billion spirit stones, we will formally start a trap." The ancient sea sank.


Dasong Dynasty, Lu Yang Study.

Lu Yang sat behind his desk, and in front of him were a number of dignitaries, and a group of counselors stood respectfully, including Mo Yike, who was looking at the two in front of them together.

Lu An and a sin dragon.

"The entire army was annihilated, and Ao Shun concealed it. The entire army was annihilated." Lu Yang looked coldly at Lu An.

"Yes, yes, we're all in trouble." Lu An cried and cried.

Lu Yang's eyelids jumped wildly, looking at Lu An coldly, his face was somber and terrible.

The Dragon Army, but its left and right arms, is more important than Geng Jinzong.

This time, it was overwhelmed by the entire army designed by Gu Hai.

"The first step is to force the emperor to establish the country. The second step is to destroy the Geng Jinzong. The third step is to destroy the group of dragons. This ancient sea is so good." A counselor's face was ugly.

The conspirators nodded, not only disrupting the emperor's plan, but also destroying two major aids, the damage caused by the ancient sea was too great.

The dragon army, the whole army was annihilated, but the loss was painful.

"The quality of Ao Shun's mind is, after all, alas." Mo Yike sighed slightly.

A crowd of counselors whispered, but also lamented.

Lu Yang bowed her head, her face angrily, "Grandpa, I still have something to say."

"Um." Lu Yang looked cold.

"Mo Yike, he is a spy, he is a spy of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, he is a spy, both of Mo Yike and Gu Hai collude with Ao Sheng, collaborating well with Ao Sheng, Da Gan Sheng deliberately designed to frame you, grandpa, Dagan Sheng sent Mo Yike to come, just to encourage you to rebel, then Dagan Sheng had an excuse to kill you, grandpa, first grab Mo Yike and catch it. "Lu An called anxiously.

When Lu An shouted, the conspiracy of the strategists and heavy ministers stopped suddenly, all eyes widened and looked at Lu An, and the emperor grandson went mad.

Everyone looked at Mo Yike, but no one dared to speak.

Mo Yike looked at Lu An with a bitter smile, but he didn't talk. I didn't expect Lu An to go to the Jiuwu Island, but caused himself a commotion.


Lu Yang struck out across the air.


Lu An was immediately knocked out and hit a pillar.

"Ah." "Alas."

Lu An spit out blood and was surprised: "Grandpa, why hit me."

"Well, Lu An, the last Silvermoon City incident, I should have known that you were not enough to lose more than defeat. This time, if you did not go alone to Jiuwu Island, why would the fangs go, and why would the Ao Shun army go? It's you that killed the uncle's dragon clan, it's you, you also sprayed blood on your mouth, Mr. Inkjet, junk stuff. "Lu Yang said coldly.

"It's true, really." Lu An cried.

"Come here, put Lu An into the prison." Lu Yang said coldly.

Several guards stepped into the study.

"Grandpa, no, no, Mo Yike is really a spy, otherwise he has no background, why he can't find it, why he can't find it, you want him to say it, let him say it, grandpa, Mo Yike is here It hurts you, it hurts you, Grandpa. "Lu An shouted anxiously.

"Slap your mouth," Lu Yang said coldly.


Suddenly, a group of guards beat Lu An's mouth, preventing him from speaking.

"Into the prison, if there is any further scorn of Mr. Mo


40056223868/32846786 / 7133363341254316173.png) \ '> Hundreds of palms. "Lu Yang said angrily.


"Grandpa, grandchildren won't hurt you. Beware of Mo Yike, be careful of Mo Yike." Lu An kept shouting when dragged down.

Soon, Lu An was towed away.

In the study, there was silence, and all the conspirators looked complex.

"Mr. Mo, Lu An has been badly taught, so don't be surprised." Lu Yangan comforted Mo Yi.

Mo Yike bitterly said: "I'm fine, but I can't think of it. The third step of the ancient sea just ended, but the fourth step started to alienate our monarchs."

"Huh, Gu Hai's ghost words can also favor Lu An. He wants to slander Mr. Mo, he is dreaming." Lu Yang said coldly.

Mo Yike smiled bitterly for a while. Although he was right, after this trouble, his situation in the future will be a little embarrassed. Although the emperor does not doubt, other courtiers will have a little bit of sorrow.

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