Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 107: Seven wins and one defeat

This is the second more-

On the island of Nine-Five, Dahan Palace area.

Next to the valley of Chen Xianer's grave, another small valley, Gu Hai once again built a grave with the tombstone saying, the tomb of his beloved wife, Long Wanqing.

Holding a bunch of flowers and gently placing it in front of the grave, Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"I know your soul is not here, but I still set up a grave for you. After all, this is your home, and the valley next door is the tomb of Xianer. Your two graves are not together, I just want to tell you, In my heart, you are all my lovers, and you all have a complete love. I just hope that one day, you will live and demolish your own grave, sigh. "Gu Hai sighed slightly.

After a while in the valley of Long Wanqing's grave, the ancient sea reached the valley of Chen Xianer's grave.

It was also a bunch of flowers. Gu Hai was sitting in front of the tombstone, thinking something in her mouth, as if talking to Chen Xianer.

"Wan Qing's enemies, I found them, it shouldn't be too long, Xianer, your enemy, I'm still looking, I now set up the Dahan Dynasty, if you're partial, just hold Qiandaohai, I can never help you get revenge, so I'm going to march into the land of Shenzhou. I know it's difficult, but I will work hard.

After staying at the two graves for a while, Gu Hai returned to the court again.

After the emperor returned, a decree was issued quickly, and the entire Dahan dynasty was rapidly operating. The Jiuwu Island had been unified, but the Quartet Road was still rugged and was being widened rapidly.

There are a lot of monsters, poisonous insects, poisonous mists, and various wounding places on the Quartet Mountain Forest of Jiuwu Island. Guhai also sent a large number of repairers to deal with it.

Suddenly, people from all over the country carried out monsters from the mountains and showed them in front of the people. Many people who had been attacked by the monsters were grateful to the Dahan Dynasty.

Above the Tiantian Temple Square, the ancient sea looks southwest, with a dignified look.

"Father Emperor, you are still worried about the battle in Luzhou." Gu Qin frowned.

"I put Lu An back. It should be effective. As long as they work well in Sima Changkong, they will definitely allow Lu Yang to break his arm and let Mo Yike suffer." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Oh." Gu Qin Shen said.

"Um." Gu Hai suddenly raised his eyebrow and looked away.

But they saw black plumes of smoke in the distance.

"That's the wolf smoke signal, and there are foreign strong men, and I have come to Dahan without notice." Gu Qin's face sank.


But I saw a flying boat in the distance, flying fast.

In an instant, it was outside the Dahan Palace.


The flying boat stopped suddenly, bringing out a strong wind.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, looking coldly at the flying boat.

On the flying boat, there were a large number of soldiers, the first one was a young man in Tsing Yi. The young man looked pale and sick, holding a handkerchief in his hand.

"Cough cough cough cough."

As if the illness was not mild, she was coughing constantly.

A large number of soldiers around the world are based on this young horse leader.

"The son of King Shenwu, Dragon Three Thousand, please see the owner of Yipintang, cough cough." The sick young man coughed.

"Son of King Wu of the Gods." Gu Hai frowned.

Gu Qin also looked at Gu Hai with a hint of doubt: "Father Emperor, according to the information collected by the officials of the First Qinlou of this street, the King of the Emperor Shenwu did have a son named Long Sanqian. God is also mysterious, or inconspicuous, in the Daqian dynasty. "

At this time, Mu Chenfeng also saw the flying boat from the outside, and immediately flew to the ancient sea.

"Teacher, yes, he is the son of the King of Shenwu, the dragon is three thousand." Mu Chenfeng immediately stood up and called.

"Oh, the son of King Shenwu, why did you come to me?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

Gu Qin waved his hand.


Suddenly, the clouds and fog all around suddenly disappeared, and suddenly the dragon on the flying boat saw the ancient sea.

"Cough cough, Mr. Gu, Jiu Yang, come without notice, and look forward to forgiveness." Long Sanqian coughed and laughed.

"Little lord, you're welcome. Gu Hai has lost his way, please speak inside." Gu Hai said with a smile.


The flying boat stopped at the Chongtian Temple Square. Long Sanqian slowly stepped down from the flying boat, looked at Gu Hai, and smiled again: "Mr. Gu is disturbed."

"Little Wang Ye is polite." Gu Hai wondered.

"You are not polite, but this time you are going to trouble Mr. Gu. The father asked me to come and ask Mr. Gu to go to the Pizhou theater." Long Sanqian said politely.

"Oh." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"The battle in Luzhou encountered a difficult problem, but that day's Qin" Breaking Army ", I would like to ask Mr. Gu to take" Go Go Chen "to help defeat the enemy, Kekeke." Long Sanqian politely said.

"Assisting in breaking the enemy, Sima Changkong did not return." Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Mr. Sima, I have already returned, and I thank Mr. Gu for the arrangement, which has achieved a certain effect. Now that Nemo Yike is in constant trouble and burnt out. Although Lu Yang does not say, he has no trust in him. "" Long Sanqian politely said.


"On that day, Lu An was used by Mr. Gu and returned to Lu Yang's palace. He immediately accused Mo Yike of being an adulterer, was rejected by Lu Yang, and broke into the prison. Although Lu Yang stood on the side of Mo Yike. However, after all, there was a trace of confusion in the heart, and it was not long after a spy reported that it proved Mo Yike's innocence, cough and cough. "Long Sanqian coughed and laughed.

"Although my Dahan dynasty is relatively peaceful, there must be all kinds of spies around the outside, as well as those from Lu Yang, or the King Wu of the Divine King." Gu Haidandan said.

In other words, the Dahan dynasty has just started, and when Dahan becomes strong in the future, the ancient sea will also send Jin Yiwei to spread all over the world, lurking all countries to pass the first-hand news.

"Keekeke, yeah, the spy returns, which proves the innocence of Mo Yike, and Lu Yang is innocent in the presence of everyone, even though Lu An directly calls impossible, but the fact is the fact Mo Yike was innocent.

However, Mr. Sima used the countermeasure to turn white into black. "Long Sanqian laughed.


"Mr. Sima, the returning spy, used his tricks to turn him into our" spider "." Long Sanqian laughed.

"Spy," Mu Chenfeng said, surprised.

The next ancient Qin looked with a look: "Frame the spy and let everyone think that he is a spy, not a spy, but also a spy. Some of you are lurking in Luyang's court."

Long Sanqian looked at Gu Qin with a smile and said, "It's not a loss to be the eighth son, indeed, as you guessed."

The eighth son, one of the nine sons of Guanqi, Gu Qin was the eighth son of the old man who watched the chess, but few people mentioned it. The title of three thousand dragons in front of his eyes slightly frowned Gu Qin.

"The spy is a spy, so what he said is not credible. Similarly, Mo Yike not only failed to be innocent, but he became increasingly dark." Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, our people continue to contribute, so Lu Yang's attitude towards Mo Yike has become very complicated. After all, Mo Yike's identity is ultimately a mystery, cough and cough." Long Sanqian coughed.

"Well, the officials of Lu Yang have your spouse. It seems that I haven't talked blindly before. The Dagan Tianchao has long seen that Lu Yang's heart is not an official, and has arranged a lot of detailed work into Lu Yang's court. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"If King Lu Yang does not rebel, whoever dares to move him is just in case, don't want him to really rebel, hey." Long Sanqian sighed.

"You will use spy, Mo Yike, King Lu Yang will not ignore it." Gu Hai frowned.

"How many years did King Lu Yang prepare without spies? In the father ’s barracks, many generals were also spies of Lu Yang, but they were found out by special means. One by one, all the spies were found. And some spies, only Lu Yang and his most trusted Mo Yike know. "Long Sanqian laughed.

"Uh, only Lu Yang and Mo Yike know the spy. Now that they have been found one by one, it is difficult not to doubt Mo Yike. Besides, there is the previous concubine. Can Lu Yang trust Mo Yike?" Ancient Qin Shen said.

"Since only Lu Yang and Mo Yike know, how did you find the spy?" Gu Hai wondered.

Long Sanqian smiled bitterly for a moment: "Sorry, Mr. Gu, and I can't tell you. When you get to the barracks, you may have a chance to know."

Gu Hai nodded his head. Indeed, this is a military secret. How can it be said casually.

"Yinzhou, we have arranged a lot. During this period, the two armies had eight large-scale battles, seven wins and one defeat." Long Sanqian said.

"Seven wins and one defeat."

"Hehe, Lu Yang is recruiting a lot of strangers, there are masters of chess, masters of piano, and masters of Shudao, but, would we not have, we would only be stronger, duel again and again, and we have a lot of detailed works coming According to the news, all of their detailed works have been punished by us. The enemies are clear and secret. There is no reason. Moreover, Mr. Sima used the lurking past to create public opinion in Luzhou and lead the people. The people almost opposed Lu Yang Rebellion is also thanks to Mr. Gu's original public opinion traction, which awakened the patriotism of most people. "Long Sanqian laughed.

"Oh, it seems that I have done so much at first. It turned out that the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom had already arranged so much, and the inside and outside should be combined to push Lu Yang into a desperate situation." Gu Hai frowned.

"No, Mr. Gu has helped us too much, awakening the public's patriotism, forcing Lu Yang to rush into rebellion in advance and let the Dalai Emperor downgrade the Dalai Emperor, destroy the Geng Jinzong, and destroy the dragon clan. Hao Junchen, if it is not Mr. Gu, now our battle with the army of Lu Yang is unknown. Even if we want to win, we will have to pay a very heavy price. The father and king said, this time to defeat King Lu Yang, Mr. Gu It will be the first achievement. "Long Sanqian immediately shook his head.

"You don't have to say the first achievement. You say that the seven wins and one defeat are ..." Gu Hai wondered.

"Breaking the army, the army of Qin Dao led by the army has made it impossible for us to get in. Keke." Long Sanqian cried.

PS: Two more changes, something happened today, update in advance


711954406703994600.png) \ '> I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, watch chess in the evening will still be in the group, and talk together at that time.

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