Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 115: Let's die, evil!

"Wan Yu, the military affairs must not be presumptuous." Shen Wuwang frowned.

"What presumptuous, you thought I would lead a war, I would lose, not fit for the Sixth Army." Long Wanyu screamed suddenly.

The Emperor Wu of the God was slightly surprised, while Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

How could Long Wanyu lead a troop to lose? She is a prophet. She is good at avoiding evil. She can see at a glance. When it comes to fighting soldiers, maybe no one can beat her .

"There has been an account of the Holy Spirit. You are not allowed to be in trouble." Shen Wuwang said in a voice.

"What will happen to me will be out there, and the king's fate will not be affected. What's wrong with your army? I will be able to defeat ten enemy troops." Long Wanyu justified.

Long Wanyu's unstoppable vigor, Shen Wuwang frowned deeply.

In terms of seniority, Long Wanyu is her own junior. The big camp here is her biggest, and she ca n’t turn her in the face of herself. Not as good as Long Wanyu, the sacred heart is holding, no matter how willful, you can't take her by yourself.

"Otherwise, I will reassign a legion to you." King Shenwu frowned.

"No, I want the Sixth Army." Long Wanyu immediately refused.

Long Shenwu was a little displeased. After all, this is a military camp, and he can't be led away by a little girl, otherwise he will convince the public.

King Shenwu turned his head to Gu Haidao: "Mr. Gu, what do you think?"

Gao Xianzhi's brows frowned, seemingly unwilling. Obviously, Long Wanyu was here to stir himself, but no one could help him.

As Master Liunian said, without Long Wanqing, no one can hold her back.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu also with this expression. Obviously, Gu Hai is also quite displeased with Long Wanyu's current arrogance, but who made her the sister of Wanqing, before Qingqing died, the most unbearable was Dragon Wan Yu, and entrusted her care.

So arrogant and so willful, you must give her a lesson.

Taking care is not blind indulgence, but also needs to teach her how to be a person.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu and smiled slightly: "Long Wanyu, you want to pick up the Sixth Army because of me."

Long Wanyu glanced at Gu Hai and said, "Hum, Gu Hai, I am not a man who speaks uncountably. At the beginning, you cut your belly, and you and I were resentful. I will not entangle you with my sister's death. It's my job to want the Sixth Army. Don't put gold on your face. "

"Oh, I mean, you want to lead the army, and there is something missing." Gu Hai laughed.

"What is lacking, Gu Hai, as long as you can lead, as long as your subordinates can lead, I can't. I'm a leader, and I will definitely win the battle. Can you beat me?" Long Wanyu said angrily.

"As a handsome person, you need to stay still and take pictures. You won't be affected by any interference factors, and your mind will be destroyed. Can you." Gu Haishen said.

"Huh, no shit, no interfering factors, no interfering factors can interfere with me, because I know where I can win and where I can lose. Road.

Regardless of how the outside world interferes, Long Wanyu knows where is the good luck and where the worst is. This is how the prophet ’s terror ability can be disturbed.

"Well, otherwise, let's do an experiment to see if you are still in the breeze. If you are really handsome and the breeze is not moving, the Sixth Army, what will you do?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Okay, you said." Long Wanyu's eyes glared, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

Long Wanyu specifically targeted the ancient sea, and naturally does not care about other people's views. As long as the ancient sea can be set aside, Long Wanyu naturally responded immediately.

Gu Hai looked at Shenwu King and said, "Master, pass by, please ask the Sixth Army to gamble with me and Long Wanyu."

"It's okay, Mr. Gu has done nothing," Shenwu Wang smiled slightly.

Long Wanyu, this hot potato, since Gu Hai wants to go next, then you can pick it up, but the king of the gods is happy to see each other.

"You say, how to test." Long Wanyu stared at Gu Hai.

Gu Haiwei smiled, "During the march, I often encounter a musician who interferes with the coach. In this way, I let Gochen sing a song for you. I do n’t use the mood of the piano, but only one ordinary song. If you can complete it, After listening to it and still be right, even if you win. "

"Do not use Qin Tao artistic conception." Long Wanyu frowned.

"Yes, don't use Qindao mood, just a normal song." Gu Hai nodded.

"Well, you think a song can disturb me. You look down on me too much, come on, sing, hurry up." Long Wanyu immediately proudly said.

"Go Chen." Gu Hai cried.

"Huh, huh, oh oh, ah oh." Gou Chen was still licking the plate.

Gu Hai drank softly, and all the officials in the temple turned their heads together, just to see the scene of Gou Chen's fierce fighting, all of them looked dumb. This is a foodie, is it really a celestial piano?

"Ah, master, you call me." Gou Chen hugged the plate with reluctance.

"Please sing a song right away," Gu Hai cried.

"What, really." Gou Chen was suddenly surprised, and immediately lost the plate and wiped his face.

A lot of officials sighed, this is the attitude that Tian Qin should have, should be addicted to fun.

"Yes, it's the song you composed. Take a longer song and sing to Long Wanyu." Gu Hai nodded.

"Ah, just listen to Long Wanyu, can't other people listen?" Gou Chen looked sad.

"Mr. Gu, why can't I wait to listen together."

"Yeah, Mr. Gu, I have been waiting for the music of Tian Qin."

"Mr. Gu, let's listen with Long Wanyu."




Officials are looking forward to it.

Gu Hai was black-faced, but hardened his heart and shook his head: "Only for Long Wanyu, others include me, and set the sound barrier."

Gu Hai opened his mouth, all the officials looked with regret, and looked at Gu Hai with some complaints.

Gu Hai turned his face and did not look at the officials' faces, which is for your good, otherwise, what you just ate wasted.

"Well, forget it, just sing." Gou Chen stepped up.

On the side, Gao Xianzhi saw Gou Chen stepping, suddenly changed his face, and quickly backed away.

Not far away, Sima Changkong and Shenwu Wang have been paying close attention to Gao Xianzhi. At this moment, when they see Gao Xianzhi look at Gou Chen, they even show a horror. Suddenly, they are confused. Perhaps, Gao Xianzhi is not as powerful as imagined. In color.

More than Gao Xianzhi, Mu Chenfeng and Master Liunian all changed their faces.

Master Liu Nian looked at Long Wanyu, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes, but Master Liu Nian did not say.

"Sing it." Long Wanyu looked disdainful, how influential a song without the mood of the piano.

With a wave of Detective Chen, everyone in the hall added a sound barrier.

Gou Chen sang. Although everyone couldn't hear the sound, they all widened their eyes.

"Deserves to be a celestial piano. With that mouth open, the mood is extreme."

"Look at Gou Chen, covering your chest with one hand and waving with one hand, your face is intoxicated. This must be a song with rich emotions."

"Unfortunately, I hate to hear it once."




Many officials whispered expectantly.

The first song of Gou Chen sang, Long Wanyu's disdain turned and his face suddenly became extremely wonderful. At that moment, it seemed that the eyeballs had to stand out. His face was red for a while, white for a while, blue for a while, a Will be purple.

Magic sound, how could there be such awful song in the world.

At this moment, the Emperor Shenwu and Sima Changkong were in a faint stunned, why did Long Wanyu's expression not have the mood of Qindao?

Master Liunian touched his bald head, covered his face, and sure enough, Gouchen's magic sound began to brainwash.

Gao Xianzhi and Mu Chenfeng booed for a long time, fortunately for a while, and then a weird smile appeared on their faces. However, they were about to collapse, and Long Wanyu tried.

Gu Hai drank fine wine and smiled.

A lot of officials are praising Gou Chen. Gou Chen has sang the third sentence. He changed his right hand to his left hand and covered his chest. In his eyes, there was a touch of tears moved by himself. My heart is tickling, what a good song, why Gu Hai won't let me listen.

Long Wanyu's face was already flushed, her eyes were bloodshot, her fist was stubborn, and the long whip she held on her right hand was rattling, her body was shaking, her head turned to look at Gu Hai.

But when he saw Gu Hai toasting with a smile, was he mocking himself for not being able to listen?

No, I can listen to it, I can, I can't let the villain of Gu Hai be proud.

Gou Chen sang until the fifth sentence.

"Demon, suffer." Long Wanyu burst into a sudden drink.

Suddenly a whip, rushed to Gou Chen.

Sudden changes suddenly shocked all the officials in the temple to widen their eyes. In a few cases, how did Long Wanyu go away.

"Ah, don't." Gou Chen jumped in exclamation.


Gou Chen was whipped away by Long Wanyu with a whip.

"Master, save me."

"Let's die, evil."

Long Wanyu grabbed the whip and chased the hall, suddenly kicking a lot of wine tables all the way.

A large number of officials showed consternation and conceded. A good banquet was turned upside down by the two.

King Shenwu was black, Sima Changkong was a little stunned, and the singing of Gou Chen was what happened.

"Demon, don't run, die, you die for me." Long Wanyu roared and pursued.

"Master, save your life, save your life." Gou Chen ‘噗通’ jumped behind Gu Hai.


A whip was drawn, but was suddenly caught by Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, you let go, I will kill this evil, if I kill him." Long Wanyu roared suddenly.

"Long Wanyu, you lost." Gu Haiwei smiled.

Long Wanyu was in a stature, and then she remembered that she was still gambling with Gu Hai, but her singing was so unpleasant, it was hard to hear that she had gone away. I just could n’t remember anything, just remember to destroy this. evildoer.

Gu Hai bet me on this unpleasant song, so unpleasant


l (/img/1440409291858/32846786/9147035327432997001.png) '> It's so unpleasant, and I still want to hear it, he killed his sister, I won't hold it anymore, he even gave me such awful song, and said I lost.

Suddenly a grievance filled the heart, Long Wanyu's eyes suddenly red.

"You, you bully me, whine." Long Wanyu whipped her whip and immediately ran out of the hall.

Behind the hall full of officials, there are more grievances than Long Wanyu.

PS: Welcome to join the WeChat public account of Guanqi. There is a lottery every month. WeChat public account: aiguanqi This book is first published from 17K Fiction Net. See the original content for the first time!

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