Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 116: Helplessness of the ghost

"Dead ancient sea, bad ancient sea, super big badass." Long Wanyu ran out of Zhennan Hall, a man kicking a stone on a hillside with a look of resentment.

Not far away, a group of people following Long Wanyu stopped, because everyone understood that Long Wanyu was upset now, and whoever went up was unlucky, as long as Long Wanyu was not in danger.

Long Wanyu kicked the stone, cursing Gu Hai constantly.

Twice, the last time I was played, and this time again, which is the song that people listen to, let me finish, Gu Hai is a big bad guy.

Long Wanyu's eyes were red and she cursed Gu Hai constantly.

"Hahaha, little girl, I can't stand a song." Suddenly a voice sounded from Long Wanyu, only Long Wanyu could hear it.

"I want you to control, dead monster ghost spirit." Long Wanyu angrily.

"Do you want revenge? Just merge with me." Long Wanyu's voice in the ghosts sounded again.

"You're not a good thing either. Why didn't you remind me just now, ah, I'm sorry to say such an awful song," Long Wanyu said angrily.

Ghost Spirit: "..............."

"Ah, I see. You closed your consciousness just now, and you couldn't hear it at the time." Long Wanyu stared.

"Uh, it's so ugly, so ..." The demon ghost embarrassed.

"It's difficult to tell the truth, but you hide and don't notify me, and let me listen alone, you're not a good thing." Long Wanyu angrily.

"Aren't you trying to get revenge? You don't have the ability right now. You see, Gu Hai can't handle it. How do you get revenge and merge with me, you will have strength immediately, huge power, you will receive my memory, let's merge. "Demon ghost advised.

"Well, you are not a good person, just think about it." Long Wanyu hated.

"Isn't it half merged last time? You see, from a young age to a big one, who coaxed you, it wasn't me, I've been talking to you, and I've been able to relieve you of boring, you and me, where is not a good thing, every month you I can see you in the future. It ’s me who helps you. We are good for you. You can get revenge. You can flatten the ancient sea. You can do whatever you want. Just fused. ”The demon ghost whispered.

"Don't even think about it," Long Wanyu resentfully said.

"Why, you weren't so determined before."

"I promised my sister, I will do it." Long Wanyu's eyes suddenly became red again.

"Long Wanqing, she is all dead." The demon ghost said in a deep voice.

"If you want it, if you want it, I'll listen to my sister, want me to be with you, dream, unless my sister lives, unless my sister lives." Long Wanyu determinedly with red eyes. .

The ghost spirit was anxious and could only persuade: "Little girl, Long Wanqing's words are not necessarily right, otherwise, she will not die. Her death means that she is not all right, and she is dead What do you want me to do? "

"Don't say bad things about my sister, my sister is right. From childhood to big, my sister only asked me to ask me not to merge with you. You are dead, my sister's only request, I will definitely obey it. "Long Wanyu stubbornly.

The ghosts struggled for a while, and said bitterly, "But ..."

"Don't talk about my sister again, otherwise I won't talk to you anymore." Long Wanyu stared.

"Well, when I didn't say it, when I didn't say it, hey, how could I be so unlucky."

Long Wanyu's big trouble suddenly made the banquet unable to continue. Fortunately, it was enough to say that it was enough for King Shenwu to have received the ancient sea. Below, Sima Changkong and others would be in contact with the ancient sea.

Gao Xianzhi officially became the sixth army commander of the Zhennan Army.

Ancient sea residence.

Gu Hai flipped through a large number of materials sent by Sima Changkong, and stood beside Gao Xianzhi.

After a while, Gu Hai slowly put down the information at hand and looked at Gao Xianzhi.

"Gao Xianzhi, tomorrow, you will take over the Sixth Army." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes," Gao Xianzhi answered.

Looking at Gao Xianzhi, Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Just now, the King of Gods and Martial Arts sent you a lot of rewards. I must want to win you over."

"The minister is the head of the First Army of the Dahan Dynasty, and will always be." Gao Xianzhi looked away.

"It's okay, I don't mind others being drawn to you. You are a smart person. If Dahan really can't give you enough, you are attracted by others, and it's just He's incompetence. I don't blame you." Road.

Gao Xianzhi's face changed: "The emperor is assured. Today, Gao Xianzhi only serves the emperor, and only recognizes Dahan."

"Anyway, I recommend you to lead the 6th Army of the Zhennan Army, and you have the confidence not to be dug into the corner by others. This is a great opportunity to hone and grasp. In the future, the first army of the Dahan Dynasty will still need You have opened up territory for You, this Sixth Army should be training you. "Gu Haidandan said.

"Yes, I will not let the emperor down." Gao Xianzhi laughed.

Using other people's soldiers to refine his own handsomeness, Gu Hai is so confident that Gao Xianzhi will not betray Dahan.

"Remember, lead the army and concentrate on your heart. You, the Sixth Army, believe that you will sing all the way, but I hope that when you dismiss the post of the sixth army commander in the future, you will not come back alone. , But with a group of strong follow you back. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes, Gao Xianzhi remembers." Gao Xianzhi answered.

"Well, go ahead and prepare." Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes." Gao Xianzhi exited Gu Hai's study.

Gao Xianzhi left, and Gu Hai looked at the information again for a while.

In the evening, Sima Changkong again brought a batch of information with him.

"Mr. Gu, you can watch it fast enough, you have finished reading so much information." Sima Changkong was surprised.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Let's work hard in the next, but there is something, I want to ask Mr. Sima to help."

"Oh." Sima Changkong wondered.

"I want to see Mo Yike." Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Mo Yike." Sima Changkong revealed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, your information shows that Mo Yike was jealous of Lu Yang and was under the surveillance of Lu Yang. He was fishing in the house all day long, and he was a banquet. Hehe, I want to see him. Do n’t you have a spy on the opposite side, let me and Mo Let's meet again. "Gu Hai laughed.

"What do you want to see Mo Yike do." Sima Changkong gave a slight hesitation.

"It would be bad if Mo Yike could be persuaded to descend," Gu Hai laughed.

"It's impossible. Although Mo Yike was jealous of Lu Yang, but his heart is too high, we also thought about it, no, we also sent someone to quietly advise to descend, but unfortunately ..." Sima Changkong shook his head and said .

"Even if I can't persuade him, I want to meet him, because after all, he is the most trusted person in Lu Yang's past. Many secrets of Lu Yang are open to him. I want to ask him something." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Uh." Sima Changkong was slightly surprised, silent for a while.

Sima Changkong did not advise Gu Hai not to take risks by himself, because Sima Changkong understands that these things must have been carefully considered by Gu Hai, without having to remind himself.

"How, your fine work, do you have this right?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Maybe, you can, but you need to be careful." Sima Chang nodded.

A few days later.

The city where Lu Yang is located, looking north.

Army Lu Yang is stationed here.

Gu Hai and Sima Changkong disguised themselves and entered Beiwangcheng.

Daqin's masterpieces may not be high in the dynasty, but it is not difficult to bring two people into the city.

In the evening.

Gu Hai and Sima Changkong spent a little makeup, followed an official, and went to Moyike House for a banquet.

With a few strokes, Gu Hai and Sima Changkong looked like two people.

In the evening, guests gathered on Mo Yi Ke Mansion.

Even if Mo Yike is out of favor now, but no one dares to belittle him, who can guarantee that one day, Mr. Mo will suddenly be favored again, and the emperor did not speak, what he was worried about.

Now pay Mr. Mo, but it will be a great convenience in the future.

The officials politely went to the Moyike House for a banquet. Gu Hai and Sima Changkong followed behind an official and were looking for Mo Yike.

"Everyone, please come inside, welcome to Han She." Mo Yike stood at the entrance of a hall, facing the guests airway.

"Mr. Mo, thank you Mr. Mo for the invitation. It is not too late to come down. It is not surprising that this time, I brought two servants in the hope that Mr. Mo's house was not stained." The official smiled respectfully.

Mo Yike froze slightly, two subordinates, others also brought subordinates, bodyguards, they did not mention anyone, why did you mention it.

Mo Yike looked curiously at the two men.

Among them, Gu Hai drew eyebrows and left a beard, which is far from the previous appearance.

"Mr. Mo, a long absence." Gu Haiwei smiled.

Mo Yike suddenly shrank his pupils, and Jiyu called out, because Mo Yike recognized the ancient sea at a glance, and his look would not be wrong.

The ancient sea mixed in.

Mo Yike was not furious, but showed a touch of joy.

Looking at the other side, Mo Yike took a breath, this is Sima Changkong, he is also here.

"Master Chen, your clothes are dirty. Come, take Master Chen to the back room and change into clean clothes." Mo Yike ordered.

But when I saw the adult Chen who brought Gu Hai and Sima to the sky, there was indeed a spot of water on his clothes, but it was wet by Gu Hai before, just to give Mo Yike an excuse.

"Thank you Mr. Mo." Lord Chen answered.

The two subordinates personally invited Master Chen, Gu Hai, and Sima Changkong to go to the undress.

Mo Yike continued to welcome guests as if nothing had happened.

After half an hour, the people who should have come are almost there.

"Guests are here, thank you for closing." Mo Yike commanded.


The doors of Mofu were closed.

"I'm going to change my clothes, the guests in the house, and the hospitality is good," Mo Yike instructed.

"Yes." The crowd responded.

Mo Yike hurried to the backyard, in a hall in the backyard.

Gu Hai, Sima Changkong and Master Chen are watching the interior layout.

"Hahaha, Mr. Gu, Mr. Sima


nd-image: url (/img/1440487415510/32846786/3041280133239126669.png) \ '> You are so brave, dare to break into my house. Mr. Mo stepped into the hall with a smile.

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