Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Mr. Mo refused to fall

"Hahaha, Mr. Gu, Mr. Sima, you are so brave, dare to break into my mansion." Mr. Mo stepped into the hall with a smile.

Gu Hai and Sima Changkong turned their heads and slowly smiled. They did not worry about Mo Yike reporting. Wise men have pride. It is impossible to do such a villain without life and death. Moreover, Lu Yang is now facing Mo Mr. Suspicion continued.

"The courage is not big, not important, Mr. Mo, it's been a long absence." Sima Changkong laughed.

"Good Mr. Sima, in the old days of Yinyue City, you still owed me an explanation, but you kept pouring dirty water on me, and you dare to come." Mo Yike laughed.

"Don't, it's not me who splashed the dirty water. It's this Mr. Gu. If you look for it, look for him." Sima Changkong laughed.

"Mr. Gu, I've been waiting for you, yes, it's about the same time I calculated, you're still here." Mo Yike said with a smile.

"Oh." Gu Hai froze slightly.

Sima Changkong also showed a hint of doubt.

"Two, please sit down, by the way, Master Chen, since you are here for the banquet, let's go to the banqueting room." Mo Yike laughed.

Master Chen looked at Sima Changkong, and Sima Changkong nodded.

Lord Chen paid a respectful gift and retreated.

"They went to the banquet. What about you, your main character?" Sima Changkong curiously asked.

"No problem, I won't go, there will be my substitute, the two come from afar, how can you be rude to the next two, please sit down." Mo Yike laughed.

As a stand-in, Sima Changkong's look changed, so he didn't care. Since Mo Yike thought about everything, what else could he worry about.

The three were seated, and Mo Yike poured a cup of tea for each of them and himself.

"Two, try it, what's my tea?" Mo Yike laughed.

Sima Changkong and Gu Hai both got up and took a sip.

"Good tea, fresh fragrance, refreshing lungs and spleen." Gu Hai laughed.

"Good tea." Sima Changkong nodded.

Mo Yike looked at Sima Changkong with a smile and said, "Mr. Sima, you are not as bright as Mr. Gu, thinking that my tea is poisonous."

Speaking, Mo Yike took a sip.

Sima Changkong smiled bitterly for a while: "Sorry, I'm used to it, I can't restrain it, I should punish him."

Sima Changkong drank all the tea. Obviously, although Sima Changkong took a sip, he did not really enter his stomach.

"Mr. Mo is a good banquet guest, but Lu Yang restricts your freedom, but you reach the world through the banquet." Gu Hai laughed.

Just like now, Guhai and Sima came to the sky, but no one knows, no one is blocking, but how many people are blinded by a banquet.

"Mr. Gu joked, this is not all thanks to you." Mo Yike laughed.

"Mr. Mo doesn't need to say that. I'm helpless. Who can make Mr. Tolerant too much?" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

Mo Yike looked at it, and sighed slightly: "Well, I had persuaded the emperor at the beginning, but unfortunately, my words were not enough after all, which led to Long Wanqing ..."

"Oh, Mr. Mo knows, so to speak, the fine work in our camp has not been cleaned up yet." Sima Changkong frowned slightly.

"Mr. Sima needn't worry. The detailed work only serves me, does not interfere with any of your military affairs, and has no ability." Mr. Mo shook his head.

"Oh, Mr. Mo is a good tool." Sima Changkong sighed.

"Mr. Mo, you are in a bad situation today. Gu Hai can only say I'm sorry, but it may not be a bad thing to lose the mulberry elves that have been lost. Mr. Gen Cai, who stayed in the Da Qi Dynasty, was Qu Cai." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

Mo Yike held up the tea cup, looked at the two, took a sip of tea, and smiled slightly: "Oh, staying in the Dalai dynasty is Qucai, so where is it?

"I am a dragon and a martial artist, and I bring the army of Zhennan, and control the thousands of soldiers. If he can enter my palace, he will be the first counselor of my king. Advise.

"Oh, I am the first conspirator of Dragon God Wu." Mo Yike smiled slightly, but looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Maybe Mr. Mo doesn't look down on him, but Gu still has to recommend himself. My Dahan dynasty desperately needs a wise man like Mr. Mo to guide him."

Mo Yike looked at Gu Hai: "Hahaha, Mr. Gu, you Dahan Dynasty, I didn't say that I didn't look down on it. There is Mr. Gu sitting in the town, even if the Dahan Dynasty is a mess of mud, it is as firm as King Kong."

"Oh, sir is willing to enter my Dahan." Gu Hai tentatively tried.

Mo Yike drank tea, looked at the expected two, and showed a slight chuckle: "Two, you are so sure, my Mo has fallen into the point of being picked by others."

"Mr. Mo has misunderstood. You are a treasure. No matter who you are, you will scramble for it. How can I choose?" Sima Changkong shook his head.

Mo Yike said with a smile: "Mr. Sima and Mr. Gu, you do n’t need to persuade me. Momo is just at the ebb, and there will always be times when I will gain power. I do n’t need to worry about it in the future. Let ’s talk about it. Talk about the purpose of your visit. "

Sima Changkong looked at Gu Hai with a bitter smile. Obviously, as before, Mo Yike was really stubborn and could not persuade him.

"Okay, I'm not in the circle anymore, but here I have something to ask my husband for, and what I said earlier guessed me, so I guess I guessed it." Gu Hai looked away.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, you said, I listen." Mo Yike also looked serious.

"Lü Yang controlled Li Haoran and killed Long Xiaoyue, but got the three souls of Long Xiaoyue. He threatened the unborn with the three souls of Long Xiaoyue, and let the unborn come to assassinate me, presumably, Mr. Mo also understood. "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I knew it later." Mo Yike nodded.

"The human soul gave to the unborn, I want to know the whereabouts of Long Xiaoyue's" sky soul "and" ground soul ". Gu Hai solemnly said.

Sima Changkong looked at Mo Yike with a serious look.

Mo Yike was silent for a while, drank his tea, and smiled slightly: "I have inquired about Mr. Gu. In the past, you played against Yitiange Jiuzi on Jiuwu Island."

Mo Yike turned away from the topic, but Gu Hai's eyes brightened. Mo Yike turned away from the topic, indicating that he had some news and wanted to talk to him about the conditions.

"Yes, in Ding Longzong, I played against him." Gu Hai nodded.

"I also played against Jiugongzi," Mo Yike recalled.

"Oh." Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike.

"After that time, Jiugongzi wanted me to be his substitute. Unfortunately, I didn't agree." Mo Yike laughed.

Gu Hai was frowning. Jiu Gongzi's substitute, but Jiu Gong was extremely fussy about finding a substitute, and only looked for strong players in chess. He had found himself in the beginning and was rejected by himself.

"At that time, Jiugongzi played a game with me and called 'Twenty-nine Heaven and Earth Chessboard', but unfortunately, it was not finished. That game was really wonderful. Twenty-nine Heaven and Earth Chessboard, ancient Sir, you will too. "Mo Yike looked to Gu Hai.

"Good." Gu Hai nodded.

"I didn't finish the game at the beginning, but the game was still haunting in my mind. Mr. Gu, Mo is not talented, and he has little research on the chess course. He has read countless chess records in his whole life. If Mr. Gu does not give up, I think Mr. Gu will play the original game of chess, and I want to crack it again. "Mo Yike solemnly said.

Twenty-nine heaven and earth game.

"Of course, I don't know much about Long Xiaoyue's heaven and earth souls. This is honest with you, but I know a clue. If you don't find it troublesome, you can check it, so can you." Mo Yi Ke laughed at the ancient sea.

"Mr. Mo likes chess, and Gumou is naturally willing to tell him that in life, he meets opponents, but Gumou dreams of it, or friend or foe." Gu Hai laughed.

"Mr. Gu, please." Mo Yike immediately took out a game of chess.

Twenty-nine lines are vertical and horizontal, with white and black next to it.

With a wave from Gu Hai's hand, Black and White were immediately arranged on the board, which looked extremely complicated.

"Mr. Mo, you see, this is the perfect mentality of the twenty-nine heaven and earth chess game. The original" living chess "of life and death chess." Gu Hai laughed.

Mo Yike suddenly fell into his heart.

Sima Changkong looked at it diligently. Sima Changkong would be a little bit, but Sima Changkong would be a little bit. However, the main attack is still 'Books'. There is no such thing as ancient sea and Mo Yike for chess. , Sima Changkong brow locked into the Sichuan word.

Gu Hai sat down and drank tea, Mo Yike stared at the chessboard carefully, his heart sinking into it.

This sitting is an hour.

After an hour, Mo Yike slowly took out a white piece and landed on the chessboard.


Bai Zi's fall is different from Gu Hai's original "Shengqi". At the time, Gu Haiqi had not fallen, and it had already been cracked. Mo Yike did not crack it.

The ancient sea thoroughly penetrated this game, and naturally dropped a sunspot, which changed the pattern of the game.

"Um." Mo Yike frowned slightly, and this sitting was another hour.


Another child fell.

The ancient sea was a little stunned, and this Mo Yike was certainly not an ordinary one. This game of chess actually showed him a general idea.


The ancient sea has a white.

Mo Yike continued to look at the chessboard and sat for another hour, and Mo Yike's forehead gave out a trace of cold sweat.

Can't crack it.

At this moment, Mo Yike suddenly closed his eyes, and the whole person relaxed and didn't think about the game of chess.

After a while, Mo Yike took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly opened, and he fell again.



The whole game immediately trembled.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, this is the case, this is the case." Mo Yike cried out in excitement.

Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike. Although he didn't settle for himself like he did at the beginning, Mo Yike was able to solve the twenty-nine heaven and earth chess game with three sons.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mo, in just three hours, he cracked the twenty-nine heaven and earth game." Gu Hai sighed.

"Mr. Gu is polite, where are the three hours, it is almost a year, last time I saw Jiu Gong playing the chess game, I kept turning my mind, turning


786 / -1771941969025628039.png) \ '> And just now, Mr. Gu's two sons, even led me, I can unlock the twenty-nine heavens and earth chess game, when it was a big deal. "Mo Yike said excitedly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, not because Mo Yike was uncomfortable when he unlocked the twenty-nine heaven and earth game, but was somewhat happy.

Mo Yike has just unlocked, but it will take a while to join the association, but it is only a matter of time.

Mo Yike got up, respectfully said to Gu Hai: "Thank you Mr. Gu."

"Don't, Mr. Mo doesn't need to do this, I still have something to ask Mr. Mo for help." Gu Hai said with a smile.

Mo Yike nodded and said, "I don't know about the three souls of Long Xiaoyue. When I killed Long Xiaoyue, I didn't know. Well, I want to know, I must stop the emperor."


"Under the emperor, there is a life division called Mr. Dongfang. Although the emperor has never allowed me to contact, I still know some news. This Mr. Dongfang is now in the army barracks and wants to know Long Xiaoyuesan Soul, do you want to find the emperor or Mr. Dongfang? "Mo Yike solemnly said.

"Mr. Dongfang, Master of White Robe." Sima Changkong frowned slightly.

"Bai Pao Shou Shi." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, there are eight longevity masters in the world, four white robes and four black robes. One of the white robes is called Mr. Dongfang. No matter how many generations are inherited, they are all surnamed" Oriental ". This generation does not know what it is. Sima Chang frowned.

"White robe, black robe, what's the difference."

"The white robes are born, the black robes are dead. Most of the robes of the white robes are children. They repair their lives by relying on attachments. It was collected by Mr. Dongfang, but the big head of sin was to let Lu Yang carry it down. If there is a condemnation, he must be the first to find Lu Yang, so this kind of life master is the most sinister and cunning. "Sima Changkong frowned.

"There is nothing I can do for you. Here are the two" soul species "of Mr. Dongfang. Take it with you to avoid the interference of Mr. Dongfang's birthday. Otherwise, if you approach, you will fall into his birthday. Mr. handed out two black seeds.

"Oh." Gu Hai took it, showing a hint of doubt.

"If you can't find him, it's all up to you, this is what the emperor gave me in the past, in case I accidentally broke into the area of ​​Shoujin and got hurt. Keep it, at least to keep you awake in Shoujin. "Mo Yeke solemnly said.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the assassins we sent were all inexplicable, and they really entered the life array, oh, Mr. Dongfang." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai carefully collected two ‘soul seeds’ and said solemnly: “Thank you Mr. Mo.”

"Mr. Gu is polite, you and I are mutually beneficial, no need to thank you, I hope you are fine, and I will learn more about chess skills in the future." Mo Yike laughed.

"Sure." Gu Hai laughed.

After another conversation, the banquet hosted by Mo Yike was over.

Gu Hai and Sima Changkong followed Master Chen and left Mofu again. At the same time, in order to prevent night long dreams, the three left Beiwang City overnight.

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