Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 126: Invincible General

readx; "咚咚咚 咚咚"

"The general is mighty ~"

The incomparably dense and tidy drums of millions, the shouting of four million soldiers, shook the world, and ignited countless soldiers in Zhennan City. .

The bronze people who attacked Zhennan City were also abrupt.

A huge tent ten feet high was condensed, all Qindao fighters worshiped, and together they called for a peerless war **** in the tent.

The tent set by four million soldiers and one million war drums, although not yet opened, has an invincible killing momentum.

Moreover, as the drums of war continued and the hissing continued, there seemed to be a colossal momentum in the tent, and a violent wind was pouring out of the tent.

"It's a violent army to kill," Master Liu Nian was surprised.

"I haven't seen such a fierce track of war. What kind of general is a general order condensed by millions of generals?" Sima said in a deep voice.

On the other side of the tower, King Shenwu sat on the throne and didn't interfere with Sima Changkong's confrontation, but watched quietly. Even though the anxiety was extremely anxious before, King Shenwu didn't move. The king looked at the tent with narrow eyes.

"This is a song that is very powerful," Shen Wuwang revealed a hint of doubt.

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As Gouchen's piano continued, the storm outside the tent grew stronger.

In the distance, the broken army looked cold: "Hum, pretend to be a ghost, destroy it for me"

With a cold drink from the broken army, the Bronze Man in Zhennan City suddenly got into a stature, turned around and looked together, and the nearest one flew to the tent.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Gouchen's face turned grey for a while: "It's not difficult to play this master, but how can it be so easy for me to be full of spirit and momentum?"


Hundreds of bronze men rushed to the tent entrance, and as they approached, they were about to destroy the tent.

"咚咚咚 咚咚"

"The general is mighty ~"

The drums of war and roars rang through the world, and hundreds of bronze men were about to hit the tent.


Four million soldiers drank loudly at the same time.

While drinking, I saw the tent suddenly opened. Hundreds of bronze people also approached instantly.

The moment I saw the tent opened, a huge river suddenly burst out from the tent, and it was ferociously washed out. The big river carried not water, but a ferocious knife, tearing everything away, The palms of the Bronze Men welcomed them.

"Boom Boom Boom"

The palms and slaps were all smashed by Daohe. After the smashing, Daohe was still fierce and crashed into hundreds of bronze people.


There was a loud noise, and hundreds of bronze people rushing in like a smashing flower from the sky crashed out.

Before screaming too late, he was slammed into the sky in all directions by Hob.

"The hissing knife is not angry. It is the momentum of this general. When the general's momentum came out, he knocked out hundreds of bronze men and flew out. How strong should this general be?" Countless soldiers in the city showed horror.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding"

The sound of the piano contains a kind of ground-breaking charm that can only be expressed by suona. The momentum was fermented in an instant, and the sword river hit hundreds of bronze people, soaring into the sky, covering the sky, countless swords around the square , Ferocious raging up.

At the tent, there was the most knife gas, smoke and dust all around, blurred.

"The general is mighty ~"

Four million soldiers shouted together.

But when I saw the smoke and dust, the tent disappeared, and a figure ten feet tall slowly appeared, and the outline could be seen dimly.

It was a general in armor.

The general was wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing a chain mail gold armour, and stomping on his feet, with four flags on his back.

On the flag surface, a large gold silk character was embroidered.


The banner fluttered in the wind and gave out a grin, but the four characters on the sky were invincible, but the countless soldiers in the town of Zhennan showed surprise.

What's more, this general's face.

In the distance, Gu Hai took a million ghosts to see the general's face, and opened his mouth wide, revealing a look of astonishment.

On the tower, Master Sima Changkong Liunian Master and a group of generals, all look strange at the moment.

The broken army in the distance of "Ancient Seas" was also startled.

The appearance of the general who was carrying the banner of Heavenly Invincible was actually the appearance of the ancient sea. This scene saw the broken army for a while.

"This song was created by my master. Of course, I have to use the master's face," Gou Chen explained to the master Liu Nian.

The general slowly burst out of the smoke, showing a fierce face. Looking up at the sky, looking at the dark clouds of destiny that tragic world condenses.

"General mighty"

"咚咚 咚咚"

The drums of war and shouts rang through the world. The general held his hand on a phoenix wing on his head, showing a trace of fierceness.

"This general is here, I dare to presumptuously." The general stared, and the detective pointed at Tian.


Suddenly, the sword qi from all corners of the world came together suddenly, and suddenly gathered again into a long sword qi, rushing towards the dark clouds of fate in the sky.


The sword air growled and roared, wherever it went, the world suddenly became cold.

The dark clouds of destiny trembled, and the thunder and lightning thundered from it to the sword.


Millions of thunders and lightnings bombarded the sword, but instead of breaking it, the surge in lightning surged. Suddenly, the body size increased by a hundredfold, and the whole body was exposed to endless lightning.

The "bizarre" changed his face.


In the dark clouds of destiny, the endless thunder and lightning suddenly condensed, condensing a thunder and lightning dragon that was not comparable to the sword-gas dragon.

The two dragons roared at each other, and they collided in an instant.



The huge collision suddenly brightened up the sky, so many people who were stabbed in an instant could not open their eyes. A huge shock, like a rolling storm, was blowing in all directions.

Starting from Zhennan City, all the way to the breaking of the army, tens of thousands of miles away, all were flying sand and stones in the storm, sooty and hazy.

"Broken, the clouds of fate are broken"

"General, break through the clouds"

"The tragic world was broken by the ancient sea again"

Countless soldiers in the city cheered.

But seeing the dark clouds of fate at high altitudes, they have been torn apart.

"I can see it, I can see it"

"I'm not deaf, the tragic world breaks my five senses, all right"

Countless former recruits in the city shouted excitedly.

"No, it's impossible" Po Jun's eyes widened and he didn't believe it.

"General mighty"

"General is invincible"

"General Divine Power"

Four million piano officers continued to shout.

"General, capture the thief first, capture the thief, capture the head of the thief, and return the class teacher." Suddenly there was a loud drink in the void.

General "De Ling" suddenly drank.

With this shout, the broken army suddenly felt a big threat covering the whole body.

What thief captures the king first to catch me

"Dash, all bronze men, attack me on this general, destroy him, destroy him" exclaimed the broken army.


Suddenly, millions of bronze men rushed together and rushed towards the general.


In a blink of an eye, the general was buried in the middle by tens of thousands of bronzes, all crowded with bronzes.

The "Broken" general yelled.


Tens of thousands of bronze people were suddenly blown out by a vigorous force, and in a flash, they saw the horror of countless soldiers in Zhennan City.

"How could that general punch him and hit tens of thousands of bronze men?" Someone exclaimed.

"No, the general's fist should have hit the elf inside the bronze man from the air. Did the elf get blown off? Go, Chen." Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.

Gou Chen was pale on the one side. Previously, the song was extremely difficult to play, and she was especially absorbed in all her spirits. Gou Chen had no strength to talk to others.

It did strike the elf, but from the outsiders' point of view, it hit the bronze man.

"Boom boom"

The general ran quickly towards the broken army. Aside from his agile figure, for the power of that punch, countless soldiers who saw it showed horror. With one punch, hundreds of bronze men were blown away. After the punches, hundreds of bronze people were hit again.

Take the first rank of the generals

The general was so brave. Throughout the journey, there were more and more bronze people, but they were not their combined enemy. They could fly hundreds of punches and thousands of punches.

For a time, Zhennan City to the area where the broken army was located, the sky was filled with bronze men.

"Come on, go back, kill me, kill him," shouted the stunned soldier.

But the general was getting closer.

The tragic world is useless. Millions of bronze people, like paper made in front of them, smashed, smashed, and blasted with a punch.


The general continued to run, running towards the broken army, but the speed was horrible, and in a blink of an eye, half of the process was already in progress.

Across the way, at least 100,000 bronze people were hit by his fists.

The invincible scene was horrified in the eyes of countless soldiers in Zhennan City. That is the Bronze Man at the peak of Yuan Ying. He is just like an ant. He is constantly smashed by the generals.

One person fists defeated thousands of troops

In the fierce battlefield, you can only see the figure of the general, because everything else is not important, the general's double fists have defeated everything.


ps: I'm busy today, the second is more, maybe an hour later, I try my best to hurry.

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