Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 129: God of the Ming Dynasty arrives again

Zhennan City, above the tower.

The Emperor Wu of the Emperor stood with his hands, watching the flying boat disappearing into the sky in the distance.

"The ancient sea is gone?" Shen Wuwang said lightly.

"Yes, great commander, Gu Hai took away Gou Chen and more than 200 officials from Jiuwu Island!" Sima Chang nodded.

"Luck of the imperial dynasty? The imperial imperial dynasty gave the ancient sea to the ancient sea? Oh, the ancient sea is really popular!" The Emperor Shenwu smiled with a complex smile.

"Huangfu Chaoge pursued Long Xiaoyue all his life, Long Wanqing is Gu Hai's husband, love the house and the black bar! But, the Shenlu Dynasty? This time was not so easily accepted!" Sima Changkong frowned.

"Perhaps, Gu Hai went to touch the wall, okay!" Shen Wuwang smiled lightly.

"The ancient sea is about to go. The master of Wanyu County is clamoring to follow, but there is a purpose in the Holy Spirit, and no one dares to leave her away. The theory is gone! "Sima Changkong grinned bitterly.

Regarding Long Wanyu, no matter how noisy, no one can help.

King Shenwu nodded his head: "It was still dangerous before, but it was shocked. If Long Wanyu makes a mistake, it is really difficult to explain to God there!"

"By the way, Marshal. At that time, the master of Wanyu County and Gu Hai entered the team of Mr. Dongfang. Have you always been concerned?" Sima Changkong wondered.

King Shenwu nodded his head, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the range of a bone mountain in the distance.

"But that bone mountain is weird, but how did it come?" Sima Changkong wondered.

King Shenwu looks at the direction of the ancient sea away: "This ancient sea is unusual! There are many secrets!"


"Bai Shou smashed the peach tree and was destroyed by him! As for this bone mountain area, I don't know how he made it! However, Mr. Dongfang wasn't dead!" Shenwu Wang Shen said.


"Accurately speaking, the Mr. Dongfang that Gu Hai met before was just a human figure made by Mr. Dongfang. How could Mr. Dongfang be so easily destroyed by the Jindan realm of Guhai? Oh!" Shen Wuwang looked away. The complex mountain is exposed on the bones.

Sima Changkong frowned and nodded.

"Now, at the fastest speed, put an end to the Luyang rebellion, our affairs have just begun!" Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.

"Yes!" Sima Chang nodded.

King Shenwu turned his head to go back. Before going back, his eyes stayed in the distant Gushan for a moment before finally squinting his eyes and turning away—

Ten days later. Silvermoon City. Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The owner Yun Mo, who has experienced cultivation and cultivation for more than half a year, the people in Yinyue City have much less disdain for Yun Mo. Guqin in Yinyue Mountain Villa is sold in the No.1 Qin Building on this street, and it has always been the best berth, so its sales volume is also the largest. The reputation of Yinyue Villa is slowly being restored.

Among the Silver Moon Villas.

Yun Mo, with several relatives, personally received Mu Chenfeng.

Mu Chenfeng placed a coffin behind him.

A few Fangzhuang disciples frowned and looked at the coffin. Some were displeased, but they didn't happen.

"Master Mu Ruo, what are you doing?" Yunmo wondered.

"Master Yunzhuang, this is what the host asked me to send to you. I hope it will be useful for your piano making!" Mu Chenfeng said politely.

"Oh?" Mu Chenfeng showed a hint of doubt.

A group of disciples in the village went to open.


The coffin lid opened suddenly.

"Ah, corpse?"

"Ah, what is this?"




Suddenly, all the disciples of Shanzhuang changed their faces, showing a panic.

Yinyue Shanzhuang is a family of forged pianos. All of them play elegant art. You suddenly send a coffin broken body. Is this insulting Yinyue Shanzhuang?

All the disciples of the mountain village suddenly looked angrily towards Mu Chenfeng.

Mu Chenfeng looked expressionless and looked at Yunmo.

When Yun Mo heard everyone shouting, his brows were slightly frowned. When he approached, he took a closer look and suddenly his eyes brightened. There was even a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"This, this is ........." Yun Mo cried in surprise.

Seeing Yun Mo's surprise, a group of disciples in the village showed a daze. What can I see about the shattered corpse?

"The owner of Yunzhuang said that things are broken. I hope to help Yunzhuang. One day, Yunzhuang will be able to resurrect it or create more pianos in the coffin!" Mu Chenfeng laughed.

"The harp in the coffin?" Everyone showed a hint of confusion.

"Thank you, Master of the Ancient Church!" Yun Mo said happily.

"The owner of Yunzhuang can like it, but that's the best, and he will say goodbye next!" Mu Chenfeng laughed.

"Send the rudder master!" Yun Mo immediately said politely.

The group sent Mu Chenfeng away before returning to the main hall again.

"Zhuang, what is the corpse in this coffin?"

"Zhuang, just said the harp in the coffin, is this ...?"




Everyone looked forward to Yun Mo.

"Heavenly piano, break the army!" Yunmo laughed.

"Tianqin?" A group of disciples in the mountain village suddenly excited.

The celestial piano is the highest achievement of the harpist. Yinyue Mountain Villa used to have celestial harps, but it can not be kept at all. Today, the ancient sea actually sent another sip, although it was broken, but even if it was broken, for the harpist, it was also Great thing!

"Okay, you go back to cultivate your body and mind and empty your mind. We will try to repair this celestial piano three days later!" Yun Mo laughed.

"Yes!" Everyone said excitedly-

Qiandaohai, Jiuwu Island.

At this moment, there are three people standing in front of the Dahan Palace. One of them is wearing a black robe, and the chest of the black robe has a pattern of the sun. The other is a woman in a white robe, wrapped in a white robe. Quite pretty. The third place is a brawny man with a cheeky face.

"Cui Tie, are you sure, this is where the ancient sea lives?" Heipao said lightly.

"Yes, Emperor Daming, his subordinates have already explored it clearly, it is here, Jiuwu Island, Guhai!" The strong man Cui Tie respectfully said.

The woman in the white robe took a deep breath: "Daming King, this ancient sea doesn't seem like what you describe? Or, is it better than what you describe?"

"Hum, he's lucky!" Daming Wang Shen said lightly.

At the same time, the waters north of Jiuwu Island were inside an undersea palace.

The elder Miao Chen of Xuanwu tribe suddenly raised a brow, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.


Miao Chen rushed out of the sea instantly, and her body flew towards the Dahan Palace.

"Huh? Someone is here!" Daming King God wondered.


Miao Chen approached instantly.

"Cui Tie?" Miao Chen stared.

"Elder Miao, it's been a long time!" Cui Tie smiled lightly.

"Cui Tie, do you still have a face back? Well, if it weren't for you, would my basalt tribe be turned into loose sand, what did you do when you came back?" Miao Chen stared.

Cui Tiedan said indifferently, "Elder Miao, you are a basalt elder, and I am also a basalt elder, but, supremely ridiculed, my basalt deities are destroyed, and the basalts are in a group. How many tribes were staring at us at that time? I let Everyone is scattered around the world. What's wrong? "

"It's because of you that my Xuanwu clan has suffered heavy casualties!" Miao Chen glared and hated.

"Hehe, the casualties are heavy? Without me, Xuanwu is not known yet. I have now found a refuge for the Xuanwu clan. Otherwise, Elder Miao leads your men and goes with me?" Cui Tie laughed.

"Shelter?" Miao Chen squinted and looked at Cui Tie.

"Sun Temple! What do you think?" Cui Tie laughed.

Miao Chen shrank his pupils. Then a sneer appeared: "Oh, when the Supreme was there, but never willing to go down, neither did the Sun Temple. Now, you go to the Sun Temple to be that person's dog?"

"Miscellaneous account, Miao Chen, I worked hard for the Xuanwu tribe to continue to multiply. I didn't want to watch you step into destruction. I just kindly advised you, don't know what to do!" Cui Tie stared.

"No need, your kindness, we can't stand it. My subordinates under my leadership have agreed to form an alliance with the Dahan Dynasty and become the national beast of the Dahan Dynasty. I firmly believe that my Xuanwu tribe is not subject to anyone. Can stand up! "Miao Chen said coldly.

"Good ambition!" Said the king of the black robe, Da Ming Wang Shen lightly.

But Miao Chen looked at the God of Daming with his eyes narrowed: "You are, God of Daming?"

"Elder Miao, don't come without a problem?" Daming Wang Shen laughed.

"God King Daming, what are you doing here at Jiuwu Island?" Miao Chen stared.

"We are looking for Guhai, not for you. Do n’t worry, just do n’t think about it. In a short time, we have n’t seen it. Guhai has opened up this Dahan dynasty, a small island, with so much luck floating in the air?” Daming King God wondered Looking at the luck writhing towards the sky.

"God King Ming, that ancient sea is definitely luck. In the past, it was only a priori. What is the future for this one or two years? Elder Miao? Oh, but I do n’t understand. You have already opened the Tiangong, and you are there A congenital boy made a prank? Alliance? Hahahahahaha, have you crossed over and gone back? "Cui Tie sneered.

"It's not my turn to take care of you, oh, Cui Tie, you look down on Dahan, that's okay! Sooner or later, Dahan will stand like the original Yi Tiange, and at that time, it will be my Xuanwu clan. When it thrives again! "Miao Chen said coldly.

"Yi Tiange height? Joke, just because of the ancient sea? Just because of the ninety-five islands? The ninety-five islands can gather such luck, it is already the limit, the Dahan dynasty? The ridiculous dynasty, I judge it to destroy the country, the most So much luck! "Cui Tie disdain.

"Are you so sure?" Miao Chen said coldly.

But Cui Tie now desperately wants to prove himself in front of Miao Chen, deny the other side, and naturally bite to death: "I am sure, how many people are there in Qiandaohai? If it can increase, I am your grandson!"

Cui Tiegang finished speaking.


There was a roar in the sky, and from the direction of the land of Shenzhou in the southwest, there was a sudden rush of gas converging towards the sky above the Dahan Palace. As soon as the surging gas arrived, it instantly merged with the Dahan gas.

Between the roars, there was more than a stir.

In an instant, the luck of the Dahan Dynasty tripled.

Cui Tie: "……………………!"

ps: This month, the Vantage Fairy is completely free. Please come to the Vantage Fairy to help you increase the number of clicks for watching chess. It is free!

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