Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 130: Locust plague

Zhennan City, Shenwu King's study.

King Shenwu sat in front of the book case, looking at a piece of information in his hand, and stood in front of a group of conspirators and Sima Changkong.

Looking at it, Shen Wuwang's eyes narrowed.

"This batch of battle reports, the Sixth Army victory." Shenwu King frowned.

"Yes, Gao Xianzhi is the most fierce leader, and step by step, but he wins again and again, breaking the Emperor's most stubborn legion." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"The most stubborn legion." King Shenwu frowned slightly.

"Oh, the other legion chiefs are eager to make a contribution, fearing that this legion would delay time, they gave it to Gao Xianzhi." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"Oh, tossed the hard bones to Gao Xianzhi, they went to eat meat, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh?" Shen Wuwang said coldly.

"However, Gao Xianzhi set up a clever trick and destroyed this stubborn army as soon as possible. It is extraordinary." Sima Changkong sighed.

"Oh, ha ha, Gao Xianzhi." Shenwu Wang smiled a complex smile.

With a smile, the Emperor Shenwu's eyes became sharp: "Pass this battle report to the other legion generals, and say in front of me that they are brave and let them see that an outsider's congenital state. What a success, hum. "

"Yes," Sima Changkong answered.

"If you have merit, you will be awarded a prize of one hundred thousand high-quality spirit stones, one piece of jade with good luck, one Yuanying sword, and one hundred yuan of elixir below Yuanyuan." Shen Wuwang said lightly.

"Ah, so much." A counselor suddenly looked up in surprise.

King Shenwu turned his head and looked coldly, and the counselor dared not speak.

"Did your batch of ghosts start to trouble the enemy army?" Shen Wuwang looked at Sima Changkong.

"It's coming, the battlefield is getting closer to Luyang's Beiwang City, and it's almost time." Sima Changkong nodded--

Looking north.

In the barracks outside the city, a general was inspiring morale.

"Brothers, how does the emperor treat me? There is no emperor. We can have us today. In Luzhou, I only recognize the emperor and the army of the dragon gods and the opposite army. They are the violent army. We just want to protect our own homeland. Our Quzhou city was originally the Great Emperor's Dynasty. Now, there is nothing wrong with returning to the emperor.

On the battlefield, our brothers were all dead. Do you have any brothers? "Shouted the general.

"Yes." The entire army roared.

"Who killed our brother."

"Long Shenwu's invading army."

"They killed our brother, do we want revenge."


"Take your sword and be ready to follow my country and be revenge for your brothers."

"Revenge, revenge, revenge, ..............."

Shouts continued, and morale finally agitated.

The army shouted for a while, and not far away, a group of faint blue light clusters suddenly appeared. As soon as the light cluster appeared, the soldiers who had just shouted stopped immediately.

"Brother." The former general looked at a figure in the light group in surprise.

"Brother." "Brother." "Brother." ...............

There was a sudden commotion in the barracks, and Geyin's blue light group was full of former brothers of the school generals.

"Aren't you dead, ghosts, what's going on," said the general blankly.

A group of ghosts avoided the army's blood and carefully went to the high ground of the school ground.

"Brother, why didn't you go to have a rebirth, we're going to get revenge on you soon," the general cried with red eyes.

"Revenge, oh, who do you avenge, who do you kill." The head was bitter.

"What do you mean."

"We all died for the emperor and the dynasty. We disregarded life and death and faced the Daqian dynasty. We died on the battlefield, but after we died, we were sold by the emperor." The ghost said bitterly.

"What do you mean," said the general in surprise.

The ghost recounted the past.

In the army, countless soldiers widened their eyes.

"Dad." A soldier's sword fell to the ground.

Everyone's breathing was quick.

"We worked hard and died, and finally the ghosts could not survive, and the emperor sent the demon to refine it as fertilizer."

"The Emperor's gift of Baishou Peach was originally made from the ghosts of brothers."

"I used to eat the ghosts of my brothers, the ghosts of my brother."




On the school ground, everyone is ashamed.

"Emperor, what did we do wrong, but treat us like this and die for you, but in exchange for the end of the world?" The ghosts cried.

"Dad." "Dad." ...............

The sound of a series of swords falling to the ground, in order to fight hard for the dynasty dynasty, is it worth it, and Baishou Peach is the ghost of the brothers who eat it, no, and the living person sends it to make fertilizer, the living person to eat.

"I won't fight."

"I won't fight anymore."




The sound of wailing came from all sides of the barracks--

Looking north.

Lu Yang's study stood in front of a group of counselors.

"I was going to set up a military formation in Beiwangcheng, but how could this happen?" Said a murmurer.

"It's the ancient sea, the emperor, and news came from all over the place. The ghost was saved by the ancient sea. The ancient sea released the ghost and chaos our army. Now, only 30% of the army around Beiwang City remain loyal to the emperor."

"70% of the army, turned against each other, surrendered to the Zhennan army."




A group of counselors looked ugly.

Lu Yang took a deep breath, and his face was gloomy. At this moment, there was an impulse to need Mo Yike. If Mo Yi Ke was there, it would be good for him to analyze it, instead of just like a group of conspirators in front of him, he would only complain and only panic .

"Ancient sea, it's an ancient sea again."

"Emperor, now, Beiwangcheng army is disheartened, let's return to Yudu as soon as possible."

"Yes, the emperor, back to the capital, the emperor can mobilize fortune, and no one can help the emperor."




The counsellors advised.

Back to the capital, then formally announced that the royal conspiracy of this drive completely failed, and went back to shrink in the capital.

But is there still victory?

King Lu Yang thought that he had Mo Yike, broken army, millions of bronze men, Ao Shunlong army, Mr. Dongfang, ten million army, a city with a strong will, and a mighty army, but now it is all Destroyed by the ancient sea, all destroyed.

Gu Hai, an ancient sea, actually made himself so embarrassed.

Lu Yang clenched his fist. For the first time, he began to regret that he did not listen to Mo Yike, and sent unborn people to assassinate Gu Hai. Of course, there was more resentment, which resent Gu Hai's damage to himself.

"Emperor," a group of counselors advised.

"Back to the capital." Lu Yang took an unwilling attitude-

Zhennan City.

"Hahaha, marshal, Lu Yang has finally retired. These army souls saved by the ancient sea really worth thousands of troops and troops. Lu Yang army, the army heart is lost, the people's heart is not visible, the Dalai Dynasty is over." Laughed.

"Back to the capital, hum, the whole army continued to advance and chase." Shenwu Wang laughed.


On the Baiyun flying boat, the ancient sea used the air transport from the Shenlu dynasty to sacrifice the Tianzhen God Seal. After the sacrifice, the air transport was directly passed back to the Jiuwu Island.

During this period of sacrifice, the earth's dragon veins in the seal of the town of Tianzhen finally sacrifice completely under a wailing cry.

The earth dragon vein closed his eyes and hovered among the town's seals.

The heart of the ancient sea sank into the interior, but the earth's dragon veins suddenly opened their eyes, as if the consciousness of the ancient sea could control it, and at this moment Anshun was extremely incomparable.

A large number of officials on the flying boat learned to control the flying boat. At the same time, a few people who knew the way in Zhennan City were responsible for driving the flying boat.

"The emperor, who knows the way, said, it's almost there." An official looked respectfully at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai nodded.

"No, master, there is a situation in Lushen City. Let's slow down." Gou Chen suddenly changed his face.

"Oh." Gu Hai went to the front of the deck.

The speed of the flying boat slowed down, flying in the clouds and looking down.

There is still some distance from Lushen City, but at this moment the endless Quartet has changed.

The earth is thousands of miles away.

In the past, there were lush vegetation and countless vegetation, but at this moment, only the dry loess loess remains, and the horizon is boundless and yellow.

"Where are the plants?" The officials were surprised.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle ..............."

Strange sounds came from all directions.

The ancient sea looked intently, but on a barren land, it was covered with red locusts.

"Locust." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The locusts gnawed at some tree roots, and all plants gnawed at all.

No, not only plants, but Gu Hai also saw a group of locusts chasing a cheetah in the distance. The cheetah had just ran a few times before it was covered with locusts, and then fell down in screams. As long as there was only a pile of dead bones left.

At a glance, on this barren land, there are countless dead bones falling in all directions.

"Keep going," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

The flying boat continued to fly, but the farther it went to Lushen City, the more locusts spread, and the locusts rolled.

In addition to the ordinary locusts, there are even one-foot-long, even one-foot-sized ones, which are overwhelming, flying in the sky, and locusts are rolling in all directions.

The ancient sea saw that a group of locusts in the distance were spitting the armor of the army of the Emperor Shenlu, apparently eating all the people, spitting out the armor that did not eat, and even the bones were gnawing together.

The large array of Lushen City opened, but the large array was covered with locusts, and the large array was constantly engulfing the large array, and the quarry walls were also covered with locusts.

with thousands of miles of locusts flying all over the sky


64976356398308581.png) \ '> Climbing on the ground, the Dahan official looked scalp tingling and sweating coldly.

The fortune of Lushen City is gone, and some people in the city can be seen vaguely through the large array. At this moment, all of them are in panic, their eyes are full of despair.

The locusts transit, but no grass grows.

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