Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Let go

The locusts surrounded the city of Lu Shen!

In the north, a large locust gathers, at this moment there is a valley burning with flames.

Gu Hai looked intently, but saw the center of the flame. At this moment, a man in red was standing, but the head of the man was not a human head, but the head of a giant locust. Apparently the king of this locust army.

Gu Hai and his party looked down from the clouds.

The locust king seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned his head and looked up into the sky.

"Well, it was found!" Gou Chen's face changed.

"Rush to the gate of Lushen City!" Gu Hai cried.


Feizhou dived down towards the gate of Lushen City.

"Huangfu Chaoge, I'm Guhai, open the door!" Guhai yelled loudly and passed to Lushen City below.

"Roar!" The locust king pointed at the ancient sea flying boat.


The army of locusts rushed towards the flying boat.

However, Feizhou is a Feizhou after all, the speed is too fast, and it has already reached the bottom in a blink of an eye.

The formation of Feizhou's formation started, passing by all the way, crashing into a large number of locusts!

The locusts exploded innumerably. Feizhou also reached the gate.


The gate also opened at the right time, bumping into a large number of locusts, the Baiyun flying boat, burst into it.


The gates closed again suddenly. There was a roar of noise from the outside.

"Come, come and help me, the locust army is going crazy and hitting the city gates, you can't let them in!" Roared a large number of city generals.

The locust that had just broken in also attacked the defender.


Finally, the door was closed with the full force of several Lushi people.

With the flying locust coming in, the locusts also suffered the most devastating blow from the soldiers in the city, and they quickly disappeared.


Gu Hai closed her boat and looked at the soldiers in front of him.

"Gu, Mr. Gu!" As the first goalkeeper saw Gu Hai, he still looked sad and respectful.

"Oh? I know you. Last time I went to destroy Geng Jinzong with me and Huangfu Chaoge, you were there!" Gu Hai recognized the general in front.

"Yes, that's right!" Said the general bitterly.

All around was sad.

"What about Huangfu Chaoge? What's wrong? These locusts can't handle it?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Mr. Gu, come with me! I'll take Mr. to see the emperor." The general said bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded, letting the general board the flying boat and head towards the palace in the city.

The general looked sad.

"What's wrong? What happened? Isn't this locust, Huangfu's Chaoge shot? Lu Shishen?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Lu Shishen, has been ridiculed! The emperor, the emperor ........." said the general bitterly.

Gu Hai frowned, no longer asking, Feizhou quickly brought everyone to the palace.

As if knowing that the ancient sea is coming, the soldiers in the palace saw the ancient sea and respectfully introduced the flying boat outside a palace in the palace.

Civil and military officials waited anxiously outside the hall.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, the emperor has been waiting for a long time!" Some officials familiar with Gu Hai immediately greeted.

Gu Hai frowned slightly and nodded.

Let Gou Chen wait with the others outside.

Gu Hai was introduced into the hall by a group of officials alone.

In the hall, at this moment is full of ice cubes. In an ice pond in the center, Huangfu Chaoge sheds his hair, sits weakly inside, and emits a burst of fire and gas throughout his body, constantly melting the ice cubes, and the ice cubes in the pond are constantly changing.

"The emperor, Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu are here!" The guiding officer respectfully said.

In the ice pond, Huangfu Chaoge opened his eyes, and a bitterness flashed in his eyes: "Gu Hai, you are finally here!"

"Mr. Huangfu, you, what's wrong with you?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Keke cough, Mr. Gu, Lu Shishen stunned, this is what Lu Shishen let me give you!" Huang Fu Chaoge took out a jade box and handed it out.

Gu Hai took the jade box, showing a hint of doubt. Open gently.


Suddenly a bright brown light gushed from the box.

"This is it?" Gu Hai showed a hint of surprise.

"The **** of the Lushi people, the **** of the earth system, let me give you before the death of the **** of the stone, please take revenge for him, and protect the family of the people of Lushi!" Said Huangfu Chaoge bitterly.

"The **** of the soil system?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Lu Shishen knows that you need it, oh, I can't use it anymore, you can absorb it quickly, I'm waiting for you!" Said Huangfu Chaoge bitterly.

Gu Hai frowned and looked at Huangfu Chaoge.

Huangfu's Chaoge is extremely weak, looking forward to the ancient sea.

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded, but didn't say much, but was heavy in his heart.

The tentacle grabbed the earth **** in the box.

The moment the earth **** touched the palm of the ancient sea, he penetrated into the ancient sea, but this time the ancient sea did not resist.

The Lu Shi **** is dead, but the earth **** is not dead. Like the wood **** who loved Hua Hua at the beginning, he still has a certain consciousness and does not need ancient sea refining. Instead, he actively helps the ancient sea to transform the spleen.


The rolling divine power shook the spleen of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai sat up with her knees crossed, her mind sank into her body, and her spleen suddenly appeared a brown soil, echoing the golden lungs, green liver, and blue kidneys.

Earth gods poured in, pounding the spleen.


The spleen trick opened suddenly. For a moment, the brown divine power filled the spleen.

The ancient sea was sitting for two hours. After two hours, a cyclone suddenly formed in the spleen and spleen, and the spleen and spleen formed a large brown earth-based shrine.


The ancient sea opened his eyes, and a blast of air flowed around him.

"Jin Danjing is eighth, and the spleen is clear!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

Although Xiu was a breakthrough, Gu Hai couldn't laugh.

"You can break through! Oh!" Huangfu Chaoge sighed slightly.

"Mr. Huangfu, what happened before?" Gu Hai stared at Huangfu Chaoge.

Huangfu Chaoge said bitterly for a while: "Mr. Gu, you guessed very well. In the past, Geng Jinzong, Greed Wolf and Dahuang Dynasty were under the secret control of King Lu Yang. Geng Jinzong was destroyed by us. But When you left, the Greedy Wolf Sect, the Dahuang dynasty sent a master to destroy my foothills. The Lushi God was ridiculed! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It was under the order of Lu Yang. Oh, I destroyed his Geng Jinzong. He wanted to avenge me and let the masters of the Dahuang dynasty and the greedy wolf ancestors come. The Lu Shi gods have a plan, so ..." Huangfu Chaoge explained Road.

Gu Hai frowned slightly: "Is the locust outside ...?"

"The national beast of the Dahuang dynasty, the Fire Locust, not long ago, the greedy wolf ancestors, as well as the Emperor Dahuang, withdrew, leaving only the Fire Locust with the Fire Locust to stay. What you see now! "Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly.

"God of Fire Locust?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Well, I do n’t know why the greedy wolf ancestors and emperor Dahuang withdrew, but it is enough to leave the fire locusts. I am poisoned now, not an opponent at all, and endangered. Therefore, I have to pass it to you. I hope I can attract you and save my citizens! "Said Huangfu Chaoge bitterly.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Hai looked worriedly at Huangfu Chaoge.

"I've got fire locust poison, the poison of the fire locust **** outside, and my whole body power is nourishing the fire poison, until all my power is consumed and died!" Huangfu Chaoge said bitterly.

"How to save you?" Gu Hai worried.

Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly: "You don't need to save me, save my subjects first. Now the energy of the Great City Defensive Array will be swallowed by the fire locusts. It will soon break the city. Once it breaks the city, these The locust will eat everything in the city! "

Gu Hai nodded and said, "I see! Now, I need people from all over the city to cooperate with me!"

"I've explained it, you go out and give orders, defend the city, and persist for up to ten days!" Huangfu Chaoge worried.

"Ten days, or else!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Step out of the hall.

Outside the main hall, the ministers paid their respects to Gu Hai with fear and respect: "Meeting Mr. Gu, the emperor has orders, and everything is awaiting Mr. Gu's dispatch.

"I want spirit stones, so I will collect them from all the people in the city. I will collect all the stones. I will return them to the people in the future. I need spiritual stones and countless spirit stones. The more the better. Hurry! "Gu Hai ordered.


All the officials answered.

City officials and people have already become ants on the hot pot, waiting anxiously, because once the city breaks, they will immediately die. The Quartet City is not without reinforcements, but before the reinforcements arrived, they were all eaten by locusts, and the locusts crossed the border, and no grass was born. The big array is about to be swallowed up. There is no other way, the people in the city are going to die.

This is the entire family of the Fire Locust.

All the subjects were terrified. Now when an order came out, it seemed as if they had found the backbone of the Lord. The ancient sea collected spirit stones, and the people generously unpacked them. In the face of death, how much more useful is the stone?

In just one day, the spiritual stones of Chengshan piled up.

"Cough, sir, Mr. Gu, you need a spirit stone, to set up a battle? But no one can go out, who can set up a battle?" Huangfu Chaoge worried.

"I want to release the earth dragon veins! I hope you don't mind!" Gu Hai looked at Huangfu Chaoge.

"Cough cough, don't mind, let it go. I converge on my earth dragon veins. I am poisoned now and have difficulty moving. Everything depends on you!" Huangfu Chaoge bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded.

Outside, the fire locust looked at Lu Shencheng coldly, and there was a cold disdain in his eyes.

Although the Fire Locusts are not as good as some big demons, they have never encountered any opponents. All the enemies ate all of them, and they reproduced very fast. It didn't matter if they died. Soon, a steady stream of fire locusts was born.

"Accelerate the progress and break me to the city of Lushen, everything in the city, let it be swallowed!" Fire Locust said coldly.

"Om!" Countless locusts flapped their wings and swarmed towards the city.


On the third day that the ancient sea entered the city, a huge dragon groan sounded.

But I saw the land of the palace, filled with rolling spirits, and suddenly, swallowed by a golden dragon.

One giant golden dragon, which seemed to have tens of thousands of miles, suddenly plunged into the ground. Integrates with the earth.


In the entire city of Lushen, the earth was quake-like, mountain peaks stood up, and mountain peaks fell and collapsed.

The ancient sea hand entrusted the Tianzhen Shenxi with his eyes closed slightly, and seemed to be directing the tens of thousands of miles of dragon released from the Tianzhen Shenxi.


Long Yin rang through the heavens and earth, and the dragon veins of the Dahan dynasty were released by the ancient sea. The earth dragon veins shouted into the earth with a joy in the long shouts.

ps: The last chapter uploaded a little bit of situation, this month of eternal fairyland is still completely free, welcome to watch, add a click for me, thank you!

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