Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 134: Death grave

Lu Shencheng, the palace where Huangfu Chaoge is located.

The ancient sea and the imperial dynasty in the ice water sang about the front battlefield.

It can be heard that when Gu Hai took Long Wanyu to Shouzhen, Huangfu Chaoge suddenly became excited.

"Have you seen Mr. Dongfang? What did he say? Is Long Xiaoyue's heaven and earth souls still alive? She can be resurrected?" Huangfu Chaoge stood up excitedly.

Gu Hai was silent for a moment.

Huangfu Chaoge seemed to guess the result, but his eyes were still full of expectations. Hope that Gu Hai can say an unexpected result.

It is a pity that this is the case. Gu Hai did not hide it, and told the situation at that time.


Huangfu Chaoge suddenly fell into the ice water again.

"Oh, Xingyue dies? Xiaoyue Xingyue dies? King Lu Yang? Lu Yang ........." Huangfu Zhaoge gritted his teeth, his eyes were already wet.

What did Gu Hai say? Huangfu's Chaoge seems to be inaudible.

Gu Hai stopped talking because Gu Hai knew that Huangfu Chaoge needed a digestion process.

Huangfu Chaoge's eyes became redder and wetter.

"Mr. Gu, I want to be alone!" Huangfu Chaoge said in a trembling voice.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded. Slowly stepped out of the palace.


The gates of the hall slammed shut.

"Ah ~!"

"Xiaoyue ~!"

In the hall of Guanhe, there was a cry of sorrow and despair from Huangfu Chaoge.

Outside, a number of officials of the Emperor Shen Dynasty are fighting on the fire locust god, trying to detoxify the poison of the drought.

"Let me come!" Gu Hai stepped forward.

"Mr. Gu!" A lot of officials gave way with great respect.

"Gouchen, come here!" Gu Hai cried.

"Master?" Gou Chen looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"Sing to the fire locust god, torture it, and force me to ask how to detoxify the imperial court song!" Gu Hai ordered.

Gouchen's face suddenly looked ugly: "Master, that's not torture, it's enjoyment!"

"Come on!" Gu Hai kicked his ass.

"Okay!" Gou Chen unhappy and went to sing to the fire locust god.

"Yes, set a sound barrier for everyone, only you and the fire locust can hear!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Unhappy!" Gou Chen nodded depressed.

A number of officials of the Emperor Shenlu Dynasty were unknown, but since Mr. Gu ordered, all of them trusted.

The fire locust was locked by a large number of chains, and Dantian was blocked all over his body, and he was even unable to commit suicide.

Previously, a number of officials of the Shenlu Dynasty slammed and still survived.

"Well, the emperor will come to avenge me! What do you want me to say? Dream it!" Fire Locust said coldly.

"Don't say I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't say it, um, there is a skill to kill me? Hahahahaha!" The fire locust **** exclaimed.

"Aren't you stingy? I see how long you persist!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh!" Fire Locust snorted.

Gou Chen approached, and the detective gave everyone a sound barrier, and began to sing to the fire locust god.


Many officials do not know why, but some officials have suddenly changed their faces. After all, the officials who experienced the battle of Geng Jinzong in the past knew how Gou Chen sang the saber-toothed tiger.

The fire locust looked at Gouchen disdainfully, showing a sneer.

However, at the moment Gou Chen opened his mouth, the sneer's face of the fire locust sneer suddenly froze, and the whole body was suddenly excited, and his hair was all upright.

"What's wrong? The look of the fire locust god?" A crowd of officials said blankly.

Those officials who know it are not good at this moment. Now Gou Chen helps you save the emperor. Do you tell his colleagues in front of him that Gou Chen sings bad? Isn't this ticking Chen face? Can only hold it.

Gou Chen gradually entered the state.

The fire locust listened and listened, it was about to collapse.

"Don't sing, don't sing, I served, I served, okay?" The Fire Locust suddenly called in despair.

However, Gou Chen set up a sound barrier that outsiders could not hear at all, only Gou Chen could hear.

"Of course not. This song has not been finished yet, but I have prepared twenty songs and continue listening!" Gou Chen refused with unhappiness.

"What? There are twenty more?" The fire locust looked terrified.

The fire locust **** looked desperately at Gou Chen, but Gou Chen song did not finish, how could he let you go?

The singing continued, and the fire locust's eyes showed great thrill. He turned to look at the officials outside the sound barrier, begging.

"Look, look, the expression of God of Fire Locust, he's scared!"

"I'm really scared. Gou Chen is really good!"

"It should be fine!"




A crowd of officials outside excitedly pointed.

The fire locust shouted in despair: "I say everything, don't let him sing, don't let him sing!"

The officials outside laughed excitedly, and could not hear the voice of the Fire Locust.

The fifth song.


The fire locust vomited, and the entire locust collapsed.

As a professional singing voice, Gou Chen naturally will not be affected by the fire locust god, and continues to sing.

The ninth time. Fire Locust pupils have lost focus. Bai Mozi flew in his mouth.

"Well, Gou Chen, stop!" Gu Hai could not stand any longer.

No sound inside can be heard outside the sound barrier, but outside sound can be heard inside.

"Master, he hasn't finished listening yet!" Gou Chen reluctantly reluctantly.

I was not happy before, but when I sang a few songs, I was in a good mood. I really want to sing and not sing at this moment.

Gu Hai: "……………………!"

After repeated requests from Gu Hai, Gou Chen finally stopped.

As soon as the song stopped, the fire locust was a stimulus, much better.

The sound barrier is removed.

"God of Fire Locust, would you say it now?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Say, say, whatever you ask, I say!" The fire locust said in horror.

The officials were speechless for a while. Is this **** of fire locusts soft or hard? We played for a long time, and he didn't say anything. Go Chen went to sing two songs, and he said?

"How to deal with the poison of drought in Huangfu Chaoge?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"I, I don't know!" Fire Locust shook his head.

"Gou Chen!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Don't, don't, don't, I said, it's my Dahuang dynasty, there is a death grave, and there is a hint of drought fire poisoning in the death grave every 100 years. It was a coincidence that I only received that share. I don't know! "Said the Fire Locust, terrified.

"Oh? Death Grave Valley? What's in it?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"do not know!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I don't know. Death Grave Valley, as soon as you enter, you're all dead. There is black air outside, and we can't see anything. The emperor tried it with the earth dragon veins. Even the earth dragon veins would hurt. We dare not go in , I really don't know! "The fire locust was terrified.

"You dictate, you are responsible for recording the map!" Gu Hai commanded.


All the officials answered.

It didn't take long for the map of Death Grave Valley to be revealed in front of the ancient sea.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, what about the emperor's poison?" An official worried.

"Work hard!" Gu Hai grasped the map and sighed slightly.

Next, some officials questioned the Fire Locust again for a while and learned countless things.

When everything was clear, Gu Hai looked at the Fire Locust God.

"God of Fire Locust, I give you a chance to live!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh? You don't kill me?" Fire Locust was surprised.

"I can't kill you, but I need Vulcan, and you will provide Vulcan for my refining, and cooperate with me, I will spare you not to die!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"It's impossible for you to spare me, hahaha, impossible!" The Fire Locust did not believe.

"I have a lot of money in Guhai!" Guhai solemnly said.

The fire locust stared at the ancient sea as if to distinguish the right or wrong of the ancient sea dialect.

"Actually, forcing Vulcan, you do n’t necessarily need to ask for your consent. I have a gossip and can slowly force you to Vulcan, but now I give you a chance! I do n’t kill you, I want Vulcan, and let it cooperate with me Gu Hai solemnly said.

The fire locust stared at the ancient sea, looked for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, okay, Vulcan? Hahaha, I give you!"

Gu Hai nodded.

The fire locust frowned slightly.


A fiery red energy poured out of the body surface.

As soon as Vulcan came out, the fire suddenly shone in all directions, and all the officials were immediately forced back by the fire.

As soon as it came out, it penetrated into Guhai's body instantly. Guhai did not resist, and allowed it to enter the body.

A moment when Vulcan entered the ancient sea, the fire locust revealed his face: "Hahahaha, you destroy my entire family, and you still want me Vulcan? Ancient sea, do you spare me? You think I will believe? Vulcan is me The fire locusts have been handed down for nearly 20,000 years. If you say it to you, you will kill me. You kill me, the locust grandson, and you will kill me. Do you think I will promise you? I burned him, avenged me and the locust and grandson, killed him, killed him! "

The fire locust hissed and snarled.

"Miscellaneous things, Mr. Gu put you, but you framed Gu Hai?"

"Kill this shit!"

"kill him!"




A lot of officials of the Emperor Shenlu showed great hatred, and together they shot and killed the fire locust god.


A lot of heavy blows on the fire locust god, the fire locust **** suddenly hurt and injured, it seemed impossible.

However, the eyes of the fire locust God have been staring at the ancient sea, hoping to see the scene where the ancient sea was burned by the fire before death.

"Ang! Ang! Ang! Ang! Ang!"

In the ancient sea, five sounds of dragons were heard suddenly, and the ghost images of five dragons suddenly appeared, suppressing the red light at the heart of ancient seas.

The ancient sea did not show the color of pain, but said coldly, "God of fire locust, I gave you a chance, you do not know to cherish it, burn me? Ha ha, your fire **** is powerful, but do you really think it is invincible? ? "

Gu Hai stopped paying attention and turned to sit cross-legged not far.

At the heart, the red light is hot and the Vulcan consciousness is not yet extinguished. If you want to burn the ancient sea, there are five strengths in the ancient sea that are not weak.

In particular, the power of the spirit mother led by the purple dragon and the power of the water system led by the blue dragon, water overcomes fire. The spirit mother suppresses everything.

The suppression of Wulong immediately wiped out the Vulcan consciousness, and forced Vulcan to impact the heart.


With a loud noise, my heart was suddenly bombarded.

ps: Three changes today, this is the first change. Yesterday, the day before yesterday, the mobile app didn't look up. It was bad to watch chess. I forgot to adjust it to free before uploading. I just uploaded it and I knew it was bad. It took a lot of work to adjust it. It's still free, it's always free, but watch chess is not adjusted, sorry, next, there should be no mistakes. Come see the Eternal Fairy Dome, it's free. This is the first change, and communicate with you online at night!

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