Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 135: Run out of water

This is the second more! ——


The heart opened suddenly, and the power of Vulcan was driven by five true dragons to quickly refining, and the heart of Guhai became even more red.

The mind is opened, and a huge Vulcan palace is slowly born when Vulcan is refined.

Previously, the dead sword swallowed half of the power and condensed into a soil-type true dragon, and the other half gathered in the body. Finally, there was a place to fill.

The glowing fire element is rapidly condensing, gradually forming a fire element sphere.

The Jinlong Gong of the True Dragon was operating, and a consciousness was released. Suddenly, a red true dragon condensed within the true Yuan of the fire department.


The red true dragon roared, echoing the other five dragons.

After an hour, the red light on the surface of the ancient sea disappeared.

The fire locust **** also showed a look of despair: "No!"


The fire locust **** was bombarded and killed by a group of powerful gods.

The ancient sea spirit is still sinking in the body.

The Vulcan Palace opens, and the fire system true element condenses, and the red dragon also leads the fire system true element to swim in the meridian.

Purple Dantian, red heart, golden lungs, blue kidneys, green liver, brown spleen. Let the light of Yingying.

Especially the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. At this moment, the light seems to form a cycle.

The red true dragon walked around and returned to the heart.

A stream of fire-based energy was slowly converted into earth-based energy and entered the earth shrine, and earth-based energy was converted into gold-based energy and entered the gold god's palace.

Jinsheng water, aquatic wood, wood fire, fire soil, earth gold, five elements of energy are transforming each other, each transformation, purification once, so that the five series of true elements become more and more pure.


The energy of the five elements transforms in a circle, and a wave of air blasts out on the surface of the ancient ocean.

Gu Hai opened his eyes and breathed a long breath.

"Jin Danjing's tenth priority, Jin Danjing's success!"

Gu Hai slowly stood up--

Great dynasty dynasty, Lidu.

Lu Yang's teacher returned to the DPRK. However, this time the class teacher returned to the North, but Xiao Suo was not because of the victory, but because of the defeat.

The army behind was dejected. Obviously, the defeat of this defeat was huge.

Not only were the major legions defeated, but more importantly, the ghosts eventually appeared, and 70% of the remaining armies were betrayed.

A kind of despair shrouded the generals.

Lu Yang was extremely uncomfortable along the way. Think back to the past.

"The emperor, the thirty-six Keqing of Zuoying, quietly left! The eighteen Keqing of Youying also left!" An official reported bitterly to Lu Yangzhen.

Ke Qing, a stranger and stranger recruited by Lu Yang in the past, is like the strangers of the past, Mr. Dongfang and other strangers. They have all kinds of special abilities and are treated as VIPs. Now they are defeated, but they have left themselves. ?

"Oh, ha ha ha!" Lu Yang said coldly.

"Stop!" Lu Yang yelled suddenly.

The defeated army stopped suddenly, and Lu Yang stepped on the platform of the car, looking up at the capital of Lei Du.

"Why is there so little luck in my dynasty?" Lu Yang stared angrily.

Everyone looked, indeed, the Great Emperor's dynasty was lucky, and only one percent of the former was gone, extremely thin.

How come so little?

With so little, how can I use the power of luck to resist the army of Shenwu King?

In the distance, a group of officials stood at the door of Badu and greeted him.

"What about luck? What about my imperial dynasty?" Lu Yang stared angrily.

"The emperor, a few days ago, the city leaders, soldiers and soldiers of all sides were mutinous, and the people were mutinous, and they did not respect the Majesty Dynasty!" Said an official bitterly.


"The emperor's imperial expedition took the troops from all major cities and towns to the battlefield. There were countless battlefield deaths. No one was mutinous. Not long ago, countless battlefield ghosts were sent to the Quartet city. Don't let it go. For your life, you will be betrayed in the end if you die. In addition, some people in the cities secretly fanned the flames. The hearts of the people are lost, the hearts of the people are lost, the people are mutinous!

"Ghosts? Sima Changkong? No, it was Guhai, Guhai saved them!" Lu Yang showed his face.

Officials did not dare to speak, but their hearts were half cold.

The emperor hasn't introspected himself until now, blame others?

"Ha ha ha ha ha, my luck for a time, luck for a time, lost to the ancient sea, forced me to ascend the throne, destroy Geng Jinzong, destroy Ao Shunlong Army, destroy the army, Mr. Dongfang, destroy a million piano figurines ? Now destroying my luck again? Hahaha, do you think I have only this luck? Come, send me a letter to Sirius, a letter to the Dahuang dynasty, and merge with my big dynasty dynasty! "Lu Yangmian Dew was cold.

"Ah?" Countless officials appeared surprised.

Sirius? Dahuang Dynasty? Merged with the Great Duke Dynasty? Are the Sirius Sect and the Dahuang Dynasty both forces cultivated by the emperor in secret?

If so, I have countless dynasties!

Many officials got excited--

Lu Shencheng.

After the completion of Guhaida to Jindan, and the imperial sorrow of the imperial prince, they also suppressed the ups and downs in the heart, and the two discussed again.

Huangfu Chaoge looked at the map, his eyes were bloodshot, his face pale, and a bitter smile appeared: "Grave of Death? It doesn't matter if you can't save me, my heart is dead!"

"Lu Shishen's enemies haven't been reported yet, how can you die?" Gu Hai advised.

Huangfu Chaoge bitterly said: "Revenge of Lu Shishen, you revenge, his earth **** gave you, you need to help him revenge. Dahuang dynasty, greedy wolf sect? Oh, Dahuang dynasty is okay, the strongest This greedy wolf sect. But you have to be careful, the greedy wolf sect lord is a Kaitiangong strong, and his strength is not much worse than that of Ao Shun! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.


Suddenly, a guard rushed into the hall.

"What's wrong?" Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

"Emperor, urgent report from Greedy Wolf Sect!" Said the guard respectfully.


"Just ten days ago, Li Shenji of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom took the Shenji camp to destroy the greedy wolf ancestors! The greedy wolf ancestors no longer exist!" Said the guard respectfully.

"The greedy wolf sect was destroyed by the **** machine?" Huangfu Chaoge was surprised.


God machine camp, Lee machine? The ancient sea frowns slightly. I still remember the scenes of Li Shenji's visit to Jiuwu Island in the past. In the past, he used a shard of supreme basalt to prepare to induce Miao Chen to destroy Jiuwu Island and kill with a knife. Unfortunately, it was finally resolved on its own.

Li Shenji, exterminate the greedy wolf sect with Kaitiangong strong?

For a moment, Gu Hai had a very high understanding of the strength of Shenjiying——


Lu Yang had just ordered to go out, but had not yet entered the city.

"call out!"

In the distance, the sound of breaking sound came suddenly, but a flying boat arrived quickly.

"Emperor, Emperor!" Feizhou stopped in front of Lu Yang.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Lu Yang looked at the guard on Feizhou in doubt.

"Lord Emperor, Zonglangzong was destroyed by the magic machine!" Said the guard bitterly.

"What? Shenji Camp? Li Shenji?" Lu Yang's face changed.

"Yes, the whole army was annihilated, and the suzerain was nailed to the greedy wolf peak by Li Shenji!" The guard said sadly.

"The greedy wolf sect is overthrown? The greedy wolf sect is overthrown? God machine camp? The arrangement of the big dungeon? Hahaha, old things, you arranged long ago? Take me greedy wolf sect?

"Emperor, emperor!" Said the guard bitterly.

"Huh?" Lu Yang turned coldly.

"Although the God Machine Camp destroyed the Greed Wolf Sect, the God Machine Camp did not achieve any benefit. All the cities controlled by the Greed Wolf Sect were swallowed up by the Emperor Yuan Dynasty overnight!" Said the guard bitterly.

"What did you say?" Lu Yang frowned.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty annexed the 20 cities under the control of the Greed Wolf Sect. To be precise, the 20 cities simultaneously rebelled against the Greed Wolf Sect and put them into the embrace of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty!" Said the guard bitterly.

"Impossible, the lords of the greedy wolf ancestors all sent them to the past!" Lu Yang stared.

The guard was afraid to speak.

"Mo Yike? Is Mo Yike? The person he arranged? Mo Yike discussed with me to arrange a group of city owners. Is Mo Yike a person of the Yuan Dynasty?" Lu Yang suddenly changed his face. A puppet.

"I misunderstood Mr. Mo. He was not a spy sent by Dagan. He wasn't. He was sent by the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. It was sent by the Emperor Yuan Dynasty and used my hand to trouble the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom. Mo Yike? If Yeke is the spy of Emperor Yuan Dynasty, wouldn't it ...? "Lu Yang's face suddenly changed.

"Emperor!" Exclaimed a man not far away.

"Huh?" Lu Yang turned to look.

The man immediately knelt down and was terrified: "The subordinates are the people of the Dahuang dynasty. Beside the emperor, you can prevent major events from reporting to you, but ... but ..."

"What's wrong? Say!" Lu Yang stared.

"The Emperor Dahuang took advantage of the sea of ​​luck to declare the world and surrender the Yuan Dynasty. All territories belong to the Emperor Yuan Dynasty! The Dahuang Emperor became the official of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, and there is no longer the Emperor Huang Dynasty. It's Huangzhou in the Yuan Dynasty! "The man said bitterly on his knees.

"Mo Yike, Mo Yike, roar!" Lu Yang growled suddenly and depressed.

"Well, emperor, if Mo Yike did everything for the Yuan dynasty, then I would fall into Luzhou, because many of the city owners in Luzhou were recommended by Mo Yike. Those people , Wouldn't they also surrender to the Yuan Dynasty? "Said an official with an ugly face.


Qidu Yunyun roared for a while, and Qiyun lost another frenzy.

Lu Yang looked ugly at the sky.

A day later, the news came quickly.

"The emperor, Nanzhao City, the city leader led the whole city, dedicated to the Yuan Dynasty!"

"The emperor, head south, the city leader leads the whole city and surrenders to the Emperor Yuan Dynasty!"




The Emperor Yuan Dynasty not only annexed the site of the greedy wolf ancestors instantly, annexed the site of the Emperor Huanghuang, but also annexed nearly half of the site in Luzhou in a short time.

The Emperor Yuan Dynasty, like a hungry tiger, swallowed a huge area.

The speed of swallowing not only shocked Lu Yang.

When the news reached the Emperor Shenlu, the imperial song of the imperial prince also took a breath.

"Dai Yuan Emperor, finally revealed its fangs?" Gu Hai's face was dull.

Zhennan Army Barracks.

King Shenwu also quickly received news from the frontiers.

"Dayuan Emperor Dynasty? Finally shot!" Shen Wuwang's eyes narrowed slightly.


King Lu Yang looked at the sky, and there was less than one ten thousandth of the past. He was bustling and scattered. There was a madness on his face.

Above the court, less than one-tenth of the civil and military officials, many officials ran quietly. The dynasty dynasty reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

In the past, he had his own counselor, mok, Ao Shun army, Geng Jinzong, Greed wolf, Dahuang dynasty, broken army, Mr. Dongfang, and a million piano figurines. There is more luck in the former emperor. Has invincible power.

But everything is gone.

All gone.

In Luzhou, half belonged to the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, and the other half, the cities of all sides were surrendering to the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and even their own capitals, countless officials went to surrender.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha!" Lu Yang looked sad and desperate.


Suddenly, a flying boat came in the distance.

The guard on the Feizhou rushed into the palace, and looked at Xiao Suo's incomparable capital in amazement, but did not dare to speak more, but kneeled in front of Lu Yang on one knee.

"Emperor Kailuan, traces of the ancient sea were found outside the city of Lushen. At that time, the fire locust God led the fire locusts to besiege the city of Lushen. The ancient sea drove the flying boat into the city of Lushen. The subordinates discovered the ancient sea. The guard said respectfully.

"The ancient sea is in Lushen City?"

"Yes!" Said the guard respectfully.

Lu Yang's sorrow was gone, his face was filled with infinite hatred, a hate shrouded Lu Yang, and Lu Yang was angry at the sky.

"I blame you, Gu Hai, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so exhausted, I would kill you, kill you, roar!" Lu Yang roared suddenly.

As he shouted, he stomped under his feet.


There was a major earthquake in the whole town.

Few people showed horror and looked towards the palace.


Below the earth, a dragon-like peak suddenly emerged.

"The earth's dragon vein, follow me to Lushen City. I want to live the ancient sea, roar!" Lu Yang roared.


The dragon's head peak rushed out of the city, and reached a distant place in an instant.

ps: The second one, there is one more today!

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