Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 136: Lu Yangzhi outside Lushen City

Third more! ——

Lu Yang left the capital while walking on the earth's dragon veins, but Lu Yang's last roar echoed in the capital.

"The earth's dragon veins, follow me to Lushen City. I want to live the ancient sea, roar!"

Head to Lushen City and live the ancient sea?

In the city, spies from all sides suddenly rioted, and then quickly spread the news of this place to all sides.

A few days later, the news reached the Shenwuwang military camp.

Sima Changkong frowned slightly: "Lu Yang went to Lushen City in person, will the ancient sea ...?"

King Shenwu frowned slightly: "The dynasty dynasty has died in name, Lu Yang left on the earth's dragon vein? But outside the city of Lushen ..."

"This time Guhai is in trouble! The move against Ao Shun last time is definitely not working. Can Guhai say that he should retreat from Luyang?" Sima Changkong worried.

"Reserve the army, let's go to Lushen City!" Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.

"Ah? Marshal, the two armies are fighting, the handsome is not leaving the camp! Will the subordinate marshal go to Lushen City?" Sima Changkong advised.

King Shenwu shook his head: "Reserve the army, go to Lushen City with this coach!"

"Yes!" Sima Changkong responded--

A few days later, Lushen City.

Huang Fu's Chaoge's complexion did not improve, but turned sharply, his black hair was already pale.

"Mr. Huangfu, Long Xiaoyue is dead, and sadness is useless. If she is alive, she certainly does not want you to do this!" Gu Hai sighed with a sigh.

Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I see, thank you Mr. Gu for comfort, but, alas, you still don't care about me!"

Gu Hai sighed a little, knowing that the mind of Huangfu Chaoge could not be changed at all.

"Mr. Gu, I have already explained it. The remaining twelve cities in the Shenlu dynasty will respect you as the emperor. Please treat these people kindly!" Huangfu Chaoge looked to Guhai.

"Mr. Huangfu, you don't need to do this!" Gu Hai sighed.

Huangfu Chaoge shook his head: "The Emperor Shenlu was originally founded because of Xiaoyue, and now Xiaoyue's spirit and spirit are all destroyed. I can no longer have a mind to manage and hope you will be treated well!"

After being silent for a while, Gu Hai nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Huangfu, don't worry, the people of these twelve cities, I must treat them kindly!"

Huangfu nodded toward the song, showing a smile, as if it were a matter of mind.

"Mr. Gu, Death Grave Valley, although you send someone to it, forget it, really, forget it! It's a jedi of death. I can't kill more people because of me." Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly .

"Do everything, listen to destiny!" Gu Hai shook his head.


"Mr. Huangfu, if you don't give up, you will open up all kinds of precautions for the dynasty and explain to me, okay?" Gu Hai asked.

"OK!" Huang Fu nodded-

Huangfu Chaoge arranged that Lushen City sent a large number of soldiers to fly to the remaining eleven cities.

Among the cities, the people heard that the Lushen City crisis was resolved. Cheers for a while.

"The emperor let us honor the ancient sea as the new emperor? No, I only recognize the Shenlu dynasty!"

"I only recognize the Shenlu Dynasty, and the ancient sea rescued the Lushen City. I am grateful to him, but we will always be the people of the Shenlu Dynasty!"

"Emperor, we don't want any Dahan dynasty, we will always be the people of the Shenlu dynasty!"




Among the eleven cities, the people were all toward the dynasty of Shenlu, and they did not want to accept the Dahan dynasty.

In the past, the emperor's court song was reflected by the people. The people loved the emperor very much. Therefore, although it has been given to the ancient sea by the emperor's court song, the cities still refuse to admit it.

The ancient sea was recognized by the people of Lushen City, and that was also recognized after a death disaster. Otherwise, who would recognize the ancient sea?

The people are stubborn, and the city leaders everywhere are utterly astonished.

Of course, things are irreversible. The ancient sea has become the master of the twelve cities. People can't accept it for a while, and it takes a long acceptance process.

Gu Hai, Huangfu Chaoge these days talk about everything the Dynasty operated.

But these days, the situation of Huangfu Chaoge is getting worse and worse. The whole person is a lot older. Fire poison has been eroding Huangfu Chaoge ’s body, but more importantly, Huangfu Chaoge is already dead! As soon as the heart dies, the old is about to die.

The ancient sea was anxious, but it was helpless.

"Gu Hai, it's time to explain, I have already explained, and finally, finally I will tell you a secret!" Huangfu Chaoge said bitterly.


"Earth dragon veins, in addition to nourishing air, can also devour other earth dragon veins to strengthen yourself!" Said Huangfu Chaoge solemnly.

"Swallow the earth dragon veins?" Gu Hai was surprised.

Huangfu Chaoge nodded: "Yeah, okay, it's time to say, I also said! I feel the limit is coming, oh, I talk to those old folks!"


The door of the temple opened.


Outside the main hall, there were countless officials kneeling. At this moment, when they saw the thin, aging appearance of Huangfu Chaoge, they all bowed down and whimpered.

"Oh, I'm not your emperor anymore, you are my brothers, you still call me the eldest brother of the emperor! Emperor? This is your emperor, do not visit the emperor!" Huangfu Chaoge looked at the officials.

A group of officials looked at Gu Hai with red eyes, but no one shouted.

"I haven't met the emperor yet, cough cough cough!" Huangfu Chaoge coughed angrily.

Huangfu Chaoge seems to be telling the funeral, forcing a lot of officials to worship Guhai, not for the prestige of Guhai, but for this group of officials. I hope Gu Hai can treat these old folks well in the future.

"Don't worship yet? Would you like me to ask you? Keke Keke!" Cried Huangfu Chaoge coughing.

"Meet my emperor, my emperor ........., oh oh!"

"Long live my lord, live long live!" The first official cried and worshiped.

"Long live my lord, live long live hooh!" Numerous officials worshiped Gu Hai while crying.

Huangfu Chaoge showed a smile of satisfaction and looked at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai looked at Huangfu's chanting and said, "Mr. Huangfu, don't worry, as long as your group of old ministers do not commit the crime of treason, I will always be kind to you and I assure you!"

Huangfu Chaoge looked at Gu Hai and laughed: "Thank you!"

"I thank you!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Huangfu shook his head and did not speak. Slowly closing your eyes, it is clear that everything that should be accounted for, in this world, it seems that there is nothing to nostalgia.

"Mr. Huangfu, I know you are sad, but Long Xiaoyue's revenge has not been reported yet, how can you be so negative?" Gu Hai advised.

"Hate? Xiaoyue's hatred?" Huangfu Chaoge suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes became red again.

"Too late, too late, I feel that I have reached the limit, haha, too late, Xiaoyue's enemies?" Huangfu Chaoge suddenly rose bitterly.

Just as the imperial chants of the imperial court fell.


Suddenly, a roar came from the sky in the distance. Under the roar, the earth was shaking.

"Gu Haihai, come out, I'm gonna hit you!"


A roar rang through the world and came straight to the hall.

"Lu Yang?" Gu Hai sank.

The eyes of Huangfu's Chaoge suddenly fell into a dazzling light, and the eyes were instantly covered with countless bloodshots. Breathing hastened.

"Xiaoyue, ha ha ha ha, God, God also gave me one last chance, also gave me one last chance!" The imperial voice of the imperial prince trembled coldly, and a great hatred filled the entire hall.


Huangfu Chaoge slowly walked out of the ice pool, his body shaking.

"Emperor, you can't come out. As soon as you stepped out of the ice pool, Huo Duan burned you all out!" An official exclaimed.

Huangfu Chaoge said coldly, "What am I calling?"

"The emperor ........." The official was about to say.

"Miscellaneous account!" Huangfu Chaoge stared.

"Brother Huangfu!" The official wailed, kneeling.

"Remember, there is only one emperor, ancient sea!" Huangfu Chaoge sang.


Officials were crying.

Huangfu Chaoge slowly walked towards the entrance of the main hall. Some officials wanted to help, but were pushed away by Huangfu Chaoge. Staggering, but every step was firm. Cheeky, slowly walked out of the hall.

The ancient sea followed, and the two of them looked towards the far north.


A roar sounded below the ground.


But when I saw the north direction of the city, mountain peaks stood up and soared into the sky. The mountain peaks were connected into a whole, and it seemed to form a dragon-shaped mountain range.

Headed by a faucet-shaped mountain.

Lu Yang, wearing an imperial robe, stepped on top of the dragon's head and looked towards Lushencheng Palace in a faceless manner.

Suddenly, Lu Yang saw the palace where the ancient sea was located.

"Ancient sea?" Lu Yang hated.

"King Lu Yang!" Huangfu Chaoge shouted with hatred.

"Huh?" Then Lu Yang found Huangfu Chaoge aside.

However, at this moment, Huangfu Chaoge has white hair, wrinkles on his face, and is extremely thin. He has lost his former might.

"You are, Huangfu Chaoge?" Lu Yang said coldly.

"I thought there was no chance, I thought it was too late, King Lu Yang, but you came by yourself, but you came by yourself, you killed Long Xiaoyue and destroyed all souls? The human soul was broken, but it was also a temporary piece together? Lu King Yang, King Lu Yang, and Long Xiaoyue respected you as a father in the past. Every year I send someone to send you the treasures she collected from all over the world. You have a hard heart, a hard heart! " Road.

"You all know?" Lu Yang said coldly.

"God has eyes, and gives me the last chance to get revenge. Do you have earth dragon veins? I also have earth dragon veins, come out!" Huangfu yelled.

The square in front of Huangfu Chaoge suddenly had some earth and stones protruding, and then suddenly held up Huangfu Chaoge and moved Huangfu Chaoge forward.

In a blink of an eye, another dragon-like mountain stood up.


But it was the earth dragon vein of Huangfu Chaoge, suddenly roaring, carrying Huangfu Chaoge, suddenly rushed out of the city.


In the roar of the earth, the earth's dragon veins of Huangfu Chaoge also brought out huge peaks, forming a huge mountain range.

Lu Yang and Huangfu sang songs, each standing on top of a dragon on the earth, staring at each other coldly.

ps: Three more complete! Please come and watch the free Vantage Fairy and add a click to watch chess!

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