Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 137: If there is an afterlife

Lushen City!

Lu Yang stepped on the earth's dragon veins and wanted to look for ancient posters.

Huangfu Chaoge stepped on the earth's dragon veins, with sad hatred, and wanted revenge for Long Xiaoyue.

The two strong men stood above the dragon veins, staring coldly outside the city.

In the city.

A group of officials looked anxiously to Gu Hai: "Guxian ..., emperor, emperor, what can we do now? Emperor ... Brother Huangfu must not be Lu Yang's opponent, and Brother Huangfu is in physical condition now ...! "

"Yes, the emperor, the emperor, begging the emperor to rescue the eldest brother of the emperor!" A group of officials eagerly looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked at the distance and nodded: "I won't ignore Huangfu Chaoge's battle against Lu Yang, but I can't intervene in their fighting!"

"What then?" The officials anxiously.

"I need all of you for help!" Gu Hai looked at the officials.

"Emperor, you said, we can do it with all our strength, except that I have no spirit stone anymore, otherwise ..." The officials said bitterly.

"No, just cooperate with me!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"We will do our best to cooperate with the emperor!" A crowd of officials swore suddenly.

Gu Hai looked at all the officials and sighed in her heart. A group of good courtiers collected by Huangfu Chaoge, you do n’t have to guess. Lu Yang was defeated, and his courtiers must have escaped quietly. But these courtiers in the imperial court show their temperament during the national calamity.

Such courtiers are also the courtiers most needed by the Dahan Dynasty.

Gu Hai turned his hands and took out Tianzhen Shenxi.

"In the name of the ancient sea, it proclaimed that the Dahan Dynasty was in the world. Lu Yang took the earth's dragon vein to the Lushen City. The Huangfu Chaoge met. Today, he wants to help the Huangfu Chaoge. For you to dispatch! Turn! "Gu Hai sang loudly.


Tianzhen Shenxi trembled suddenly, rippling with a weird energy, spreading over Lushen City.


It seemed as if a strong wind formed from nothing, converging towards the city of Lushen.

A lot of officials looked at Gu Hai: "Emperor, relocating the capital? Once relocating the capital, the air transport will consume one tenth, you .........!"

But Guhai is still moving its capital.

Fortune is precious to a country. In order to save the imperial court song, the emperor is willing to lose one tenth of his luck?

"Thank you, Emperor!" The officials thanked.

The imperial dynasty of the imperial dynasty turned to the ancient sea for the qi dynasty, and these fortunes could naturally connect the ears of the people of the dynasty of the gods, and the ancient sea roared and conveyed fortune, and naturally passed into the ears of all people.

Lushen City. Hundreds of people were already anxious. Hearing Gu Hai's words at this moment was extremely grateful.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu! Thank you, Emperor!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"




In the city of Lu Shen, the people worshiped sincerely, and sincerely thought of it, but once again, they generated a new stream of luck and swept over the ancient sea.

At the same time, the voice also spread to the eleven other cities of the Shenlu Dynasty.

"King Lu Yang is here? The emperor is in danger. Gu Hai wants to help the emperor?"

"It's Gu Hai's voice, moving the capital? He wants to move the capital to lose one tenth of his luck to help the emperor?"

"This Mr. Gu is so worthy of his trust in the emperor!"

"However, in the past, the emperor mobilized the strength of all the people in the city. They were not Lu Yang's opponents. The emperor is still poisoned. How can this be good?"

"Mr. Gu, you must save the emperor!"




In the eleven cities, the people are all anxious--

Nine Five Island.

Daming Wangshen, Cui Tie, and a woman in a white robe lived in the Royal Casino Resort for a while. During this period, Miao Chen went to Gu Qin, but Gu Qin did occasionally accompany him.

During this period, the God of the Ming Dynasty, the woman in white robes, and Cui Tie also explored Gu Hai's experience in these days.

With understanding, Cui Tie showed a startled expression.

In just two years, an old mortal man has laid the foundation of Nuodai Foundation? Two years?

"Grandson, now I know why I'm allied with Dahan? It's only been two years, and it will be a dynasty in ten years, maybe it will be a dynasty in a hundred years. Would it be worse than you being a slave in Sun Temple? Haha Haha! "Miao Chen glanced at Cui Tie proudly.

Cui Tie's face was dark, and he blamed himself for making his mouth so unlucky that day, and these days, he was called grandson by Miao Chen every day.

King Daming sat with a crystal wine glass and listened to Miao Chen's words of pride, but there was a gloomy whole body, which seemed to imply murderousness.

Miao Chen looked coldly at the Ming Dynasty King God: "Daming King God, why do you still want to kill the ancient sea? Avoid great harm? Oh, the ancient sea Jindan Realm has made you a threat?"

King Daming took a sip of wine: "Threat to me? Oh, you think too much, but I didn't kill him at first, otherwise, I wouldn't have caused so much trouble out of thin air!"

"Trouble? There is no ancient sea. If you want to be resurrected afterwards, you will have to wait at least two hundred years! Otherwise, the Lord of the Sun Temple cannot send you to thank the ancient sea!" Miao Chen said lightly.

"Be kind to the Lord, too!" King Daming said lightly.

Miao Chen's eyes widened: "Be kind? Your master is too one. Do you say he is kind?"

King Daming turned his head, apparently saying that the Lord is merciful, as if it was too much!

"Yes, who is that woman in white robe?" Miao Chen looked at Cui Tie.

Cui Tie looked at the King Daming sitting next to him. The King Daming didn't speak. Cui Tie shook his head, unwilling to explain.

Miao Chen frowned slightly, but no longer asked.

At this moment, a loud noise came from Qiyun Yunhai when it soared above the Heavenly Temple.


There was a loud noise and a sudden flow of luck suddenly flowed quickly towards the southwestern Shenzhou land.

"What's going on?" Miao Chen sank.

Everyone stepped out of the resort villa and looked up to the sky.

At this time, a Dahan official came forward.

"Senior Miao, it is the emperor who temporarily moved the capital to Lushen City! Bled air to Lushen City." The official explained.

"Oh? What did Gu Hai say?" Daming King God wondered.

"The emperor said," In the name of the ancient sea, it proclaimed the world of the Dahan Dynasty. Lu Yang brought the earth's dragon veins to the city of Lushen, and the emperor's chaos met. Today, he wants to help the emperor's chaos. On the city of God! For your dispatch! Turn! '"

"Lu Shencheng, confront King Lu Yang?" The king of Daming revealed a hint of surprise.

"Impossible, the ancient sea is only Jin Danjing. He wants to mobilize the power of a country, but he only has the strength of Jin Danjing. Even if countless forces converge to him, will his body be able to bear it? "Cui Tie was surprised.

"Lu Shencheng? Since the ancient sea is there, then we will not stay, ready to leave!" Shen Shen, the king of Daming.

"Okay!" Cui Tie nodded.

The woman in the white robe came out of the room and nodded.


The three took out a flying boat and stepped on it.

"call out!"

Controlled by Cui Tie, the flying boat shot into the distance instantly.

Miao Chen frowned. After all, he didn't follow up. But soon found the ancient Qin.

"Miao senior?" Gu Qin looked at Miao Chen in doubt.

"The King of God Ming is so proud that he will serve only one person today, the palace owner of the Sun Temple, Taiyi. This time I came to Guhai, I do n’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. I am with them these days and want to set their words, but If you ca n’t figure it out, you immediately send someone to notify Gu Hai, and say that the God of Ming Dynasty is here! ”Miao Chen frowned.

Gu Qin shook his head and said, "Elder Miao, rest assured. I have already sent someone to inform you, but it will take some time before the news can reach the father's hands!"

Miao Chen nodded--

Lushen outside the city.

Huangfu Chaoge looked at Lu Yang, revealing a grinning grin.

"King Lu Yang? Oh, there is still a chance to fight with you, God treats me well." Huangfu Chaoge showed Lu Senhan.


The earth's dragon veins rushed abruptly and rushed straight away. The earth's dragon veins of Huangfu Chaoge were tens of thousands of miles long and rushed, but it drove countless mountain peaks in the north to follow the upsurge, and the sky suddenly burst into smoke.

"Huangfu Chaoge, find death!" Lu Yang grunted, stepping on his feet.

The earth's dragon veins of Lu Yang were 100,000 miles long, and in a roar, they greeted up.

"Ang!" The two dragons collided sternly.


The two mountain ranges collided with an extremely destructive force, and a sudden collision blew up numerous rocks. For a time, the rubble was soaring into the sky, and the sky was full of mountain fragments.

"Open the big array!" Gu Hai ordered.


Lu Shencheng burst into a big burst.


A large number of rock fragments fell in a large array.

The roar continued in the distance, the war continued, and the great earthquakes continued one after another. Even if there was a large array of city guards to isolate the outside and inside, the city still felt a severe shock.


Vaguely, from the smoke and dust, two super-giant golden dragons could be seen biting wildly against the ground.

"Jiefu Huangfu Chaoge, like the crazy dog, you don't die?" Lu Yang roared.

"Life? My life is to fight with you, the earth dragon vein, tear me, bit me!" The roar of Huangfu Chaoge sounded.

"How stubborn things have you grown up in the earth's dragon veins? Compared to me? A joke!" Lu Yang snorted.

"Roar! Aung!"

In the billowing smoke, the bite of Lu Yang's dragon veins came, followed by the wailing voice of the imperial palace dragon song.

However, the golden dragon of Huangfu Chaoge still ignored himself and continued to collide.

The battle between the two dragons was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the sky was full of smashed mountains. The billowing smoke covered all directions.


Suddenly, the first luck came from the Jiuwu Island.

Gu Hai's eyes brightened: "Finally here!"

"Huangfu Chaoge, you are not my opponent, nor are your earth dragon veins, hum!" Lu Yang's roar sounded from the smoke.

The war in the distance was a sudden stop, the rolling stones fell, the smoke and dust disappeared countlessly, and the interior could be seen faintly.

The earth's dragon veins emerged from the ground, showing two huge golden dragons. The golden dragon of Huangfu Chaoge was full of scars at the moment, and the golden dragon of Lu Yang was also scarred.

However, at this point there is already a winner.

After all, Lv Yang's Jinlong went a long way.

At this moment, Zhangkou was biting the golden dragon of Huangfu Chaoge.

Swallow the tail of Huangfu's dynasty song, and swallow it a little bit.

In a blink of an eye, a big golden dragon had almost swallowed a small golden dragon. Only one dragon head of Xiao Jinlong was exposed.

Lu Yang stood on the big dragon head and looked at the little dragon head that was about to be swallowed in the stomach. A hint of chanting appeared: "Only you, also want to fight me?"

Huangfu Chaoge was getting weaker and trembling at this moment, and his eyes were almost unable to open. Looking up at Lu Yang, he suddenly smiled mildly.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Yang said.

"King Lu Yang? Oh, after all, you are not suitable to be an emperor. You are not qualified enough, and even I am desperate to die, I don't see it, hahaha!" Huangfu smiled sorrowfully.

"Desperate?" Lu Yang frowned, and his face suddenly changed.

Huangfu Chaoge staggered and looked at the sky, as if thinking of the past time with Long Xiaoyue, showing a happy smile. At that moment, the old pictures seemed to be quickly replayed in my mind—

"Brother Huangfu, this wreath is for you to wear, hahaha!"

"Brother Huangfu, you and I have formed Jinlan today. The younger sister will take care of it!"

"Brother Huangfu, you know me better than others. Only you can hear the sadness in my piano. Thank you for your comfort!"

"Brother Huangfu, I'm sorry, I have a sweetheart. If there is a future life, if I meet you first, I will fall in love with you first! Sorry in this life!"

"Brother Huangfu, let me introduce you to some beautiful girls, I guarantee you like it!"



………… ——

As if back to light, all the pictures in my mind are about Long Xiaoyue.

The weak emperor's dynasty song radiated a gorgeous happy smile on his face. Laughing and smiling, two lines of tears have fallen down.

"Xiaoyue, you said, if there is an afterlife, you will fall in love with me first! I am here, I am here!" Huangfu Chaoge smiled happily.

"No!" Gu Hai's face changed in the distance.

"Miscellaneous, Huangfu Chaoge, how dare you!" Lu Yang exclaimed.


The earth's dragon vein at the foot of Huangfu Chaoge suddenly exploded.

"Boom ~!"

ps: Please watch the free chapter of Wanguxianqiang at 17 to add a click to watch chess.

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