Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 138: Emperor's Heart

"Boom ~!"

The earth's dragon veins burst into flames, and Jiucheng's body was swallowed into the belly by Lu Yang's earth dragon veins. At this moment, they suddenly exploded.

"Do not!"

Lu Yang growled in anger, but the explosion had already begun and everything could not be recovered.

The Big Bang was even more terrifying than the previous battle, and the huge impact almost lifted Lushen City in the distance. In an instant, countless mountains and rocks exploded into the sky, just like the end of the world. The sky was dark, and there was only endless earth and stones in the sky.

"Emperor ~!"

In the city of Lushen, regardless of the officials, the people bowed down and cried.

This time the big blast that destroyed the earth and radiated more distant places.

The eleven other cities in the Shenlu dynasty all felt more or less shocking.

"What happened?"

"From the direction of Lushen City, this is not the battle of Lushen City, is it? Impossible, how could it be so far?"

"What happened to Lushen City? What happened to the emperor?"




The people in all cities showed anxiety. However, it is too far apart, and no one knows what happened to Lushen City.

Suddenly, a voice came through the sea of ​​luck.

"Just now, Huangfu Chaoge stepped on the earth's dragon veins and was swallowed up by Lu Yang's earth dragon veins. Huangfu Chaoge eventually blew himself up with the earth dragon veins and hoped that Lu Yang could be destroyed, and the world was stable. Here it comes.


The people of the eleven cities suddenly became an uproar.

"Impossible, the emperor cannot die, emperor!"

"Emperor, you can't die. You are so old that you will be rewarded!"


"Gu Hai, you liar, the emperor won't die, it won't die, oh oh ..."




Huangfu dying for his country and mourning the whole country, hundreds of people immediately knelt down towards Lu Shencheng. Weeping, we are reluctant to accept this fact.

Lushen outside the city.

In the darkness, the people wept.

After all the earth and stones fell slowly, the sky lit up slowly, but the people could not afford to kneel.

The smoke and dust slowly dropped and slowly dispersed. The ruins and stones were everywhere outside the city, and the Lushen City seemed to be buried in the stones.

With less and less smoke, I gradually saw the battlefield.

The earth's dragon veins of Huangfu Chaoge were blown up, and Huangfu Chaoge was dead. The power of that big bang was too terrifying.

The earth's dragon veins under Lu Yang's feet were the hardest hit. At this moment, the whole body is also full of scars, paralyzed, and the whole body is breathing golden breath. It seemed like he was dying.

King Lu Yang was wearing a long robe before, but now he is shabby, with a shaved hair and a pale face. There was blood on the chest, but it was stained with dirt and an extremely wolverine.

"Puff puff!"……………………

Lu Yang vomited blood several times in a row, obviously the injuries were not minor.

However, after all, Lu Yang survived, and Huangfu Chaoge was broken to pieces.

"Cough, cough, cough, Huangfu Chaoge, you **** it!" Lu Yang's weak hate sounded.

In weakness, Lu Yang did not forget his vengeance, and his eyes were frozen and he looked towards Lu Shencheng.

"Gu Hai, oh, now it's your turn!" Lu Yang sulked.

The ancient sea was cold and re-opened: "The people of the Dahan dynasty. Qiyun has just arrived at Lushen City, but unfortunately the emperor's choir has been broken into pieces and dead without a corpse. I want to report this monstrous revenge to the emperor's choir. For the sake of shallowness, I implore Dahan people, except those who defend the city, to raise their right hands, and use my strength to help me, destroy Lu Yang, and take revenge on the imperial court song! "


The sound of the ancient sea passed through the sea of ​​clouds of air, and it suddenly spread to all directions.

The first is Jiuwu Island.

The people of Jiuwu Island heard the sound of the ancient sea for a moment.

Raise your right hand? Borrow the power of the emperor? Help the emperor? What do you mean?

Many people don't know why.

However, some people raised their right hand to try. I just raised my right hand, suddenly it seemed like a suction, and suddenly sucked my whole body strength along the raised arm.

"Oh, hell, my power is gone, I, I'm out of power!" The man who raised his hand was stunned and stunned.

"Is the emperor? The emperor has borrowed your power?"

"So what do you mean?"

"The emperor wants to borrow our strength?"

"Last year ’s catastrophe, if it was not the emperor, our family would have starved to death. The emperor not only opened the warehouse and put in grain, he also landed us and gave us seeds, and the old was never to be reported. My son, my grandson, raise your right hand! "

"Emperor, use my power!"




The people of Jiuwu Island raised their right hands one after another, and a surge of force quickly rushed to the sea of ​​luck in Lushen City.

In the Dahan Palace, the ancient Qin quickly arranged that all officials and guards raised their right hands except for some who guarded the large palace.

Within a hall.

Montai looked at heaven in amazement.

"The emperor is going to fight King Lu Yang? Really?" Montai raised his right hand slowly with an incredible amount.

Others may not know who Lu Yang is, but Montai is the most clear, but it is the existence that he looked up to in the past. The Lord of Luzhou, the worshipping brother of Dagan Sheng, the strong one whom Long Xiaoyue worshiped in the past.

The emperor has been fighting face to face with Lu Yang in this short period of practice?


Montai was paralyzed, but his heart recognized the Dahan Dynasty more and more. The Dahan Dynasty developed too fast. What I always wanted most was to take power. Now, the Emperor has given him great power. If he doesn't work hard, how can he be worthy of his pursuit?

"After this campaign, expand the recruitment of Jin Yiwei!" Montai slumped and bit his teeth softly.

The power of the Jiuwu Island gathered quickly, and the people of the twelve cities of the Shenlu dynasty seemed to be immersed in sorrow at this moment. Few people raised their hands for a while.

The ancient sea can be seen. From the direction of the Jiuwu Island, it seems that a stream of golden power suddenly poured into the sea of ​​clouds of luck.


Numerous forces on the Jiuwu Island burst into the ancient sea.

Even fiercer than the blood knife, the strength of the ancient sea skyrocketed in an instant. There was a surging blast of flames all over the body.

There are many mortal people on the Jiuwu Island, but the population is huge and the power is huge.

In the distance, Lu Yang also changed his face and stared at Gu Hai's whole body.

"This arrogance, the power of Yuanying Realm, the power of Five Baby Realms? Hahahahaha, but so, but so!" Lu Yang put down his heart and sneered.

"Dragon comes!" Gu Hai sang coldly.


There was a sudden roar beneath the earth. The earth's dragon veins of the ancient sea suddenly appeared, holding the ancient sea, and quickly moved out of the city.

The earth's veins in the ancient sea are no less than Huangfu's Chaoge, and they are tens of thousands of miles long.


Gu Hai stepped on the dragon's head and slowly approached Lu Yang.

The earth's dragon veins in Luyang are full of scars and scars, and they are dying, but they are still bigger than the ancient sea.

Lu Yang looked at Gu Hai coldly: "Gu Hai, have you finally dare to die?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, King Lu Yang, Lu Yang, are you dying of the imperial dynasty? Have you died?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Not thanks to you? Well, today, I will use your memory to sacrifice my aunt!" Although Lu Yang was seriously injured, he still had a proud look on his face.

Even though Lu Yang was seriously injured, he still had the strength to open the Tiangong Temple, but Gu Hai mobilized the power of a country, but it was only a five-baby realm. Even if he was seriously injured, he could pinch him.

"Oh, thanks to me? Lu Yang, you are too timid and hard. You are so timid and timid as a mouse, and you want to start a national dynasty? Huangfu Chaoge said you are not worthy of the emperor, and you really are not worthy of the emperor, without me, You will destroy a country sooner or later! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Lu Yang looked angrily at the ancient sea.

"Isn't it? Your country has been destroyed. Did I destroy it alone? Why do you have a group of enemies? Why don't you go to the army of Zhennan's army? Why don't you dare! Because you are not as good as him! Chao swallows your country, why do n’t you go to trouble with the Emperor Yuan Dynasty? Do n’t you dare! Because you are not as good as you! You have self-knowledge, because you can only deal with me, because I only have Jin Danjing, because you can only bully Jin It ’s just Dan Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, bullying is afraid of being hard, avoiding the strong is weak, you say you, and the heart of the emperor? ”Gu Hai sneered.

Lu Yang took a deep breath and looked at Gu Hai angrily: "Boy, you think I'm Ao Shun, you two words, I'll be fooled by you?"

"Hehe, it ’s not that I was taken two words, Lu Yang, you think, Long Shenwu, Dayuan Emperor, do you dare to trouble them? You dare not. If you are stronger than you, you will persuade, you You can only insult those who are weaker than you, just like me. Hehe, but do you know? The emperor must first have a strong and ambitious ambition. The emperor will face any difficulties regardless of any strong person and any difficulties. On the other hand, you will conquer it, not escape it. Do you have this ambition? "Gu Hai said coldly.

Lu Yang's eyelids leaped wildly, and her heart felt uncomfortable for a while.

"The heart of the emperor, you don't! But I have it! What about your King Lu Yang? As long as I have ambition, I can step you under your feet!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Well, then you come, the benefit of tongues will only make you more ignorant!" Lu Yang said coldly.

During the step, the earth's dragon veins of Lu Yang wandered hard, as if to rush to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai suddenly sneered, "It's not my ignorance, but your ignorance, Lu Yang, you lost!"

"Huh?" Lu Yang frowned, looking at Guhai in doubt.

But at this moment, the Qiyun Yunhai was tumbling, and another force came from all directions, merged into the Qiyun Yunhai, and then quickly poured into the ancient sea.


This time there are countless times more power than before.

But it was the people of the Shenlu Dynasty who came out of their sadness and raised their right hand with boundless hatred.

"Gu Hai, no, emperor, use my strength to avenge the imperial court song!"

"Use my power to avenge the old emperor!"

"Kill Lu Yang, I lend you all my power!"

"Kill Lu Yang, I am the people of the Dahan Dynasty!"




In the twelve cities, all the people and officials raised their right hands and lent their strength to Guhai by gritting their teeth.

The process of borrowing power is also the process of officially recognizing the people of Dahan.

The ancient sea tunes the power of one country and wins the hearts of the people!

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