Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 139: Strongest foundation

Zhennan Army, the Sixth Army!

As soon as the troops of the Daxu defeated thousands of miles, Gao Xianzhi led the Sixth Army to victory. However, with the defeat of the Daxu troops, Gao Xianzhi had to face the army from the Emperor Yuan Dynasty.

The army suddenly encountered assistance, but everything could not fail Gao Xianzhi. The army was suspended, and Gao Xianzhi began to analyze everything about the defending generals in the city ahead. These were learned from Gu Hai, knowing each other and winning!

I did n’t dare to disobey Gao Xianzhi during the Barry War. During the same time, the Sixth Army handed it over to Gao Xianzhi. The Barry War was so exciting that it won and won. What a refreshing feeling. In the past, the Sixth Army was the most behind. Under the command of Gao Xianzhi, Gao Xianzhi was accepted under the command of the Thousand Miles Battle, but he also had orders from Shenwu King.

"Mr. Gao, your leader is too good. I haven't played so fast in these years!" Praised Baili Zhan.

Gao Xianzhi smiled a little, ignored it, and continued to look at the information.

"Mr. Gao, the Marshal sent a reward again, thicker every time. Mr. Gao valued Mr. Gao very much, but if Mr. Gao stayed in the Sixth Army, I would be the first one to agree with my hands!" Baili Zhan laughed.

"Thank you, General Baili, I will only take care of it temporarily!" Gao Xianzhi shook his head and smiled.

Hundreds of battles were slightly anxious: "Mr. Gao, the boss is sincerely recruited. Follow the boss, and the future is bright. If Mr. willing, it is not difficult to become a top three member of the Daqian Dynasty in the future. You are in the Dahan Dynasty It's too cursed, really! "

"Quai Cai? I don't think so!" Gao Xianzhi smiled.

Hundred Miles Battle: "..............."

Why doesn't Gao Xianzhi know it?

"The top three ranks of the Daqian Heavenly Dynasty and the lord of the dynasty all sit on an equal footing, and even have a higher status and greater power. The ancient sea is somewhat capable, but in the end it is only the Golden Dan Realm. Do you succumb to him? Join the commander-in-chief, and in the future, you will be dispatched by the strong men in the open heaven palace! "

Gao Xianzhi shook his head and smiled: "Thank you General Baili! However, I still like the Dahan Dynasty. Although the Dahan Dynasty is not strong now, it will one day be strong! Moreover, if it is not my Dahan Dynasty , How could it be so easy to defeat Lu Yang's army? "

"Yes, Gu Hai did a lot, and he did great work every time. But, Gu Gu is strong, and without Zhennan's army, can he deal with Lu Yang alone?" Baili warned.

Suddenly, Gao Xianzhi's face changed. Putting down everything at hand, stood up as if listening to something.

"What's wrong?" Bailizhan said blankly.

Gao Xianzhi suddenly raised his right hand.


Suddenly, all strength was gone, and Gao Xianzhi collapsed.

"Mr. Gao, are you all right?" Baili Zhan was surprised.

Gao Xianzhi smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, General Baili was disappointed. At this moment, the emperor is fighting Lu Yang alone!"

"Without our Zhennan army, how could Guhai deal with Lu Yang?"

Lushen City is far north.

Hundreds of flying boats flew fast.

On top of the flying boat, it was Shenwu Wang, Sima Changkong, and others. They all rushed from Zhennan City to Lushen City. After all, the speed of the boat came out faster, and finally arrived near.


In the direction of Lushen City in the distance, the earth dragon veins of Huangfu Chaoge blew up, overturning the whole earth, and the sky was dark.

Everyone on the flying boat changed his face.

"Quick!" Shouted King Shenwu.

"call out!"

The speed of the flying boats was one point faster, and they headed for the distant battlefield—

Lushen outside the city.

Gu Hai and Lu Yang Wang Talong confronted each other for a while. Lu Yang was finally deceived by Gu Hai. Under this effort, all the people of the Shenlu dynasty raised their right hands and borrowed a mighty force for Gu Hai to fight against King Lu Yang.


The sea of ​​luck was tumbling, and the golden power from all sides gathered and poured into the ancient sea.

The ancient sea was previously perfused by the power of the Jiuwu Island, and the momentum released the power of the Five Baby Realm. Now, this power is skyrocketing.

More and more fierce momentum rose, and Gu Hai formed a violent storm that swept the Quartet.

Strength is skyrocketing, getting stronger and stronger.

If in the past, Lu Yang didn't care about this increased force in the ancient sea, but at this moment Lu Yang was seriously injured and the strength of opening the palace was extremely unstable.

"Gu Hai, you dare to lie to me and die for me!" Lu Yang yelled, his body fluttered, and he punched at Gu Hai.


A huge blue boxer appeared suddenly, and the boxer burst out, splitting the blaze of the ancient sea. Even if it is seriously injured, it is also the power of opening the palace. The power is tremendous.

The ancient sea was exposed, and a step was taken before it.

A golden fist hit the blue fist.


Numerous storms blew up.

Gu Hai stepped at the foot, but he blocked the fist of King Lu Yang.


The ancient sea spit out blood, and it was clear that Lu Yang's fist was too powerful. The ancient sea can't stand it anymore.

Lu Yang's face changed: "Your power has increased so much?"

"Oh, my strength is still the pinnacle of Yuanying Realm. It's worse than your power to open the Heaven Palace. But, hahahahaha, Lu Yang, is your strength only that?" Gu Hailu said.

At this moment, the redness of Guhai's face seemed to be untenable, but Guhai's face was endless.

"Destroy you enough!" Lu Yang also hated.

"No, if you only do that, then you lose, you lose!" Gu Hai laughed blushingly.

It is, however, that the strength of the people from the twelve cities is continually strengthening the ancient sea, and more and more forces come together.

The two fists stalemate, Gu Hai is at a disadvantage, but as these forces continue to increase, Gu Hai ’s strength is gradually increasing, and the disadvantage gradually disappears.

Lu Yang's face changed, and his fist was re-strengthened.

However, Gu Hai ’s fist strength is also increasing.

"You lost, ha ha ha, the power of the people has not been summed up, and you have reached the limit, you lost!" Gu Hai shouted.

"No, I haven't lost. The one who is going to die is you!" Lu Yangzhen laughed.

"Oh?" Gu Hai showed a slight disdain.

"You can mobilize the power of one time, indeed, the power can be increased, but what do you cultivate for? Jin Dan Jing, Jin Dan Jing, the power of opening the heavenly palace, your physical body ca n’t afford it. The strength of Tiangong, you are about to burst, ha ha ha, I wait for you to burst, burst, burst, ha ha ha ha! "Lu Yangxi laughed.

"The body cannot afford it? That's just what you thought!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh?" Lu Yang's face changed.

But the strength of the ancient sea is still increasing and increasing.


Suddenly, Lu Yang felt that his fist trembled suddenly, but it was the strength of the ancient sea that had finally crossed the power of Kaitian Palace in a moment.

The strength of the ancient sea is still increasing. The redness that had been hit on his face before now has returned to normal.

"Impossible, you are just Jin Danjing, how can you withstand such a large amount of power?" Lu Yang did not believe.

"Do you think I'm ordinary Jindan Realm?" Gu Hai sneered.

Suddenly, Lu Yang's face changed, and suddenly thought of the ancient sea information that he had seen at first.

"Cultivation of external power reaches innate state?" Lu Yang's face changed.

Internal power refining, external power refining!

Guhai practiced external exercises to the innate level, physical strength, I do not know how many times stronger than others. As the practice increases, the effect of external exercises becomes more and more obvious.

"It's no wonder that the old thing is going to disperse as a re-cultivation and practice external skills to the innate level. External skills cultivate the strongest body? No, no, your body builds the strongest foundation, your five internal organs. Heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, the most vulnerable of the five internal organs, can withstand the impact of the power of Kaitian Temple? Your Dantian, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys must be bursting!

"Oh, my foundation is more than just body surface!" Gu Hai said coldly.


The strength of the ancient sea continued to skyrocket. This time, it surpassed Lu Yang and in turn suppressed Lu Yang.

"Keekeke, no, you can't beat me, I'm the Great Emperor!" Lu Yang roared with all his strength in the body.

"I didn't defeat you alone, did you see that I'm standing behind Long Wanqing, standing at Huangfu Chaoge, standing at the countless people of the Dahan Dynasty, they defeated you with me, Lu Yang, you lost Said the ancient sea.

Lu Yang was seriously injured. Even if he urged his full strength, he is not an opponent of Guhai. The strength of Guhai is still increasing, but Lu Yang is gradually flushed with redness.


His fist rushed and Lu Yang's blood spit out.

"Me, am I going to lose to Gu Hai?" Lu Yang looked at Gu Hai with a hint of despair.

Looking at it, it was like seeing Long Wanqing and Huangfu Chaoge standing behind Gu Hai, looking at themselves with hatred. It seems like seeing more and more Shenlu dynasty people standing behind Gu Hai, 10,000, 100 million, 1 billion, each with hatred, like Gu Hai's expression, it is a heartfelt hatred expression.

Gu Hai alone, carrying the hatred of everyone, is overwhelmingly suppressing himself.

"Give me death!" Gu Hai hated.

But with the ancient sea clamoring, Lu Yang seemed to hear countless voices.

"Give me death!" Long Wanqing's voice.

"Give me to die!" Huangfu Chaoge's voice!

"Give me death!" Said the voice of more than a billion people.

It was a hatred of the whole world, and with the force of Gu Haimeng, it burst out.

With the full strength of the ancient sea, Lu Yang's blue boxing fist exploded and opened, and the golden ancient sea fist hit Lu Yang with a force that destroyed the world.

"No!" Lu Yang growled in despair.


Lu Yang was blown out with a fist and slammed into a distant mountain peak rising from a long vein.


The huge impact force instantly broke through the mountain from one side of the mountain and emerged from the other side of the mountain.

"嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ……………………!”

After smashing through 20 giant mountains, Lu Yang's body stopped and fell into a mountain.

ps: something happened today, update in advance, the second update, upload immediately!

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