Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 140: Death of the Emperor

This is the second more! ——

"嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ……………………!"

After smashing through 20 giant mountains, Lu Yang's body stopped and fell into a mountain.


The earth's dragon veins of the ancient sea suddenly screamed, rushing towards the earth's dragon veins where Lu Yang had previously stood.


The two dragons snapped.

Although Lu Yang's earth dragon veins were larger, the imperial veins of the previous imperial dynasty's self-explosion had already killed him. Where was the opponent of the ancient sea earth dragon veins? Suddenly, his body was torn by the ancient earth earth veins.


Lu Yang's dragon veins uttered a wailing sound and were torn in half.


The dragon veins of the ancient sea swallowed up with mouth and swallowed the tail of Luyang dragon vein.

Although, the other side is huge, but the dragon veins of the ancient sea seem to prefer to die, but also to swallow.

In the struggle of Lu Yang Longmai, he swallowed each other's tail in an instant. And opened his mouth toward his upper body.

In the billowing smoke, the golden dragon veins of the ancient sea emerged from the ground, and the dragon's claws stepped on the half of Lu Yang's dragon body, and opened his mouth to bite and devour.

"Eat, eat, eat ...............!"

Weak meat and strong food, the dragon veins of the ancient sea are strong dragons at this moment.

The ancient sea did not bother with the earth's dragon veins, but instead flew up to the mountain where Lu Yang fell into.

Lu Yang stopped by passing through 20 mountains.

However, at this moment, Lu Yang had already reached the end of his life, his whole body was blood, and he was dying. There was only one breath left.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!" Lu Yang kept spitting blood, watching the ancient sea slowly flying closer.

Looking at Gu Hai, that's not a person. It's like seeing countless people killed by themselves standing behind Gu Hai. Those people, all of them, have terrible hatred against themselves. Each can't wait to eat their own flesh and choke their bones.

The strength of the ancient sea is surging, but Lu Yang is dying.

The victory has been decided, not because Lu Yang pinches the ancient sea, but that the ancient sea can pinch Lu Yang at any time.

Gu Hai's eyes flushed and she looked at Lu Yang: "Wan Qing, I can finally avenge you today!"

"Oh, haha, Long Wanqing? Hahahahaha!" Lu Yang smirked in weakness.

"I died because of Long Wanqing? Haha, no, it's Long Xiaoyue, it's Long Xiaoyue!" Lu Yang's eyes were vague, and she seemed to see another woman full of aura. In her mind, there were countless moments. Picture-

"Uncle Lu Yang, my father asked me to bring you a birthday gift, but look again, but I have prepared a bigger one for you?"

"Uncle Lu Yang, your piano is really good, teach me?"

"Uncle Lu Yang, my father's big princes this time, my vote was all for you, and I also pulled several people to help you vote!"




For a moment, the conversation between Long Xiaoyue and himself suddenly filled the brain. As he passed away, Lu Yang showed a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

"Uncle Lu Yang, why did you kill me?"

All the pictures suddenly freeze in the scene where Long Xiaoyue finally died. It was Li Haoran who killed Long Xiaoyue himself. The look before Long Xiaoyue's death suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yang's eyes.

"Benefits of interest, Oh, Xiaoyue, Uncle Wang is sorry for you!" Lu Yang's eyes reddened.


While spitting blood, Lu Yang shed tears of pain.


Gu Hai ’s fist stopped in front of Lu Yang, because Gu Hai suddenly saw Lu Yang ’s five internal organs, Yuan Yuan overflowed his body, suddenly dissipated, and even his head looked like a Yuan Ying burst into smoke Dissipated.

Lu Yang's three souls and seven souls collapsed? The previous punch had nearly killed Lu Yang, but now Lu Yang just returned. He is no different from death.

His fist stopped in front of Lu Yang, and Gu Hai's face went dark.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

But it was Shenwu Wang who took a hundred flying boats to approach.

The King of Shenwu came with all his strength, but when he was outside the city of Lushen, he saw a land dragon vein and was swallowing the last dragon head of the earth dragon vein of Lu Yang.

"The land dragon vein of the ancient sea? Eat the earth dragon vein of Lu Yang?" Sima Changkong was surprised.

"Hisse! Gu Hai won?" Behind him was the voice of generals.


The ancient sea dragon's veins rose many times, and slowly sinking into the ground under a dragon's groan.

At this moment, everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai punched, it seemed to kill Lu Yang in general.

"Gu Hai, wait a minute!" Shen Wuwang growled suddenly.

"Gu Hai defeated Lu Yang?" Sima Changkong was still unbelievable.

The countless soldiers behind him were even more horrified.

Gu Hai's fist stopped in front of Lu Yang. Did not fight.

At this moment, the army of Shenwu King arrived, and Gu Hai suddenly turned his head and looked.

But I saw the King of Shenwu flying fast with some of his subordinates.


In an instant, everyone came to Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, don't kill him!" Sima Changkong roared angrily.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked puzzled at Sima Changkong.

"Lü Yang is not dead yet? Huh! Fortunately, fortunately!" Sima Changkong hissed.

"Master? Mr. Sima?" Gu Hai frowned.


Not far from a mountain peak, there was a sudden sigh.

The crowd turned their heads.

But when he saw the mountain peak, it was a man in Tsing Yi walking out slowly.

"Li Shenji?" Gu Hai's face sank.

King Shenwu just arrived with his army. When did Li Shenji come? Have you been waiting around here already? Been watching quietly?

Also, what did he just sigh? Sorry I didn't kill Lu Yang?

"Have met Marshal Zhennan!" Li Shenji respectfully said.

King Shenwu gave a cold glance at Li Shenji: "Oh, Li Shenji, can you enjoy it all?"

Li Shenji smiled bitterly for a while: "Just arrived! Just arrived!"

"Hum, do you want to watch Gu Hai kill Lu Yang?" Shen Wuwang said coldly.

"The Emperor Shenwu has misunderstood, I have just arrived!" Li Shenji arrived just after his death.

"Hum!" Shen Wuwang sighed coldly.

Turning his head, King Shenwu looked at Lu Yang while he was dying: "Uncle Luyang, God Wu is late!"

Gu Haiyan looked at King Shenwu.

On the one hand, Sima Changkong bitterly looked at Gu Haidao: "King Lu Yang committed rebellion this time, and his crime should be fought, but you should not kill it. In the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, there are many holy old officials, and they still have many Amorous! So ...! "

Sima Changkong was worried that those old ministers would put Gu Hai in the future, but Gu Hai didn't care, because Gu Hai had never wanted to enter the career path.

Gu Hai didn't have a final punch, not because of the shouting of King Wu of the Emperor, but because Lu Yang had already lost his soul and was almost killed by himself.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked gloomily at Lu Yang.

Gu Yang heard what Lu Yang said just now. He turned back and looked back. He regretted it, but what's the use?

"Uncle Lu Yang? You follow me back to the capital, as long as you admit a mistake. Father's sacred thoughts and old feelings, should not kill you!" Shouted the King of Wu.

"Cough, huh, huh, huh, huh!" Lu Yang, however, did not know where the strength came from, and actually stood up slowly.

The crowd looked at Lu Yang in astonishment.

But seeing Lu Yang slowly finishing the dragon robe. Weak eyes could not be opened, and his hair was trimmed.

After finishing the grooming, he turned to look north.

"Sacred Lord Gan ?? Oh, worship elder brother? Oh! I am right. I rebelled, I am right, I am the Great Emperor, because I have accomplished the great job, brother? He, but you forget me Erjing. Rebellion, I do n’t regret it again, I do n’t regret it again, I want to get my things back, even if I die, I have to try again! ”Lu Yang said weakly.

There was silence for a while.

"The only thing I regret was that I had too much ambition and killed Xiaoyue girl. The only thing I was sorry about was Xiaoyue girl." Lu Yang said bitterly and weakly.

King Shenwu frowned slightly.

"I am the Great Emperor! Lord Dagan? I treat you as a brother, not to be your courtier, haha, you forgot our vow of worship? I Luyang, not your bird in the cage, I lost , But I will always be the master of the grandma, forever! "Lu Yang said weakly and resolutely.

Resolutely, Lu Yang pulled out his sabre.


Long sword pulled out. Suddenly placed on his neck.

At this moment, everyone was silent, without obstruction, and without speaking.

"Dagan Sheng, I am not a bird in your cage, and I do not want to be imprisoned by you forever. I am the great emperor! Death is also the way of the emperor's death." Lu Yang finally screamed.


With one sword, Lv Yang blew his neck, blood radiating.


The long sword fell to the ground, and it was back in the light. One sword claimed to be only dignity. Under the last sword, Lu Yang came down completely.

No sound.

There was silence all around.

At the same time, there was a trace of luck left in the air, and it broke apart completely.

"Load the coffin and bring it back to the capital!" Shen Wuwang said in a stern voice.


A group of subordinates put Lu Yang's body and the self-proclaimed sword into the coffin. Slowly lifted into the flying boat.

Gu Hai looked at Lu Yang's death. He should have been revengeful and resentful, but at the moment, when he saw Lu Yang's death, he felt a heavy heart.

An ambition in exchange for countless injuries. Know everything before dying, but what use is that? Can the dead survive?

"Dahan people, Lu Yang is dead, thank you for your help!" Gu Hai cleared his mood and sighed.


The sound came to all Dahanzi's ears instantly.

"Woohoo, Lu Yang is dead, the emperor's revenge is finally reported, Mr. Gu, no, emperor, thank you!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"

"Xie Xie!"




Countless people of the former Shenlu dynasty worshiped for a while and thanked the ancient sea for revenge for the imperial court song. Similarly, everyone has acknowledged the Dahan dynasty and acknowledged that he is a Dahan dynasty's people.

Gu Hai is right. I really want to thank all the people for their help this time. Otherwise, it is impossible to defeat Lu Yang, and it is impossible for Lu Yang to die.

Only one punch defeated Lu Yang's ambitions, and one punch broke Lu Yang's three souls and seven souls. Only then did Lu Yangwu regret it. Give up all hope, and eventually died of self-confidence.

Long Wanqing's revenge, Long Xiaoyue's revenge, Huangfu Chaoge's revenge, and everyone's revenge.

Gu Hai was not happy.

In the past, there was Long Wanqing's great hatred. You could fill your heart with hatred, but at this moment, the big hatred was reported, but it was instantly empty.

King Shenwu left with his army, Li Shenji watched a play and quietly left.

The strength borrowed by the people on the ancient sea was slowly dissipating. After all, this is just a borrowed force and cannot be stored for too long.

The ancient sea with a sense of loss, slowly walked towards Lushen City.

"Meet my emperor, long live my emperor!" The officials at the gate of the city worshiped sincerely.

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

"Long live the Dahan Dynasty! Long live long live!"




In the city, the people worshiped sincerely.

The people were grateful to the ancient sea, acknowledged the ancient sea, worshiped the ancient sea, and the idea of ​​gratitude turned into merit, and the merit accumulated into qi, and went straight to the sea of ​​clouds.


The loss of air transport from the relocation of the capital to the Ninth Five-Year Island was quickly replenished.

Not only Lushen City, but also the people of eleven other cities were also grateful.

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

"Long live the Dahan Dynasty! Long live long live!"




Billy luck gathered over Lushen City.

The ancient sea was officially recognized by the Twelve Cities. From this moment on, the Dahan Dynasty entered the land of Shenzhou.

The territory of the dynasty expanded to twelve giant cities on the land of Shenzhou.

ps: Something happened today, it was updated in advance, and the third volume, the end of Shenzhou Fengyun. Tomorrow will enter the fourth volume, blood yuan Taiyuan.

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