Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 1: Chaoge

Lu Yang's death fell, but Lu Yang's sons and daughters were powerless and could not support the Great Duke Dynasty.

The Daqian dynasty, the Yuan dynasty, and the two great powers dispatched troops quickly. At the fastest speed, they must divide up the territory of the Daqi dynasty.

Lu Shencheng.

The return of the ancient sea to Luyang, the people of the former dynasty of the gods of the foothills, all acknowledged the ancient sea. The twelve cities recognized the ancient sea.

The ancient sea entered the Lushen City. The first decree was to rename the Lushen city.

"Lu Shencheng has experienced great difficulties, and the soul of Huangfu Chaoge will never die. From today, Lu Shencheng changed its name to 'Chaoge'! Chaoge City! Let us always remember Huangfu Chaoge and never forget it!" Through the sea of ​​luck to the cities of the Dahan Dynasty.


Countless officials and people were a little surprised at first. Didn't expect that Gu Hai had begun to make a big deal as soon as he mastered Lushen City? You can hear the name ‘chaoge’ next time! All officials and people were moved for a while.

"Respect the emperor!" Countless officials called respectfully.

Some people saw that the ancient sea was trying to win over the hearts of the people. In order to better control the twelve cities, no one refused to win over. Can only be grateful.

A few days ago, Huangfu Chaoge told Guhai about the official qualities of the twelve cities. Although the twelve cities have all entered the Dahan dynasty, Gu Hai understands that only this song city can be completely controlled by itself, and the other eleven cities are still free.

Therefore, the first step is to carry out political reform quickly.

The two hundred officials brought from Jiuwu Island quickly installed them in all important locations of the Eleven City Pool, but, in order not to appear obtrusive, they were all deputies.

For example, each city has only one city owner, but Gu Hai has arranged the twelve former treasurers with the best ability to become the vice city owner, and promotes the officials in the original city to become the second vice city owner. The position vacated by the official made Gu Hai arrange for replacement.

Therefore, in the major cities and towns, the power of the original officials has not diminished or even been promoted, but the people of Guhai have been very cleverly inserted in it.

There is a huge amount of horror information in a country, which can not be read at once, but the time is short, and the ancient sea can only find another way to spread all the information in a flat way.

The sight glanced over all the materials, and in the eyebrows, there was an ancient sea consciousness split on each endgame chessboard. There were more than 9,000 ancient sea consciousnesses. Each ancient sea looked at a piece of information. Clear.

The ancient sea digests quickly and constantly sorts out everything in the twelve cities

A decree was issued continuously.

Gu Hai can't stop for a moment, because Gu Hai has a great sense of urgency at this moment.

One after another the news came, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty made all-out shots this time, swallowing the Geng Jinzong, Greed Wolf Zong, Dahuang dynasty sites, and nearly half of Luzhou sites. He is now in contact with the Zhennan Army in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom.

These twelve cities in the ancient sea face the sea in the east, and the south, west, and north are the territories robbed by the Yuan Dynasty.

Twelve cities are now surrounded by the Yuan Dynasty. Basically it is the food in the mouth of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. How could the Emperor Yuan Dynasty not eat? Therefore, there is no army to suppress the situation, first to **** more territory of Luzhou first.

Therefore, the ancient sea must be fast, while the people still have the Huangfu Chaoge, use the residual heat of the Huangfu Chaoge to completely stabilize the people's hearts, and do their best to preserve these cities.

Lushen City changed its name to Chaoge! The former imperial palace hall was renamed 'Huangfu Hall', and the ancient sea arranged personnel to set up a sculpture of Huangfu Chaoge in the twelve cities as soon as possible. Let the hearts of the people and the army not forget the imperial songs of Huangfu.

Two hundred officials, Gu Hai, each sent a Lushi person for special protection. After all, he came from the island of Jiuwu and it was too weak.

On this day, after Gu Hai once again approved a large number of decrees, he went out and booed.

"Lord, master!" Gou Chen stepped forward a little bit.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked puzzledly at Gou Chen.

"Master, I have an idea, I don't know ........." Gou Chen twisted.

"Just say anything. I'm very busy these days. I don't have time to talk with you too much!" Gu Hai wondered.

"Master, I want to go out and gather in style!" Gou Chen looked forward.

"Uh?" Gu Hai didn't respond for a moment.

"I feel that my singing has encountered a bottleneck. I want to go out and practice it myself, find inspiration, and turn back to making music that everyone loves to listen to!" Gou Chen looked forward.

"Bottle? Find inspiration? Make music?" Gu Hai rubbed his temples.

Why are these words being articulated, so contrary?

"I know I shouldn't be like this. I'm just a celestial piano. I should follow the master. It's just that the world is so big. I want to see it!" Gou Chen looked forward.

Gu Hai stared at Gou Chen for a while. Gou Chen's heart was extremely embarrassed.

After a while, Gu Haicai laughed and said, "Go Chen, do you know? Although your character made me unhappy at first, but I never thought of reforming your mind after all, do you know why?"

"Eh? I don't know!" Gou Chen shook his head.

"Breaking the army, consciousness was given by Lu Yang. All his will is mainly based on Lu Yang. Although he has a soul, he doesn't have his own thoughts. Although I don't like your original character, but it is you, I I do n’t want to change you, and I do n’t want to change you. Everything you do is developed by yourself. I just hope that you can work positively and work toward your favorite direction. One day, you can help me! ”Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ah? Master, you let me go? But I heard you that day that there might be a threat from the Emperor Yuan Dynasty? Would you like me to help?" Gou Chen slightly stunned.

"No need, I haven't had a chance to live without Gu Hai, go ahead, before I change my mind." Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes, master, you are the best master in the world! I compose songs on the road, and I will sing all to you when I return!" Gou Chen moved.

Gu Hai's face turned black: "Go!" ——

Gou Chen left, and Gu Hai continued to get busy.

Three days later, all the 800 decrees of the ancient sea were sent to twelve cities. The promulgation of these decrees in the past few days has made all old officials linger.

The efficiency of the new emperor is too horrible. Six days, 800 decrees?

Officials suddenly had an intuitive understanding of the new emperor.

Although I don't know much about Gu Hai's character, this ability to govern is extremely horrifying, and I have more admiration for Gu Hai.

"The Emperor Qilu, there is a flying boat from Silvermoon City, who claims to be Shangguan Mark, and seeks the emperor!" A guard came to the newspaper.

"Oh? Shangguan marks? It's too time to come!" Gu Hai laughed.

Soon, Shangguanhen led the first group of officials who had brought the ancient sea into Yinyue City into the Huangfu Temple to meet the ancient sea.

"Meet my emperor, long live my emperor!" Officials revered with great respect.

"Have seen the emperor!" Shangguan Hen also laughed.

After a lapse of half a year, Shangguanhen's body breath became more restrained, seemingly ordinary, but Gu Hai saw a strong self-confidence from his eyes. Obviously Xiuwei has made a huge improvement.

"What's wrong with Silvermoon City?" Gu Hai asked.

"The emperor rest assured, Yinyue City is temporarily guarded by Yinyue Mountain Villa and Mu Chenfeng with his wooden helm disciple. Everything in the first piano building on this street is methodical!" An official smiled respectfully.

"Tang Chu!" Gu Hai looked at the official.

"Yes!" The official looked away.

"You have been following You for the longest time. Before Jiuwu Island was founded, you were also the big treasurer who was in charge of a country at that time. You have rich experience. Now the first piano building on this street has operated for so long. It must have a certain degree of business in the world of the practitioners. You know? "Gu Hai looked at the official.

"Yes, emperor!" Tang Chu nodded.

"Your group of sixty officials is the first group of officials operating in the first piano building on this street. Here is a batch of information. You go back first to see, and at the same time, I will send a large number of strong men to listen to your dispatch, chaired by Tang Chu. Open a branch for Xun, open up territory! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Tang Chu answered with a group of officials.

Gu Hai submitted a large amount of information to Tang Chu. Tang Chu greeted the officials and took the information back to his residence for reading.

"Yinyue City is a contact point for us. The news of Jiuwu Island was first passed to Yinyue City and then passed to you! This is a letter from the prince!" Shangguanhen took out a letter to Guhai.

Gu Hai quickly disassembled and read it. Looking at it, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "God King Ming?"

"I also heard the person who delivered the letter said that this God of Ming Dynasty seems to be coming to repay you?" Shangguanchen wondered.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, squinting his eyes and shaking his head: "Bonus? Oh, this God of the Ming Dynasty is not good!"

"Oh? The visitor is bad?" Shangguan frowned.

Gu Hai nodded.

"But it's troublesome. This Ming Dynasty **** is a troublesome character, and he's super strong!" Shangguanhen frowned.

"Oh? Super strength? Open the heaven palace?" Gu Hai asked.

Shangguan marks nodded.

"How is it compared to Lu Yang?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Lu Yang? Hehe, it's not his rival at all!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Opening the Temple of Heaven is just a general practice. People have three souls and seven souls. When they practice to the fifth soul, that is, when they are in the Five Infant Realm, they can hit the heavenly palace. "Shangguanhen explained.

"Tiangong lives in three souls? On the head?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, the Heavenly Palace is divided into three layers, and there are three souls of Heaven and Earth, and Lu Yang only opened the Heavenly Palace that lives the soul, perhaps the peak of the Heavenly Palace, but after all, it is only the Heavenly Palace." Shangguanhen explained.

"The third floor of Tiangong, Shangtiangong, Zhongtiangong, Xiatiangong, and three souls living in heaven and earth?"

"Yes, the old man who watched chess at that time was only when the three-tiered Tiangong was fully opened, so he was qualified to play against heaven. He wanted an impact to become a fairy. Lu Yang just opened the Xiatian palace. It is far worse than the old man who watched chess!

"Where is King Daming?"

"At least the Zhongtian Temple was opened!"

"You said at least the Zhongtian Temple was opened. At least, what do you mean?"

"I can only be sure. His Zhongtian Temple must be open. I don't know if Shangtian Temple is open!" Shangguanhen grinned.

ps: Something is happening today, the first is updated first, the second may be a bit late, and everyone will forgive me!

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