Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Changming

Over the original Geng Jinzong headquarters, countless bats are flying around! Beneath by the Yuan army. Temporarily opened up a 'Northern Expedition City'!

Commander of the Northern Expedition for the Great Yuan Army.

At the moment, the main hall of the Northern Expedition City, a giant sand table, a general in red, stood on his shoulders, watching the huge sand table in front of him.

A group of subordinates carefully explained the situation of the sand table, and pointed out the internal force arrangement.

"Master, this is the city we now have, and the direction of the various legions!" A group of subordinates respectfully pointed at the sand table.

The general in red, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his mouth: "Is the soldier of the Great Emperor Dynasty really vulnerable?"

"Yes, just now, the news came from Lidu. The imperial dynasty's luck broke down, and it should be Lu Yang's fall. The news also came out that Lu Yang made his last appearance, drinking Lu Haicheng and killing the ancient sea!"

"Oh? Lu Yang died in Lushen City?" The Red Marshal frowned slightly.


Suddenly, a bat flew into the hall. Suddenly turned into a humanoid guard.

The red commander turned his back to the guard without turning his head.

"Master Qilu, his subordinates are at the border of the Emperor Shenlu, and they have probed into the imperial song of the imperial emperor. The Emperor Shenlu no longer exists, completely supporting the ancient sea of ​​the country! The ancient sea used the power of one country to kill Lu Yang!" Road.

"Oh?" The commander in red turned to look at the guard.

The guards reported on the details of a city.

The commander in red turned his head to look at the position of Shangcheng on the sand table.

"Chaoge City? Oh, this ancient sea really will gather the hearts of the people!" The Red Jacket coldly.

"Yes, Mister, Mr. Mo has previously sent news that you must beware of this person in the ancient sea, so don't be an enemy easily!" A subordinate reminded.

"Oh, watch out? Gu Hai mobilized the power of a country to destroy Lu Yang, who was severely injured by Huangfu Chaoge. It was a big deal. Second, in a short period of time, Gu Hai could not let the twelve cities take heart!" Hong Jackie Shen groaned.


"However, since Mr. Mo started to speak, he naturally needs to be careful. These twelve cities are already in the siege circle of the Yuan Dynasty, and they are regarded as the country in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. It is only a matter of time, but now, look Come, this ancient sea is not a peaceful person. In this case, just in case, take down the twelve cities first! "The Red Marshal solemnly said.

"Humble job, charge twelve cities!" A pale general suddenly stepped forward.

"Changming?" The red-handed man frowned and looked at the pale general.

The pale general smiled slightly: "Master, my eighth army, has not been moved, let me charge it, you can rest assured that I will not disappoint the chief, and the humble job has now opened the Temple of Heaven!"

The commander in red stared at Chang Ming for a while and said, "Chang Ming, you have opened the Temple of Heaven, but it has only been opened for half a year, but only opened the Temple of Heaven, don't be so high!"

"No, sir, I know that Gu Hai killed Lu Yang, but what is the state? Lu Yang is dead, Gu Hai just made up for the last sword. Although he was the first to lead the army, but it is not enough to deal with Gu Hai. Easy? Capture the thief first capture the king, as long as the ancient sea is won, there will be no obstacles to the twelve cities! "Chang Ming said.

The Red Jacket seemed to be weighing something and was silent for a while before finally nodding his head and saying, "Okay!"

"Thank you Marshal!" Chang Ming laughed.


Chaoge City! Guhai Study!

Gu Hai, sitting behind the desk, holding a cup of tea, took a sip and looked at the officials in front of him. Headed by the former treasurer Tang Chu.

"Read it?" Gu Hai looked at sixty officials.

"Yes, the three hundred pages of information given by the emperor have all been written down!" The officials respectfully said.

"But what do you think?" Gu Hai drank the tea lightly.

Headed by Tang Chu, he took a deep breath and said, "The information given by the emperor and the emperor is not the twelve cities that have been mastered, but the other twelve cities!"

"Well, go on!" Gu Hai sipped tea and laughed.

"These twelve cities have a characteristic. They used to be the cities of the Shenlu dynasty, but later they were taken by the Dalai dynasty, Geng Jinzong, greedy wolf ancestors, and the Dahuang dynasty. They have recently become the Yuan Dynasty. Territory! "Tang Chu solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"The emperor asked his officials to go to these twelve cities to open a branch of the world's first piano building. Do they have any ideas about these twelve cities?" Tang Chu boldly said.

Gu Hai nodded and took a deep breath: "The Emperor Shenlu had a total of twenty-five cities in the past, a city of heaven and peace, which was completely destroyed by the Geng Jinzong slaughter city, and then there were twenty-four. Half of them were in the hands of the uncle Half of it is in the hands of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty! I believe that the people there still have nostalgia for the imperial court song, so I hope to return all the twelve cities in one fell swoop! "

"Yes?" The officials first blinked their eyes, and then they all expressed their anxiety.

"Emperor, are we extracting teeth at the tiger's mouth? Will it ...?" Tang Chu worried.

"I just want to extract my teeth at the tiger's mouth. You are worried that revenge of the Yuan Dynasty is normal. Oh, can you not let the Yuan Dynasty leave the Twelve Cities in our possession?" Gu Hai sneered.

"will not!"

"Since it doesn't, why can't I fight?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.


"Don't worry, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty is not invincible. This battle will not continue forever. Before the war stops, I want to win the most cities!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" The officials answered.

These are the old people who follow Gu Hai. With a glance at Gu Hai, you can feel Gu Hai's unshakable will. The emperor ordered it, and I'll wait to do it.

"Emperor, what shall we do?" Tang Chu solemnly said.

"This time, you are in charge of the overall situation. You will take the lead in the twelve cities and open a branch on the first floor of the street. Go can be operated, the model is unchanged, and it will be opened as soon as possible! "Gu Haishen said.


"I will arrange a large number of strong men of the former God Lu Dynasty to follow you and be responsible for improving everything you have explained. How to use a shop to capture a city, then I will slowly teach you!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"The emperor, this time returning from Yinyue City, I have also brought in the first half of this street's first piano building income!" Tang Chu respectfully handed over an account book.

"Oh?" Gu Hai didn't look at the account books, but looked at Tang Chu.

"In the past six months, a total of 40 million top-quality spirits have been made!" Tang Chu respectfully said.

Gu Hai nodded and said, "It's not bad!"

"Xie Xie!" The officials laughed.


The land of Shenzhou, the territory of the Dahan Dynasty, fifty flying boats quickly flew towards Chaoge City.

The Dahan Dynasty had just stepped into the land of Shenzhou, and everything had not stood still. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for fifty foreign flying boats to enter the Dahan territory so easily without being blocked.

For the first flying boat. Two large banners are erected, one with the large word "Yuan" and the other with the word "Chang".

Above the flying boat deck, Chang Ming was wearing a black robe, sitting elegantly on a chair, holding a crystal cup in his hand, and holding a glass of scarlet liquid inside. If someone looks carefully at the layer of platelets floating on the liquid, they will find that this half cup is not wine, but blood.

Chang Ming took a sip elegantly, his eyes staring into the distance.

"General, it won't be long before Chaoge City!" A subordinate respectfully said.

Chang Ming squinted his eyes and said, "I've seen it, Chaoge City? Oh, if you say that Gu Hai would know that I am a Kaitian Temple repairer, would I surrender if I was scared?"

"Uh ...!" The subordinate was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"Mr. Mo, and the commander made me be careful of the ancient sea, but no matter how powerful, he can't make three heads and six arms? According to the news on the island of Ninety-five, that Ao Shun was caught by the door, so he was cheated. Only Ao Shun's idiot would believe, be careful of the ancient sea? Any caution? In the face of absolute power, all conspiracy and tricks are jokes! "Chang Ming said lightly.


"Lu Yang was defeated by Gu Hai. At that time, Lu Yang was dead and you asked him to try against me again? Oh!" Chang Ming sneered.

"General, your first lead, maybe ...!"

"You told me a lot about you?" Chang Ming looked at the subordinate coldly.

"Don't dare, but there is nothing trivial in the military! There can be no care!" The subordinate bowed his head.

"Huh, what do you know? These twelve cities are basically the ones who decided to rule the Yuan Dynasty. What happened to the first leader? The marshal still let me come, because the battle was easy, I It's just a military exercise, what do you know? "Chang Ming dismissed.


"Look at me then, and won the Twelve Cities without a single soldier, ha ha ha ha ha!" Chang Ming laughed confidently.

A group of subordinates were slightly at a loss, but did not dare to talk.


Chaoge City. Huangfu Hall.

Gu Hai, wearing a dragon robe and a crown of peace, sat on a dragon chair, overlooking two columns of ministers, and promulgated a new order.

During the DPRK meeting, all officials listened patiently.

Suddenly, a guard rushed outside the hall.


The military state emergency report can ignore all obstructions and go straight to heaven.

"The Emperor Qilu, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, fifty flying boats, about 500,000 troops, appeared twenty miles south of the city!" Said the guard anxiously.

"What? Da Yuan Army?" A group of officials showed horror.

Gu Hai, with his eyes narrowed, slowly got up from the dragon chair.


With long sleeves, the negative hand slowly stepped on the dragon chair. Step by step outside the palace of Huangfu. The ministers followed the ancient sea, slowly stepped out of the hall, and looked towards the far south of the city together.

The height of the Huangfu Temple is very high, but at a distance, twenty miles south of the city can be seen. Fifty flying boats are lined up and float in the air. On each flying boat, a banner with the word 'Yuan' fluttered in the wind.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty? Come so fast?" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

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