Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 3: I don't seem to say I want to go

Chaoge City!

Gu Hai, wearing a dragon robe, stood against his hands, and looked coldly at the flying boats in the far south of the city. The ministers behind him saw the big "Yuan" flag flying over the fifty flying boats, and they all worried for a while. Looking towards the ancient sea.

Facing the army of Lu Yang in the past, it was only the army of the dynasty, but the Yuan Dynasty is now the imperial dynasty, which is not a concept at all.

Today, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty is under pressure. What should we do now?


A group of strong men flew down from the flying boat, holding a sword and beheaded, and immediately chopped off five mountain peaks, flattened them, and formed five huge squares.

The troops on the flying boat all slowly fell on the five flattened peaks, and they stood very neatly into five hundred thousand army formations.

The ancient sea froze a little, what are these troops doing? So far apart, what military formation?

Want to fight against each other?

Gu Hai looked at the flying boat headed by him. On the deck of the flying boat, there seemed to be a pale man standing on the railing of the deck, looking at Gu Hai confidently.

"Where's the ancient sea?" A summoned soldier shouted from behind the pale man.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed for a moment, and for a moment he didn't figure out what everyone was doing.

"Wu Dahan the ancient sea, who is your Excellency?" Said the ancient sea indifferently.

There is a sound reinforcement array method outside Huangpu Hall, and the sound is transmitted to a distance in a blink of an eye.

The pale man in the distance smiled slightly and saw the ancient sea with a pride in his eyes.

"My general is the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Expeditionary Army, the Eighth Army Regiment, Chang Ming, the Chang Army Regiment!" The soldiers were summoned again.

Changming Army Commander?

Gu Hai frowned slightly, and constantly remembered in his mind all the data about the Yuan Dynasty that he had just seen. However, no matter how you look for him, you can't find him.

Even in the past two days, the ancient sea also read all the information about the army of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, but there is still no such person.

Eighth Army Commander?

Emperor Yuan Dynasty? Isn't it a fake?

Gu Hai's heart was weird for a while, but it didn't show up.

"The emperor, this person, the minister knows!" An official suddenly respected.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked in doubt.

"In the past, the emperor had used the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. Chang Ming was a descendant of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. The Chang family was a big family in the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. A vampire family!" The official respected.

"Vampire clan?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, this Changming looks pale and is a characteristic of vampires. They call themselves bloodlines, and Changming is the youngest son of the Chang family owner. He practiced quite fast. When I went last time, it was said that he had reached the peak of Yuanying and left Tiangong. Just a step away! "The official recalled.

"Oh? What record or political record?" Gu Hai asked.

"I don't know, the reputation should be inconspicuous. The army of the Northern Expedition of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty should give him military power?" The official shook his head.

"Haven't been on the battlefield? No wonder ..." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked again at Chang Ming in the distance.

"Chang Jun? I don't know what happened today when I came to the Dahan Dynasty?" Gu Hai said lightly.

In the distance, Chang Ming arrogantly looked at Gu Hai, showing a slight chuckle: "Ancient sea? Oh, the commander of this army is here today to give you a splash of wealth!"


"By commanding him, let me dispose of your twelve cities arbitrarily. The commander of this army does not want to make a big deal, and gives you a chance for peace talks!" Chang Ming laughed.

"Peace talk?" Gu Hai sneered.

The Twelve Cities is owned by the Dahan Dynasty, not your Northern Expedition!

Yun Changming's discretion? Look at the things in the twelve cities?

Gu Hai held the anger in her heart and looked at the opposite with a sneer.

"Yes, peace talks, Gu Hai, the commander cares a lot about Mr. Gu, and the commander of this army doesn't want you to lose anything. So, let me decide. The twelve cities are still under your control. Listen to your dispatch, how about it?" Chang Ming confidently Road.

"Oh, ha ha ha? Twelve cities listen to me?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Yes, seal you as the emperor of the Twelve Cities in the foothills of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. This Twelve Cities, in my Dayuan, will you continue to control the Twelve Cities, how about it?" Chang Ming laughed.

Gu Hai sneered for a while: "Chang Jun regiment, so you are here for Zhao'an? Zhao'an, my Dahan Dynasty?"

"Yes!" Chang Ming nodded.

After that, Chang Ming stared at the ancient sea as if eating it.


The officials around were bewildered, and the people in Songcheng frowned, looking away.

Can there be no war? Naturally, no one wants war. However, if you are a Dahan dynasty people, how can you be recruited by Dayuan?


The people looked at the ancient sea together. Officials also looked at Gu Hai together to see how Gu Hai decided.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Heaven has a good virtue, and Chang Jun regiment also has compassion!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, yes, Gu Hai, the current affairs person is Jun Jie, but I will give you a chance not to hurt you one subject and one people!" Chang Ming laughed.

There was a hint of strangeness in Gu Hai's chuckling face.

Is this Chang Jun regiment's head broken? Still smug?

Do you really think you're here, I'm clapping my hands? Moreover, even Zhao'an is not your trick! Do n’t you first convince the other, it ’s like Zhao'an?

Great events in the country, every inch of land, every inch of land is filled with human life. Do you want to win my twelve cities in a few sentences? Do you really think I am a philanthropist?

"Head of the regiment, I heard that not long ago, Xiu had reached a height that ordinary people cannot reach?" Gu Hai asked tentatively.

As if talking about Chang Ming's itchy place, Chang Ming laughed suddenly: "Ha ha ha ha, yes, opened the Tiangong, what happened half a year ago, I came to you unexpectedly!"

Gu Hai: "………………!"

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked at the officer next to him: "Are you sure he is the key disciple of the Chang family?

Officials on the side: "...............!"

In the distance, Chang Ming was smug for a while, and shouted, "Okay, Gu Hai, how are you thinking? Come on!"

Gu Hai looked to Changming in the distance, and a slight smile flashed in his eyes.

"The national affairs should not be underestimated, Chang Jun regiment, if not, how about talking to the central government separately?" Gu Hai pointed out ten miles away.


The earth's dragon veins tumbling. Suddenly, a square giant mountain slowly floated under that earth, it seemed like a huge terrace.

"Oh?" Chang Ming's eyes lit up.

Chat alone? Gu Hai wants to talk to himself alone?

However, what kind of cultivation is Gu Hai, compared to himself, but far worse, he came alone, I still have to be afraid of him?

"Good!" Chang Ming agreed.

"Wait a moment!" Gu Hai said lightly.

When Chang Ming showed a hint of doubt, he saw Gu Hai dispatching officials.

Officials responded and left quickly. Look for craftsmen in the city, and bring a lot of materials to the huge terrace in the center. Started building a gazebo.

And it seems that it is necessary to decorate the gazebo so that the bare terrace becomes very beautiful and comfortable, and the tea set seat is placed, which is very elegant and comfortable.

There was a hint of satisfaction in Chang Ming's eyes. It turned out to talk to me alone, but also a good environment? This ancient sea is more particular about itself.

Gu Hai quietly left everyone's sight, and went to a large hall, turned his hands to take out countless spirit stones and put them in the hall. At the same time, a number of orders were made to the Lushi people and officials.

"Yes!" Officials answered strangely.

Arrange everything, Gu Hai came slowly. Look into the distance.

Chang Ming was still patiently watching the decoration on the terrace. In addition, he sent his staff to fly, and put a wine rack next to the coffee table.

When Gu Hai saw the distant scene, his face turned black. This Changming, where's the strangeness that emerges? How dare you even cooperate?

The decoration was nearing completion.

Gu Hai explores a trick.


The earth's dragon veins rose again.

Then, around Changming, the five peaks where the 500,000 Yuan soldiers were located were slowly merging. It seems to be merged into a super large square.

The generals felt the mountain moving at their feet, and frowned as they wanted to leave the mountain.

"Don't move, this is Gu Hai's good show to us, let the five peaks merge! Don't lose my face!" Chang Ming said coldly.

"Yes!" The half a million soldier nodded with anxiety.


Sure enough, Wuzuo Mountain was all merged, and a huge terrace stood with half a million soldiers.

At this moment, a group of officials and craftsmen sent by Guhai, after renovating the central giant terrace, slowly returned to Chaoge City.

"Kuang!" The door closed suddenly.

Above the terrace, the decoration is quite beautiful. Chang Ming's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"Chang Jun, please!" Gu Hai said.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, good!" Chang Ming flew up with satisfaction.


In an instant, Chang Ming flew to the terrace gazebo. I chose a very comfortable chair to sit up and waved my hand, and the wine on the wine rack fell into the crystal glass in front of me.

Holding the crystal cup, Chang Ming looked very comfortably at the ancient sea in the distance, signaling that the ancient sea is coming.

Gu Hai: "……………………!"

"This Changming, is it really brain damage?" Gu Hai looked at the officer next to him and asked again.

The official's forehead was sweating, and I didn't know how to answer.

"Gu Hai, are you still here?" Chang Ming said impatiently in the gazebo.

Gu Hai: "……………………!"

"No one has ever waited for me. No one dares to wait for me. Gu Hai, don't you want to be a savior?" Chang Ming chuckled.

Gu Hai was silent for a while and said, "I don't seem to say I want to pass!"

"Uh?" Chang Ming looked stiff, and some didn't respond.

What do you mean? Didn't you just talk to me alone?


At the rear, the place where the 500,000 troops brought by Chang Ming was suddenly soaring into the sky, and the 500,000 troops were swallowed up all at once. In a blink of an eye, the army of 500,000 was no longer visible, and no sound was heard.

Previously, the earth's dragon veins merged the five mountain peaks, not for them to create a square, but to bury the spiritual stones of the formation.

Watching his 500,000 subordinates disappearing in the fog, Chang Ming was holding a wine glass, sitting alone in a comfortable chair, and his head couldn't turn.

PS: Something happened today, the update is a bit unstable, a little late, sorry!

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