Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 5: People of heaven

Northern Expedition!

Emperor Yuan Yuan marched to the north to deal with a batch of battle reports, took a short break, took a cup of tea, stood again at the sand table, and watched the changes in the troops on the sand table.

"What's going on in Changming?" The coach looked at the 12 cities of Dahan.

"Listen to the newspaper, General Chang should go straight to Chaoge City!" A subordinate respectfully said.

"Oh? Take Chaoge City straight? Want to do it once and for all?" The coach smiled slightly.

The subordinate frowned and said, "Master, there is a sentence in the humble job that I don't know if I should speak, but I just keep it in my heart like a cheekbones in my throat, some ...!"

"Let's go!" The coach said lightly.

"That Changming, we have all been in touch for a while, and he can still lead soldiers? We have deduced several times, what did he say? If he walks alone, he simply blindly directs, such people lead soldiers, only Bringing the army into destruction, why did the commander captivate him as the eighth army commander? He gave him half a million soldiers, but ... humble duty is disobedience. How can people like him harm the army? Is it the Chang family? "The subordinate said unhappyly.

The commander smiled slightly and shook his head: "I think I'm self-righteous, I'm self-conscious, I think I'm great? Oh, I know it!"

"Eh? Why is that handsome ...?"

The handsome man took a sip of tea, shook his head, and squinted his eyes, "You look at Changming, it seems that the idea is unrealistic, has no ability, thinks he is awesome, it is a straw bag? Oh, this is what you read wrong ! "

"Oh?" There was a hint of surprise under that subordinate.

"If he is useless, the Chang family would value him so much? The youngest son of the owner is not a sister-in-law, why does he seem to be higher than all the elder brothers in the Chang family? The old monsters in the Chang family are all idiots?" Laughed.

"Eh? I don't know how to do anything wrong, but also ask the coach to make it clear!" The subordinate showed a hint of consternation.

"He can't blame him for his bales, because everything is so smooth!" The handsome man frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"This Changming was born evil. It ’s like being favored by the heavens, luck is always good, everything is smooth, very smooth, and everything that is decided by luck, he hasn't met his opponent yet. When he went on an outing, he could find a treasure, and when he fell into the valley, he could pick up the peerless secrets. Even if he had to die, he could survive the difficulties with the least loss! "The handsome man frowned.

"Eh? How can there be such a person? Luck?" The subordinate said blankly.

The handsome man's eyes were stunned: "Yeah, luck, luck is also a kind of strength. But Chang Ming is the very luck of the evil gate, and because of good luck, everything he does is smooth, and everyone is jealous. So it ’s so smooth and windy, many times, you do n’t need to use your brain, huh, in this way, in your opinion, many of his thoughts are like grass bales, but to him, what about it? He seems to have the gods of the heavens Blessing, the idea of ​​a straw bag is better than your foresight! "

The subordinate: "...............!"

"This kind of person belongs to the" People of Heaven's Dependence. "Any family who has such a character will be regarded as a treasure. Why is there no other family member in the Chang family during the Northern Expedition? Opportunities for military achievements were all given to Chang Ming, which was to **** him. The entire Chang family did not participate in this battle. Do you still feel it wasted for the post of Chang Ming Eighth Army Commander? "The coach laughed.

The subordinate was silent for a while.

"So, can he win those twelve cities?" The subordinate frowned.

The commander shook his head and said, "The Twelve Cities were already surrounded by us, so I was not in a hurry, everything was slowly, but the ancient sea destroyed Lu Yang and had to start in advance. Otherwise, if he completely regained his heart, The second city, when you take it again, the price to pay is huge. Moreover, Mr. Mo sent a letter and repeatedly mentioned that he must be careful about this ancient sea. A person who even Mr. Mo must be careful, you think it is so good Against? "


"It ’s okay for Chang Ming to go. He is very lucky. If he can deal with the ancient sea, it is even better. If it is a mortal situation, Chang Ming's luck can also make him retreat. Moreover, this time Chang Ming himself fought. , Wait for the results! "Shen Shuai said.


Zhennan City! Shenwu King Study Room.

King Shenwu sat behind his desk and stood in front of a group of counselors.

Holding a battle report in his hand, King Shenwu's eyes froze slightly: "It's Gao Xianzhi again?"

On the one hand, Sima Changkong bitterly said: "Yes, the city of the Great Emperor Dynasty has been divided equally between us and the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. A group of army leaders have also come into contact with the army of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. The Sixth Army, the first defeated Yuan Bing, take back the first city from the Yuan soldiers! "

King Shenwu's face was gloomy, and the counselors in the study were also bitter.

"Master, the heads of the various legions have not formally launched their strengths, and are preparing for the moment! They can soon surpass Gao Xianzhi, Gao Xianzhi just made a coincidence!" A counselor whispered.

"Trick it? You let them try it trick? Huh, what the coach wants is the result, not something ready!" Shen Wuwang stared coldly.

There was silence for a while.

"The boss doesn't need to be angry, and who Gao Xianzhi will serve for in the future is not sure yet!" Sima Changkong advised.

The King of God Wu then suppressed the anger in his heart and clicked a little: "This Gao Xianzhi is a sharp knife to open the territory. Only one person can reach a million troops!"

Sima Chang nodded his head, a group of counselors wanted to refute, but could not say anything.

"Lü Yang's body has arrived in the capital?" Shenwu Wang Shen said.

Sima Chang nodded his head and said, "Yeah, all the way through, the major cities, closed behind closed doors, all the city owners will not let Lu Yang's body enter the city!"

"Oh, do you know to avoid suspicion now?" Shen Wuwang sneered.

"Master, what do Lu Yang's sons and daughters do?" A counselor wondered.

The Emperor Wu of the Emperor Shen Wu gazed a little: "Cut grass to eradicate the root, the Holy will not do it, we can not do it, let the Yuan Dynasty to do this villain!"

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

Cut off the roots, get rid of the evil, set the tone, and everyone avoids talking.

"By the way, commander, the news of Chaoge City has just arrived! The Eighth Army of the Yuan Dynasty, the army of 500,000, and the army of Chaoge City!" Sima Changkong suddenly frowned.

"Oh? The Eighth Army of the Yuan Dynasty? Chaoge City has gone through a few major disasters, and the mountains and rivers have been exhausted. Can it still resist?" Shen Wuwang stunned slightly.

Sima Changkong nodded with a bitter smile: "The Emperor Yuan Dynasty, the army of 500,000, the whole army was annihilated! Only the army chief Chang Ming fled."

"Eh? The Eighth Army is annihilated? The Lord will flee alone? Chang Ming? It seems that this person has not been heard. How did Gu Hai do it? How much did Dahan pay?

Sima Changkong was silent for a while.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Sima Changkong together.

"Mr. Sima, the Dahan dynasty is badly hurt?" A counselor wondered.

Sima Changkong shook his head: "There was no casualty in the Dahan Dynasty!"

Everyone froze slightly.

"What does it mean that there are no casualties?" Shen Wuwang frowned.

Sima Changkong was slightly bitter, and described the news of the spies.

Everyone in the study was weird.

"Where did Da Yuan find such a superb legionnaire? This kind of person can also be a legionnaire?" Shenwuwang struggled for a while--

Northern Expedition.

The Marshal of the Northern Expedition frowned at a report from a subordinate in front of him.

"Reliable?" The coach frowned.

"Yes, when the people in Chaoge City came out, we sent someone to inquire. The eighth army was all detained by the ancient sea, and General Chang disappeared!" Said the bitter bitter.

"Master, Chang Ming is going to be dealt with by military law. He was so defeated that he didn't come back to report it. Where did he hide?"

"Willn't it die?"




There was a moment of irritability among the other subordinates.

The commander shook his head and said, "With his luck, he can't die!"

"But he was blamed for this defeat!" One general yelled.

But the coach shook his head: "Perhaps this Chaocheng city is even more dangerous than imagined. Chang Ming's defeat so far may be the best result. At least, the coach came out alive!"

"Uh?" A group of subordinates looked rigid.

Is this the excuse for Changming?

The commander looked so dull that he looked at the sand table again, and there was a moment of silence.

"Does the Chaoge City, which is full of mountains and rivers, still hides a monstrous killing?" The handsome man looked at the sand table with a grimace.

"So, what do you do now? Marshal, let's go and slay Chaoge City!" A subordinate warned.

The handsome eyes narrowed for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No need, you will die if you go!"

"Uh? Impossible, handsome, I won't be the same as Chang Ming's stupid!"

"I said, don't need it!" The handsome man turned cold and looked away.

The subordinate immediately bowed his head and said, "Yes, he is rude!"

The commander nodded and said: "Now the front line has begun to contact the Dragon God Wu army, and we must concentrate on dealing with Dragon God Wu. Da Yuan's so many years of planning are in this battle, and I ca n’t be distracted. , Huh, after all, it's just my country in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. I'm afraid it won't run out. When this battle ends, I will deal with the twelve cities specifically! "

"Yes!" A group of subordinates should answer.

"Send someone to search for Chang Ming's whereabouts, find traces, and notify him to come to see me immediately!" The handsome commander Shen said.


Qinglu City, formerly one of the imperial dynasty cities, has been taken over by the Emperor Yuan Dynasty.

In the city, a huge store just opened, the first floor of this street!

On the first floor of this street, Gu Hai was standing on a terrace, watching the bustling pedestrians outside the street, and Tang Chu stood respectfully behind him.

"The first floor of this street, the Qinglu City branch? Oh, it has been open for two months, and it works well?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes, there is the model of Yinyue City, and all the old data of Qinglu City. We analyze the data all the way. Here, on the third day, we bought the store and found the various excellent products in the city based on the data. It was slightly renovated for four days and then opened! "Tang Chu laughed.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty is concentrating on dealing with the King of Gods. Oh, take advantage of this opportunity to speed up the progress and win the twelve cities!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.


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