Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Sixteenth, mixed Yuanzhu

This is the second change, something happened today, update in advance! ——

At the junction of Dayuan and Dahan, there is a gloomy valley above!

"How can this be, what poison is this? I have never lost, no!" Chang Ming flew weakly.

Chang Ming's body turned green completely. After a period of escape, Chang Ming had no time to return to the Northern Expedition City and fainted over the sky.


Chang Ming fell in the valley, splashing a large leaf, and seemed to pass out.

"I have something to eat again, ha ha ha, huh? Is it a demon?" There was an old voice suddenly in the valley.

Don't know how long, Chang Ming slowly opened his eyes from the coma.

Into a gloomy valley, in the valley, countless rotten leaves, a layer of shade above, on a damp wall. Full of runes, four chains emerged from the runes, locking a savage with dirt on his body, loose hair, and rotten clothes.

"I, I must be dreaming, I'm so elegant, here is hell?" Chang Ming frowned slightly.

"Little doll, still dreaming of dreaming, still a long time ago, shit, demonizing people? Or second generation demonizing people?" The savage savage pouted.

"You, who are you? What do you want to do?" Chang Ming stared in horror.

"What are you afraid of me for? If you weren't for me, you would have been poisoned long ago, kid, you're really lucky!" Savage laughed.

"Poison? My poison is gone? How could it be, but I am the Kaitiangong strongman, why can't I suppress that poison?" Changming was surprised.

"The strong one is fart, you are a hairy boy who just opened the Xia Tiangong, also called the strong one? What kind of poison is that? That is the poison of supreme. Today, if there is such a poison, there are less than one hand. Already fatal! Still want to suppress? Hey! "Savage sneered.

"Uh? Poisonous?"

"Oh, terrible? If I didn't guess wrong, this should be snake venom, hey, and this level of snake venom, don't say you, even the people in Zhongtian Temple, will soon be poisoned. You can live to this day, no Fortune telling is big? "The savage sneered.

"Uh, is it?" Chang Ming was slightly surprised.

"Boy, don't know how to deal with it. Lao Tzu saved you. Please worship me as a teacher. Lao Tzu will pass on your skills! I am going to give birth!" Cried the savage.

"Uh, you pass on my skills? What can you pass on to me? I'm blood, and I still need you to pass on?" Chang Ming dismissed.

"Blood crap, isn't your dad demonized by the bat demon? The human soul has already been replaced, and the offspring is also a vampire, and the human soul is always controlled by that bat demon. He is your ancestor. He wants You die, you have to die! "The savage sneered.

"Uh!" Chang Ming frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm a demon too, but I killed my first ancestor! It's more than enough to teach you a kid!" Savage said lightly.

"You teach me? Why teach me?"

"Because I've been killed by a man, no, by a beast. Damn, I've been trapped here for a thousand years. I can't get in for so many years. It's almost dead!" Savage Shen said.

"Ah? Just this chain? May I cut it for you?"

"Hey, cut a fart, do you know what this is? Okay, don't talk nonsense, I have a heir to the reincarnation, or revenge when I reincarnate. Look at my eyes!" Savage shouted .

"Eh!" Chang Ming turned his head and looked over.


The savage's eyes seemed to have magical power, and suddenly a strange light radiated, and Chang Ming seemed to be in a magic moment, motionless.


As if a red light poured into Chang Ming's eyes, his body seemed to be transparent for a moment.

Behind his head, there appears to be a black bat light trembling.

"Boy, I have remade the human soul for you, your human soul is no longer controlled by that bat monster, but to be completely perfect, you need to kill the bat monster, swallow its soul, and make up for yourself "Only savvy." Cried the savage.

"Ah!" Chang Ming cried in pain.

In this way, an hour passed.


When Chang Ming's head trembled, he returned to normal and looked up at the savage.

At this moment, the savage was suddenly skinny.

"You, you, you directly introduced these exercises into my head? You, who are you?" Chang Ming looked at the dying savage in amazement.

"Who am I? Hey, it doesn't matter who I am anymore. In this life, I've had enough, and my body has been used up. It's a legacy, and it's the wish of this millennium. Damn it, wait a minute. For thousands of years, a vampire finally came. "The savage laughed.

"Uh, senior, it seems that all of your exercises are passed on by our bloodline? Are you too?"

"Fart, Lao Tzu is not a vampire. You have to know that I am also simple. Hey, you will surely know it in the future, because you will be inherited by me, and you will also be a big enemy of me. This is for you, and the beast will come to you sooner or later. Yes! "The savage sneered.

While talking, he opened his mouth, and suddenly a black bead came out.

Beads are trivial, but they are regarded as extraordinary treasures by the savages.

"this is?"

"This thing, you study it yourself, the enemy is coming to you, you hold on for a while, and wait for my reincarnation. I'm gone!" The savage figure slowly dissipated.

Chang Ming grasped the beads, revealing a daze: "Predecessors, seniors? Well, Master, at least tell me, who is your enemy?"

"His name is" Mosquito Taoist "! This bead is called" Mixed Yuan Zhu "!" Savage said finally.


The savage disappeared suddenly.

The savage dissipated, and the runes in the valley and the chains that locked him suddenly disappeared.

Leaving Changming clutching ‘mixed Yuanzhu’ for a long time.

"The sixteenth calendar of ancient and ancient sixteen magic weapons, mixed Yuanzhu?" Chang Ming looked at the black beads in his hands and showed horror.

This is the Xuan Yuanzhu, which has been ranked 16th from ancient times to the present. As long as the news of the Xuan Yuanzhu is spread, the world will inevitably shake, and everyone will move.

Everyone, including the Great Lord. The strongest group in the world couldn't help it.

"Who are the mosquitoes? Haven't heard of it! Mixed Yuanzhu? Is it mixed Yuanzhu? I'm going, I'm lucky, I'm really lucky, this time I went to Chaoge City, I thought it was bad luck Well, actually get this baby? Damn, there are so many exercises, Gu Hai, you villain, you are dead, ha ha ha ha ha ha! "Chang Ming stared and laughed-

Qinglu Town.

Gu Hai and Tang Chu looked at the surrounding streets.

"Emperor, you guessed it. Although this Qinglu city is occupied by the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, there are still some families who are extremely missed and grateful for the emperor's song. In the old days, they are still willing to cooperate with us. Moreover, those officials you arranged to contact with them have had inextricable links with the families here! "Tang Chu respectfully said.

"Well, what is the defense situation of Qinglu City now?" Gu Hai asked.

"The army of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty replaced the original defenders, but the original defenders were all imprisoned. As for where they were imprisoned, no one knew. However, the army of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty posted a notice, ten years later , Let them out, absolutely no harm! "Tang Chu Shen said.

"Ten years later? Oh, after ten years, the people will forget the imperial songs of the imperial emperor. It will not matter if they release these troops!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Yes, ten years later, Da Yuan took complete control of these cities, so no need to be so cautious! The imperial song of the imperial clan that the people miss is dead, and the people have no sense of belonging to Dahan, and can only play the imperial imperial song. Entrusting the emperor with the emotional card, but the effect may not be good! "

"It's not possible, but it must be bad. For the people of the twelve cities, I still have to spend a lot of time in order to collect the people's hearts. It is naturally harder here!"

"So, emperor, what shall we do?"

"The nostalgia for the imperial court song slowly faded in the minds of the people, and after ten years, it was completely gone. So, before the nostalgia disappears completely, let the people's nostalgia erupt completely!"

"Let the people's hearts repel Da Yuan and miss Huangfu's Chaoge?"

"The heart of the people is the heart of the city. What's the use of the Dayuan army to seize the city? But when the people's hearts belong to Dahan, breaking the city is just a trifle!" Gu Hai said from his own words.


"First of all, you must find the millions of former defenders who were detained. If you find them, you will add millions of troops!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Eh? But no one knows where they are? The families who were willing to assist me have sent people to investigate early, there is no trace of them at all!" Tang Chu frowned.

"Anyway, you can't find them, can you not find those defenders of the Great Yuan?" Gu Hai laughed.

Tang Chu moved slightly, looking at the ancient sea.

"This time, I also brought a group of death row prisoners in various cities. Are you settled?"

"Emperor, those death row prisoners are all murderous innocents?"

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents? Oh, you look down on them too much. It is not enough to kill them 10,000 times. The emperor's dynasty sings the country. The old law did not have the death penalty, but my Dahan dynasty did!

Qinglu Town.

After changing hands several times, Qinglu City reached the hands of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. Although the people's hearts were awkward, the army of the Yuan Yuan did not oppress their lives, and the people did not resist much. Moreover, after the death of Huangfu Chaoge, many people were disheartened. Don't care about these, how to live, or how to live. Perhaps the life of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty is not bad? The people comforted themselves.

Suddenly one day. In a Hanoi outside the city, ten dry corpses drifted slowly.

There were two blood holes in the neck of the dead corpse, and all the blood was sucked clean, and the ten dry corpses were all wearing the uniforms of Qinglu City's former garrison.

"The garrison in captivity? The blood has been drained? Vampire?" Suddenly someone saw it, showing his horror.

Soon, there was a perimeter of the city.

Batch by batch, the people quickly entered the city.

"Aunt Zhang, is your son a defender?"

"Yeah, say it's going to be closed for ten years, and I don't know how it is now?" An old lady smiled wryly.

"Go outside the city and see if it's your son. Look, hey, maybe your mother and mother don't even know it!"


"Go and see for yourself, eh!"




The news couldn't be covered at all. After all, many relatives of the people's family were garrison soldiers. The news that the garrison soldiers had been sucked into the river outside the city and suddenly exploded throughout the city. Will it be your loved ones?

Suddenly, no hundreds of people rushed out of the city.

ps: I recently played a turn-based mobile game adapted from Brother Feng Qingyang's "Dragon Blood God of War". I really feel good about it. I strongly recommend this game to you. The game currently has a 10,000 yuan cash prize event. Download the game, there is a download entrance on the home page, I am waiting for you in the game!

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