Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 7: Prison prison

Qinglu Town!

Dry corpses outside the city were picked up, and more and more people surrounded them.

Two blood holes in the neck, the blood was sucked clean.

"Who knows who these ten corpses are?"

"It's dried up like this, and it's been soaked in water again, who can recognize it? But it must be my garrison in Qinglu City?"

"Isn't they being held by Yuanbing?"

"This blood hole is a bat monster, isn't it bitten by a vampire?"

"Vampire? Those soldiers?"




There are no hundreds of people talking about it.

Tang Chu made simple makeup and stood among the crowd. Not far away, a group of people seemed to be finishing their expressions. Tang Chu looked at the small group of people. Gently nodded.

The group seemed to be receiving the signal.

"My son, why did you die so terribly?"

"Is my nephew. He just broke through Jin Dan that year?"

"Yuan Bing went out of his way to say nothing but imprisonment, they all deceived us. Yuan Bing is eating them. After they have eaten my nephew, they will start to fight us?"

"Devil drinking human blood, you return my grandpa, ohh!"




A group of people kept crying and kept pouring sewage into Yuanbing. For a while, the people watching around also panicked.

Millions of defenders, really eaten, not imprisoned?

Eat for ten years? After ten years, will we start working for us? They drink human blood.

"Ma'am, this is the dead body. Can you recognize it as your son?" Someone questioned.

"I don't know, but can you guarantee it's not my son?"


"These corpses were only found, and there were no undiscovered ones. Are you sure you will not have my son?"


"At that time, Geng Jinzong sent troops to Qinglu City. My three younger brothers and one son were killed to protect Qinglu City from Geng Jinzong's slaughter and to save the people in the city. Now the last younger son was also sucked into a dead body by Yuanbing. , I'm so frustrated, do you still doubt me? Whoooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because because Aunt Zhang is so distressed.

The people who questioned Auntie Zhang just now were also scolded by the people around.

"Inhuman things, what's wrong with Auntie Zhang? Everywhere excuses the vampire!"

"Well, do you still want to be shameless? We almost slaughtered the city that year. How many people died in the Zhang Zhangniang's family in order to defend the city. Do you still doubt her? Yuangou!"

"Cold-blooded animal!"




Suddenly, the original questioning voice disappeared.

Tang Chu specifically called for some crying family members, but it was crying, this sadness and fear quickly fermented into the city.

More and more people are attracted, and those who don't come are also getting news, looking forward to how the city owner will respond.

The news did quickly reach the city's capital. A large number of officials were all invited to the main hall of the city's main government.


The lord of the city knocked over a vase and looked coldly at his subordinates: "Who is it? Who doesn't control their mouths? Do you not remember the decree? Bold things, Your Majesty, let us do our best to comfort the people and assimilate them Who can't control their mouths and actually **** the garrison? The prisoners are not enough for you to drink? After drinking, they leave the dead body? Who is it? "

Officials were afraid to talk.

"City Lord, now is so noisy, otherwise, first block the ten dead corpses outside the city? Lest the people become more and more angry?"

"I still use you to say? The dead body must be blocked, but it will inevitably cause a greater rebound. Check it out and find out who it is. I want him to die!" The city owner yelled.

Officials were afraid to speak.

The assimilation Qinglu City was originally sent, but it was a fat poor. After ten years, each resume will look very good, countless achievements, but there will be flaws, Your Majesty will blame it, then it is not a merit problem, but serious dereliction of duty.


Suddenly, a guard rushed into the hall.

"Huh?" Everyone looked.

"The Lord of Qilu, just heard the news from Qinglu Prison, one hundred and thirty-six thousand two hundred and forty-five prisoners, not one of them!" The guard-in-law reported.

"Huh?" Everyone in the hall changed his face.

"No one? Who are the ten dead corpses outside the city? Still wearing garrison clothes?" The owner frowned.

"Somebody deliberately? Bring us?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked and looked at the Lord together.

"Go again, be careful!" Shen said, the owner of the city.


"Where did the dry corpses outside the city come from? Will it be the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom that blamed us?"

"It's very likely that only Dagantianxia dare to play this conspiracy."

"City master, what about the dead body outside the city?"

"Don't move, since those dead bodies are responsible for us, please don't move first, check it with me, who did it! And give me a thorough investigation, any outsiders!"


The news of the dead body continued to ferment.

People in the city have different attitudes. Some people are frightened, some people don't believe it, but anyway, in a short time, the news of the dead body has spread to all parts of the city. Nearly all adult people have heard the news. The news couldn't be blocked at all.

There are about 300,000 prisoners, and there are only 300,000 people with families and family members. The 300,000 family members must come to investigate immediately. One by one, there were a lot of constant mourning, and they were organized to go to the city's main government.

"City master, let my loved ones!"

"Kill the devil, come back to me!"

"I have the power to kill me together, kill!"

"You said my son is still alive, show me, show me, prison can also visit prisons. Why can't we?"




"Everyone!" Burst out loud from the city's main mansion, and spread it in all directions through sound reinforcement.

The whole city is quiet.

"I give everyone a guarantee, your relatives and military, everything is all right, the dead bodies outside the city are all conspiracy of the gangsters!" The voice of the city owner came.

"What about my son?" "Where is my grandpa?" ...

Shouts from countless prisoner relatives.

"From tomorrow onwards, visits to prisons in batches will be allowed. Every day, 100 people will visit the prisons and register at the prison. First come, visit the prisons first."


The prisoner's family members rushed to the prison to register with excitement.

A vampire storm suddenly disappeared.

Visiting the prison is allowed, then what the city owner said should be true, someone intentionally married the city owner? The families of the prisoners were ecstatic.

Gu Hai stood in the first floor of the street and looked at the direction of the city's main government house, showing a slight smile.

"The emperor, the prison is about to be exposed!" Tang Chu smiled respectfully.

"Go decorate! Also, every batch of relatives are recorded, ready to start!" Gu Hai nodded.



Qinglu City visit begins. Eleven cities are doing the same thing before or after.

A visit to the prison completely resolved the crisis, and the Yuan Army was at ease. Everything resumed before. In the face of facts, all conspiracies and tricks are jokes.

However, the host of Qinglu City still wrote the news as a memorial and sent someone to return to the capital of the Yuan Dynasty and the Northern Expedition!

The first batch of hundreds of relatives were substituted into an extremely remote large area of ​​the city.

There a group of Yuan soldiers watched and saw their loved ones.

The first hundred relatives came out of the prison happily.

"How? How?" Waiting countless people outside.

"It's okay, my child lives very well in it, that is, Xiu Wei has been sealed, and he has been an ordinary person for ten years.

"My grandpa wants me to practice well and wait for ten years to check my practice!"




The first batch of 100 people came out, and the last fear in the people's mind was eliminated. It turned out that everything was really fake.

The second and third groups went to visit the prison one after another. The people are no longer worried.

Prison area.

It seems to be a mortal living area, with millions of former defenders living together.

Several of them who had been visited were gathered together at a small mountain pass.

"A letter from my homeowner, let us cooperate, what do you think?" One of them whispered.

"Although the owner did not mention who helped us, I definitely listen to the owner!"

"me too!"

"Well, it took my family a long time to make me a captain, and now I am a prisoner. After ten years, I have nothing?"

"The family is trying to help us lift the seal. Brothers, we used to kill the enemies together. Now we come together to recapture everything and recapture all of us. Do you dare?"

"Dare to dare, but not everyone thinks so, and now we, a million people, are a piece of sand?"

"My family gave me a policy book. The first one is to convince the old city owner that he was also imprisoned here. He must be resentful. The condition after the policy is that he will continue to be the city owner in the future. If you do n’t mind and do n’t cooperate with us, find a way to replace it! ”

"Through the old method of entire army management, layer by layer! As written in the policy countermeasures, try to counter some prestigious generals. After I go out, all officers will be restored to office. Let them know just in case there is too much talk and time is limited, as soon as possible! "

"it is good!"


Rebellion in prison is ongoing.

"The prison is heavily guarded?" Gu Hai looked at the prison area in the fog in the distance.

"Yes, there are a lot of Yuan soldiers guarding it, and a formation method is set up. The formation method covers the ground, and it is impossible to dig the tunnel!" Tang Chu explained.

Gu Hai nodded and laughed, "It's easy to know the place!"


"How did you find the seal of a million prisoners?" Gu Hai looked at Tang Chu.

"A group of families and prisoners have discussed it together. This seal is the same as the seal of the emperor in the Dafeng Gang of Jiuwu Island, and it can be unlocked as long as it guides the minefield!" Tang Chu respectfully said.

Gu Hai nodded: "Now that this is resolved, presumably, the countermeasures in it have begun, as long as you can counter a group of generals, up to ten days, the countermeasures are good!"


"That being the case, let's get started. I didn't think it would be easier than imagined this time, oh, I hope to succeed with this!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed firmness.

"Accumulate the people, run into the government? Ten days to ferment, it should be almost!" Tang Chu nodded and smiled.

Gu Hai was silent, saying: "The people's hearts must not be deceived. This time, they must do it. They will take the city in the future, and I will compensate the people in the city!"

"Yes!" Tang Chu looked at him.

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