Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 8: Liaocheng

Zhennan City! Shenwu King Study Room!

A group of conspirators stood in front of Shenwuwang's desk. There were smiles at the moment.

"Bad marshals, all the legions came with good news. Although Yuan Bing occupied the cities of Luzhou, however, this time the battlefield was too large, the cities swallowed too much, and the defense of each city was not enough. Luzhou The city is slowly being recovered! "

"Too much, eat so much at a time, naturally will not digest it! But ..." Sima Changkong said.

Everyone looked at Sima Changkong together.

"Mr. Marshal, although the soldiers occupying half of Luzhou this time, there are not many defenders. The minimum is only 300,000 soldiers. It is very difficult to control the city and defend against foreign enemies. After all, there were too many cities swallowed by the Great Yuan this time, half of the Dahuang dynasty, greedy wolf ancestor, Geng Jinzong dynasty, and even the Shenlu dynasty, and they could n’t eat any more if they continued to swallow Luzhou. I want to go to Luzhou and read the battle reports everywhere. Although the city occupied by Yuan Bing was recaptured, Yuan Bing ’s casualties were withdrawn but it was withdrawn! ”Sima Changkong frowned.

"Yuan Bing wasn't bound to win against Luzhou?" Shenwu Wang Shen said.

"Half Luzhou, to be precise, should be prepared for the consumption of our army. When we collected Luzhou in full, there was no power to continue south, unless the Holy Army sent another army forward, but it seemed that the Holy Spirit would not Start a bigger war! "Sima Changkong frowned.

"You mean, when we collect Luzhou in full, that is, when the war is over?" Shen Wuwang said in a voice.

"Yeah, although Da Yuan ’s action was particularly large this time, he did not invade my great dynasty. The Luzhou city was seized from Lu Yang, didn't we? We charge Luzhou, and no one in the world dares to say anything, but After Luzhou collected it, and continued south, that was my aggression in the dynasty. The holy will not send troops to come, because I am all around, there are several other dynasties. If you ca n’t eat Dayuan in one bite, you ’re not going Will do the army of the innocent, so as not to add to the population's troubles, so the Holy Lord has named you as 'Mr. Zhennan', not 'Mr. Zhengnan'! "Sima Changkong solemnly said.

King Shenwu's eyes froze slightly: "Is the Yuan Dynasty really thinking about it comprehensively? Huh!"

"Yuanbing has the advantage of defending the city. Although he lost again and again, but the loss is not great. After giving up Luzhou, Dayuan still swallowed sixty or seventy cities, and its territory increased by one-third, but it was unprecedented. Great victory! "Sima Changkong sighed.

"Huh, it's all because Lu Yang was deceived by Mo Yike!" Shen Wuwang sighed slightly.

"So, the rest of the cities in Luzhou, we must get the maximum return with the smallest casualties, otherwise, everything is our loss!" Sima Changkong sighed.

"Speaking of minimal casualties? Which legion has the smallest casualties today?" Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.

A group of conspirators fumbled for a while, bitter.

"The sixth army of Gao Xianzhi has the fiercest fighting and the most harvested cities, but the smallest casualties! The loss per battle is not more than a thousand people." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

King Shenwu's face was gloomy.

"This time, Gao Xianzhi broke through the seven cities, and the battle was too classic, singing all the way, invincible!" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"If you have merit, you will be rewarded. The reward for Gao Xianzhi was increased tenfold last time, and sent to Gaoxianzhi camp!" Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.

"Ten times?" A multitude of counselors snapped.

The last time has made everyone feel shocked, this time it is actually ten times.

"Report!" A guard rushed into the study.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at the guard.

"Captain Qiyue, the frontline emergency report, Gao Xianzhi sang along the way, took the eighth city, arrived at the border of Luzhou, and brought millions of troops into the depths of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty! Enter the realm of the former Shenlu Dynasty! Respectfully.

"Ah? It's the eighth city so soon? Go deep into the Emperor Yuan Dynasty?"

"Well, out of Luzhou, the troops of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty were intensive!"

"Mr. Sima analyzed that outside Yuanzhou, Yuan soldiers are extremely dense. The Yuan soldiers who fled from Shengzhou have increased the number. Gao Xianzhi drove straight in. Is this looking for death?"

The conspirators looked at the King of Deities.

"Gao Xianzhi didn't say anything?" Shenwuwang Shen said.

"No, it's to lead troops to break through the city!" The guard yelled.

"In Luzhou, people have great intentions. Gao Xianzhi used his heart to break the city again and again. He went beyond Luzhou, but he was a Yuan army in all directions. He had only one million troops and was completely surrounded! Mister, pass Gao Xianzhi back! "

"Yes, Mister, let Gao Xianzhi collect Luzhou City as soon as possible!"




Shouted a crowd of conspirators.

King Shenwu looked at Sima Changkong.

Sima Changkong shook his head slightly and said, "Adults may be right, but when it comes to fighting, Gao Xianzhi should be more expert than you!"

"Uh!" The conspirators frowned slightly.

King Shenwu nodded and didn't give any order. As Sima Changkong said, he wanted you to teach Gao Xianzhi to fight?

"I'm just a bit weird. At this time, why did Gao Xianzhi go his own way and go straight?"


Northern Expedition.

As Sima Changkong guessed, the Northern Expedition City was not established in Luzhou, but was prepared to return Luzhou to the big work.

Dayuan swallowed sixty or seventy cities outside Luzhou, plus half of Luzhou, and there were more than one hundred cities. If you do n’t return the cities of Luzhou to Dagan, this battle will definitely lead to an outrageous one. disaster.

It's just that everything is very hidden.

"The city of Chenzhou was lost so quickly? With a large array of guards, one-third of the city of Chenzhou was lost?" The Northern Expedition commander said coldly.

"Yes, the sixth army of the other side is even more fierce. The news came, as if it had reached the border of Luzhou, and it crossed the border!" A subordinate respectfully said.

"The Sixth Army? In the news of Mr. Mo, did not say that the Sixth Army is very powerful?" The handsome man frowned.

"Master, please subordinate, leave this Sixth Army completely!"

"Subordinates fight!"

"Enter our multi-army zone, it's hard to escape!"

"Humble job!"




Generals fought.

The commander frowned slightly and shook his head: "No!"


"The war can only be controlled in Luzhou, and it can't be rid of it. The Sixth Army? You must fight, but you can't destroy it. You can fight them back to Luzhou, and you can't let it be destroyed!" Road.

"Ah? Why?"

"Because the war can only be in Luzhou, if this Sixth Army is destroyed, it will inevitably drag the battlefield over." The commander Shen said.

There was silence for a while, and they nodded.

"My sixth army, the sixth army responsible for besieging Dagan, beat them back, but I can't fight them back, but they must be dragged on me!" The commander Shen said.



Although the news of the ten dead corpses in Qinglu City has spread, it will take some time to reach the Northern Expedition and the Yuan Dynasty. During this time, the ancient sea will not give the two parties a chance to respond.

On the fourth day of the visit.

"Help, help, help!"

A shout came a terrified man from outside the city in horror.

"What's wrong?" Someone wondered at the gate.

"Vampires, vampires, Xia Nancun, Xia Nancun have all been sucked by the vampires! All dead, all dead!" The man rushed into the city in panic.

This man was naturally arranged by Gu Hai, but was a child of a family arrangement committed by Gu Cheng Gu Hai. He fled into the city in a hurry and attracted the attention of hundreds of people before kneeling at the door of the family.

"Owner, no, it's bad, Xia Nancun, all were eaten by vampires. I managed to escape, and managed to escape. My father, my mother, and all of us in the village died so terribly. Xia Nancun is your industry. You cultivate the spiritual materials for you. You have to decide for us! "The man shouted.

With a loud shout, it was clear to more than a dozen streets around.

The people looked forward to waiting for the news, but there was no news.

There is really no news.

The caller for help entered the gate of the family and never appeared again. Many people are curious. Go to detect.

"You, it's gone, it's gone, nothing!" The owner came out to rumor.

The city's main government is also extremely sensitive, sending people to inquire.

"All the grandfathers worry more, no vampires. No, really no, rest assured, we won't mess around!" The family cried.

The official who came to inquire frowned slightly and left.

The people's hearts were cast a shadow around them. I do not know how it is. Just waiting to forget this, the family was foggy that night, and the next day, all disappeared. The mess in the house is like a battle, with blood everywhere.

The whole family suddenly evaporated.

The evil thing made the people who were ready to forget yesterday's incident suddenly panic, all kinds of speculation came out.

"Where is the Zhang family? Why did it go all night? It was slaughtered all over the door?"

"Vampire? Is it a vampire again?"

"I went to Xianan Village last night. Xianan Village is just like the Zhang family. Everyone has disappeared!"




The more the people passed through the evil. Although there is no evidence, the spearheads all point to vampires.

Vampire ruins?

Countless people who got the news, a spirit. Looking towards the city's main government, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"No, it shouldn't be a vampire, isn't anyone going to watch that prison? Is it okay, vampires don't dare to be angry this day!"

"What about Xianan Village people? What about the Zhang family?"

"Maybe going on a trip?"

"Well, what's your trip like?"




Under the help of the ancient sea, although there was no conflict with the government, there was a layer of mist in the hearts of the people.

The people didn't make trouble, and the city owner didn't care about it.

the next day.

"Help, help, the owner, Zhongxi Village, was eaten by vampires. They had a vampire meeting last night. Owner, you have to take revenge on the whole village, oh, a lot of vampires, I hid in the thatched house for one night. Only then escaped. Owner, oh oh, both Chinese and Western villages are the owner's property! "

The same thing happened again. Yesterday was the Zhang family, today is the Li family. Originally, I wanted to relax, but on the third day, the Li family performed the same scene in the Zhang family. Overnight. Washed with blood.

All gone.

No one else.

A white horror enveloped the city.

"Emperor, there are 100 million people in the city, but this propaganda method is only known by a small number of people? And it's all secret, and it's just small news that others hear?" Tang Chu frowned.

"Sometimes, the gossip is even faster than it is advertised. We didn't say anything, everything was their guess. Isn't it?" Gu Hai laughed.

A few days of trail news came from six or seven small families, but it spread as fast as a virus. In just ten days, the news has been known to the whole city.

Will such an inexplicable person disappear one day?

If you do n’t know how to die, you will be destroyed. Then nothing? vampire? Must be a vampire?

Hundreds of people suddenly felt a horror of fear, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at themselves, those eyes were vampires. I live here by myself, but are raised. Until the day of fattening, were they eaten?

Qinglu City is like a magic cave. The group of demons imprisoned us?

Fear pervades everyone. Many people want to escape from Qinglu City and don't want to stay here, but their families have lived here for generations.

Some people were afraid to leave Qinglu City, and as soon as they left, they were misunderstood and eaten by vampires. The panic continued.

"Don't be afraid, someone must have planted a lot of money to frame the Yuan Army. The prisoners are not good in the prisons of the prisoners? Good news comes every day? They have nothing at all and have not been sucked."

"No, no, Auntie Zhang went to visit the prisoner the day before yesterday. Is anyone gone?"

"Uh? It seems like my cousin went to visit the prison. Come back and say that everything is fine and no one is there?"

"People are gone?"

"In the past ten days, more than a thousand people have visited the prison? What about people? Anyone stand up?"


The early prisoners disappeared. As if the world had evaporated.

In this way, no one can prove that the city owners are innocent?

"I don't want to live here, oh, my cousin was eaten by a vampire, it must have been eaten, my cousin was in the prison prison, and I must have been eaten, I am going out of town, I am leaving this group of devil!" Someone cried Shouted.

In this type of cry, Gu Hai arranged dozens of places around the city.

"The Yuan Dynasty? This is a kingdom of the devil?"

"If the Emperor Shenlu is still there, if the emperor is still there!"




After a while of panic and resentment, the hearts of the people suddenly became impatient.

"Shoot the devil out of Qinglu Town, drive the devil out!" Someone shouted.

"Let's not be eaten, drive the devil out!"

"Devil, get out of Qinglu Town!"




There were some shouts from the Quartet.

The people, who were originally afraid, slowly became eager.

Under the arrangement of Gu Hai, some families sent people out to tour the street and shouted slogans. Suddenly, it attracted the attention of the whole city.

City main house.

The town owner's face was gloomy: "What's going on? Don't you say there is no problem? What about those people?"

"It's a conspiracy, the owner!" Anxiously said all the subordinates.

"Hum!" The city owner hummed coldly as he threw his sleeves.

"Citylord, there must be some people making trouble. I have sent some people to suppress it! All of them are arrested," another official called.

"What? Asshole, do you catch it at this time, do you want to make trouble?" The city lord screamed out of the hall.

Sure enough, in a few blocks, a group of Yuan soldiers rushed to the street and arrested them.

"Vampire killed, I fight with you!"

"The vampire is about to kill again, kill them, and get out of Qinglu!"




A group of people shouted, mixed with the former masters of the Shenlu dynasty sent by Gu Hai, and immediately collided with Yuanbing.


Among the Yuan soldiers, among them were vampires, who were beaten suddenly, turned into a hundred vampire bats and fled.

"Don't run away for them, just the vampire, kill him!"




The city was in chaos, and some places were set on fire, and the whole city was in chaos.

The city owner stood over the floating island and looked gloomily at the chaos.

"All your subjects, please be calm and restless. The owner of this city has fully restrained the blood race. There is absolutely no incident of blood race injury. The prison prison is no problem and can be monitored by anyone!" The voice of the city master spread to the city.

"He lied, what about the soldiers' families? They were all killed and the devil was driven out of the city!"

"Today, do not drive the devil out, tomorrow we will be sucked by the devil, everyone, let us drive the devil out together!"




Chaos in the city. Yuan Bing fought with the people. Of course, the people who led the family were those who were loyal to Guhai.

The city owner looked at the chaos in the city, his face was gloomy.

"Citylord, what should I do?"

"You must suppress it quickly and catch the troublemaker!"


A large number of Yuan troops are about to be dispatched.

At this moment, there was a sound of drums of war outside the city.

"咚, 咚, 咚 ..................!"

The drums of war sounded, and the face of the city owner changed.

"Drums of battle? Someone sieges the city? Not good, defending the city with all its strength!" The owner suddenly changed his face.

"Daiyuan dog thief, return me to Qinglu City and the people of Shenlu. Don't be afraid. We are here. Adhering to the will of the old emperor, even if the emperor dies, he will not let the people of Shenlu fall into the hands of the devil. I am Lu Shiren, let's break the city, who will help me, roar! "

A roar rang outside the city.

Lu Shiren, the cordial voice, seemed to warm all the impatience and fear of the people in an instant.

"The emperor sent someone to save us?"

"The emperor is dead, that's not the emperor's soldier! It's the Dahan Dynasty!"

"The Dahan dynasty also upheld the emperor's will. I don't want to be a devil's people. Since the emperor chose Dahan, Dahan must be the same as the previous God's foot dynasty!"

"Lu Shiren broke the city? Lu Shiren came, brothers, follow me *** to open the gate, let Lu Shiren come in and destroy the devil!"

"Go and open the gate, hurry!"




Encouraged by some families arranged by Guhai, a large number of people rushed to the four gates.

"Stop them, jerk, stop them!" The Lord of the City exclaimed suddenly.

This is not only to defend against foreign enemies, but also civil strife in the city.

Internal and external problems, for a moment, the situation became extremely bad.


"The devil killed my brother, the devil killed my brother, ah!"

"Kill the devil, kill the vampire!"




As long as the people are killed and wounded, people's grievances have soared tenfold. Can this kind of soldiers who kill people lead us?

"Don't drive the devil out now, wait for them to eat us slowly later?"

"Demon, I fight with you!"




At the foot of the city, the stone people attacked the gate. Inside the city, the people collided with the soldiers.

Although 800,000 Yuan soldiers are stationed in the city, the people are in the hundreds of millions. Immediately drowned in the crowd.

The owner of the city stood anxiously above the tower.

Indeed, two Lushi people in the south of the city were attacking the city.

Only two?

In the distance, the fog was rolling, and it was impossible to see how many troops were in the fog, but only the sound of drums and drums. There are 800,000 soldiers in the city, but at this moment they are isolated and helpless. If they do n’t do it, they will be killed immediately by the people.

Of course, among this group of people, there are also a lot of masters brought by the ancient sea from Chaoge City, all of which are the elites of the former Shenlu dynasty. At the moment, with the activities in the city, 800,000 soldiers have been defeated.

The people are angry and the people are angry. What is the use of officers and soldiers?

At this moment, Gu Hai and his party are in the prison camp.

"Get out of the battle!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


The spirit stones buried around him suddenly condensed an ancient array of twenty-eight heaven and earth for the ancient sea and surrounded the prisoners' prison.


Gu Hai shouted loudly.

The cloud beast Xiang Yu was condensed, and Fang Tianhua's halberd chopped off.


Suddenly, the prison was opened.

"Bold, who?" Suddenly a large number of prison guards rushed out.


Xiang Yu ’s Fangtian painting halberd waved, and Yuan Yuan ’s general Yuan Yuan was instantly split by Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu continued to rush forward. As for the others who were weak, Gu Hai also stood behind a large number of strong men. Already.

Outside, the city's owner also found heavy fog at the prison.

"No, someone is jailed, fast, fast, fast!" The owner shouted.

However, nowadays, the Yuan army in the whole city was rammed by the people, and occasionally they ran out, and they were immediately entangled.

There is no way to support prisons.

Twenty-eight heaven and earth battles? Even if someone rushes in, there are a limited number, Xiang Yu is more than enough to deal with it.

In prisons, countless military prisoners were at a loss. The former Qinglu City Lord and a group of former generals came forward.

Looking at the ancient sea, his look was complicated.

"This is the ancient sea of ​​the Dahan dynasty, shouldn't you be strangers? In the past, he and Emperor Huangfu destroyed Geng Jinzong and gave us a siege. Before Emperor Huangfu died, he entrusted the ancient sea. Songcheng, everything is the same as the former empire of the gods, this time also the ancient sea to save you. Do you not meet the emperor yet? "Cried the head of a family.

When the owner called, the soldiers of his family should immediately say, "Meet the emperor!"

"Meet the emperor!" A large number of generals had already heard the news and worshiped.

The Lord of Qinglu City frowned and worshiped: "Meet the Emperor!"

"Qinglu Chengzhu, no ritual!" Gu Hai lifted up Qinglu Chengzhu.

Leaving a million soldiers in a state of astonishment.

"You, the ancient sea is not talented, and will regain control of Qinglu City. The ancient sea here assures you that what you did in the Shenlu dynasty in the past will remain the same in the Dahan dynasty in the future. The imperial dynasty song has always entrusted you, and we must ask you Saved. Today, I have completed my promise to the imperial court song. I Gu Gu promises not to force you all to return to their posts. After ten years, if you feel that you are not worthy to control Qinglu City, you will release Qinglu City. The country of your choice will not be blocked! "Gu Hai shouted.

"Emperor Huang Fu asked? Emperor Huang Fu didn't forget us before he died?" Countless soldiers suddenly reddened his eyes.

"Meet the emperor!" Suddenly a large number of soldiers worshiped.

The relationship between Guhai and Huangfu Chaoge is well known to everyone in Qinglu City. Now Guhai adhering to the will of Huangfu Chaoge to save everyone out, everyone is grateful for a while, many people worship. Others followed suit.

"You, Qinglu City is Qinglu City of Qinglu people, not Qinglu City of Yuanbing. Outside, Yuanbing is insulting and killing your loved ones. You must quickly unlock the seal and go out to help your loved ones and protect Qinglu people , Fight back the violent soldiers! "Gu Haigao shouted.

"What? Yuangou is insulting and killing Qinglu people?"

"Jack, fast, fast, unlock my seal, I'll kill them!"




A large number of lead mines were set up, and the soldiers at Qinglu were quickly unlocked.

"Kill, kill Yuan Dog!"

Millions of soldiers from the Qinglu City rushed out of the battlefield, and just arrived a group of embarrassing army members.



The people's grievances aroused, and one million Qinglu troops were trapped. The sound of drums from outside and the shouting and killing of Lushiren gave the people and the soldiers in the city countless confidence to overcome all fears.

Da Yuancheng, staring blankly at the Quartet: "It's over, it's over!"

Millions of troops were trapped, no hundreds of people resented, and 800,000 soldiers were killed and wounded. He flew in a flying boat and fled to the outside world.

There are four gates outside the city, and two Lushi people each break the city, and in the foggy area at the back, the Yuan Dynasty City Lord also saw clearly when he escaped.

Where is there an army! Only dozens of people are drumming? Only this person?

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"call out!"

In the sorrowful shout of the city owner, Feizhou had escaped a long distance.

After a civil war.

Gu Hai quickly arranged for the wounded to treat the wounded, and gave a large number of spiritual stones to all the injured people and soldiers. For all the people's losses, Gu Hai quickly compensated.

The grievances of the people slowly dissipated. Lu Shiren entered the city.

The number is not large, but it gives the people in the city a familiar feeling.

The Shenlu dynasty came to recapture the city, but the emperor Huangfu has been ridiculed, countless people once again fell down, and turned to look towards the city's main government.

Dahan Dynasty? Ancient sea?

This time the people who drove away the Emperor Yuan Dynasty and entered the Emperor Han Dynasty, right?

"People of the city, I Guhai, thank you for your previous bravery, as Huangfu Chaoge said, you are not afraid of all difficulties and fear of all enemies. The people of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty chased away, but the ancient sea was not talented, and temporarily took over Qinglu City. Some time before the death of Huangfu Chaoge, I was with him every day. He always missed you, and I feel sorry for you all. Let me do my best to help you out of the clutches. I did it today. I do n’t know if I can It can't be as good as Huangfu Chaoge, but I will make every effort to do it. Qinglu City, how the Huangfu Chaoge was governed before, all the laws and city regulations, and everything is unchanged before returning.

Maybe there are still many people who doubt my ability and doubt my Dahan Dynasty. But it does not matter, I promise to everyone, please give me ten years. After ten years, if my Dahan dynasty can't win your approval, Dahan is willing to let Qinglucheng choose freely. No joke, please remember me today! "Gu Hai said.

The sound passed through the city instantly through sound reinforcement equipment. And I use ‘I’ instead of ‘朕’ throughout the article, hoping to get people to recognize more quickly.


There is a lot of discussion in the city, is Gu Hai saying true? Is everything really the same?

"Of course, I also issued one today, the only new city plan!" Gu Hai said.

"Huh?" Many people frowned and looked at the floating island of the main city.

What I said just now does not change, but now it changes?

"In the past ten years, all tax revenue has not been handed over to the national treasury, and all of it has been used for people's livelihood. It has been used to build some public practice areas shrouded in the formation of law. It has been used to renovate the poor living environment of some poor people. Enlightenment teaching for young children. It is used to spend the rest of the lives of those close to Shouyuan. "Gu Hai opened a decree.

As soon as the decree came out, the people who had previously suspected Guhai suddenly opened their eyes. The rejection of the ancient sea disappeared in an instant, and countless counties recognized Dahan.

"All accounts, all open, for everyone to check at any time!" Gu Hai said again.

"Thank you Emperor, Emperor, and Emperor!" Some poor people said excitedly.

"Thank you Emperor, Emperor, and Emperor!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"




Although the name was still unfamiliar, none of the people cried out gratefully.

All taxes are used for people's livelihood? This is a super gift to the people.

Gu Hai said he wanted to give back to the people, and he did it now.

Standing on the floating island of the main city of the city, Gu Hai showed a slight smile, and finally, Qinglu City returned.

Not only Qinglu City, but Guhai believes that the other eleven cities are almost at the moment, right?

On the side stood the old town master of Qinglu Town.

The old town owner took everything back and breathed a long breath. At the moment, it was a good time, but he still frowned and looked at the ancient sea.

"The emperor, Qinglu City is back, but the Yuan Dynasty will not give up, will it? Should .........!" The old city master of Qinglu City worried.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Relax, since Qinglu City has entered Dahan, naturally it will not be lost, not to mention the original defensive formation, I still have the First Army, and now a barrier has been formed, Taiyuan The army came to take revenge, and the First Army would help us block them! "

"Dahan Dynasty, the First Army? I don't know which general? May I know?" Qinglu Chengzhu asked doubtfully.

"Head of the First Army, Gao Xianzhi!" Gu Hai laughed.

PS: Eight thousand words chapter!

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