Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Flick ash annihilation

The mode of Qinglu Town is unfolding at the same time in eleven other cities! It was almost two days before and after was almost mastered by the Dahan Dynasty!

All former officials were restored to office, just like Chaoge City, but they added some additional posts on the basis of the original to promote the family members and close friends from Guhai.

Dahan won the twelve cities, which is far worse than Dayuan swallowing sixty or seventy cities, but it also depends on the original strength of the two. After all, Dahan is too weak and the heritage is too shallow. It can be said that Dahan's layout has almost doubled. It has just been approved at this moment, but everything is vacant, and we must do our best to soothe.

After appeasing Qinglu City, the ancient sea horse kept on going to the other eleven cities.

At this moment, the memorials sent by the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty were also sent to the Capital of the Yuan Dynasty and the Northern Expedition respectively.

Northern Expedition.

The Marshal of the Northern Expedition looked at a book in front of him, revealing a hint of doubt: "There are ten prisoner corpses appearing outside the city of Qinglu? The prisoners in the city have not decreased? Well? The city owner did a good job and opened the prison, all misunderstandings can be resolved! "

Marshal of the Northern Expedition just nodded, and suddenly another report from the eleven city came.

"Huh? Ten corpses of prisoners? Well, there are in this city too ..............."

Looking at the Twelve Cities, the Marshal of the Northern Expedition changed his face. If there is only Qinglu City, then what might be the accident, but how can the twelve cities have a situation at the same time?

"It's going to happen!" The Marshal of Northern Expedition changed his face.

"Master, what's wrong?" A group of subordinates wondered.

The commander passed the report to a group of subordinates. It would not be a coincidence that weird scenes appeared in twelve cities at the same time.

"Gao Xianzhi led the troops into this area? Is this the case in the twelve cities? Is this the intention of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom? They want to go south?" The Marshal of the Northern Expedition sank.

All the subordinates were anxious.

"Hurry up, send someone to investigate in these twelve cities. If there is any news, please report it quickly!"


"Gao Xianzhi? No, you must retreat Gao Xianzhi as soon as possible, and notify the Sixth Army, try your best, don't be merciful, hit fiercely, fast, fast, fast!" The commander cried.


"Daisei, do you think it's Dagantianchao?"

"It's not Dagantianchao, who can it be?" Marshal Beiva glared—

Great Yuan Dynasty. Mo Yike Mansion.

Mr. Mo also saw these twelve reports.

"Mr. Mo, your Majesty asked me to report these twelve reports to you!" An official stood respectfully in front of Mo Yike.

"Well, it's the ancient sea, the Dahan Dynasty? Oh, what a big appetite, swallowed twelve cities?" Mr. Mo's face changed.

"Ah? Impossible, Mr. Mo, the twelve cities he has now mastered haven't grasped yet, and can still **** our twelve cities? He doesn't have the strength!" The official looked unbelieving.

Mo Yike did not accompany him to say more, his face gloomy and said: "Leave, I want to see your Majesty. Grand Marshal of the Northern Expedition, I have told you so that he must be careful of the ancient sea. Is he all in the ear?"


Mo Yike stepped out of the mansion regardless of the official's bewilderment--

The ancient sea was busy soothing the newly reclaimed Twelve Cities. Chaoge City also experienced a great difficulty at this moment.

"Squeaky squeak!"

The billowing bats were flying in the sky, densely packed, and shrouded over the city of Song. More than last time when Chang Ming came.

It was a group of people in black robes standing high in the sky, watching the song city starting coldly.

"Gu Hai, get out and give back to my young master!" The first black robe man said coldly.

The ancient sea is out, not in the city. A large number of officials live in the mouth of Huangfu's palace, showing anxiety.

"Mr. Shangguan, what do you do now?" A lot of officials looked at Shangguan Mark.

Last time, a green light on Shangguan marks defeated Changming's endless bats. Now the emperor is absent, and a large number of elites in Chaoge have been taken away by the emperor, leaving only Shangguan marks. How should we face it now? what.

Today there are more bats than last time.

Chaoge City, how difficult is it?

Shangguanhen looked at the sky coldly.

"Changjia?" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Huh? Who are you?" A group of black-robed men said coldly.

"Chang Ming? Oh, if I guessed right, he should have died of my poison now. You might as well go in this direction, maybe you can find his body!" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Bold! Bastard!"

"Master will be fine!"

"Master did not show up for so many days, you must have been arrested and released my master!"

"If you don't let go, we slaughter you Chaoge City!"

"Everyone has to **** blood, not one!"





Fifty black robes roared inexorably.

People in the city worry for a while, what can we do now? What about the emperor?

Many people look at Shangguan Mark.

"You can try it, huh!" Shangguan's face was cold.

The ancient sea took away a large number of elite strong men, leaving Guanhen here, just to protect him from the Song City, and Shangguanhen naturally stood at the forefront.

"Hum, you asked for it. Seeing that I slaughtered your entire city, I don't believe the ancient sea hasn't come out yet, hum!" The head of the black robe said coldly.

With a wave of hand, about 50 million bats were waiting to dive, and at this moment, a flying boat suddenly flew in the distance.


The flying boat flew from the northeast, and it was very fast, and soon it was outside the city.

There were only three people on the flying boat.

Cui Tie was responsible for driving the flying boat, and the King God of Daming was in a black robe, and another woman in a white robe stood in front of the deck.

"Daming King God, the city in front is Lushen City, we have arrived!" Cui Tie laughed as he drove the flying boat.

God Daming is holding the railing and looking out into the distance, but a woman in a white robe next to him whispered softly: "Well? Vampires? There are quite a lot of them. Are they from the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Da Yuan? Gu Hai really finds trouble, huh!" King Daming said lightly.

The flying boat continued to fly towards the song city, and immediately attracted the attention of the vampire and the city.


Suddenly, countless bats blocked the flying boat.

"Who is coming, get away quickly!" A vampire snorted.

"Huh? Let me get away?" Daming Wang Shen sneered.

Cui Tie didn't care, the flying boat continued to fly.

In the distance, the voice of Shangguanhen PA was suddenly heard in the city: "Guests from the outside world, please be careful. Chaoge City is now troubled by little devil. Wait a moment for us to solve these little devil. Come again!"

The voice of Shangguanhen came out, which slightly surprised the king of Daming.

"Oh? Little devil? Oh, it seems that besides the ancient sea, there are many people in Dahan's breath!" Daming Wangshen sneered.

All the vampires glared and angered, "Huh, little devil? Ignorant children, would think that the world is invincible if they poisoned? Lao Tzu will eat you first!"

"And you, where you come from, where you go, otherwise, don't even want to leave one of you!" The vampire turned his head and looked at the God of Daming coldly.


Cui Tie ignored it, and maneuvered the Feizhou toward the Song City.

"Huh? Bold, I don't know what to die for. If you want to find death, then you will be buried with Chaoge City. Go to me and drain all the blood!" The vampire yelled.

"Squeaky squeak!"

The overwhelming vampire quickly flew towards the God of the Ming Dynasty.

"Huh?" King Daming sneered.

However, he saw that the God of Ming Dynasty, who was standing in front of the deck, suddenly clasped his **** with the thumb of his right hand, and when the vampires were at a loss, they bounced gently.


Countless officials and people in the city showed a daze. People on this flying boat should die? There are 50 million vampire bats outside, he dares to break in?

Only Shangguan marks had a sudden glance: "Is he? That proud peacock?"

But when I saw the bullet of the King of Ming Dynasty, his finger was a bounce. It seemed as if a cyan halo appeared from his fingertips, spreading out in all directions.


Fifty million bats, almost at the same time, exploded. The sky was full of blood, like blooming blood-red fireworks.



All the vampires exploded and burst out.

For a time, the sky was full of blood and mist, and it was extremely gorgeous.

Fifty million vampire bats, fifty vampires, all exploded, and the man in the black robe just flicked his fingers.


Hundreds of people in the city took a breath of air.

Who is this

A single finger, the vast army of vampire bats, all fly ash annihilated? This strength is too scary, right?

"Oh, now it's quiet!" Daming Wang Shen said quietly, as if he had done something trivial.

Cui Tie's face was sullen, and the flying boat was controlled to continue flying.

"Daming King, your finger skills are getting more and more exquisite, huh!" The woman wrapped in a white robe chuckled.

Daming King God did not say more, but looked at the city not far away, getting closer and closer.

"Shang, Shang, Mr. Shangguan, what now?" An official worried.

"It's the emperor's guest. Open the city gate and welcome!" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Ah? The emperor's guest?" A lot of officials were surprised.

The emperor still knows such a strong person?

Open the gate wide, and let Feizhou fly into Chaoge City.

The finger I just pointed out was so shocked that hundreds of people couldn't forget it in this life.

One by one curiously looked at the flying boat and slowly landed at the entrance of Huangfu Palace.

"On behalf of the emperor Shangguanhen, I have seen the God of the Ming Dynasty!" Shangguanhen said slightly.

"Oh? You know I'm here? So, Miao Chen didn't tell me the truth at the beginning?" Daming Wang Shen Shen said.

"It's not that he didn't tell the truth, but that Miao Chen really didn't know where the emperor was. By writing to me, I came to find the emperor! Please, please!" Shangguanhen laughed.

"Gu Hai, isn't he?" Shen Ming Shen said in a deep voice.

"The emperor's imperial conquest, opened up territories and opened up land, and will return the class teacher to the DPRK!" Shangguan marks shook his head and said.

Aside from Cui Tie's face, I felt uncomfortable. Now that I know the God of the Ming Dynasty, I must know that I am here. The woman in white has been reluctant to reveal her identity. Didn't Miao Chen mention me?

"Yu Jia personally conquered and opened up territory? Oh, we can hear the news along the way, the Dahan Dynasty twelve cities, or the imperial court song, was surrounded by the Yuan Dynasty, except the sea, and opened up the territory , Do you still want to grab food from the emperor's mouth? Jokes, Dahan just has a little bit of information, what to fight with the yuan? "Cui Tie sneered.

"Is this Cui Tie? I remember Miao Chen's letter saying that you have bet against him on Jiuwu Island and you have already lost to his grandson. Why, isn't it enough?" Shangguanhen smiled slightly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Cui Tie glared.

"Oh? It seems I'm wrong?" Shangguanhen laughed.

"Huh, the last time the ancient sea had gone bad luck, the imperial dynasty sent him the twelve cities, and he had the luck to come. Will the emperor dynasty send it now? Take the city from the emperor dynasty? Joke, if it is true I won it, I admit it is the grandson of Miao Chen! "Cui Tie coldly said.


Suddenly, the air transported towards the city of Songs was tumultuous, and a stream of air transport from the west converged quickly.

All the people lifted their heads, revealing a sorrow.

"That's the direction of Qinglucheng. Has the emperor recaptured Qinglucheng?" An official cried suddenly.

Cui Tie: "………………!"

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