Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 11: Bu Tianzong

At the same time, the twelve city pools were collected, and the ancient sea horses kept on going to major cities to appease the people.

In a blink of an eye, it is the last city, make up for the city!

After the ancient seas appeased the people, although they would not make the people yearn for Dahan, but at least they no longer rejected the Dahan dynasty, and the royal grace of the imperial dynasty's song was not diminished. In addition, the public welfare of the ancient sea was temporarily recognized by the people.

On the floating island of the main city of Totenjo Castle.

Gu Hai stood on the edge of the floating island, holding on to the railing, looking at the city recognized by the people in the distance, exhaling a long breath, a smile on his face.

Behind him stood the Tianzhu City Lord, and Tang Chu.

"Emperor, Zhuchengchi has been soothed. Should the class teacher return to the dynasty? Mr. Shangguan has heard the news that the God of King Ming has arrived!" Tang Chu respectfully said.

Nodded his head, waiting to speak, suddenly, Gu Hai stared with huge eyes. His eyes were covered with bloodshot for a moment, and there were suddenly a lot of blue tendons on the hands holding the railing.

However, I saw a group of crane cranes flying in the distance, not far from the floating island of the main city of the city, the first white-haired boy-looking old man with a look of anger.

Seeing the old man with white-haired boy face, Gu Hai's breathing suddenly increased.

"Emperor, what's wrong?" Tang Chu wondered.

"Butiancheng Lord, who is he?" Gu Hai looked at the Tiantian lord suddenly and frostily, his voice filled with Mori's murderous intention.

"Tongtong!" The Lord of the Heavens suddenly bowed down.

"The emperor forgive sins, ministers, ministers, and ministers should die, shouldn't be fooled by ghosts!" Said the celestial master in fear.

"Huh?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

"The Emperor, the former Emperor Shenlu did not have the death penalty. It was just some people who were unforgivable. Their sins were unforgivable. The detention was a waste of military power in the city. Therefore, we sold it to Bu Tianzong. Not long ago, we were rescued. Officials resumed their duties and restored the laws of the past, but there are many officials below who want to continue to sell the wicked to fill Tianzong in accordance with their old habits, before they ... ……!

"Oh? Bu Tianzong? Sell ten evil unpardoned prisoners to Bu Tianzong?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Ah? Emperor, didn't you know?" The Lord of the Heavens suddenly changed his face.

The emperor didn't know about it, why was the expression so scary just now? What did I say? The Lord of the Heavens wants to cry without tears.

Tang Chu looked at the rear of the crane crane, and sure enough, he had cages one by one, and the outside of the cage was covered with giant cloth.

"After the crane truck, they dragged the prisoners who were unforgiving?" Tang Chu wondered.

"Yes!" The Lord of the Heavens wanted to cry without tears.

I asked myself this?

"Ten evil unforgiving prisoners, sold to Bu Tianzong? Are you disregarding the law? They let the criminals offend you, and you can hardly blame it!" Tang Chu said coldly.

"No, Lord Tang has misunderstood us. We have an agreement with Bu Tianzong, and the prisoners sell them, and after a while, they will deliver the corpse. No one escaped!" The city owner explained immediately.

"Oh?" Tang Chu frowned.

"Bu Tianzong opened a big casino, tortured in the Colosseum with indestructible prisoners, let the gamblers go to gamble, and finally the criminal died, and the criminal's body was returned to us. We were also worried. , For so many years, there has never been a problem! Bu Tianzong, and bought prisoners in other cities!

"Oh? Colosseum? Gambling?" Tang Chu looked at Gu Hai for a moment.

This is no stranger. The Dafeng Gang of Jiuwu Island used to do this. The difference is that the evil people of Dafeng Gang are not real, but the evil people who make up the Tianzong are real!

"I'm asking you, who is the old thing with the white-haired boy face?" Gu Hai looked coldly at the city owner.

"He, he is the lord of Bu Tianzong, Hu Dongtian!" Said the city lord immediately.

"Oh? Bu Tianzong, Sovereign?" Gu Hai frowned.

Knowing who this person is, Gu Hai was not afraid of him running away.

In the distance, Xian He drove Hu Dongtian and others slowly toward the gate.

"Bu Tianzong? What's going on?" Gu Hai looked at the Lord.

"Bu Tianzong, during the peak period of the past, it is said that it reached the level of Zhongzong Gate, but it is not as good as a generation, and then fell to the bottom of Xia Zongmen. Before the founding of the Shenlu Dynasty, it was so depressed that it only controlled one city. Bu Tian City, after the founding of the Shenlu Dynasty, this last Bu Tian City was also lost. It was only in the mountains and forests outside the city that it opened a mountain gate. Er, it opened a big casino. To be precise, it is now in my Dahan The junction of the imperial dynasty and the dynasty dynasty! "The city owner explained immediately.

"Butianzong, lord, now cowardly?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Well, however, this monarch, the supreme lord, Hu Dongtian, has a special instinct. He can repair magic weapons. Whoever has the magic weapon broken, you can ask him to repair it. After he repairs it, it is almost the same as the original magic weapon, so, It ’s a good deal with me and other city owners. He opened a casino outside the city, and no one asked him for trouble! ”Explained the city owner.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, watching the crane crane fly away in the distance, disappearing in the direction of the city gate.

"This time, the city changed, and the genius of Hu Dong personally came to pick up the ten evil people. The emperor rest assured that the officials and others did not mistakenly sell a good person. Every one is ten evil people and they are recorded!" The city owner immediately stated.

"Okay, you get up!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" The city owner still looked at Gu Hai in horror.

"Tang Chu, immediately send a message, all idle Lu Shiren, all come to make up the city!" Gu Hai looked to Tang Chu.

"Yes!" Tang Chu answered, although he didn't know what was going on.

"Butianchengzhu!" Gu Hai looked to Butianchengzhu.


"The Dahan dynasty is guilty of death, so I can not investigate your previous dereliction of duty, but I don't want to have another time!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes, the confession has been confessed, thank the emperor!" The city owner immediately thanked him.

"Give me all the information to supplement Tianzong, I need all of it!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Yes!" The owner said.

The two left, leaving Gu Hai alone standing at the floating island railings, and flashing hate in his eyes. The railing under his hand has been crushed by the ancient sea.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai completely suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, finally found one, finally found one, Hu Dongtian?" The ancient sea was exposed.

"Xianer, more than ten years, your enemy, I finally found one. Although Hu Dongtian was the most inconspicuous one of those people at the time, I can find others with him, and do n’t forget one If you want to run, don't even want to run. My fairy, are you in the spirit of heaven, guiding me? "Gu Hai looked at the sky, his eyes gradually turned red.


Five days later.

Gu Hai took Tang Chu to Bu Tianzong. Enter the gambling area and watch the shouts around the Colosseum.

Like the Dafeng Gang in the past, the Colosseum was gambling, and the practitioners in the Quartet City came to spend here.

"Emperor, the strength of making up the Tianzong is also extremely nasty in Xia Zongmen. The sky above the Zongmen is not even a little bit lucky? According to the data, the cultivation of Hu Dongtian has just entered the Yuan Ying Realm within five years. Ten years? But, the generations of the supreme masters are masters of repairing magic weapons? "Tang Chu shouted and looked puzzled.

Gu Hai also frowned slightly: "I just entered the Yuan Ying Realm, but I didn't follow the big man, so I would like to stay here and open a small casino? Oh!"

At this moment, the battle in the Colosseum had come to an end, and an evil man was defeated in an instant, but he did not die. The battle is over and ready to enter the next game.

"The emperor, these days we have looked through the dossier. The wicked men in the Colosseum have died. They are all very weird. They are all penetrating!" Tang Chu wondered.

"I also saw it. It should be another person who kills the wicked after the fight!"

"Yeah, Chen doesn't understand!"

"Don't think about it, don't think about it, you'll know soon, start to set up array! Enclose all of Tianzong for me, don't even want to leave one!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Tang Chu answered.

A large number of Dahan dynasty elites quickly filled the spirit stones according to the requirements of the ancient sea.

No matter how strange Bu Tianzong looks, Gu Hai is still very cautious.

After half a day.


Bu Tianzong quartet, suddenly the fog was rising.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Hu Dongtian, what are you doing?"

"Why is the mist soaring? This is a big array?"




Gamblers suddenly screamed as they turned around.

The disciples of Bu Tianzong also suddenly panicked and shouted towards Zongnei: "Zongzhu, Zongzhu, it's not good!"

Some practitioners had to break through the large array, but after a spare time in the large array, they came back again.

"Who, come out!" Shouted all around.


Gu Hai looked at the large array in front of him, a icy flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"The people inside listen, make up for Tianzong Hu Dongtian and violate the national laws of the Dahan Dynasty. Today, he specially arrested Hu Dongtian. It is not related to other people's affairs. , Treated as an accomplice! "Tang Chu's voice suddenly passed into the large array.

"Caught Hu Dongtian?"

"Violates the law of the Dahan Dynasty?"




The restless practitioners calmed down slowly. The cooperation is no longer arrogant.

After a while, Bu Tianzong heard Hu Dongtian's exclamation: "I don't know which adult is the Dahan Dynasty, and Hu Dongtian did not violate the national law of the Dahan Dynasty. I also have friendship with the owner of the city , Please adults to observe! "

"Emperor! He's bullshit, I'm not familiar with him," said the Tiantian Lord bitterly.

"It's none of your business!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Is there any guilt, my official will investigate it thoroughly, Master Zong, are you going to take a trip with us or wait for us to catch it?" Tang Chu's voice entered the battle again.

At this moment, the ancient sea has already set up the Tianluodi net. Presumably this Hu Dongtian can't run away.

In Bu Tianzong, above a square, Hu Dongtian's eyes narrowed slightly, his face gradually sullen.

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