Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 12: Fire Ding Body

Bu Tianzong!

It is divided into tourist residential area, gambling area and zonai area.

Among them, Zongnei District can only be used by Tianzong disciples to live in, and outsiders are not allowed to enter, and one of the mountain peaks is also a Zongnei disciple. It is a private area of ​​the Sect ’s Hu Dongtian. To die.

The name of the mountain is called Tianfu Peak, and a Tiantian Temple above.

Sovereign Hu Dongtian, there are countless disciples in the sect, but there is not a personal disciple. This is the practice of supplementing Tianzong. Only when the limit of the lord is approaching, will he choose the disciple.

Bu Tianzong is not big, but, it has a good reputation, and some powerful magic weapon from the outside world is damaged. Hu Dongtian will help repair it. Although he has received some fees, he finally has a good destiny and set up a colosseum to fight. They are unscrupulous people, and they will not cause resentment from others.

The other day, Hu Dongtian brought a group of wicked people back from Butian City and received a special guest. So far, he has never seen anyone else.

The door to the Tian Temple was closed. But it is in the depths of Bu Tian Dian that there is an entrance leading to the underground.

The entire Tianfu Peak was hollowed out.

"Hu Dongtian, dare you do this to me, I will kill you, do you know who I am? If I have an accident, my teacher will sever your head!" A sad and angry female voice sounded.

If the ancient sea is here, I can surely hear that this woman is not someone else, but she is the fairy of the old Yinyue City. A tragic world almost broke the five senses of today's billion people in the city. The late biography broke the army, but also forced the Shenwu King army to enter.

However, at this moment, the limbs were bound by four ropes emerging from the wall.

Although still masked, he was bound. Struggling sweat wet the tulle on his body, still unable to break free, and the whole person's eyes showed an infinite panic.

The place where Wan'er Fairy is bound is like a gorgeous house space with all the furniture in it, including a large bed.

A staircase not far away seemed to lead downstairs.

"Well, don't! Ah! Huh!" ...............

Downstairs, there was a burst of gasp, but it was as if there were men and women in the house downstairs.

However, there is only one male voice, but there are more than a dozen female voices.

"Waner fairy, don't be noisy, it's no use, no matter how noisy I am, I'll spoil you again, hahahahaha!" The male voice rang from the next floor.

"Hu Dongtian, how dare you!" Waner Fairy upstairs yelled with piercing eyes.

"Dare you not see it? Hahahaha, the body of fire tripod, really a good double repair tripod furnace, I will hurt you well, you just help me condense the fire babies, fire tripod to refine my fire Baby, ha ha ha, I may be able to reach the highest height of my Bu Tianzong history, ha ha ha! "Hu Dongtian's excited voice rang from downstairs.

"No, master, no, no!" The woman's painful voice came downstairs.

The fairy Wan'er upstairs turned wildly: "How do you know that I am the body of Huoding?"

"How do I know? I have said that I supplemented Tianzong's exercises, but today I am one of the best in double practice! The last time I saw you, my exercises were sensitive and I could not think of it. I still have a chance? Hahahaha Hu Dongtian said excitedly downstairs.

"No, master, ah, ah, no, no, ah!" A terrified shout came from the woman downstairs. There was no sound in an instant.

"Little Butterfly is dead!"

"Master, don't choose me, don't choose me, woohoo!"

"Let me go, master, I don't want to be the same as Xiaodie and Xiaoxin, I don't want to die like them!"




A panic came from the woman all around.

"Shuang Xiu, you are picking the yin and supplementing the yang, aren't they both? They are all dead?" Shangguan Wan'er was terrified.

"Dead under my babies, they are also good fortune. The fifty female slaves in Jindan Realm could have repaired me for a year, but today, for your sake, I have nothing to say, hey!" Hu Dongtian's voice from It came downstairs.

"Bu Tianfeng is your **** hole? When you search for nuns everywhere, is your furnace used to yin and yang?" Shangguan Wan'er's eyes flashed with disgust.

"Hahahaha, how about knowing? Do you still expect to escape from here? I have no other ability, just to repair magic weapons, do you know how many waste treasures I have recovered? Those treasures, even if they are open to the Tiangong Temple, look at them. It ’s just broken, I easily got it. When I got it, I repaired it all. I have a lot of institutions in Tianzong, no better than other imperial palaces. No, it ’s more severe than imperial palaces. You flee Ca n’t fall, it ’s like you ca n’t do anything right now? Xiuwei was forced into Jin Dan's realm, magic power and magic power could not be exerted at all, escape? Hahahaha! ”Hu Dongtian sneered.

"Ah, no, no, I can't, ah, master, forgive me, ah!" Another woman's voice rang from downstairs.

"Komori is dead too, master, forgive me, don't, master, don't!"

"Woohoo, master forgive me!"




Downstairs came a begging voice of women, accompanied by the sound of the chain 'Wala La', as if no matter how much they asked for mercy, they could not escape Hu Dongtian's claws.

"Waner fairy, don't worry, you are the body of Huoding, and you are still a virgin. I don't dare touch you now, otherwise your Yuanyin will not help me condense the fire babies, but burn me. My heart knows, when I have enough strength, I will spoil you again and make sure you like it, ha ha ha ha! "Hu Dongtian's voice sounded.

"Do you dare!" Fairy fairy stared.

"Aren't I preparing? Hahahaha!"

"My Master will not let you go!"

"Your Master? Speaking of it, it seems that my master ’s method is the same as last time, uh, I ca n’t tell the specifics, her physique is not worse than you. Presumably practicing the fire department is extremely handy, right, what kind of practice is your master practicing? ”Hu Dongtian curiously downstairs.

"Dash, you dare to say nothing to my Master?" Fairy fairy said angrily.

"How about that, she doesn't know, it's like, I just sucked you Yuanyin, what? She couldn't know! Isn't it? Who made you come in? Hey!" Hu Dongtian Yin laughed .

There was a panic in Wan'er's eyes: "It's all because of Guhai that I risked playing the forbidden song to break through. If it wasn't for risk, my Guqin would not be broken, and I wouldn't come to you to fix it. .........! "

"It won't fall into my hands? Hey, it's no use complaining, you are the body of Huoding, this time you won't give it to me, and it will be cheaper for another man in the future!" Hu Dongtian's smirk continued.

Waner fairy sweated from the forehead. How can I be confused this time I am clever?

What's wrong with this little man?

"Eun, ah ......... Whew! Ah! Dead again?" ...

Downstairs gasped, with the death of female slaves bound by chains in Jin Danjing, the panic in Wan'er's eyes became more and more prosperous.

This is the third day. Hu Dongtian has been forcibly robbing Yuanyin and Buyang, and now ...?

Wan'er Fairy wants to break free, but this room doesn't know what treasures are used. Under the force of a field, she can't exert any magic power at all, and her magic powers are not obedient and helpless.

"Hu Dongtian, you, I won't let you go as a ghost!" Wan'er fairy shouted in despair.

"Ah!" Below, it seemed that the last woman screamed. No sound.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, now I'm mad, ha ha ha, be a ghost, I will let you be a romantic ghost, ha ha ha ha!" Hu Dongtian laughed.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚!

A stepping sound came downstairs, and the fear in Wan'er's eyes grew stronger.

However, he saw that Hu Dongtian came up, his body, his lower body shining like a soldering iron, and it was even covered with blood.

Hu Dongtian has gray hair, but his face is immature and tender, but it is the effect of yin and yang.

"You, you, you ........."! Fairy Fairy was furious.

"What am I? Hey, the body of Huo Ding is also my blessing. I ca n’t make up for Tian Gong. If I **** your Yuan Yin, Huo Ying will not worry about it. Hahaha, I have reached the peak of my energy now, Now you can bear your body, ha ha ha ha! "Hu Dongtian said with excitement.

"You dare, you dare, I will kill you!" Fairy Fairy said in horror.

Hu Dongtian waved his hand, and a pink sphere suddenly flew near the bedside.


The detective moved gently, the pink sphere floated above this ground palace, and a burst of pink smoke instantly covered the whole palace, and some pink gas blinked into the nostrils of Wan'er fairy.

Suddenly, Waner Fairy felt the blood boil, and the whole person felt different.

"What is this?" Fairy Fairy said in horror.

"This is the treasure I inherited from Tianzong and the celestial sphere. The pink gas on this celestial sphere makes you more and more like to repair with me in the next time. It is this sphere that suppresses the surrounding From the standpoint, you ca n’t use your magic power or magic weapon, but also because of this celestial sphere, hey, how about it, do you feel it? Is it wet below? ”Hu Dongtian Yin walked step by step with a smile.

"You, you, you kill me, let me die!" Fairy Fairy said in horror.

"Don't worry, it will let you, ha ha ha!" Hu Dongtian slowly approached.

Slowly, the chains on Waner's fairy were unlocked.


Waner Fairy slammed her palm, but at this moment it was a soft palm, and her whole body had no energy. My eyes became blurred.

"Hahahahaha, I will spoil you, don't worry, don't worry!" Hu Dongtian slowly embraced Waner Fairy in a big bed not far away.

"No, don't, don't!" Fairy Fairy showed despair.

However, at this moment, the body's reaction has made Wan'er Fairy unable to help herself. Only the despairing color is left in her eyes. Two lines of tears slide down, and the will is becoming more and more blurred. My mind kept jumping out of the past.

At the end of the picture, it is still on the most hated ancient sea. Obviously inferior to himself, why can you win yourself everywhere?

Under the celestial sphere, Waner Fairy gradually blurred his will, panting deeply, tempting.

"I'm here, hahaha, let me see first, what exactly do you look like?" Hu Dongtian was about to unveil Waner Fairy with an excitement.

At this moment, a sudden cry came from outside.

"Sovereign, lord, it's not good!" Some disciples shouted anxiously.

Hu Dongtian's face changed, and there was an uneasy flash in his eyes. Something went wrong outside? But reluctant Waner fairy. I haven't touched it yet.

"Sovereign, an enemy is coming. Sovereign, someone has trapped me to make up the Tianzong!"

"Master, come out soon!"

"Sovereign, lord, bad!"




The shouts from outside made Hu Dongtian irritable for a while, and tried to unravel Waner Fairy's veil several times.

What happened outside this time?

"It's timeless!" Hu Dongtian was irritable.

Several times I want to ignore the outside world, but the outside shouting has disturbed Hu Dongtian again.

Until I heard Tang Chu's voice outside.

"The people inside listen, make up for Tianzong Hu Dongtian and violate the national laws of the Dahan Dynasty. Today, he specially arrested Hu Dongtian. It is not related to other people's affairs. Don't act rashly. You will be released later. Please cooperate. , Be treated as an accomplice! "

When he heard this, Hu Dongtian's face sank and he snorted.

Persistently looking at the fairy Waner constantly twisting on the bed, Hu Dongtian looked depressed.

"Huh, wait for me to come back and spoil you!" Hu Dongtian looked annoyed.

Putting on his clothes quickly, Hu Dongtian walked out with an unhappy mood.

ps: Update is late today, sorry. Three more tomorrow!

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