Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Demons' Palace

Above Tian Temple Square!

After reporting the name of the owner of the Tiancheng City, he still failed to let the other side stop. Hu Dongtian's face was gloomy.

Stop it? joke! How can it be! .

But in recent years, I have done a lot of work on the facade. How did I mess with the Dahan Dynasty?

"Master, what should I do?" A group of disciples gathered towards Bu Tianfeng.

Gu Hai and his party also stepped into the fog, but Gu Hai and his party could not be seen when they saw each other in the fog.

"Hu Dongtian, catch it, or don't blame us for being rude!" Tang Chu said coldly again.

"You're welcome? Huh, you dare to make up for the Tianzong mess, I let you come back forever!" Hu Dongtian said coldly.

"Give me Hu Dong quickly!" Gu Hai said coldly.

The detective waved.


Suddenly, huge cloud beasts condensed in the large clouds.

A large number of generals suddenly stood on top of the generals of cloud beasts.


Cloud beast step by step towards Bu Tianzong.

Suddenly, there was a commotion among a large number of gamblers.

"Everyone don't move, it's none of your business, don't get involved!" The general who headed Xiang Yu shouted.

Gamblers looked complex for a while.

"Huh, a group of cloud and waste waste, also want to break into me to make up for Tianzong, and bring it with me, destroying this cloud and waste waste!" Hu Dongtian drank.

"Yes!" A group of Bu Tianzong disciples answered, and were about to step forward.

"Li Ba Shan Xi Qi world!" Xiang Yuyun Beast yelled.

After drinking, Fang Tianhua's halberd suddenly cut to a mountain peak.


The huge mountain peak was split in two, and the disciples of Bu Tianzong who had to rush forward just now suddenly stopped.

"This time, just grab Hu Dongtian, don't care about other people's affairs, get away!" Tang Chu said with a cold drink.

A group of Bu Tianzong disciples looked at Hu Dongtian together.

"Zong, Sovereign, this cloud of fog waste, at least four infant territory strength, right? Maybe five infant territory."

"Sovereign, you are the strongest, maybe none of this cloud and mist general opponent, us?"

"Master, cooperate with them to investigate, maybe it's all right!"




A group of Bu Tianzong disciples worried.

"Huh, a bunch of waste!" Hu Dongtian snorted coldly.

Probing, Hu Dongtian took out a cross.

"No, that's the thread puppet lifter! He repaired it? Impossible, didn't he say he couldn't repair it at first?" The master of Tiantian suddenly exclaimed.

"Bu Tiancheng Lord? Are you here too? Huh, how much respect does Bu Tiange give you every year, and now you bring a large army to surround me?" Hu Dongtian glared and drank.

But he saw Hu Dongtian wave his hand.


Lifting the puppet rod, suddenly burst out countless transparent thin lines, bursting Quartet in an instant.

Shook suddenly.


"my body!"

"Jack, Hu Dongtian, what do you want to do?"




Nearly all gamblers, including a large number of elites on the cloud beast, suddenly moved.

"Lifting the puppet pole, all of you are my puppets. The monster of the Dahan Dynasty? What's wrong, try it yourself? Hahaha!" Hu Dongtian laughed loudly.

A shake in his hand.

Xiang Yu's Fangtian Huaji suddenly cut to the side of a cloud beast general. The faces of the two Dahan elites changed.


Gu Hai snorted and waved his hand.


All the cloud beasts suddenly disappeared, and a large number of Dahan elites suddenly landed, but they were still controlled by the line puppet.

"Oh, no monsters? Still let you kill each other!" Hu Dongtian snorted, and under the control of the detective, a group of controlled Dahan Shi suddenly struck.

"Lift the line puppet, and control the behavior of people?" Gu Hai looked to the side to make up the city master.

"Yes, as long as the thin line entangles the soul, it will be controlled by him like a puppet. This was originally a magic weapon for the Kaitiangong strongman, but it was broken. Last time I was looking for Hu Dongtian to repair it in Bu Tianzong. Hu Dongtian didn't fix it well, but in the end, Hu Dongtian exchanged another treasure for the bad line-up puppet rod, saying that he researched it by himself, and it turned out that he could .........!

"Huh? What other characteristics?" Gu Haishen said.

"Uh, you can only use it again and again!"


"It is now thrown out, how many people are manipulated, then how many people can not be added halfway, unless the control of all people is unlocked, thrown out again, and thrown out accurately." Bu Tiancheng master explained.

"That's the case, then it's nothing, another batch of cloud beasts!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Suddenly, another batch of Dahan soldiers rushed out.


The cloud beast just disappeared again.

In the distance, Hu Dongtian's face changed.

"Libashan is full of energy!" A general manipulated Xiang Yu and rushed to Hu Dongtian.

"Huh!" Detective Hu Dongtian pulled up the puppet rod and immediately pulled everyone over.


"Jack, Hu Dongtian, what are you doing?"

"You want to pull me back?"

"Jack! Don't pull me!"




A group of gamblers shouted in horror. Not only a group of gamblers, but also the Dahan generals who had previously been under control, were immediately pulled over and blocked by Xiang Yu's Fang Tianhua. Obviously before throwing out, Hu Dongtian involved numerous people with puppet lines.


With his own comrades in arms, Fang Tianhua stopped dead.

"Ha ha ha ha, come on, come on!" Hu Dongtian sneered.

The cloud beasts are huge.

Rushing to himself, Hu Dongtian immediately manipulated some people to send them to his death. Although those people kept abusing them, Hu Dongtian ignored them at all!

"Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Cloud beasts stopped one by one, worried that they would hurt their comrades.

"Sect Lord, why are we also under control, Sovereign, don't!" A group of Bu Tianzong disciples shouted in horror.

The puppet of the rapture was pulled around, and the disciples of Bu Tianzong were also inexplicable.

"Well, you group of waste, this suzerain has mercy on you and let you worship Bu Tian Zong. Now, if Bu Tian Zong has any difficulty, back down? What do I want you to do?" Hu Dongtian said coldly.

"Hu Dongtian, you let me go, or my family will destroy you and make up for Tianzong!"

"Jack, Hu Dongtian, I didn't expect you to be such a person, did I provoke you? Let me die?"




A group of gamblers shouted in horror.

Cloud beasts wanted to come forward, but they were blocked by the puppet rods for the dead ghosts.

Hu Dongtian's face was gloomy and said, "A layout of such a large array will consume a lot of spirit stones, huh, I see how long your spirit stones can last!"

"Bu Tiancheng Lord, don't kill me, I'm Dahan people, today I'm just gambling!"

"I'm also a Dahan citizen, don't strike me, don't kill me!"

"I am also a Dahan citizen. Long live Long live Long live! Don't kill me!"




The crowd was terrified for the dead, for fear that Fang Tianhua would be cut off.

"Emperor!" Tang Chu frowned at Gu Hai.

"Dahan's people, naturally, they can't do it! Entangle him first." Gu Hai Shen said.

"What now?"

"Tang Chu, you come to control the large array." Gu Hai Shen cried.


"Lu Shiren!"

"In!" Ten Lu Shiren answered.

"You take the ground, walk into that mountain peak, come out directly from the temple that makes up the sky, and grab him from behind Hu Dongtian!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Yes!" A group of Lu Shiren answered.

"Er, emperor, just let Lu Shiren go?" Tang Chu wondered.

"Since there is a string puppet, there is no other treasure, I will follow it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Looking into the distance, Gu Hai's eyes were full of hatred.

Chen Xianer's revenge was still vivid, seizing Hu Dongtian, Gu Hai naturally wanted to take his own shot.

"Yes!" Tang Chu seemed to see the hatred of Gu Hai, and didn't ask anything, just nodded.


Ten Lushi people took the ancient sea, slowly sinking into the ground, and headed towards Bu Tianfeng, not far away.

Suddenly, everything went well. Until it was close to make up the peak.


Ten Lushi people had a slight meal.

"Emperor, something is wrong!" Lu Shiren called.


"The dirt on this mountain is a little weird?" A Lushi cried.

"Keep going!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"it is good!"


A group of Lushi people continued to enter, but they just stepped into the interior and suddenly fluttered in shape.


All Lushi people suddenly couldn't move.

"What? Why did this soil suddenly become metal? And there is a solidification formation in the metal, we can't move it." A Lu Shiren exclaimed.

The other Lushi people also trembled for a while, but all the soil around them turned into metal, and the soil puppets immediately became ineffective and could not even move.

Outside, Hu Dongtian who manipulated the thread puppet showed a slight chuckle.

"Want to take the soil, and deal with me from behind me? Oh, you have Lushi people, when I don't know? Huh, my Bu Tianzong is everywhere!" Hu Dongtian sneered and looked away.

As long as you drag it on, and wait until the large array of energy is exhausted, this group of people will let themselves be slaughtered, hum!


A group of Lushi people couldn't help but keep the ancient sea in the center.

"The soil turns into metal, you can't mop up? Does it hurt?" Gu Hai worried.

"No harm, just like that, we can persist for a year and a half, but now we are trapped!" Lu Shi people said bitterly.

"It's okay, you wait here, wait for me to take Hu Dongtian first!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Said Lu Shiren bitterly.


As soon as the dead sword came out, Gu Hai cut it forward.

"Stab it!"

An extremely sharp knife that instantly cuts a metal road. The ancient sea squeezed forward.

But, just squeezing forward three feet away, it was as if piercing a wall, exposing a space inside.

"Oh? The mountain was hollowed out?" Gu Hai showed a hint of surprise.

The unique knife quickly cut open the cave, and the ancient sea stepped into it.


Gu Hai took a cold breath.

This space is illuminated by a night pearl. Under the ground, there are nearly 3,000 women's bones? Most have decayed to the bones, and some are dead.

Gu Hai's eyelids were raised, breathing hard, and walking towards a step not far away. A small door above, Guhai receded.

Moving up to the second floor is also a purgatory.

Fifty women's bodies had dried up at this moment, as if all the water had been drained off, and the lower body was even more tattered, and a chain was attached to the neck. Withered, desperate expression on his dry face. Obviously, he was tortured inhumanly during his lifetime.

"Choice the yin and fill the sun?" Gu Hai suddenly thought of a document that she had seen in the past.

These women have been used for all their powers Hu Dongtian?

Gu Hai's eyelids leaped wildly. The 3,000 corpses on the first floor below were all women who had been maimed by Hu Dong in the past. And these 50 corpses were just maimed not long ago?

The ancient sea is exposed, but Hu Dong's Tianming face is decent, but secretly practicing such evil skills?

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger and hatred in his heart, Gu Hai set foot on the third earth palace again.

There is a small door at the third floor of the palace. Gu Hai gently pushed open, and suddenly heard a woman's puffing voice.

"Waner fairy?" Gu Hai stunned.

Stepping, the ancient sea entered the third layer, and at this moment, in the third layer of the palace, a ray of pink gas suddenly got into the ancient sea nose.

PS: The first change, the second change after ten minutes!

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