Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 14: Baby

This is the second more! ——

A ray of pink gas penetrated the ancient nose.

Gu Hai suddenly felt a hot head, a look of nausea, different from the dimness of lethargy, but a kind of exhilarating feeling, consciousness is not confused, so the eyebrow of Tianzhen Shenxi did not move.

Suddenly, Gu Hai felt that the whole body's blood suddenly became hot, and a sound of gasp not far from the house seemed to awaken the memories of Gu Hai's decade-long sinking.

"Fairy?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Looking around, not far from the big bed, Waner Fairy's body twisted uncomfortably, as if she didn't know what to do, but she was also embarrassed.

A long distance away, Gu Hai seemed to be able to smell the body scent of her body, but the scent just seemed to instantly ignite the inexplicable flame in Gu Hai's heart.

Looking at the fairy Fairy, but in the eyes of the ancient sea, that is the appearance of Chen Xianer.

"Xianer, is it you?" Gu Hai walked step by step.

Waner Fairy's eyes are as charming as silk. After a period of torture, her whole body has to be opened. A strange craving, when she saw the ancient sea, she hugged the past.

With a fierce tender body in her arms, the only answer Gu Gu had in her heart did not need.

More and more pink breath penetrated into the ancient sea nose, and the dryness and daring became stronger and stronger.

Fairy Fairy experienced this for the first time, but the ancient sea was a former one.

"Tear!" There was a sound of shattered clothes in the room.

"Ah!" Waner Fairy groaned in pain.

A rhythmic impact soon sounded in the room—


Hu Dongtian manipulated the line-up puppet rod to continuously pull everyone around to do cushioning, blocking a crowd of cloud beasts.

Hu Dongtian's face was gloomy.

"Well, when I enjoy the body of the fire tripod, I will leave here to supplement Tianzong? As long as I am there, I will supplement Tianzong." Hu Dongtian thought to himself.

"Ha ha ha ha, come on, Dahan official, are you cut off?" Hu Dongtian sneered and sneered.

"No, I'm Dahan people, don't kill me!"

"Hu Dongtian, I'll kill you later!"

"Master, forgive me!"



The accused were all anxious.

Tang Chu stood in the fog, and there was a group of Dahan strong behind him, standing next to the Lord of the Heavens.

"Mr. Tang, the emperor has been in for a long time, will there be any problem?" Said the Lord of the Heavens.

"Nothing will happen, how could the emperor have an accident?" Tang Chu shook his head.

"But at this time, the emperor should step out of that Tiantian Temple and give Hu Dongtian a fatal blow?" The Tiantian Lord worried.

Tang Chu frowned slightly and shook his head: "Perhaps, the emperor has been delayed by other things, besides, what can you do now? Hu Dongtian shamelessly used these innocent people as backing up, all killed, then Deal with Hu Dongtian? Those who have my Dahan people! "

The master of Tiantian City nodded for a moment and nodded, but when looking at Tang Chu and the generals, he suddenly increased countless approvals.

At least, in the face of his own people, the emperor and his officials are mainly protecting and defending, rather than using unscrupulous means to achieve their goals. This is the same as the imperial song of the emperor—

Gu Hai had a dream. As if returning to the past and the days of Chen Xian'er, the two set aside all the disturbances outside and enjoyed the world of the two, happily doing husband and wife.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a mighty force had rushed into his body from the place where the two were mingling.


A hot force entered Gu Hai's body. This hot force seemed to be able to burn everything in the world. Gu Hai felt that his whole body was about to burn instantly.

Fiery power, headed straight for the heart.


The sky was full of fire, endless, and for a moment, it seemed as if the heart of Gu Hai had been completely burned.


Suddenly, in the heart, a dragon groaned, and the red real dragon roared, but suddenly the door to the heart was opened.


The billowing fire filled the whole heart instantly.

If it is the common sense of Jin Danjing, this fire can be completely destroyed in a flash, and even the heart, the internal organs and all the internal organs are all burned.

However, Guhai's heart and mind are different. Can the foundation of Guhai's heart and mind be comparable to others? Has been refined into a temple of Vulcan. From the inside out, that's the toughest kind of mind.

The fire was awe-inspiring, but it was still loaded into the Vulcan Palace, and the fire burned the four sides, but it did not hurt the Vulcan Palace, as if it was nourishing the Vulcan Palace.

As the fire entered, there was also a fiery red baby infant, but it was a baby infant of Waner fairy. At this moment, his will was dim, and he hugged the true Yuan sphere of the ancient sea.

Surrounded by a pink energy. It seems to promote the relationship between Yuanying and Zhenyuan spheres.

The billowing fire rushed to the true Yuan ball, and for a moment, the real Yuan sphere suddenly bloomed a dazzling red light, and the inner red true dragon also enjoyed this mighty power.

The power of Yuanyin's Yuanyin, with the help of her Yuanying, quickly matured the ancient Yuan sphere.

The red true dragon slowly shrinks into the real yuan sphere. After the real yuan sphere absorbs this yuan baby, it slowly solidifies and solidifies into a red solid sphere. Like an embryo, floating there.

The billowing fire quickly entered the embryo as soon as possible. The fairy infant's Yuan Ying also held the embryo, as if holding her love. A force of negative Yuan Ying rushed into the embryo, and the embryo suddenly moved, as if the internals were moving The birth of a small life is generally, after absorbing the power of the negative Yuan Ying, it is a feedback of the power of the positive Yuan Ying!

The two forces blend with each other and promote each other.

I don't know how long before, Waner Fairy's Yuan Ying left the Vulcan Palace of Guhai very reluctantly, looked at the embryo floating in the Vulcan Palace with nostalgia, slowly followed the path and returned.

Outside, Gu Hai and Wan'er Fairies have long been entangled, separated, merged, separated, merged ...

The consciousness of the two was becoming more and more awake, and I didn't know how long it had passed. Waner Fairy suddenly issued a high-pitched moan, and the movement in the room suddenly stopped.

All that remained was the heavy breathing of Gu Hai and the trembling twitch of Waner Fairy--

Outside, Tang Chu and the Lord of the Heavens were worried.

"It's been a day and a night, why hasn't the emperor moved yet?" Anxiously, the master of Bu Tiancheng.

Tang Chu also frowned: "This big battle is about to die!"

In the distance, at the mouth of Bu Tian Dian, Hu Dongtian sneered, "Ha ha ha ha, are you waiting for someone to attack me from my back?"

"Huh?" Tang Chu and his face changed.

"Don't have to wait, it's been a day and a night, now it's all turned into iron golems, and your battle has reached its limit? Hahahahaha!" Hu Dongtian proudly said.

Are your treasures known to you?

"Dahan Dynasty? Hahaha, but so, if you dare come to me to make up for Tianzong's troubles, you should know this end!" Hu Dongtian sneered sneer.

"You know someone underground?" Cried Tang Chu anxiously.

"Huh, this is my Bu Tianzong, everything is under my control, you continue to try? Kill this group of backs, I still have magic weapons against you, believe it or not? Hahaha!" Hu Dongtian proudly said.

"Well, I should have thought about it, Hu Dongtian must have many magic weapons. The emperor is in danger!"

"The emperor is going to have an accident. No, you can't wait any longer. Hurry, get started!" Tang Chu shouted anxiously.

"Everything is late. Your big array of spirits is running out. I see what else do you fight with me? Now, you have nothing, what can you do? Hahaha!" Hu Dongtian laughed wildly With.

At this moment, there was a girl screaming from the rear of the Tian Temple.

"Ah ~!"

The female scream was so penetrating that it instantly passed into everyone's ears.


Immediately afterwards, a clapping came out.

"Gu Hai, I want to kill you!"

The girl's sharp voice carried a despair.

Nearly everyone on the outside looked dumb.

what's the situation?

The cloud beasts in the dilute are about to make a move, Tang Chu suddenly changed his face: "Don't move, wait, wait, the emperor is in no way!"

Of course, this woman's voice is extremely angry, but anyone can hear that she suffered a great loss, and the other side that made him suffer is the second time she called out, "Ancient Sea"!

The emperor can make the woman suffer. Is the emperor still in danger?

Tang Chu immediately stopped everyone.


The large array also suddenly consumed the last piece of spirit stone and burst into a blast. The cloud beast is about to disappear.

Originally, Hu Dongtian should be happy because he had consumed the last piece of spirit in the array, because everything is within his own calculations. His purpose is to consume the other party's energy. Now that he has done it, shouldn't he be happy? ?

But what happened to Waner Fairy's voice just now?

That is how the matter?

Waner fairy wakes up?

"It's impossible, Yuanyin can't be leaked, she can't be sober, impossible, my fire Dingyuanyin! Something happened?" Hu Dongtian's face suddenly changed wildly.

After all this torment, isn't it just for this fire tripod? what happened? Leaked? Was it the first person to board?

I risked offending the great danger of Zongmen behind the fairy Waner, and risked giving up the entire Buddhism to deal with the Dahan dynasty, just for the sake of the fire, and everything for it. Now, it was first ascended by others ? Ancient sea? Waner Fairy just called the ancient sea?

"No, no, that's mine, no!" Hu Dongtian growled angrily.

With a wave of the puppet rod in his hand, all the people in control suddenly tore up.

"Ah, help!"

"I don't want to kill!"




The crowd shouted and killed each other.

Hu Dongtian was anxiously rushing into the Temple of Bu Tian.


The door of Bu Tian Dian closed suddenly, and the outside world shrouded a layer of pale blue.

"Quick, separate everyone, don't let them continue to fight!" Tang Chu ordered.

"Yes!" Other Dahan soldiers rushed up.

Hu Dongtian, who rushed into the hall, was full of grief, infinite grief and indignation: "No, how could the ancient sea come in? My Yuanyin, mine!"

ps: There is one more at night!

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