Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 15: Heaven and earth yin and yang huahua chemical industry make up for the great trag

Third more! ——


Hu Dongtian kicked the gate of the underground palace and stepped into it.

The controversy in the palace has suddenly stopped.

The pink mist still shrouded the palace, but the two in the palace were completely awake.

This day and night, I don't know what happened inside. The table, chairs, cabinets all fell down, and the pieces of Fairy Fairy and the pieces of ancient sea clothes were scattered everywhere, which was extremely messy.

The bed was even more messy. At the moment the palace was opened, Waner fairy pulled the quilt and wrapped her body.

The veil is gone, revealing a beautiful face like a goose egg, eyebrows like wicker eyes and moon, tall cherry nose. There seems to be an indescribable noble temperament, the white neck is more dazzling, and the scattered hair adds a mature temptation.

On the other side, Gu Hai's lower body has been fitted with obscene trousers, and her upper body and back are full of nail scratches. A faint red light blooms in the heart.

Almost with Waner Fairy, Gu Hai turned her head to the place where the underground palace was broken.

Hu Dongtian just felt a roar of his head.

It was true that Huo Ding Yuanyin was first boarded by a quick start. On the day and night when I was outside the enemy?

"Miscellaneous, I'm going to kill you!" Hu Dongtian's open palm slammed into the ancient sea.

A palm shot, and a slap in the void condensed, and in front of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, and the palm of his hand greeted the past.

"No, here except Hu Dongtian, everyone else must be suppressed in Jin Danjing, be careful!" Waner's face changed.


When the two palms collided, Gu Hai was in a stature, but he was not beaten by Hu Dongtian, but he was taken down by his face.

Hu Dongtian was going crazy at this moment, his eyes widened and looked at the slightly red heart part of Gu Hai.

"No, she is the body of Huo Ding. I have used countless shades to replenish the sun, and I have not dared to touch her easily. How could you be all right, and still have the baby's baby? Baby's baby?" Hu Dongtian despaired.

The open sea on the ancient sea supported Hu Dongtian's palm, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Why haven't you been burned? Why can you be fine without collecting yin and supplementing yang, and you haven't had aphrodisiac !?" Hu Dongtian shouted.

"I'm better than you, no need to make up! Hu Dongtian, we've met again!" Said Gu Haimian.

Hu Dongtian showed hatred, but did not recognize the ancient sea.

"Huh, you're bad for me. Under my make-up celestial sphere, you are being suppressed in Jin Dan, repairing, dogs, men and women, you die together!" Hu Dongtian slammed hard.


When the two palms collided, a huge force was issued again, but Gu Hai still supported it. Just a trace of blue veins on his forehead.

"How can the ancient sea Jindan Jingxiu stop it? Is it that Hu Dongtian is also affected?" Fairy Waner showed a surprise and drew a palm out of the quilt and hit Hu Dongtian.

"Look for death!" Hu Dongtian's eyes glared, and the other palm hit him.

"Boom! Ah!"

Wan'er Fairy was immediately blown out with a single palm, wrapped in a quilt, and hit a wall not far away.

"How come?" Fairy Fairy exclaimed.

Why can the ancient sea be blocked?

Not only Waner Fairy was shocked, but Hu Dongtian, who was crazy, also found unusual.

"You only have Jin Danjing Xiuwei, how could you stop me? I'm already two babies!" Hu Dongtian stared at Guhai with a startled expression.

Gu Hai blocked Hu Dongtian with one hand and grabbed the blood knife with one hand.

"Why the blood knife power is gone?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"That celestial sphere is it. He suppresses your cultivation, and even cuts off your spellcasting. All magic weapons are useless!" Waner Fairy cried not far away.

"How can you stop my palm, how can you!" Hu Dongtian looked incredible.

Because Hu Dongtian feels that the strength of the ancient sea has increased a little bit, and it has grown a little bit. He just repaired Jin Danjing?

Not counting the newly condensed infant babies, Guhai was indeed repaired by Jin Danjing, but is Jin Dan of Gu Hai comparable to ordinary Jin Danjing? Dantian and Wushen Temple, even though Vulcan Temple does not have the power to conceive, but it also has the purest true element, purely so that even if Jin Dan Realm can resist the two infant realm Hu Dongtian without defeat.

"How did you block it? How did you block it?" Hu Dongtian showed a touch of horror.

Because the strength of the ancient sea has increased more than himself, and is getting stronger and stronger, he will not be able to bear it.

"Broken!" Gu Hai roared.

Hu Dongtian's slapping exploded, and Gu Hai's palm banged on Hu Dongtian's body.



Hu Dongtian was hit by a palm and slammed into the wall with a spit of blood.

"Impossible, you only have Jindanjing!" Hu Dongtian got up hard.


Not far away, a scream of fairy Waner suddenly sounded.

Gu Hai turned his head, but saw that Waner Fairy wanted to smash the celestial sphere in mid-air and restored it, but was bumped back by celestial sphere and hit the wall.

The ancient sea detective picked up the deadly knife that had been thrown on the ground, jumped up, and cut it to fill the sky.

"Oh, my celestial sphere, no one can break it!" Hu Dongtian exclaimed. But it turned out to take out a magic weapon again.


With a loud noise, the celestial sphere indeed broke into the ancient sea again, but the dead knife was weird, but it was a tiny little mouth that burst out of black gas and rushed out.


The rolling skull will surround the celestial sphere, as if this celestial sphere is an amazing supplement.

"What?" Hu Dongtian froze slightly.

Gu Hai no longer manages the celestial sphere, but rushes to Hu Dongtian again.

"Jin Danjing? Look at the imperial dynasty imperial seal I collected and give it to my town!" Hu Dongtian turned over and took out an imperial seal and pressed it towards the ancient sea.


The deadly knife slammed away.


The sharp knife is like breaking through everything. Instantly, the emperor's royal seal was cut in half. Undiminished, he went straight to Hu Dong.

"Do not!"

Hu Dongtian turned over and took out a shield to greet him.



The shield was split in half, and Hu Dongtian was knocked out and spit out blood.

"It's impossible, my treasure, my treasure, how could it happen?" Hu Dongtian slammed into the wall in astonishment.

Gu Hai stepped abruptly at his feet, and when he approached, he punched into the abdomen with all his strength.


Hu Dongtian's back exploded. He vomited blood and poured down.

Gu Hai's fist was too powerful, and Hu Dongtian's whole body was broken in an instant.


Gu Hai stepped on his head.

"Hu Dongtian, I have been looking for you for more than ten years, and finally found you!" Said Gu Hailu.

"Ten years? Keke, I don't know you, I don't know you!" Hu Dongtian shouted weakly.

On the other side, Waner Fairy quietly entered the second floor of the underground palace and went inside to change clothes.

Stepped into the second floor of the underground palace, and at a glance, there were fifty dead corpses that were harvested from the yin. Waner Fairy's face changed.

Although I hate Gu Hai, wouldn't he be like this if it were not Gu Hai?

"Hu Dongtian, I'll make you worse off than death!" Wan'er Fairy's face was sullen.

Flipping out a set of clothes from the storage space of the bracelet and putting it on, but the pain in the lower body made Wan'er's brows frown.

"Gu Hai, I won't let you go, bastard!" Wan'er fairy cried without tears.

In the upper ground.

Gu Hai stepped on Hu Dongtian.

"Don't you remember me? Hahaha, think again, think again, Hu Dongtian!" Said Gu Haimian.

Hu Dongtian kept remembering, but he couldn't remember anything.

Just when Hu Dongtian was tangled.


Suddenly, the celestial sphere burst into pieces and turned into countless fragments. In the black gas of the dead knife, countless bones quickly swallowed up the debris.

"Mending the celestial sphere, I will fill the ancestral treasure of Tianzong, no, you cannot be broken!" Hu Dongtian shouted in horror.

"Dead to death, still care about a broken ball?" Gu Hai said coldly.


In midair, fell a roll of silk. However, the silk was previously stored in the celestial sphere, but it was only when the celestial sphere was broken that the silk fell.

"Oh? There's a secret book hidden in this broken ball?" Gu Haitan took it, catching the silk.

"Cheats? How can there be cheats in Bu Tian Qiu? Bu Tian Qiu was left by the ancestor of Bu Tian Zu before he died. What was sealed in it?" Hu Dongtian was shocked when he stepped on his feet.

"The heaven and earth yin and yang huahuahua industry make up for the great tragedy of the heaven?" Gu Hai read the name of silk silk at the beginning.

"What? I supplemented Tianzong's lost" Tiandi Yinyang Huanhuahuayefutiantianbifu "? Impossible, how could it be in the celestial sphere? Why did the celestial ancestor not pass down before he died? Instead, he refined it into the celestial sphere. In the middle? All the suzerainers who practiced my dynasty practiced incomplete exercises, and died until they exploded? Here? Originally here! Give me, give me! "Hu Dongtian was crazy.


Even if the whole body's bones were broken by the ancient sea, I don't know where the power came from, and broke away from the ancient sea, snatching from the silk of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai was broken away, and immediately jumped to his clothing, turned his hands, put the silk into a storage bracelet, and put it on his hands.

Heaven and earth yin and yang huahua chemical industry make up for the great tragedy? What a long name! For the first time, Gu Hai heard about such a long name.

"Give it back, give it back to me!" Hu Dongtian braved the flames of his whole body, grabbing towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai turned to grab the blood knife on the ground. At this moment, the celestial sphere was broken, and Gu Hai could instantly mobilize the mighty power. His body swayed behind Hu Dongtian and kicked him with a kick.


Hu Dongtian smashed into the wall of the underground palace, and the weak slumped to the ground.

"It's mine, it's mine!" Hu Dongtian slumped, still thinking about the exercises.

"Hu Dongtian, look at who I am again, don't you recognize it?" Gu Hai blew up.

Hu Dongtian looked desperately to the ancient sea, but the appearance of the ancient sea, did he really meet for the first time?

"I don't know you!" Hu Dongtian hated.

"Don't know me? Hehe, let me help you add a memory. Twelve years ago, Qiandaohai, Jiuwu Island!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Hu Dongtian's mind turned and he went to Jiuwu Island once, but he didn't see the ancient sea. Suddenly, a picture freezes in his mind.

Is it a 60-year-old man? The old man and the ancient sea in front of me look like? It was just that he didn't care about a mortal old man, and didn't care. Yes, is he?

"Remember? When you killed my wife, do you still remember me?" Gu Hai's eyes were bloodshot.

"It's you, it's you? That old man? Are you here to get revenge? No, no, it's none of my business, it's none of them, they, they!" Hu Dongtian called in horror.

"Who are they? Who is that head?" Gu Hai stepped forward and looked at Hu Dongtian coldly.

Hu Dongtian was sweating in shock. It's only been ten years, how did he become so strong? Should not, should not!

"Say!" Gu Hai said coldly.

However, Hu Dongtian's face changed wildly: "I was just called to repair the magic weapon, it was none of my business, it was the emperor, the emperor. He summoned us, the emperor, save me, the emperor, I know you are on me Under the sky, I felt Dafa, Qing emperor, save me, save me! "

As Hu Dongtian shouted, Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt. Feel Dafa through the sky?


But he saw Hu Dongtian's whole body suddenly glow with a hint of blue. The breath of the whole body suddenly rose sharply. Just now it was just the breath of the two babies, but the next breath, it was the breath of opening the heaven palace.

"What?" Gu Hai was surprised.


Suddenly, a red sword light rushed out not far away, but it instantly cut off Hu Dongtian's head.

"No!" Hu Dongtian made a final sound of despair, and the whole body was blue.

But it was changed clothes, the fairy Waner who came up from the next floor, cut out with a sword, and killed Hu Dongtian.

"You! I haven't had time to follow up!" Gu Hai looked at Waner Fairy with a change of face.

"Don't ask, I know who the Qing Emperor is, he really let the Qing Emperor possess him. You don't even know how to die, hum!" Fairy fairy snorted.

ps: Three more complete!

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