Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 22: Binglin Chaoge

Zhennan City, Shenwu King Study!

King Shenwu looked at the newspaper in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

"As Gao Xianzhi expected, except for Luzhou Yuanbing, the Northern Expeditionary Army completely surrounded Gao Xianzhi! Five million people, Gao Xianzhi only 700,000, has been working for a while!" Sima Changkong sighed.

"Gao Xianzhi!" Shen Wuwang's face gradually became gloomy.

King Shenwu has always been looking for vigor and thirst. He can take good care of Gao Xianzhi, but Gao Xianzhi is still heading for Chaoge City? Obviously the heart is still big.

I got caught up, but it never worked.

"Five million troops? Eventually they will join forces in Chaoge City, Chaoge City? Can this five million troops be blocked this time?" A counselor frowned.

"Master, Gao Xianzhi's previous report, would you please support us? Should we go again?" Sima Changkong reminded.

King Shenwu looked at Sima Changkong: "Mr. Sima, what do you think?"

"In the past, the first Duke of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty prevailed, and he went to the capital to seek peace. It has been a while, and the results are about to come? The time for war is running out, and finally a good destiny "Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

King Shenwu gazed at his eyes slightly: "But the ancient sea is not dead, and the king will never get Gao Xianzhi!"

Sima Changkong frowned slightly, and the counselors in the study were silent for a while.

Just then, a voice came suddenly.

"Haha, Long Shenwu, I'm back!" A woman's voice came.

Dare to call the name of the King of God, but there were few people. A woman's direct call immediately attracted the conspirators' faces, but the next moment, when the voice of the woman was heard, her mouth opened wide.

Haven't had time to turn around yet.

"Oh!" The study door was kicked open.

King Shenwu: "…………………………!"

This is my own study, who dare to knock at his door without his own permission? Are the guards outside all rice buckets?


However, Long Wanyu suddenly jumped into the study.

"I've seen the Lord of Wanyu County!"

King Shenwu and Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Long Wanyu? In other words, she dared to knock on the door of the study room of the King of Gods, and you still do n’t want to be dissatisfied. Under certain circumstances, Long Wanyu dared to knock.

This is that Dagan Sheng was too fond of her, and she was so fond of the three great princes of Shenwu Wang that she could not take her.

"Wan Yu, haven't you returned to the capital? Why are you back?" Shenwuwang frowned.

Later, Master Liunian stepped in and showed bitterness.

"Master forgive me! Please forgive me!" Master Liu Nian laughed bitterly.

The crowd shook their heads and smiled bitterly to show that it was all right. Forgive me? Long Wanyu knocked the door not once or twice.

"Come, take me to see my brother-in-law, the old man has agreed, let you take me to my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu cried excitedly.

"Eh?" Shen Wuwang looked at Long Wanyu in doubt.

"Master Wanyu County? The last time you were not allowed to leave was because of the decree of the saints. You returned to the capital and looked for the will of the saints. How did the saints agree? Now they are at war with Dayuan." Sima Changkong was surprised.

Dagan Sheng is tight against Long Wanyu, but goes to the battlefield to risk danger? And there was the last crisis, and the Holy Spirit should be stricter.

"What battle? The old man has announced a truce!" Long Wanyu cried immediately.

"Oh?" King Shenwu's face changed, looking at Master Liu Nian.

Master Liunian nodded and said, "Yes, the Holy Lord has promised the envoy of the Great Yuan. As we leave, we are negotiating the details. Presumably now, the Duke of Changsheng has already taken the imperial edict to the Northern Expedition, right? It shouldn't be long before it arrives! "

"The old man said, the war is over, allow me to go out, quickly, quickly, take me to see my brother-in-law, and the old man has also moved a sacred order to my brother-in-law, saying that you **** me over!" Long Wanyu called immediately.

King Shenwu's face changed.

"Master, five million Northern Expeditioners, should not be far from Chaoge City!" Sima Changkong frowned.

"Reorganize the three armies, and set off three hours later, head to Chaoge City!" Shen Wuwang immediately ordered.


Two days later, the Northern Expedition.

A team of flying boats arrived with the Grand Duke of Changsheng at the Northern Expedition.

"Master Chang, have you come back from a big job?" An official greeted him excitedly.

"Yeah, come back! After the settlement, the war is over, ha ha ha ha! Where is the commander?" Chang Sheng laughed.

"Big Marshal? The big Marshal led a five-million army, and the army fell on the city of Song. It seems as if to kill the ancient sea and destroy Dahan!" The teenager laughed.

"What? Kill the ancient sea?" Chang Sheng's face changed.

"Yes, your son, Chang Ming, because of the ancient sea, where his whereabouts are unknown until now, the commander will go and will repay justice to Master Chang!" The young man laughed.

"Slay the ancient sea? Not good, come, hurry, Feizhou, we quickly go to Chaoge City!" Chang Sheng said in a hurry-

In a place where the Dahan dynasty and the Yuan dynasty intersect, a dark valley filled with black blood, and a large number of blood-red bats flew inside.

"Boom ~!"

With a loud noise, countless black gas burst out suddenly, and the surrounding peaks were instantly razed to the ground. Numerous bats suddenly converged and flew into a man in a black robe in the valley.

"Ha ha ha ha, my divine power has been practiced, Gu Hai, you despicable villain, I want to be ashamed, ha ha ha!"

Chang Ming soared into the sky, and on his back, a pair of bat wings suddenly emerged.


The huge bat's wings fluttered, and Chang Ming suddenly felt like a streamer, blasting towards Songcheng—

In the distance of Chaoge City.

Gao Xianzhi was riding a flying boat. A large army followed.

"Gentlemen, there is Chaoge in front, and it will be safe when Chaoge is reached!" Gao Xianzhi sighed.

"Yes!" The generals answered.

However, after some days of fighting, 700,000 soldiers, now only 300,000 are left, the momentum is much weaker, but as long as Gao Xianzhi is present, the generals will not feel tired.

Not far away, another flying boat came. It was the Battle of the Thousand Miles that brought a group of soldiers and Gao Xianzhi together.

"Is the wounded sent to a nearby city?" Gao Xianzhi looked at the battle for hundreds of miles.

"Yes, the generals have already been sent, but these five million yuan soldiers are too fierce!" The battle for hundreds of miles was bitter.

"Don't worry, Chaoge City is just around the corner. When it comes to Chaoge, everything will be fine!" Gao Xianzhi comforted.

"But, the general, the commander did not report back. Will the commander send troops to support us?" Baili Zhan worried.

Gao Xianzhi led his soldiers to protect Dahan, and let the Emperor Wu of the God to support him, thinking in other words. The Battle of Hundred Miles will never do this kind of jerk.

However, if the Emperor Shenwu did not bring a large army, the remaining 300,000 soldiers would be really dangerous.

The Northern Expeditionary Force was five million, but during this period of time it was surrounded by besiegers. Even if they fled, they could not escape?

"Rest assured, everything will be fine at Chaoge City!" Gao Xianzhi comforted.

"Yes!" The generals pressed their worries in their hearts and answered.

The army of Gao Xianzhi continued toward Chaoge City.

In the rear, the Northern Expedition naturally followed closely and was about to reach Chaoge City. Once it was won, everything was over.

On a flying boat, Marshal North Expedition sat on the throne on the deck, looking at the distance, revealing a hint of chuckle: "Speed ​​up the progress, rush to Chaoge within a day!"

"Yes!" The quartet of soldiers responded quickly and passed away—

Chaoge City.

Battle reports from the Quartet also converged.

The Manchu culture and military were worried for a while. Outside the palace of the emperor, seek the emperor and wait for the emperor to make a decision.

At the moment, in the palace of the Emperor Huang, Gu Hai did not greet the anxious ministers outside the palace, but looked at a very long "Strategy" in front of him, standing in front of Shangguan marks, Bingji, Tang Chu and others.

"Emperor Dahan, although the preparation time is a bit longer, after all, I don't know much about these 24 cities. I need to understand before I can write Anmin's policy, and I can only write it today. Please correct me!" There was a confident smile in his eyes.

Gu Hai looked very carefully. While watching, I also used a red pen to draw on this strategy.

Bingji frowned slightly, but waited patiently.

After a while, Gu Hai returned the policy to Bing Ji.

"Overall good, there are a few points to be discussed!" Gu Hai laughed.

More than good? This strategy is amazing. Bing Ji didn't lie, and his cultural and political ability was extraordinary. For a moment, Gu Hai felt that he had picked up treasures. Of course, the way of the royal masters naturally couldn't show such a strong appreciation. That's why I found a few places and applied some other theories on the earth in the past.

"Impossible, my strategy is perfect!" Bingji took it in disbelief and looked at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Bingji was shocked and said, "The tax system? You have exempted all the income tax of the bottom people? The bottom people pay less taxes, but the bottom people have a large population. This is a huge tax. You do n’t need to. Come on, uh, right, you increased the commodity tax? "

"Categorizing the goods into different categories and sorting out some goods that need to pay taxes can collect taxes more reasonably and efficiently, and much more are collected!" Gu Hai explained.

"Uh, this, can this still happen? No one can find the tax when buying things. In this way, it is affordable for the people at the bottom? People love your policy more?" Bingji looked at the tax reform written by herself in shock Column.

What I calculated was perfect, but compared to Gu Hai, it seems like everything is so rigid. Bingji blushed.

"Generally speaking, the Third Army Commander, you ...!" Gu Hai was about to speak.

But before he finished speaking, a guard rushed into the hall.

"The emperor, the army of Gao Xianzhi arrived outside the city, but the Yuan soldiers were chasing after each other, and the situation was difficult!" The guard said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed: "Finally here?"


Suddenly stood up, throwing his sleeves, Gu Hai slowly stepped out of Huangfu Hall.

Bingji looked at the strategy criticized by Gu Hai in her hand, bit her lip and followed Shangguan marks and others out of the hall.

"Emperor, you finally came out!" Outside the palace, all the ministers were anxious.

PS: I will go to the group at night! see you then!

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