Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 23: Cross Vampire


Gu Hai, wearing a dragon robe, and his ministers stood in the square of Huangfu Palace, watching the dark army of bats as dark as clouds in the south.

The flying boat has been broken. Today, Gao Xianzhi, with 100,000 wounded soldiers, is running toward the Song City while resisting the chasing behind.

"Fast, Chaoge City is ahead. It will be safe when Chaoge City is reached!" Shouted Gao Xianzhi.

"Protect the generals!" Barry war shouted to protect Gao Xianzhi in the center.


The overwhelming bats are chasing after 100,000 wounded soldiers. These are giant bats. They are as big as ten feet in size and show their embarrassment. They dive down again and again, and even eat stuttering soldiers.

The giant bats seemed to be stepping on the black robes, and the black robes were full of black gas. In the black gas, there were endless little bats raging around.

"The emperor, the giant bat is a bat demon, a monster. And the one who is full of black gas and contains countless little bats, is a vampire. This is a battalion in Dayuan, cruel and violent. Any army they are watching , The city, all turned into dead cities! "Shangguan Mark frowned.

"Army Gao Xianzhi, there are 100,000 people left? No, emperor, look!" Tang Chu eyes stared at the distance.

It turned out that behind this Batman was a huge flying boat slowly advancing at high altitude.

After the flying boat, the soldiers followed closely. The mountains and the mountains are surrounded by army in all directions.

Gao Xianzhi's army was driven away by jokes and fled to Chaoge City.

The shouting and killing outside the city immediately attracted the attention of the people in the city. Some people ascended and looked up, looking at them with a look of ugliness.

"Daiyuan army, come out of the nest? So many troops?"

"This is worse!"




There are no hundreds of people showing worry. Last time Changming brought 500,000 troops, it was shocking enough, but this time there are 5 million troops.

The people were worried, but the ancient sea was unmoved--

"Don't come? The King of Gods hasn't come to meet us?" Bai Li warned bitterly.

"Keep going, go to the Song City!" Shouted Gao Xianzhi.

"General, will Guhai open the city gate? Once the city gate is opened to let us in, the brutal Bat Army will break in, and towards the city of Song, it will break the city!"

"Yeah, Yuan Bing has been hanging us, not trying to kill everything, just using us to force Guhai to open the door, breaking the city, will Guhai open?"




The generals were bitter.

One by one, the bat monsters and vampires were all gloomy, and while they were preying on the army of Gao Xianzhi, they looked at the gates in the distance.

Vampires only drink blood, but bat monsters are devouring people.

At this moment, everything depends on the ancient sea. Would you like to save Gao Xianzhi?

"The emperor will open the door!" Gao Xianzhi said firmly.

As the city gate was getting closer, the generals were all worried, only Gao Xianzhi's eyes were firm.

"Open the door!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

The voice passed instantly through the sound reinforcement array, and in the distance, the defender was worried.

There are hundreds of millions of bat monsters and vampire-transformed bats. The amount of terror is panicking at first glance. Can you open the door now?

However, the ancient sea had long been arranged. The person at the gate was Lu Shiren. After being commanded by the ancient sea, he immediately opened the gate.


The gates are open. Meet the wounded.

"It's open, it's open, the city gate is open, get in!" The generals shouted excitedly.

"Quack, open, the idiot in the ancient sea, still open the door, hahaha, everyone listens, this general has obtained the consent of the commander, broke through the city gate, the city's Ren Er swallowed! Roar!" Battalion leader, Shouted a cheeky vampire.



Billowing bats, came towards the gate.

"The emperor, can't drive anymore, the vampire is coming in!"

"There are so many evildoers, please close the door!"

"The emperor, the people matter!"




A crowd of officials shouted in horror.

But he saw Gu Hai suddenly slammed his big sleeve, and in his sleeve, he flew out of the thread-up puppet rod, and urged him with all his strength.


The line-up puppet flew into the sky, zoomed in a thousand times, and flung it out. As soon as it was thrown out, the string puppet rod suddenly burst into dazzling light.


In the distance, all the bat monsters and vampires dived down from the sky suddenly got into shape.

"What's going on? I can't move?"

"Me too. What's wrong, I can't control my body?"




Countless bat monsters and vampires cried in horror.


Gu Hai waved his hand.

Immortal Fire immediately rushed to the lifting puppet rod, and along the transparent thin line, went straight to countless vampires.

The ancient sea has immortal fire, but this time there are too many opponents. Previously, immortal fire dealt with dozens of vampires, only with Cui Tie. Nowadays, the army of bats is more than unknown. , Then it must be precise, along the transparent thin line, finely divided into each vampire and bat monster.


Suddenly, the vampire and the bat monster were covered with fire dragons, screaming in pain.

"Ah, help, it hurts!"

"Can't move at all, help, General!"

"Release me. Ah, what flame? Why can't I stop it?"

"The flame seems to have burned my soul, no, ah!"




The painful screams made Gao Xianzhi's army slightly surprised.

The army of hundreds of thousands of bat monsters that just chased themselves just now is all stopped? The vampires were restrained, and the little bats they transformed could not score any more.

In the distance, the string puppet rod floats high in the sky and blooms with holy light. As long as it is shrouded in holy light, all these vampires will be burned to death?

"What a great cross?"

"General, Gu Hai, what is this magic weapon?"

"Do you specifically restrain vampire crosses?"




A series of exclamations sounded, and the generals looked at Gao Xianzhi excitedly.

However, Gao Xianzhi did not know.

The screams of vampires and bat monsters rang through the world. They could not be extinguished by the fire, and they were even more frustrated. At this moment, a large block of vampires and bat monsters were burned to death.

The screams suddenly changed the face of the Yuan Army in the distance.

On a special flying boat, Marshal of the Northern Expedition suddenly sank and stood up.

"What's that?" Someone looked at the huge cross in amazement.

"I don't know, but, as if that thing settled the Batman, it was the nemesis of the blood and the Batman!" A general's face changed.

"Huh, nemesis? Just raise the puppet stick, when I don't know? Bring my bow and arrow!" Marshal of the North Expedition coldly.

Soon, a subordinate sent a purple bow and arrow.

The Marshal of the Northern Expedition marshals a purple long bow, and a long purple flower blooms on the long bow. The long arrow rests on it, and the purple breath all pours into the long arrow.

"Go!" The coach yelled.

"call out!"

The long arrow shot out suddenly, like a purple rainbow, blasting from a distance, straight towards the line puppet.

"Not good, Ziji Arrow, be careful, your string puppet can't stop it!" Bingji said anxiously.


With a loud bang, the string puppet rode into pieces and burst into pieces.

Gu Hai explored a move, and the torn-up line puppet rode returned to the Gu Hai sleeve instantly.

Countless bat monsters and vampires can move. However, the immortal fire envelops the body, and the pain is still constant, but I can't beat it.

"Immortal fire? This is immortal fire? No!" A bat monster recognized the immortal fire.

"Quickly, enter the city and kill the arsonists, this fire can go out and kill the ancient sea!"

"The cross has been shattered by the marshal, and no one can control us anymore, soon, kill the ancient sea!"

"The fire was so sad, ah, I want to kill Gu Hai!"

"There is no cross in the ancient sea. Come into the city!"




Vampires and bat monsters rush into the city in pain.

A lot of officials suddenly showed anxiety, and even Bingji also showed anxiety: "Emperor Dahan, I know that the army of Gao Xianzhi hasn't all come in yet, but the line puppet rods are broken, I can't stop them Close the door! "

"Oh!" On a floating island not far away, the King God of Daming showed a sneer, apparently also thinking that the ancient sea so indulging Gao Xianzhi's army into the city is to plunge the Chaoge City into extinction.

"Go!" Gu Hai shouted.

But it was the same action as before, a big sleeve was thrown, and a well-made puppet rod lifted into the sky.

The line-up puppet rod, exactly the same as the previous one, floats at a high altitude. The bat monster and vampire who had originally rushed into the city could not move again.

King Daming looked rigid: "One more?"

Bing Ji: ".........!"

Vampire, bat monster: "...............!"

Countless Dahan officials: "...............!"

However, a large number of vampires and bat monsters were burned to death, and karma and the three souls were transformed into tonic power. Gu Hai was in his sleeve, and he fixed the thread puppet rod.

"How can this happen? Why does Gu Hai still have a cross? No!" Countless bat monsters and vampires said in despair.

On the flying boat in the distance, the commander was also gloomy, and the long bow that had just been lowered was pulled up again.


Another purple pole arrow shot.


The string puppet was blown up again.

"Huh, I see if you can come up with a third one!"

At this moment, the broken line-up puppet rod was once again stowed away by the ancient sea, at a time when everyone was anxious and the vampire was rushing madly.

Gu Hai shook his sleeves: "Go!"

Another flew high.

Marshal: "………………!"

Bing Ji: "………………!"

King Daming: "...............!"

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