Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 24: Ice Mirror Dafa

The third cross?

Who would have thought that the ancient sea could take out three crosses? Looking at the blooming holy light, the vampire and bat monster's string puppets, the King of the Ming Dynasty, the Bingji, and the Northern Expedition commander all looked stiff.

Bingji pursed her lips. There are so many crosses in Guhai. What are you talking about? Instead he seemed ignorant.

Daming Wang God has a black line. Want to see the ancient sea out of the ocean, but the ancient sea has become impossible again and again.

The distant Northern Expedition commander is most tangled at this moment.

Already two arrows, I will shoot another arrow, will Guhai take out the fourth one? The spy didn't say that Gu Hai has so many treasures?


The commander beckoned suddenly, the three armies stopped.

"Master, why don't you leave?" A general frowned.

"No, Guhai doesn't know how many more puppets to raise, so don't take risks easily!" Said the commander Shen.


"Arranging troops, setting the surrounding mountains, Chang Ming's past encounters can no longer happen to us, and Gu Hai can not use the earth's dragon veins to line up again!" The commander ordered.


Suddenly, the army stopped and began to line up.

"But what about the Batman?" The former general looked anxious.

The immortal fire was burned, and half of the Batman was burned to death in the blink of an eye, and the remaining half was dying.

"That's a line puppet. It can be controlled below the Yuanying Realm. The person who opened the Tiangong Palace, although subject to a little restriction, can break free!" The handsome coach said coldly.

"Master, I'll go!"

"Master, I'll go!"

"Master, humble job!"

Suddenly, three soldiers jumped out.

"Let's go together!" The coach said coldly.



Turning his head, three soldiers in armor stepped up into the sky.

At this moment, the gate.


The gates slammed together, but it was Gao Xianzhi's army that all entered the city.

"Come in, ha ha ha ha, come in!" The battle of hundreds of miles and other soldiers fled after being robbed, and howled in excitement.

"General Gao, the emperor made arrangements early. The others will be taken care of by you. Come with me and meet the emperor!" An official respected.

"Good!" Gao Xianzhi nodded.

Arranged a group of subordinates, Gao Xianzhi only took a hundred miles to the flying boat and headed towards Huangfu Temple.

At this moment, the Marshal of the Northern Expedition ordered that the three generals who opened the Tiangong Palace stepped up into the sky. On the fly, the Marshal of the Northern Expedition took a bow and shot again.


The thread puppet rod was smashed and opened again.


The string puppet was smashed and turned into a sleeve by Gu Hai.

Daming King God, many officials, Bingji and others are looking forward to Gu Hai, to see if Gu Hai can come up with a fourth one.

This time, Gu Hai didn't do this. Three are enough to cause people to doubt. How can they come up with the fourth one? And the door was closed.

Among them, the God of Ming Dynasty opened Dong Shihui's eyes and wanted to see what happened. Unfortunately, Gu Hai did not take it.

"Ah, the handsome rescue me!"

"The fire was so uncomfortable, help!"




A lot of vampires and bat monsters were writhing in pain. The immortal fire is coming, even if a large water is drawn to cover the body, in the big water, the immortal fire is still burning.

"Miscellaneous, I'm coming!" The three Kaitiangong generals who flew in.


The three generals shot at once.


An ice-blue energy rushed towards the vampires and bat monsters burned by the fire.


Under the influence of ice-blue energy, the force of the fire was expelled from the body little by little.

"Thanks to the Fourth Army Commander, to the 7th Army Commander, and the 9th Army Commander!" The rescued vampire was grateful.

Unfortunately, only a few tens of thousands of vampires and bat monsters survive. In addition, all of them were injured, and they retreated backward in horror, afraid to step forward.

"This is the three army commanders of the Northern Expeditionary Army. In the past, the Shenlu dynasty had records. There was no opening of the Tiangong ten years ago. What happened during the past ten years that made them all open the Tiangong?" Tang Chu frowned.

"The Tiangong just opened? Oh, it's worse than Cui Tie. Three together, almost one Cui Tie!" Shangguan marks sneered.

In the distance, the heads of the three legions turned their hands to take out their swords.


Almost at the same time, the three broke through the city with swords.

Although the Tiangong Palace has just opened, after all, it is the strength of the Tiangong Palace. When the swords meet, it immediately brings out a powerful force that shakes the sky.


The three made a loud noise, and the distant towers were shaking in the distance.

"Can they break the city gate?" Many officials showed horror.

Gu Hai's face turned cold.

"Emperor, shall I try it?" Shangguanhen frowned.

After all, the line puppet that was raised just released a treasure from Gu Hai. At the moment, the opponent's subordinate attacked, and Gu Hai was not suitable for the shot.

Aside Bingji looked, he also said, "Lord Han, let me come!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Bingji in doubt.

"If it doesn't work, it's not too late to invite Mr. Shangguan. The emperor is still careful about the Marshal of the Northern Expedition, Qin Zibai!" Bingji solemnly said.

Qin Zibai? Marshal of the Northern Expedition!

Gu Hai looked at the distance and nodded, "Yeah!"

An essay has already proven Bing Ji's ability. She can actually deal with three Kaitian Temples? Gu Hai is showing a glimmer of expectation.


But when I saw Bing Ji stepping, her figure fluttered, and she went far away in an instant, passing by all the way, leaving an ice and snow Changhong.


In just a short while, I reached the gate.

The enchantment in the city blocks the outside world, but it is easy to get out.

Bingji came to the heads of the three major legions in an instant.

"Huh? Is there no one in Guhai to send? Send a woman out?" A regiment stopped and sneered.

"It looks pretty, hahahaha, beauties, don't go with Gu Hai, the handsome is close, follow me!"

"Yeah, it's better to follow us than follow Gu Hai!"

The heads of the three legions showed a hint of sneer, but the next moment, the three were almost at the same time, holding their swords and beating at Bing Ji.

Bingji did not seem to think that the three were so insidious, and was instantly cut off by the three-handed sword.


Bing Ji exploded instantly.

"Uh?" Gu Hai sank.

In the distance, Marshal of the Northern Expedition, Qin Zibai also sank. Is this resolved?

Bing Ji's body exploded and turned into countless pieces of broken ice.

"No, this is not her body!" Suddenly, the head of a legion changed his face.

"Oh, did you find out now? Isn't it too late?" Bingji's sneer came from above the three.

The three suddenly looked up. But I saw Bing Ji suddenly got a complicated fingerprint.


Behind Bing Ji suddenly appeared a huge ice mirror, a thorny sunlight, led by Bing Ji.


The pierced eyes of the three people suddenly froze to protect the whole body.

However, when the three recovered their eyesight, the three had arrived in a weird environment. They were all surrounded by ice mirrors, enveloping them all.

In each mirror stood a Bingji.

"This is it?" The three of them sank.


Gu Hai and Qin Zibai all looked pale. But I saw a handprint formed by Bingji, suddenly, surrounded by cold air, and within a hundred miles of the entire city gate, it was immediately frozen up. Above the earth, there were countless freezes in an instant, and the sky was even snowed. And in the center, a huge ice hockey that is one hundred feet high, wrapped the three major regiments and Bingji.

The breeze blew through, and the ice hockey puffed cold, no one knew what was going on inside.

"Ice Mirror Dafa?" Shangguanhen's face changed slightly.

"What ice mirror Dafa?" Gu Hai wondered.

Shangguan marks revealed a panic and said, "Weird, weird, this Ice Mirror Dafa is a family inheritance method of the hostile forces of the Sun God Palace. How could Bingji? How could she be too one? Strange thing!"


"The emperor, this Bing Ji, may not be simple! Can display the ice mirror Dafa, the three of them, it's over!" Shangguan's frown puzzled.


Because, Qin Zibai in the distance also found the strangeness of the ice hockey, his face sank.

"Junk stuff!"

Qin Zibai stepped on his foot, his body fluttered towards Chaoge City, and it took him only a short while to get to the hockey puck.

"Break me!"

Detective Qin Zibai slammed his hand toward the puck.


With a loud noise, the ice hockey exploded.

The moment when the ice hockey exploded, Bing Ji blasted out and flew high into the city towards the ancient sea.

"Open the big array and let Bingji come in!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Yes!" The official responsible for the formation should answer.


The array showed a sigh, and Bingji immediately entered the interior of the array and came towards the ancient sea.

On the other side, Qin Zibai did not chase Bing Ji, but looked at the inside of the broken ice hockey.

The ice hockey exploded, and there was a lot of icy mist around.

Detective Qin Zi waved his hand.


Suddenly, the mist dissipated, revealing the three chiefs of the army.

However, at this moment, the heads of the three major regiments have all turned into ice sculptures, staring, all dead.

"The Emperor Dahan, don't humiliate the mission!" Bingji flew to Gu Hai with a smile.

Gu Hai nodded and looked at Qin Zibai in the distance.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, Guhai, your Chaoge City really surprised me? My three army chiefs who just opened the Tiangong were also killed by you?" Look towards the city.

"Qin Zibai, Marshal of the Northern Expedition? Oh, I just took back what belonged to You, I will give you the target of Northern Expedition and focus on You? Repeatedly, let your subordinates ravage in the Emperor Dahan Dynasty Do you think that the Dahan Dynasty is in your pocket? "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ha? What belongs to you? The twenty-four cities of the Shenlu dynasty are all my Yuan. I didn't want to shoot myself, but you don't know how to die, you kill me, and you blame me for being ruthless. , Defending the city? Do you really think this enchantment can keep me out of the city? "Qin Zibai snorted.

During the talk, Qin Zibai once again slammed into the Shoucheng enchantment and slammed in one palm. A super huge red slap was condensed in the void, like a popular fall, and slammed into Chaoge City.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a violent collision, hundreds of people in the blasted city suddenly covered their ears in pain.


The screams were endless, the vibration was too severe, and the entire Chaoge City was shaken suddenly.

The people covered their bleeding ears and looked up in pain.

But seeing the indestructible Shoucheng enchantment, at this moment the cracks are spreading, like a spider web, spreading wildly.

The power of a palm, how about breaking?

"Qin Zibai, opened the Heavenly Palace!" Shangguanhen's face changed.

"Zhongtian Temple?" Bingji also changed his face and looked at the floating island where the **** Daming Wang was far away.

In Zhongtian Temple, Bing Ji was unable to deal with it, and hoped that the king of Daming would take action.

King Daming is sitting at the gazebo on the floating island, drinking fine wine, showing a hint of sneer, how could the King Daming help the ancient sea? joke! It would be better if Qin Zibai destroyed the ancient sea.

Huangfudian Square, the ministers looked anxiously towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai didn't panic, only a reluctance flashed in his eyes. The next moment, as if he had made a decision, his eyes were cold and he took a step forward.

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