Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 29: Zhou Tian

Peace talks between Dagan Heavenly Dynasty and Emperor Yuan Dynasty! A paper covenant spreads the world.

The war came to an end.

Dayuan's Luzhou soldiers withdrew completely. Everything in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom is restored, but the original King Lu Yang no longer exists.

Zhennan Army, resident in Quzhou, Long Shenwu sorts out people's hearts.

This time the battle between the nations, it seems that Da Yuan is the biggest winner. Conquer the Dahuang empire site, the greedy wolf site, and the Gengjin site. The territory obtained is almost half of the previous Great Yuan.

The only pity is that a Dahan dynasty emerged during this period.

A dynasty that grew up in the cracks, this big han, seems to have taken the luck of the sky, extracted teeth at the tiger's mouth of the Emperor Yuan, and eventually remained safe and sound.

The Dahan Dynasty conquered all the territories of the former Shenlu Dynasty.

With the decree of Dagan, Da Yuan didn't dare to pursue it anymore. Moreover, the territory of the Da Yuan Emperor's conquest this time was too large, and it took a long time to digest it.

The Dahan Dynasty was fortunate enough to stand still, and it also gave Gu Hai a chance to really breathe.

Sorting out the twenty-four cities and reorganizing people's hearts is the first priority.

Jiuwu Island, Prince Qin continued to sit.

The commander of Jin Yiwei led Monte Thai, but in response to the order of the ancient sea, he took a large number of Jin Yiwei from Jiuwu Island and came to Chaoge City.

The four flying boats stopped outside the Chaoge City, which was full of monks from Qiandaohai.

Many practitioners have never stepped out of the Qiandaohai in their lives. At this moment, they are shocked to see the billowing luck in front of them.

The busy artisans inside and outside the city repaired Nuoda's walls, and many practitioners also widened their eyes.

The floating islands in the city are much more luxurious than the barren Jiuwu Island! You know, there are few pitiful islands in Qiandaohai. The whole Qiandaohai is calculated in single digits, and there are thousands at a glance.

"My lord, is this the Chaoge City? No wonder people from the land of Shenzhou say that our Qiandaohai is a barren land. This bustling city belongs to the Dahan Dynasty?" A subordinate excitedly looked at the head of Monte Thai.

"Yeah, it's me!" Montai sighed slightly.

In the past, I went to Silvermoon City, and although it shocked the first piano building on this street, it is not as exciting as it is now. It was just a shop, but here it was a city. A whole city.

"No, there are twenty-four of them in Dahan?"

Zhongjin Yiwei was all excited. Thousands of islands have many gates, but is Qiandao Haineng comparable to here? Since the destruction of Yitiange eight hundred years ago, it is like a slum of a repairer. The whole Qiandaohai is no better than these 24 cities.

Today, it ’s all Dahan?

"The emperor's will, the Dahan Dynasty is awaiting rebirth, everyone must work together!" Montai looked utterly.

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

The Dahan dynasty was sandwiched between Dagan and Dayuan, and survived in the cracks. Some people in the land of Shenzhou could not help but be windy, but in the eyes of these Jinyiwei, they were instantly tall.

Two years? Is the Dahan Dynasty so grand?

The Jinyiwei army slowly entered the city.

Officials in the city were cited.

Taken directly to the palace of Huangfu.

Outside the palace of Huangfu, a huge map was placed in front of Bingji. Officials were on hand to dispatch on Monday.

The ancient sea ordered that Bing Ji, the leader of the Third Army, was responsible for the post-disaster reconstruction of Chaoge City, and the large array in the city was broken. This is the first task of Bing Ji. Naturally, it must do its best, and constantly optimize the formation method and city walls on the map Construction.

Meng Tai and his party came, and naturally someone immediately notified Bing Ji.

Bingji turned his head and saw Monty.

"Head of the Third Army, Bingji, have met Master Mongolia!" Bingji said lightly.

"The commander of Jin Yiwei, Mengtai, met the commander of the Third Army!" Mengtai also solemnly said.

At this time, Gao Xianzhi, Tang Chu, and others also received news to greet Monte Thai.

"Master!" Gao Xianzhi laughed.

"Master!" Montai also said politely.

"Master Bing, just leave it to me, you can do it!" Gao Xianzhi looked at Meng Tai.

Bingji nodded and turned to look at the map in front of him.

"That floating island is not suitable for being there, it will block the vision of Huangfu Hall and move to the other side!" Bingji said lightly.

While talking, Bingji waved his hand.


A floating island in the distance flashed suddenly and suddenly, and was moved slowly and vigorously to the side.

"Kaitian Temple?" Montai's face suddenly changed.

Third Army Commander? Is she the strength of Kaitian Palace? How did the emperor develop in this year? Has Kaitian Palace already become the emperor's courtier?

Montai became more cautious and squeezed his fists. If I don't work hard, will I be eliminated someday?

"Master, please here!" Gao Xianzhi laughed.

"Oh, okay, okay!" Montai answered with a guilty conscience.

"As soon as the emperor asked me to come, I went to the emperor's report. I don't know the emperor ...?" Montai wondered.

"Emperor? The emperor is practicing, you come with me!" Gao Xianzhi laughed.

"Hmm!" Monta nodded--

Chaoge City, outside a large lake inside the palace.

Outside the Great Lake, a large number of troops are stationed to prevent outsiders from entering and being disturbed, in a small gazebo by the lake.

Long Wanyu was lying on a desk, stacked Luohan with dried fruits, her face was dull: "So boring, so boring, so boring ........."

Long Wanyu thought in her mouth, a bit of bitterness was exposed behind her, and she did not speak.

Just then, a crane crane flew over with Gao Xianzhi and Meng Tai.

Long Wanyu immediately sat up.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Long Wanyu suddenly said with a small face.

The crane crane stopped.

Gao Xianzhi was polite and got off the boat, and Montai looked curiously at Long Wanyu.

"I've seen the Lord of Wanyu County! This is my commander of Dahan Jinyiwei, Mengtai, who has just arrived from the Jiuwu Island, and the emperor has orders. Once Mengtai comes, let him meet the emperor!" Gao Xianzhi explained.

"Master, this is the sister of Empress Long Wanqing, the master of Wanyu County in the Heavenly Kingdom!" Gao Xianzhi explained.

Queen's sister?

Meng Tai's face suddenly abruptly, and instantly remembered who it was.

After all, Montai had followed Long Xiaoyue in the past, and he also considered Long Wanyu when he was young. Since then, Dagan Sheng can treat her like a baby.

"Mengtai has met the Lord of Wanyu County!" Montai said with a respectful look.

"Well, you guys are waiting, brother-in-law is creating the sword method, and I will be responsible for protecting the law. No one should bother!" Long Wanyu nodded.

"Good!" Gao Xianzhi nodded.

"Eh? Okay!" Montai nodded.

Create a sword? The emperor was only in his seventies, and he started to create swordsmanship? How can it be established? Although he knew that the emperor was powerful, Montai felt that it was the same with Gu Hai's founding of swordsmanship. Maybe a little bit better, but just a little bit. It is difficult for Montai to understand that the Dahan Dynasty is now the twenty-four immortal city of Regal. Is it difficult to find a better sword? Why create your own? ——

At the bottom of the big lake, the ancient sea is indeed creating a sword.

Most of the founders of swordsmanship have been conscious in the knife way for many years before they dare to say that they will create new swordsmanship. How many years has Gu Hai been here?

From the beginning of the Earth's crossing, at most it has been more than 40 years. More importantly, the advanced sword technique was only seen after the founding of the country in the later period. It is just a variety of swordsmanship researched in the past two years. How to create a sword?

However, Guhai has an invincible place for ordinary people. It's Chess.

There are nearly 10,000 ancient seas, but the swordsmanship that has been exposed to research day after day, others have been aware of it for a year, and the analysis ability of chess soul is equivalent to 10,000 years. Under this analysis, as long as the knife method that Gu Hai has seen, it is almost thoroughly analyzed in an instant. How difficult is it to create a knife method?

Moreover, the sword method established by Gu Hai is not an ordinary sword method. It's about chess.

In the bottom of the lake, fish swim around. Gu Hai stood on a large rock at the bottom of the lake, holding a long knife in his hand.

The blood knife had burst and the bone knife was not used.

Gu Hai grabbed a common long knife.

As soon as the long sword came out, a huge shovel came together, and at the bottom of the lake, it seemed like the ancient sea was holding a ten-foot-long knife.

The ancient sea is exposed. With the real Yuan Yu Dao, it is with the terrifying analytical ability of Qimo that the existence of the sword is captured.

The meaning of the knife is very weak, which is the degree of ordinary knife repair.

However, Gu Hai's sword is different from others.

Centering on the ancient sea, around the bottom of the lake, two hundred and twenty-six handle knives are lined up. There are two kinds of knives, one black and one white. Smooth out a weird figure.

If a chess player is here, you will find that these swords are arranged in a row of nineteen horizontal and vertical lines of Go. White swordsmanship is white and black swordsmanship is black.

The knife gas is swaying, and it is clearly being precisely controlled. To be perfect.

"Finally it? The one hundred thousand endgames brought from the earth in the past, one of which can be used to condense this sword?" Gu Hai's eyes were condensed.

He slashed it in his hand.

The long sword was cut off, and the blade of the sword seemed to form a suction force. The 226 handles of the sword were not rushed out like others wielding the sword, but they strangely followed the order of a chess move and rushed to the sword.


The sword rushed in with a burst of knife gas, and instantly dazzled purple light.

"Broken!" Gu Hai shouted.

The sword was cut off.


The water of a lake, as if from the center, was immediately cut in half and blasted towards the sides of the blade.

On the shore, Long Wanyu waited bored.

"Well, look!" Gao Xianzhi's eyes brightened.

But I saw the purple light burst out from the bottom of the lake suddenly, as if there was a round of purple sun at the bottom of the lake. Then there was a loud noise. Suddenly, a fierce sword cut out. The big lake exploded, and a knife slammed the water in half?

For a long time, the cut lake water can't be restored and integrated?

The lake was cut open. This is not ice.

"Come again!" A hint of self-confidence flashed in the ancient sea at the bottom of the lake?


Once again, another piece of the endgame map brought about by the earth condensed, and it was cut off with the ancient sea.


The lake was cut again.

"Moan! Moan! Moan!" ……………………

Each piece of the endgame map was cut by ancient shipping. Each knife carries a strange ferocity.

In an instant, the water of a lake seemed to be cut into a spider web. Very weird scene, the people across the lake have been staring.

"Each knife is a piece of endgame? The endgame of nineteen lines? That's three hundred and sixty-one positions. I stand in Tianyuan. One? Three hundred and sixty-one is the number of Zhoutian? This method is named 'Zhoutian'! "Gu Haishen said.


Cut it out again.

"One hundred thousand pieces of endgame, this is the basic‘ Zhoutian ’method. I can cut 100,000 kinds of this method! That ’s one hundred thousand?” Gu Hai's eyes flashed a little confidence.

"But 80,000 of them have been combined with four or four, which is a new and complicated piece! Try it!" Gu Hai's eyes condensed.

When you step on Tianyuan, the sword in your hand is reappeared, and the intention of the sword condenses. A handle with a handle again surrounds the ancient sea, like a black and white chess piece.


After the four-four merger, a concentrated game of chess suddenly appeared.


The ancient sea was cut again.

"Boom ~!"

A super loud noise. The entire lake was soaring into the sky, and the water of the lake seemed to be lifted by a huge shock.

The earth trembled suddenly, taking the ancient sea as the center, a huge trench, heading straight for the mountain peaks in the distance.

The outside of Montai, Gao Xianzhi, and Long Wanyu felt only a loud noise, and all the water in the lake exploded. A faint purple knife light rushed out.


In the distance, there were three mountains, which were split into two halves.

Three mountains, split in half?

The water of a lake is all blown up.

"Emperor?" Some guards feared in horror.

But I saw a lake blasting into the sky, revealing the ancient sea standing on the rock at the bottom of the lake, holding a long knife in his hand, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This is one of the swords after the merger of the Fourth and Fourth? The power is actually a hundred times stronger than before?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

"The previous basic knife method was called 'Zhou Tianyi', and this knife was called 'Zhou Tianyi'?" Gu Hai took a deep breath.


The water that blew up to heaven fell slowly, and the water was wet with the ancient sea, but the ancient sea didn't care about it at the moment.

"I have 20,000 remnants of the first batch of four-four mergers, that is, there are 20,000" Tue-day-two "knife methods?"

"Tuesday? The power is one hundred times that of Zhouyi. Is it the sequel of the second April Fourth merger? Isn't it 'Sunday Wednesday?' The merger is working to consolidate 'Thursday and Thursday'? By analogy, isn't the power of the sword getting stronger and stronger? "Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

On Tuesday, the sword fell and the Great Lake exploded.

Exciting Gu Hai tried to prepare to chop Wednesday?

Step on Tianyuan, the sword intended to condense.


A frenzy of knife-like breath rushed out of the square. Numerous soldiers in the Quartet suddenly felt a chill in the whole body, and the ancient sea was like a dazzling sword inserted into everyone's heart.

The lake water that fell all around was even more bizarre and automatically avoided the general.

"This, this, why is there a knife?" Montai showed a hint of horror.

This is the first time that Monte Thai has seen such a weird sword. The sword urges, a large killing is pervasive, and Monte Thai is full of excitement.

"Of course it was created by my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu smugly said.

"No, this sword intention? How could this weird sword intention appear in the hands of a Yuanying Realm? You, do you want to stay away?" The demon spirit in his body also issued a shock.

"It's okay, I didn't feel terribly fierce. By the way, is my brother-in-law's knife very powerful?" Long Wanyu was excited.

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen Swordsman jumping like this. The first jump is a hundred times the previous one? How is this possible!" The ghost ghost spirit shook with a shock.

"Oh, that's your ignorance!" Long Wanyu gave no face at all.

Ghost Spirit: "………………!"

Gu Hai was ready to cut out Sunday, but not on Wednesday, but this consumption of real yuan made Gu Hai's face sink.

Zhen Yuan consumes a lot of money. More importantly, the long knife in his hand can't bear the meaning of the knife, and it actually cracks.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"


The long knife was blasted by the sword. Into pieces of sky.

The long sword burst, and Gu Hai also let go of the sword.


The surrounding water suddenly poured back.


Gu Hai exhaled.

"Well, since" Sunday "is feasible, that's enough. One hundred thousand articles on Sunday, 20,000 articles on Tuesday, enough to deal with daily life, Wednesday? There is no good knife, but it can't be cut out at all!"

Losing the hilt in his hand, Gu Hai rushed out and flew to the shore.

"Brother-in-law, have you done a great job?" Long Wanyu cried excitedly.

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