Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 30: Heavenly Destruction

"Brother-in-law, have you done a great job?" Long Wanyu cried excitedly.

"Dacheng? Maybe, just that the knife is not good, and you need to re-forge it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Uh? Brother-in-law, don't you have a powerful knife? Why should you forge it?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while. Indeed, the dead knife should be able to withstand Wednesday. However, with the dead knife, how can you make a knife?

Although the Zhou Tiandao method was created, it still needs to be familiar with each time, so that every time the sword is turned into an instinct. Instead of thinking every time.

With a razor knife, don't practice that sword. Once the powerful attributes come out, all the swords will kneel. As soon as countless black gas skeletons came out, you didn't need to be too hands-on.

Gu Hai understands that the 'blade technique' is not useless, but it has not yet reached a realm, so it must be practiced. Can't think of everything.

"Extreme knife? I don't want to use it!" Gu Hai explained.

"Uh, too, the deadly knife is pretty ugly!" Long Wanyu nodded blankly.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

"Yes, brother-in-law, what kind of knife do you like? I'll go to the treasure house of the old man to help you choose it!" Long Wanyu was instantly excited.

The ancient sea froze slightly.

Suddenly remembered the blood knife in the past, when Long Wanqing gave it to herself, she said that her sister had taken it from the treasure house of Dagan Sheng.

Thinking of this, the ancient sea looked at Long Wanyu strangely, and Dagan Sheng really loved her too much. Treasury allowed Long Wanyu to come in and take it out at will.

"No, I'll forge it myself. The new sword doesn't need any particularly powerful attributes, as long as it is particularly strong!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Sturdy? Demon spirit, what kind of metal is the strongest in the world that can cast a knife for my brother-in-law?" Long Wanyu shouted to her heart suddenly.

Ghost Spirit: ".........!"

"What about you? Come on!" Long Wanyu cried.

"Sturdy? How can there be the strongest metal? Each metal has its own different characteristics, not the strongest, only stronger. Forge the sword, you need to choose 呗!" The ghost ghost said lightly.

"Uh? What's the use of talking about a large article? I don't know, I don't know, really! I told you so much all day long, how many things I knew, I asked you something, and I immediately asked about it!" eye.

The demon spirit is spitting blood. Am I telling the truth? Not the strongest in this world? Hardness, toughness, corrosion resistance, melting point, and freezing point are all different, involving a lot of knowledge, are different, OK?

However, Long Wanyu has determined that the ghosts and ghosts are ignorant. Demon spirits have been awkward for a while, why are they so unlucky? Why is she attached to her?

"Okay, I know a metal, can I find it? That's your business! Would you like to listen?" The demon ghost hummed.

"Who knows if you made it up on purpose? Don't swell your face and become fat, don't know, you don't know, where is that so much nonsense? Love to say or not!" Long Wanyu looked disdainful.

Demon spirits are going to kneel when they are depressed, so I do n’t have any discipline?

"That's called annihilation!" The demon ghost explained.

"Destroy the stone?"

"Yes, this kind of natural stone destruction, conscious, can swallow various metals to strengthen itself, the more metal and more types it swallows, the more it knows! It seems like God ca n’t see it, where it is, where it is The city will crack it with thunder and thunder, anyway, this is the most powerful, Gu Hai must have the ability, you want him to find it! "Yao Guiling said in a deep voice.

"Is there an old man's treasure house?" Long Wanyu asked.

"No!" The ghost ghost recalled.

"Edit, you continue editing, do you think I will believe it?" Long Wanyu didn't believe it.

Suddenly, the ghost spirit feels so painful. Why don't you believe it if I tell the truth? What is the most basic trust between people? Why am I trapped inside Long Wanyu, why am I so unlucky?

"What?" Gu Hai curiously said.

Gu Hai could not hear the conversation between the two, but only in the end Long Wanyu showed that disdainful expression, and then she looked curiously.

"Nothing. I just talked to the demon spirit for a while. He was a liar, pretending to be academic. I asked him what kind of metal knives he used best. He said," Heavenly Destroy Stone ", and he said that Devilly Destroy Stone would eat it Metal, the more you eat, the more powerful you are. You also said that God was jealous of it, and thunder broke it. "Long Wanyu dismissed.

"God is jealous of destroying the stone?" Gu Hai said rudely.

"I didn't say jealousy, I didn't say it! Long Wanyu, introduce it when you introduce it, don't change it to me casually?" The demon ghost wants to cry without tears.

Of course, Long Wanyu ignored the ghosts and ghosts, and Gu Hai could not hear them.

"Brother-in-law, don't listen to him, he's just a flicker! He doesn't have much skill, he's so old-fashioned, and thought I would believe it? Brother-in-law, leave him alone!" Long Wanyu dismissed.

Ghost Spirit: "………………!"

Why are you so unlucky?

Gu Hai nodded.

On the one hand, Monte Thai and Gao Xianzhi came forward.

"Meet the emperor, congratulations to the emperor!" Gao Xianzhi respectfully said.

"Meet the emperor! Wei Chen is late! Hope the emperor forgive me!" Montai respectfully said.

"Just come, let's go, and then go back to Huangfu Hall and tell me about Jin Yiwei's recent situation!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes!" Monte said.

The group stepped on the crane crane and flew towards the palace of Huangfu. Mengtai continued to be excited to introduce his Jinyiwei. After all, in these days, he did not delay at all, constantly recruiting and training people. The number of Jinyiwei has expanded countlessly.

Along the way, Gu Hai listened patiently. When he was about to arrive at the Huangfu Palace, Gu Hai nodded and said, "In general, it's okay, but each Jin Yiwei needs to be carefully selected, and individual black sheep must not be ruined. The justice of Jin Yiwei! "

"Yes!" Monte said.

"This time you are here, you need to spread Jinyiwei cloth to the twenty-four cities. At the same time, Jinyiwei will branch out an external branch!" Said Gu Haishen.


"For the domestic, for monitoring the world, for the foreign, collect the world's intelligence. I need you to continue to expand Jin Yiwei quickly and make a Jin Yiwei expansion report to you!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Yes!" Montai said excitedly.

Not only monitoring the world, the emperor has given himself power? Collect intelligence outside the Dahan Dynasty?

Montaimo fisted his palms, excited for a while: "Emperor, enlarging enrollment requires a lot of spirit stones. That spirit stone?"

"So I want you to make a report to you, and I will give you funding, as long as Jin Yiwei is doing well and there is enough value to send in, I do n’t want to have any spiritual stones, how much I want, how much I give you!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Monte said.


A group of fairy crane cars landed in Huangfudian Square.

Immediately, Bing Ji walked quickly.

"Emperor!" Bingji frowned.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at Bingji in doubt.

"The minister went to the Ministry of Households to withdraw money. The Ministry of Households allowed me to save money. Will Lingshi not keep up? I can't break the reconstruction after the disaster?" Bingji worried.

"Relax, reconstruction cannot stop after the disaster!" Gu Hai laughed.

"However, the minister heard that the twelve cities just conquered, the emperor used all their taxes for local people's livelihood, and the people in Chaoge City originally borrowed the spirit stone to the emperor to deal with the fire locust god. The emperor also promised to return all the rest. Is the tax sufficient to operate so many cities? "Bingji worried.

"Don't worry, in a few days, the Royal Casino Resort will open 24 cities. By then, the spirit stone will be enough!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Uh?" Bingji froze slightly.

At this time, I remembered the scene of the original Jiuwu Island, the Royal Casino Resort, which was a beast that swallowed gold. Want to roll out now?

In addition, the first floor of this street is also stationed in each of the major cities. They are all powerful gold suction artifacts. Would you worry that the spirit stone is not enough?

"It's Chenchen worrying!" Bingji smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded without blame.

Bingji continued to be responsible for post-disaster reconstruction.

In the palace of Huangfu, Gu Hai summoned the courts. Handled some government affairs, and then introduced Monte Thai to the ministers.

Jin Yiwei officially entered the 24 cities.

Under the management of Guhai, in just three months, the Dahan Dynasty had made great progress, and the differences visible to the naked eyes of the people appeared.

The city formation of Chaoge City has all been repaired, and all the injured people have been properly arranged.

The first floor of this street, the Royal Casino Resort, has absorbed a large number of spiritual stones, some of which were transported back to Jiuwu Island to the ancient Qin cloth formation, some were used for the operation of the government and the army, some were stored in the ancient sea, and a large part were all used for People's livelihood.

The people saw the constant changes around them and suddenly recognized the Dahan Dynasty countlessly.

This is an emperor who can make money, an emperor who is willing to spend money for the people. People are increasingly recognizing the ancient sea.

"It's so boring, brother-in-law, I'm tired of playing in your Chaoge City every day. Some time ago, I opened the Royal Casino. I went to play for a while, it's really boring!" Long Wanyu was bored.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu and smiled bitterly for a while. Of course, you didn't find it interesting? The prophet goes gambling? Who ever gambled on you?

"Brother-in-law, otherwise, would you take me out to play? The old man didn't say he wouldn't let me go out with you?" Long Wanyu expected.

Gu Hai is waiting to say what.


A shout came from outside the study.

"Huh? Come in!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

It was a man in a black robe who slowly walked into the study.

"Ju Lu? Did you break through too?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

The man in black robe respectfully said, "Yes, his subordinate has broken through, so his body shape can be transformed like the Supreme!"

"That's good, what is it?" Gu Hai wondered.

Heipao people silent for a while and said: "Emperor, I do not know your enemies against the Supreme ...!"

"The enemies of Lu Shishen, I will definitely report them, rest assured! I remember, the enemies were the emperors of the Dahuang dynasty in the past, Xi Xi? I didn't send you to investigate?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, there is news!" Julu Shen said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is the emperor still remembering the Valley of Death?" Shen Lu cried.

"At that time, the imperial dynasty imperial dynasty had poisoned the fire poison and grabbed the fire locust god. He said that the fire poison came from the death grave valley?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, I just got the news. Today's Death Grave Valley has been cast into a city. Legends often come from the sound of dragons. It seems that there are new dragon veins to be born. Numerous practitioners rushed away and wanted to compete for dragon veins. . And our people saw the figure of Xi Yan there! "Ju Lu solemnly said.

"Dead Grave? Dragon veins?" Gu Hai frowned.

I still remember my dragon vein. When the news of the Jiuwu Island dragon vein came out, how many strong people were motivated to go forward? Is there another dragon vein to be born now?

"Yes, the newly minted city was named Dragon Veins! Emperor, our great enemy is there, we ... Xi Xi, Xia Tian Gong Peerless Powerhouse, I am incompetent, but the Supreme Vengeance cannot Do not report, the emperor, please urge the emperor to take revenge for the supreme! "Ju Lu knelt down.

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