Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Boy in white

Outside the city of Longmai, there is a mountain forest. The fog filled the air, like a large cloud covering it.

In a large array, countless bats surrounded.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ...............!"

A series of piano sounds.

If Gu Hai is here, you can hear that this song is "Tragedy World"!

Sitting in the array, it was Waner Fairy.

Waner fairy played a tune in her hands. Watching countless bats pounce on themselves under the control of more than two thousand vampires in the large array.

There is a tragic world isolation around Fairy Fairy. As soon as she approaches, the bat suddenly loses five senses and scurrys around.

At the top of a mountain in the array, two figures were standing at the moment, one of which was the recent Marshal of the Northern Expedition, Qin Zibai. The other, in a red suit, with a majestic face, showed a pair of blood-colored fangs in his mouth.

Headed by the two, the conductor was a vampire, trapped in the center of the fairy Waner.

"Ding Ding Ding ………………!"

Fairy Waner plucked the strings, and under the tragic world, she also plucked another piece of music, condensing all the clergymen and resisting the vampires.

"Xi Xi? Qin Zibai? Oh, you guys are really brave!" Fairy fairy said coldly, wearing a veil.

Qin Zi Bai looked coldly down: "Waner fairy, we don't want to embarrass you more, but this death grave, you know, the fire of drought, is very toxic. We have tried many ways, but we cannot resolve it. But you can absorb the fire of the drought? Refine it? We just want to know how to refine the fire poison of the drought! "

Refining drought pit fire poison? That's because Wan'er Fairy's body is fired, and all fires in the world can be cultivated, but Wan'er Fairy can't tell this secret. The last time Hu Dongtian knew about Waner's physique, he was desperate. How could you be proactively exposed?

"How can I tell you the secret method of my ancestors? Xiyu? Oh, was the former Lord of the Dahuang Dynasty willing to be the slave of Dayuan? Your loyal courtiers are all Yuanying Realm, are you? Actually willing to send them to Da Yuan for demonization? All demonizations became vampires? Hahahahaha, this dog is really thorough! "Waner fairy said coldly.

The man in red next to Qin Zibai showed Xi a sneer: "You still take care of yourself, Fairy Fairy? Oh, respect the gate behind you, only call you fairy. Lost the gate, you It ’s just a little girl who does n’t know how thick and thick it is, hum, has your piano's effect weakened? My array, but it ’s specifically for piano! ”

There was a icy coldness in Waner's eyes.

"Your Master, you're really big-hearted, let you travel alone? Oh! Fairy fairy, tell me the way to refining drought and fire poison, I will let you out, otherwise ...!" Qin Zi Bai Leng Sound channel.

"If you have the ability, just take me. If you don't have the ability, don't talk nonsense, hum!" Fairy fairy said coldly.

Vampires rushed towards the center all around. But again and again it was blocked by the sound of the piano.

Qin Zibai and Xi Yan frowned at each other.

"Master Qin, why don't you take the shot yourself? The strength of Wan'er Fairy should only be the peak of Yuanying. With a harmonica, the strength has risen to the next heaven palace. I can't deal with her. With your strength ...!" Xi I looked at Qin Zibai.

Qin Zibai frowned slightly: "Come on!"

"Wait a second? Ha, Master Qin, you let my people do it, and you want to stay out of it? There is no such thing as good, the gate behind Fairy Fairy is really powerful, but you don't have to be afraid of it like that, if she? Who would know to die here? "Xi Yan said in a deep voice.

Qin Zibai still has some fears about the ancestral door behind Waner Fairy. Still unwilling to do it now.

"Wait a second, grind her!" Qin Zibai shook his head.


Xi Yan and Qin Zibai deal with Waner Fairy in the big team.

At this moment, there are three figures standing in a mountain forest outside the array. The three are standing in a very secret position. The first one is the owner of the Shenji camp, Li Shenji, and the two behind him are like their subordinates.

"Sir, Qin Zibai still dare not start?" One of his subordinates frowned.

Li Shenji sneered: "Hands on? Oh, Qin Zibai is still smart. Kill Waner Fairy? Xi Yan thinks that God doesn't know the ghost? He doesn't understand the meaning of the gate behind Fairy Fairy? If Fairy Fairy is There are three lengths and two shorts, and all the scenes around her will be transmitted back to the sect. Therefore, Qin Zibai did not dare to drive to death! "

"This fairy is too stubborn?"

Li Shenji yelled in his eyes: "Yeah, this woman is also stubborn. Her ancestors have secret methods. As long as she sends a letter for help, disciples in the nearby sects will all come to help. Just a few days ago, we also saw a her sect. The people inside are near this dragon vein city. As long as Waner Fairy asks for help, can she come to rescue her right away? "

"But why ...?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter if you know it or not, our goal is not him!" Li Shenji said coldly.


"How's the news?" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.

"According to an adult's calculation, Gu Hai should have arrived in Longmai City during this time, right?" A subordinate frowned.

"What I asked was, did the ten Lushi people who were blindly turning around get any news?" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.

"Oh my Lord, rest assured, they have been led away by us and already know that Xiyu is here. Maybe it is hidden somewhere near here." The subordinate respectfully said.

"Okay, now that the ten Lushi people know this place, they will surely send a message to Gu Hai, and the ancient sea is here! Oh!" There was a glimmer of light in Li Shenji's eyes.

"My lord, my subordinates don't understand. Isn't it easy to use your means to kill the ancient sea? Why fake others? Why not do it yourself?"

Li Shenji was silent for a while: "Because he is now the red man in the eyes of the Holy Ghost!"

"Ah? How is it possible that God has never seen him before?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen it, but even Long Wanyu has been handed over to him by the Holy Spirit. It can be seen that I can't take the trust in him, otherwise the Holy Spirit will surely know it. It's Gu Hai's incompetence. Oh! Kill my nephew, I can't kill him by myself, but I have a way to kill him! "Li Shenji said coldly.

"If the ancient sea is attracted, can you deal with Xi Xi? Qin Zibai?"

"The best way to destroy the ancient sea is, if not, it doesn't matter. At least let me see the details of the ancient sea. Oh, no wonder the Holy Spirit cares about the ancient sea. His growth is too weird. After a period of time, there is a big breakthrough. So, I must step up! "Li Shenji said coldly.

"After all, Xi Xun opened the Tiangong Temple, and Gu Hai has no blood knife. It is definitely not his opponent. Besides, there is also a Qin Zibai. Master, Gu Hai is dead!"


Beyond this array, on another mountain.

At this moment there are also two figures standing. Like one master and one servant.

For the first handsome young man, he was dressed in white and carrying a bronze sword behind him. Juvenile looks are young, but their eyes are extremely mature and sharp.

The youth's eyebrow has a cyan lotus mark. In his eyes, there is a great will that ignores everything.

Juvenile-oriented, but behind him is a green robe servant. The Qingpao servant had a wide face and a stern look. He was carrying a wide sword behind him, and his eyes looked sharply and far away.

"Breeze, Waner is inside?" Said the boy lightly.

"Yes, young master!" Qingpao servant Qingfeng respectfully said.

"Oh, this girl is still stubborn, trapped in it, and unwilling to ask for help? Just like her master!" Said the boy faintly.

The breeze did not dare to talk.

After a moment of silence, Qingfeng said, "Young Master, although Waner Fairy is not the same as us, but they are the same clan, do you need to help her?"

The teenager shook his head and said, "No, she doesn't ask for help, we don't need to intervene!"


"During this time, what kind of sword repair can come from Longmai City?" Said the boy faintly.

"There are a few sword repairs, but no one is your opponent. There is no one like this!" Qingfeng shook his head.

"You escorted me. I set foot on the land of Shenzhou to find the unique sword repair challenge to prove the sword technique I created. Over the course of my journey, I have increasingly proved that my kendo is right. There is really no Amazing Peerless Sword repaired? "Said the young man Shen.

"One was passed on before, but that sword repair is special!" Qingfeng frowned.


"That's not a real character, uh, maybe there was a prototype, it's a sword repair condensed with matrix formation!"

"Sword repair condensed in formation?" The boy wondered.

"Sword Demon, Dugu seeking defeat!" Qingfeng recalled.

"What's the record?"

"Oh, by the way, there was a revelation before the independence and independence of Dugu. It was so arrogant. It said, 'Thirty years on the rivers and lakes, kill the enemies and traitors, defeat the heroic heroes, and the world has no resistance. Nothing but helplessness, but retreat in the deep valley, and take the eagle as a friend. Woohoo, life seeks an enemy but is not available, sincerity and embarrassment are also embarrassing! '"Qingfeng recalled.

"Ask for an enemy in your life but you ca n’t get it? Great tone! Sword Demon, Doku seeking defeat?" The young man suddenly flashed a sharp light, and there seemed to be a sword in the sharp light.


There is a big river outside Longmai city.

Stopped the ancient sea flying boat, this is the joint location agreed by the Lushi people.


Not far from the flying boat, the ground roared, and from the ground, a huge Lushi man emerged.

"Is Xi Xi still there?" Julu eagerly asked.

"Xi Yan is still there, with a large number of vampires, lined up in a valley, I do not know who to deal with. I'm afraid to fight grass and snakes, I dare not do anything!" Said Lu Shiren respectfully.

"Just still!" Changlu hissed.

"Valley?" Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt.

"Yes, what kind of person is trapped? We listen to it underground, vaguely like" Tragedy World ", and then we dare not listen more, we all avoided it!" Said Lu Shiren respectfully.

"The tragic world?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know who it is!"

"Let's go!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


PS: In the next few days, I will go to the field for a few days to watch chess. In these days, I have saved three chapter drafts. The update should be normal. One, watch chess home then, forgive me!

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