Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 33: Okay Fairy

Large array of valleys arranged by Xi Xi!

The ancient sea flying boat sailed slowly.

"Uh, it's not good, brother-in-law, I feel disaster!" Long Wanyu frowned suddenly.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu in doubt.

"I don't know. Anyway, moving forward seems to be dangerous, but not too big, there is a certain omen!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Omen? Who can you foresee?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Long Wanyu felt that the omen was not a simple matter. You have to be careful.

"Let me see! This month's prediction is useless!" Long Wanyu said solemnly.

In the right eye, a burst of blue light burst out suddenly.

"Ah, it's him? That, that, last time outside Chaoge City, ah, I remember, Qin Zibai, Qin Zibai will come out, please trouble us, brother-in-law, Qin Zibai!" Wan Yu worried.

"Qin Zibai?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Long Wanyu nodded.

"Stop!" Gu Hai called to stop flying boats.

Ancient Haicai Yuanying Realm, and Cai Yuanying Realm is the most important. It is already a risk to take everyone to deal with Xi Xi. After all, Xi Xi is the strongest in Kaitian Palace, even if it is Xiatian Palace, it is not comparable to Yuanying . Gu Hai was thinking of countermeasures along the way.

Listening to Long Wanyu at this moment, is there another Qin Zibai? That's the one that opened Zhongtian Temple!

The last time I was in Chaoge, but I was able to scare him by mobilizing the power of a country.

Qin Zibai was here, and all his previous calculations had failed.

"Emperor, shall we deal with Xi Xi when he orders?" Lu Lu advised.

Gu Hai shook his head. If in normal times, Gu Hai would naturally wait for Xi Xi to be single, but at this moment, there is some concern. Who is Xi Xi and Qin Zibai's big team trapped? "Les Miserables"? Will it be Waner Fairy?

Regardless of Waner's attitude towards herself, after all, she is already her own woman.

"No need, I'll arrange it, you guys do it!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"You, immediately go to Longmai City and release the news. The dragon veins appear, and it is ........." Gu Hai arranged to everyone.

------------- The ancient sea flying boat continued to go towards that valley.

It didn't take long for us to be able to see the battle.

"Brother-in-law, can't go anymore, it's still very dangerous, I think it's still a bad omen!" Long Wanyu worried.

"I know, don't worry, Sima Feng, you arrange the book-matrix method to protect Wanyu!" Gu Haishen said.


"Ah? Brother-in-law, you want to go alone?" Long Wanyu worried.

"Relax!" Gu Hai shook his head.


Gu Hai jumped away from the flying boat.

Under the ground, Lu Shiren arranged the array according to the requirements of the ancient sea.

The flying boat stopped in a hidden corner, and Sima Feng began to arrange the book-stroke array.

The ancient sea was walking alone, walking slowly towards the distant array.

Not far away, Li Shenji is on a mountain.

"Sir, come, is it really ancient sea? There is only one person?" A subordinate was surprised.

Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly: "A person? Oh, Gu Hai can't be alone, others must be hiding!"


"It doesn't matter, Qin Zibai and Xi Xi kill their hearts, Gu Hai can't run away!" Li Shenji said coldly.

On another mountain.

The boy in white also had his eyes narrowed, and saw the ancient sea in the distance slowly moving in a large array.

"Well? Is he?" Qingfeng suddenly surprised.

"Oh? Do you know?" The white boy wondered.

"Young Master, that's him. I've seen his portrait. As I said before, it's him who arranges large groups and gathers the lonely and defeated one!" Qingfeng said with a hint of surprise.

"Is he?" The boy in white frowned.

Originally, he wanted to find Gu Hai, to see the style of fighting alone, but he didn't want to, he came by himself?

"How could he be here? Shouldn't it be, shouldn't he be in Chaoge City?" Qingfeng wondered.

"what is his name?"

"Ancient sea!" Qingfeng explained.

"Ancient sea?" There was a look of expectation in the eyes of the boy in white.

The ancient sea slowly walked out of the large array.

The Quartet has already been laid out. However, Gu Hai must also determine who is trapped in the large array. If it weren't for Waner Fairy, there wouldn't be a need for adventure.

"Dahuang dynasty, Xi Xi!" Gu Hai suddenly blew.


The sound suddenly went straight to the large array.

------- In the large array, Waner Fairy resisted the vampires around when she struck the strings, but with the movement of days and nights, Waner Fairy was also tired and her eyes flashed. Depressed.

"Waner fairy, we don't ask much, as long as you know the method of refining the drought and fire poison, for you, presumably not difficult, drag it on, my group of subordinates can come to you!" Sneered.

"Hum!" Fairy whispered coldly.

"Master Qin and I can give you a chance, but my subordinates have just been demonized and their minds are still very confused. They will not talk nonsense with you. How long can you persist in this silence? Xi Xi sneered.

There was a gloom in Wan'er's eyes.

Now the only way to escape is to send a signal to ask for help. However, I had waged a fight with Master. I will never ask for help in this experience, and I must overcome any difficulties myself.

But now, these vampires, their ugly faces, were getting closer and closer, and Waner Fairy was a little confused.

And that timid Qin Zibai?

Wan'er Fairy's face was gloomy. After a few days, her anxiety in her heart became more and more, and she gradually felt a sense of helplessness. Now if someone comes to save herself.

I don't know why, the first thing that came to mind was not Master, but the ancient sea that made you grit your teeth.

"Asshole, aren't you responsible? Are you here? You will only speak nicely ...!" Fairy Wan Yu whispered in the ancient sea, hoping to drive out the ancient sea figure that kept coming out of her mind.

Constantly thinking about the badness of the ancient sea, the ancient sea in my mind was about to be expelled.

Suddenly a loud drink came from outside the array.

"Dahuang Dynasty, Xi Xi!"

The large array cut off the internal sound, but the external sound was audible. The ancient sea shouted loudly, and everyone in the large array suddenly changed their faces.

The voice of the ancient sea. That's right, it must be the voice of Gu Hai.

Wan'er Fairy kept counting down before, but actually the ancient sea came down?

"Dead ghost, are you really here?" Fairy Fairy's face changed.

The next moment, Waner Fairy found that she was not in the right tone, her face flushed, and she immediately changed her mouth: "Asshole, why is he here?"

The image of the ancient sea in the previous expelling mind failed, and a voice of the ancient sea seemed to make its image more profound in a moment. Instantly shattered his own data.

There was only one voice in my mind. Is he here to save me? He heard my voice, come to save me? Is he responsible?

The sense of helplessness in her heart suddenly disappeared, and Waner Fairy suddenly felt that her heart was beating rapidly in 噗噗 通, 噗噗 通.

"Here? He is here?" Fairy Waner's piano sounded faster and faster. There is a pleasant taste in the sound of the piano.

"Gu Hai? Why is he here?" Qin Zi sank in white.

Qin Zibai's impression of the ancient sea is extremely profound. Retreating from Chaoge City in the past was extremely unwilling. How long has it been before we meet again?

"Looking for me?" Xi Yan frowned.


With a wave of his hand, the fog in front of Xi Yan was suddenly hazy.

The outside can't see the inside, but the inside can see the outside.

"Really him?" There was a gleam in Fairy's eyes.

Qin Zi's face was gloomy.

Xi Yan frowned slightly.

But when I saw the large array, on the right hand of Gu Hai, holding a bronze long knife, his face was cold and cold, and he looked at the large array.

"What? I didn't even dare to answer?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Dahan Dynasty, Guhai? What are you doing?" Xi Yan said coldly.

Xi Yan's voice suddenly came out. At the same time, the internal sound of the piano and the roar of the vampire were mixed.

Gu Hai's pupils shrank, and she was fighting fiercely inside.

"Oh, ha ha ha, what am I doing? This is to ask the person you are trapped, are you really brave?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Huh?" Fairy's eyes inside brightened.

Did Gu Hai really come for me?

Qin Zibai and Xi Yan were dull, and they looked at each other.

"He knows the ancient sea?" Qin Zibai said unexpectedly.

Xi Yan also looked strange for a while: "Know what? But Gu Hai and Wan'er are familiar? I remember the previous information, they are enemies?"

The two looked at Fairy Fairy.

"Gu Hai came for you?" Xi Yan said in a deep voice.

"Huh, I'm not familiar with him!" Fairy Fairy still stubborn.

Xi Yan turned his head and looked out of the large array: "Gu Hai, are you okay to find something? Come and disturb my game?"

Gu Hai wanted to find out who was trapped inside, and could only shout again: "Oh? Nothing to ask for something? Have you asked him? He said I'm OK to find something?"

Xi Yan looked at Fairy Fairy: "Do you still say that you are not familiar with him? Who is it?"

"Let me tell him!" Fairy fairy groaned.

Waner Fairy turned her head and gave Qin Zibai a cold look.

There is only one person outside the ancient sea, if the ancient sea breaks free, it is not Qin Zibai's opponent at all, just in case ...!

"Huh!" Xi Yan waved. Let Waner fairy voice out.

"Gu Hai, who wants you to come? Where does it come from, where does it go, it's not my turn to take care of it!" Wan'er fairy cried mercilessly.

I hope to repel ancient seas.

However, Gu Hai suddenly heard the words of Wan'er Fairy, but she took a long breath.

Sure enough, it was her.

Since it's Waner Fairy, how can you leave?

After touching the long knife in his hand, the ancient sea surface icily said: "Xi 焱? Lord of the magnificent Huanghuang dynasty, even if he is willing to be a dog of Da Yuan, he even arranged a large array to deal with a weak woman? Oh, good Sleepy Waner Fairy? I will announce the things you do! "

"Huh?" Xi Yun's face sank inside.

With a large array, I just do n’t want the news to leak out. If Gu Hai announced the world, would n’t it be a shortfall?

"Gu Hai just entered the Yuan infant realm, and he is not in Chaoge City. He can't stand the wind! Just watch out for one of his string puppets and the immortal fire." Qin Zi said in a white voice.

"That can't be left. You guys, take me to the ancient sea!" Xi Yan said, pointing to a group of vampires.



Twenty vampires burst into a burst.

ps: The boy in white, yes, the peerless sword repair, the sword repair will become more and more powerful in the future! The name is still undecided. If you want to interview, hurry to Longduo, you must be awesome! Otherwise it doesn't deserve his sword! Also, I went to a very far field today and updated it in advance.

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