Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Treasure Map

Fat Ziwei and Slender Changsheng scuffle together! The clothes ripped apart. No one is allowed.

Suddenly heard Long Wanyu's voice.

"Brother-in-law, can't dig anymore, this can't be dug anymore! Hurry, get away from here!" Long Wanyu's voice passed anxiously.

"Someone found us?" Changsheng stared.

"Are you saved? Come on, come on, dig!" Zi Wei said instantly.

The two laughed excitedly.

Then Xi Xi kept confronting Gu Hai again and again, ridiculing that he would smash the turtle shell seal.

"Smash, smash!" Zi Wei's shiny face showed an excited smile.


"Smashed, really smashed! Great!" Changsheng smiled excitedly.

The previous scuffle of the two had forgotten. At this moment, they waited excitedly, remained motionless, maintained the previous posture, and looked at the top seal with tremor inside.


Finally, under Xi's hard work, the turtle shell seal exploded.



Ziwei and Changsheng's faces overflowed with ascension-like pleasure.

For three thousand years, anyone who has been imprisoned for three thousand years will be mad, and the two are special, and then they are stunned, but the heart is also collapsed. Now the prison is opened. This is an unprecedented great refreshment.

The smile was getting lost.

But maybe one is too fat and the other is too thin. That smile is so ugly in the eyes of others.

"Ah! Hooligan!" Long Wanyu suddenly covered her face and turned away.

"Blind my eyes, two dead perverts?" A practitioner looked stiffly.

Everyone outside has the urge to wash their eyes. This picture is too beautiful to look at!

Xi Yan looked stiff. what happened? Isn't this Lushiren posing a turtle shell? Why is there a palace? How come there are two dead perverts? Where did Guhai find the two perverts?

"Brother-in-law, let's go, hurry up, it's a big fierce feeling!"

"Don't leave!" Exclaimed King Ye.

Everyone looked towards Gu Hai.

"What's going on? This is the treasure?" Shen Wang said in a deep voice.

"I said, I don't know, everything, you study it yourself, I can find it, just fine!" Gu Hai Shen said.

King Xi frowned and looked into the hall.

"What are those two?" Grandmaster Wu pointed at Ziwei and Changsheng Road.

"Dead metamorphosis!" The number of people around him fell below the two.

Zi Wei slightly stunned: "Who does death pervert say?"

"Say you, perverted, can't get up!" Changsheng glared.

"Who are you talking about perverted? You are perverted pervert. Demo, I have been patient with you for a long time, and now I can go out. I don't need to endure you anymore!" Ziwei once again struck a long life.

"I don't have to endure you anymore!" Changsheng followed.

Suddenly the two men's fight became fierce, they went shirtless, the vixen's scuffle, and the 100,000 people who saw it fell outside.

"Jack! What are you two still playing?" Xi Yan glared, yelling.

The two paused, glanced at Xi Xi, and then turned around and continued to choke.

Xi Yan: "...............!"

The two were fighting more and more fiercely, and then the clothes were getting more and more torn.


Xi Zheng slapped away.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

They were instantly knocked to the ground. At this time, he noticed that there was a group of angry people.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Zi Wei exclaimed, staring angrily.

"Yeah, the eyebrows are not good at first sight, Ziwei, you recite a poem for him!" Changsheng cried instantly.

"No, he hit Lao Tzu and wouldn't recite it to him!" Zi Wei stared.

"Poetry?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Boy, I ask you, what's going on in this earth palace? Didn't Gu Hai want you to make it?" Xi Yan said coldly.

"Gu Hai? Who is Gu Hai?" Changsheng wondered.

"Give me back?" Xi Yan stared.

Ziwei and Changsheng looked at each other.

"Is this person crazy?" Changsheng wondered.

"Be quiet, this neuropathy is relatively high. The handsome man doesn't eat the immediate loss, we pretended not to hear it, let's go!" Ziwei said in a low voice to Changsheng.

Changsheng nodded.

Xi Yan: "...............!"

The practitioners around: "...............!"

If you lower your voice, we can't hear you?

Handsome man? Just the two of you, perverted, still handsome?

Seeing Ziwei and Changsheng, he quietly walked aside and wanted to leave the underground palace.

The practitioners were speechless for a while. The two of you were two goods, when we were blind?

"Say, what's going on here?" Xi Yan glared angrily.

"We don't know, I don't know!" Changsheng shook his head and wanted to leave.

"You guys, you like it here, let's see for yourself, I'll go first." Zi Wei smiled suddenly.

Practitioners around: "……………………!"

"No, the bricks and stones of this palace are mixed together, and looking at this material, more than a thousand years of history has precipitated. This is not the ancient sea's pre-arranged, this is originally an underground palace?" Wu Dawang stared suddenly.

Speaking, suddenly looked at the two who were leaving.

The two seemed to be jumping out of the pit, and they were about to jump out.

"Want to run? Oh, where to run! What's going on here?" Detective Xi Xuan fluttered, and two long whip suddenly flew out.

"The strength of Xiatian Palace? But that's it! Huh!" Changsheng snorted.

"Xia Tian Gong, also want to show off in front of me? Not at your own expense! Look at my Ziwei palm!" Ziwei also revealed a sneer and stretched out her right hand.


Everyone heard around, and immediately stood up. The origins of these two people are mysterious, and with such a big tone, Xiatian Palace is not seen in the eyes? How strong should that be?


Ziwei and Changsheng were **** by two long whip, and the eyes were the same as the dumplings.

The practitioner: "...............!"

Isn't it great? Was this caught?

Xi Yan: ".........!"

Are two stupid?

"I blame you for making me so fat. I can't show any strength!"

"Blamed me? You did it all, and you lost my power!"

Ziwei and Changsheng quarreled.

"Don't be noisy! Noisy, I'll kill you!" Xi Yan shouted with glare and depression.

The most headache encountered two silly goods, communication is extremely difficult.


At this point, a piece of folded animal skin fell down where Changsheng was bound.

"No, my drawing!" Changsheng exclaimed.

"What picture?" Xi Yan wondered.

The animal skin draws a picture, and it seems to be about to unfold in the way of falling.

Seeing, the drawing was about to start, and Ziwei suddenly showed panic: "Don't, don't show it, don't!"

Ziwei was extremely frightened. Everyone who saw it was slightly surprised. A picture, what ’s so frightening?

Just when Xi Yan was in doubt to prepare to grab.


Suddenly, a shadow passed by.

It was at this critical moment that Gu Hai's body moved, and she rushed straight down at the fastest speed. Instantly, he grabbed the animal skin, so that the painting did not show up.

"Oh, huh ~~~~~, okay!" Zi Wei exhaled in horror.

"Gu Hai, what are you doing?" King Dao and other practitioners suddenly stared.

Gu Hai has not spoken yet, but Fat Ziwei suddenly looked at Gu Hai gratefully: "Boy, you are my reborn parent, thank you, thank you for grabbing that picture."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Fat Ziwei in doubt.

"What picture is this?" Xi Yan stared.

"I drew it!" Jangsheng suddenly proudly said.

Did you draw it? Who believes, you draw, that fat man is so nervous?

So nervous? Don't want to show us? Isn't that ...?

"Treasure map!" Gu Hai suddenly chuckled.

"Huh?" Everyone's eyes brightened.

Even Ziwei and Changsheng were suddenly full of question marks. Treasure Map? what's the situation?

Gu Hai grabbed the picture and looked at everyone around him.

"Gu Hai, give me the picture!" Master Wang chilled coldly.

"Gu Hai, give me the picture!"

"give me!"




The practitioners looked somber all around, staring at the treasure map in the hands of Gu Hai together.

That skinny? No one believes. Is it a treasure map? Is Gu Hai saying true?

"Everyone, I don't intend to take this picture, but since things were found, did we let us go?" Gu Hai smiled at everyone.

"Huh? You can't go!" Xi Yan stared.

After all, it took you to Longmai City, how can I let you go?

Xi Xun refused, but the others looked indifferent, and found it. You can go as you go. Besides, you are not interested in the treasure.

"Give me the picture, I'll let you go!" Shen Dawang cried.

"Thank you King Wu, unfortunately, I'm still a little worried. In case Qin Zi comes over, will King Wu protect me?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh? You don't believe me?" King Dao chuckled coldly.

"You and I have no conflict with you. I borrowed your hands this time to protect my safety. The ancient sea is grateful, but everything has its beginnings and ends. Let my people go first, no matter how, out of the city, this treasure map, I will Give it back to you! "Gu Hailang yelled.

"Junk!" A repairer seemed to be coming to grab it.


Gu Hai stared, and a lot of flames burst out around him. It seemed that as soon as the 100,000 people started, they would burn the treasure map.

"You!" The strong men all around stared and stopped.

"Sima Feng, you take Wanyu first to go out of the city, someone outside the city will meet you, go!" Gu Hai said.

"I won't go, I'll go with my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu said stubbornly.

"Wan Yu, hurry up!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Sir, let's go out first, it's too dangerous here!" Sima Feng advised.

"No, we're safe. Brother-in-law can't be safe. It's dangerous here. I feel it. It's more dangerous than last time. I can't leave brother-in-law. I'm with brother-in-law!"

Long Wanyu refused to leave, Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Wan Yu, you listen to me, happy!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Happy?" Numerous practitioners all around appeared blank.

Are you still happy at this time?

"I don't want to!" Long Wanyu insisted.

"Happy!" Said Gu Hai anxiously.

With this treasure map, she was able to escape safely, but Long Wanyu also took a group of people, and it was easy to have an accident. You must let them go first.

"I ..." Long Wanyu was irritable for a while.

"How did you promise me? Happy!" Gu Hai stared.

Still happy? On Monday, the practitioners looked at Gu Hai silently.

Happy is the secret code set by Gu Hai and Long Wanyu. As long as Gu Hai says happy, Long Wanyu must listen to herself.

Long Wanyu was irritable for a while.

"Happy!" Gu Hai stared at Long Wanyu.

"Let's go, bad brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu turned her back in grievance.

"Sima Feng, protect Wanyu!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Thank you Mr. Gu!" Sima Feng replied thankfully.

Take out the flying boat, and persuade Long Wanyu to the flying boat, and suddenly blast towards the gate of the city.

Seeing Long Wanyu's departure, Gu Hai exclaimed secretly.

"Well, everyone, treasure map, I will give it back to you, and ask you to make a way!" Gu Hai slowly flew out of the palace.

Under the palace, there are obviously small doors that can lead to other places, but although everyone sees it, they care more about the treasure map in the hands of the ancient sea. After all, the bottom of the palace cannot run away, and if the treasure map is gone, it will be bad. Moreover, if there is a baby under the palace, why didn't the two dead metamorphosis get it? Instead, do you care about that treasure map?

"Make a way out? Oh, let your people go, it has given you face, Gu Hai, give me the picture!" Wang Dawang said coldly.

"I'll give it to you, wait a moment, I'll leave, I'll give it to you immediately!" Gu Hai shook his head, jumped into the underground palace, and slowly backed away.

"My patience, but there is a limit!" Wang Dawang said coldly.

"Don't come, whoever comes, I burned it!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"My painting is so popular?" Changsheng looked at a group of people in surprise and looked at his painting.

"Welcome fart, all of them will kill you later!" Zi Wei stared.

"Fart, they don't have time to like it. My painting is full of vitality! It is a vitality painting. If you see more, you can live longer." Changsheng said in a deep voice.

"Long live a fart, I think it's short-lived!" Zi Wei scolded.

Gu Hai slowly receded to the rear, and the practitioners of the Quartet all stared at Gu Hai.

King Gao looked at Gu Hai coldly, and saw Gu Hai daring in front of himself, smiling coldly, probing, and gently pinching the method in his sleeve.

"Not good, be careful!" Exclaimed Waner Fairy in the crowd.

Suddenly, Waner fairy and her piano figurine flew to the ancient sea instantly.

At this moment, a large number of ice crystals suddenly appeared in the void. The ice crystals enveloped the ancient sea in an instant, and the immortal fire released by the ancient sea was pressed back by the ice cold.

The ice crystals gathered together and burst into the ancient sea. However, it was blocked by the fairy figurines of Waner.


With a loud noise, the figurine immediately embraced Gu Hai and Waner Fairy, and was bumped into a mountain by ice crystals.

The ice cold filled the Quartet instantly, and the Quartet mountain forest froze instantly.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Together with the peak where the ancient sea is located, it was instantly frozen into an iceberg.

Wan'er Fairy and Gu Hai were wrapped in the Qin figurines, blocking the blow from the ice cold, revealing only her head and sealed in the iceberg.

"This is it?" The Gu family said in astonishment.

"You have the immortal fire, and the king has the immortal water. We have been sealed. Fortunately, there is a figurine to help us stop the cold blow." Waner fairy said bitterly.

"Kaka Kaka!"

But it was the figurine that wrapped the two, and now the body appeared dense cracks.

"The Qin figurine is about to be abolished. This is the Qin figurine of Xiatian Palace's strength!" Waner fairy said bitterly.

"Xiatian Temple?" Gu Hai's face changed. Finally, I realized how powerful the King Wang was just now.

Qin figurines, ancient seas, and fairy fairy are enclosed in an iceberg.

The treasure map was previously released by the ancient sea. Gone flying out.

Everyone changed his face when King Xi shot, but the next moment, he was attracted by the treasure map, and everyone looked over.

"Gu Hai, you have today, ha ha ha, this treasure map, mine!" Xi Yun rushed up immediately. Grabbed the treasure map and opened it.

"Bold!" King Gao looked cold.

"It's over, they saw your painting, we're dead." Ziwei's face changed.

"What's wrong with my paintings? Maybe they know how to appreciate them?"

"You said, they will be pregnant later, how will they deal with us?" Ziwei despaired.

PS: I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, something happened today, I stayed up late last night to write. Two more bursts, sorry!

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