Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 42: Who sees who is pregnant

Second more!


Everyone is paying attention to that treasure map, and no one has heard Ziwei and Changsheng talk!

Xi Yan took a step ahead and glanced at the treasure map.

As everyone rushes up.

"What the hell?" Xi Yan stared.

I saw that there was no terrain on the treasure map. There was only one egg. Yes, I drew an egg.

The specific egg was not clear for a moment.

Just as I looked at the egg, a vigorous vitality suddenly emerged in my body.

"Well? No, look at this picture, how do I feel inside?" Xi Yan revealed a hint of doubt.

With surprise, Xi Xi glanced again.


Suddenly a second vitality in the body emerged.

"Get off!" Detective King Wang opened Xiyan suddenly, and immediately grasped the treasure map.

An egg?

How could it be an egg? Isn't it a treasure map?

"Asshole, what the **** is this?" Detective Xun threw the treasure map out, and threw it directly to the iceberg where the ancient sea was.


The treasure map is affixed to the iceberg. The egg side is facing everyone, and the other side is facing the ancient sea and Waner fairy.

"What's on the painting?" Gu Hai showed a hint of curiosity.

"How do I know, think about how to go out!" Fairy Fairy said anxiously.

The moment King Wang threw it out, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. How could he suddenly develop a dynamic force in his body?

"No, what's wrong with me?" King Da's face changed.

"No, what's going on? Why does my stomach hurt?" Xi Yan's face changed.

Just glanced a moment ago, the two dynamic forces are constantly rising. It is getting bigger and bigger, as if forcibly extracting its own strength and condensing something.

"There is a ghost in that picture?" Xi Yan's face changed, and he turned his head again and glanced again.

One hundred thousand practitioners all around looked at it in rush.

"let me see!"

"Asshole, don't stand in your way, show me!"

"What treasure map?"

"Shit treasure map, there is only one egg on this map?"

"Show me, show me!"




The practitioners scrambled to surround themselves. The front was blocking people, and the people in front were quickly removed.

"It's over, making evil!" Ziwei looked ugly.

"So many people see it? In my painting, the vitality is not enough?" Changsheng frowned.

"Living a fart. Don't say you painted it later!" Zi Wei anxiously.

"Oh, ah, ah, oh, my belly?" Xi Yan suddenly grimaced in his stomach.

You can see that Xi's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

"Alien?" The ancient sea in the iceberg was stunned slightly.

"Ah, my stomach hurts!"

"So is mine, why does it suddenly hurt?"

"Ah, mine hurts too!"




People who have seen the painting all around cover their stomachs together.

"Ah, it hurts. Help me, what's wrong with me?"

"Ah, the belly is getting bigger and bigger, why is this happening?"

"My belly, I don't want it!"




Each practitioner covered his stomach in horror.

"Is that the painting?" Xi Yan turned his head and glanced at the painting again.

As everyone looked at it, the color of the painting seemed to fade away gradually, and it became lighter.

Take a look, a touch.

Xi Yan glanced for the fourth time. After the first three vitality, the fourth one appeared.

what happened? What's wrong with my stomach?

Had been forgotten?

"Not good, Master Qin, Mr. Dongfang, not good, quickly, save me!" Xi Yan staggered and flew towards the distance. The belly is getting bigger and bigger, and his face is getting scared.

"Ah, help, my belly, my belly!" The 100,000 practitioners around him sat in horror and slumped.

There is a strange power in the belly, sucking their own strength, and strengthening that mass.

"That picture? The ghost of that picture!" Someone exclaimed.

The great king is sweating at the moment. Slowly sitting on the top of a mountain, sitting cross-legged, observing the body with consciousness, what kind of power is inside the body, making your stomach grow bigger and bigger?

Being conscious, King Wang immediately detected the changes in his stomach. The conscious body saw that there was an extra egg suddenly in its belly.

This egg seems to be attached to one's internal organs. Every key part of the body is average. Sucking all the power, nourishing the egg.

Why is there an egg in my body?

No, the shape of this egg is the same as in the previous painting. The previous painting?

What kind of egg is this?

King Wu once again delved into the egg with his consciousness.

Finally, consciousness saw the inside of the egg.

Looking at it, King Wang seemed to be stupid.

"How can this be? How can this be? What is this?" Grandpa Xi cried in a terrified voice.

"I realized I saw that egg, this egg, egg, egg ......... ah!"

"No, no, how is that possible?"




One hundred thousand practitioners covered their stomachs in horror in the end, and each of them went into the body with their consciousness. I saw the egg, I saw a terrible thing.

"That's not an egg. I painted an embryo! The origin of life!" Changsheng whispered.

"A fetus in the egg?"

"I, I, am I pregnant?"

"I'm a man?"




Where the ancient sea was located on the iceberg, one hundred thousand practitioners were suddenly silent, and everyone's eyes were stagnant.

The ancient sea and Wan'er fairy in the iceberg left alone appeared blank.

"How come these people have fallen? Their stomachs are getting bigger and bigger?" Fairy Fairy said blankly.

"I don't know, their expressions seem to be scary?" Gu Hai said suddenly.




After ten breaths.

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"No, help!"

"I don't want to be pregnant, I don't want to have children!"

"Master, ohh, I haven't married my daughter-in-law, what should I do when I'm pregnant?"

"Owner, ohh, I complain that my daughter-in-law can't give birth to a child, but don't want me to have it myself, homeowner, what should I do?"

"Dad, you want to add grandson, ah, I want to add brother too? I don't want it!"




Before the iceberg, there was a sudden horror.

One hundred thousand practitioners growled in despair. This is not just physical damage, but also mental torture. Pregnant?

I went to your uncle, pregnant?

"That picture, what about that picture?" The pregnant practitioner suddenly became anxious.

Turning to look at the painting, the vitality of that painting disappeared, and the eggs in the painting were gone.

"Sin, whoever sees who is pregnant!" Ziwei said in despair.

"It's spectacular that 100,000 people are pregnant together!" Changsheng said excitedly.

"Are you stupid? You made them pregnant, and they didn't kill you?" Ziwei stared at Changsheng.

"Pregnancy is a good thing!" Changsheng said resolutely.

Ziwei bowed her head and did not dare to speak, but her body was tied and she could only move little by little, trying to escape.

"Homeowner, I'm getting bigger and bigger!"

"What kind of embryo is still connected to my Dantian and Wuqiao, and once I destroy the embryo, my Dantian and Wuqiao are also destroyed!"

"What then? Really born?"




The monks were all creepy all around.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" ...............

In front of the iceberg, a lot of big-belly practitioners kept licking their mouths. Hope this is dreaming.

the other side.

Xi Yan supported his growing belly and flew to the direction where Qin Zibai was.

"Master Qin, Mr. Dongfang, save your life, save your life!" Xi Yan flew forward, and immediately fell down with a big belly.

"Huh!" Qin Zibai took over the falling Xi Xi.

"Xi, who's making your belly bigger?" Qin Zi's face turned white.

"Quick, save me, I have something in my belly, fast, fast, Mr. Dongfang!" Xi Xi anxiously.

"Lie down!" Mr. Dong Shen sank.

Xi Yan lay down immediately.

Mr. Dongfang put his hand on the pulse of Xi's right hand, and closed his eyes and frowned.

"Xi, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, don't you feel it yourself? Ah, grow up again?" Qin Zi's face turned white.

"These four things are sucking my whole body strength, and my whole body strength is being drawn. What the **** is wrong with me? Mr. Oriental!" Xi Yan looked anxiously at Mr. Dongfang.

Mr. Dongdong pulsed for a while, his eyes suddenly opened.

"Mr. Dongfang, what's wrong with Xi?" Qin Zibai wondered.

"Mr. Dongfang, what's in my stomach?" Xi Yan said in horror.

Silent for a while, Mr. Dong's face was eccentric.

"Say, what's in my belly, say!" Xi Yan shouted impatiently.

Mr. Dongfang paused for a while and finally spit out three words: "Quads!"

"Uh?" Qin Zi stunned Bai Bai suddenly, did not understand for a while.

"What? You say it again!" Xi Yan said stiffly.

Although I had guessed along the way before, when I really heard others talking about it, Xi Yan couldn't accept it for a while.

"You are pregnant, quadruplets!" Mr. Dongfang tangled again.

Qin Zibai's head turned around, but he still didn't turn. What the hell? pregnancy? Quadruplets? What quadruplets? Xi Yan is pregnant?

The three were silent. As if digesting this weird fact together.

After a while. Qin Zibai finally understood and opened his mouth to look at Xi Xi: "You, you, are you pregnant? Or are you a quad?"

"No, no, I don't want to get pregnant, Mr. Oriental, save me, I don't, no!" Xi Yan growled in despair.

I used to be the emperor who ruled the world, and he was still a man. You said I was pregnant? What do my former courtiers think? What do they think?

Oh, there is a reason why the emperor surrendered to Dayuan, because we went home to have children.

The picture was so beautiful, Xi Yan was dumbfounded.

PS: Don't entangle big pregnant beasts. Its regret, continued by the Emperor Changsheng! A few days ago I talked with a very knowledgeable insider about my last book. Although it was broken, it was because of poor sales at that time. However, the index of the world ’s highest ranking has always been No. No. 1! From another perspective, the book was successful. It's just ..., alas, don't say it. In short, my breakthrough was correct. I have totally rejected the narrative methods of the world before. I will take a rational approach. Some of the best parts will be picked up again.

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