Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Wan Yu saves her brother-in-law

This is the second more!


"Thank you for your enlightenment! I have n’t finished Kendo, and you can continue to do it. Come to Japan, and wait for the day when my sworddo and Kendo are done, come and ask me again!"

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.


On one side, the fire was soaring into the sky and forced towards the three.

When approaching, the ancient sea discovered that it seemed that a cyan sword gas blocked the flame. The cyan sword gas seemed to be in the shape of a cyan lotus petal.

I turned to glance at the fire.

"Arid fire? Is she going out? Three thousand years!" He frowned.

"She? Who?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Let's go, Gu Hai, you shouldn't stay here for a long time, Mr. Dongfang? Oh, he was trying to die by himself, and shocked her. You are better, just open the main palace. Those who have suffered, let's go!" With a slight chuckle.

While talking, Qing Lian was so angry that she forced the fire away and formed a passage. Walk outside the previously **** area.

Gu Hai turned his head to look at the altar broken by Xi Yan, and the altar was shattered by the fire. More and more fires are pouring out.

It's all dry fire.

The three came out quickly.

"Emperor, are you okay?" Not far away, Julu rushed eagerly.

Outside, the blood mist was filled, and I could only hear the shouting and killing of the Quartet. It seemed hazy, but I could see every figure, but it was not very clear.

"Gu Hai, I said earlier, thank you for your enlightenment. These two sword symbols are for you! They were made by my past life, and it is convenient for you to leave Longmai City!" 铩 solemnly said.


Gu Hai took it, but it was two sword-shaped jade charms?

"My breeze and me are leaving first, and the woman is coming out. Oh, with my current strength, I can't help but leave her!" 铩 solemnly said.

Then, He stepped into the sky with a breeze. Soon it was close to the enchantment of the Longmai City.

But when they saw them, they each took out a sword charm.

Gently crush.


The sword charm suddenly turned into a sharp sword-shaped blue light, enveloping the two.


The sword-shaped glaucoma suddenly ripped open and shot out.


The large array recovered instantly, but the crickets and breeze had already arrived outside the large array.

"Sword charm? Go out with this?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Emperor, the Quartet is very confused, but no one can go out, including that puppet king!"

"Forget it, I can't protect myself now, I can't save them at all, two sword symbols, you and me one by one, go, go out first! They are still waiting for us outside!" Gu Hai Shen said.


After receiving the sword charm of the ancient sea, the two stepped into the sky, flew up into the sky, and flew up to the edge of the large array.


Julu smashed the sword charm, suddenly forming a sword-shaped glaucoma, instantly covering the whole body.


The sword-shaped green light took Ju Lu out of the battle. Quick recovery.

"Sword-shaped glaucoma? Only one person can be wrapped? Pity!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.


Suddenly, there was another loud noise below.

But it was the blood and water area below. It exploded and burst open. The fire soared into the sky and exploded to the four sides, like a volcanic explosion. It instantly burned all directions in the array.

"No, the altar was completely destroyed, and the fire of dryness was completely blown out!" Gu Hai's face sank.

Suddenly, a hint of dry fire caught on Gu Hai's arm.


The fire instantly burned the skin of the ancient sea.

"Vulcan!" Gu Hai's face sank.

Suddenly mobilize the power of Vulcan Palace to absorb this dry fire.


The Yuanying embryo of Vulcan Temple rotates quickly and absorbs a little bit, but the dry fire is too fierce. It's very difficult to absorb.

There was only a little bit of dry fire that was absorbed for a while and finally absorbed, but Guhai's arm was red.


Great drought fire.

With only this little wire, his arm was reddened. If the flames were burnt, even his own Vulcan Yuanying could not resist it?

Below, it looks like a volcanic eruption.

Gu Hai didn't dare to stay, and was about to crush the sword amulet to leave.

"Ancient sea?" In the distance, there was a sudden roar.

But it was Mr. Dongfang. When he saw the explosion of his birthday, the whole person was furious.

How can it be? There is a **** battle, and no one can enter. The touch is about to melt away. Inside, everyone is trapped. Only Xi Yan is there to kill and seal the altar for himself.

Now, the blood and blood bursts exploded?

"It's over, the seal is opened, it's over, it's bad, I just want to get the treasure inside, not to destroy the seal, no!" Mr. Dongfang said in panic.

But how could that big burst burst? how come?

The flames soared into the sky, shining bright in that direction.

Suddenly saw the ancient sea at high altitude.

The moment he saw the ancient sea, Mr. Dong's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that the last time he met the ancient sea, his own life array, the ancient sea was also unimpeded.

A **** battle? Is the ancient sea also unobstructed? Everything is done by the ancient sea?

The altar seal was also destroyed by the ancient sea?

Thinking of this, Mr. Dongfang was suddenly shocked. This, the ontology must know, how do you explain?

"Gu Hai!" Mr. Dongfang growled angrily.

The ancient sea is unknown, so I did not pay attention to the anger of Mr. Dongfang, but still turned to glance away.

A huge blood dragon, full of scales covered with horrible human heads. On the dragon's back, stood Mr. Dongfang.

And at the dragon head, there was a woman, crying in horror by a personal leader who had nowhere to go.

"Wan Yu?" Gu Hai suddenly changed her face.

Aren't you out? Didn't she go out? Why was he caught by Mr. Dongfang?

"Sister, brother-in-law?" Long Wanyu cried in horror in the distance.

Seeing that Julu in the distance went out, and seeing that the ancient sea was about to go out, Long Wanyu's eyes were full of panic and regret.

Why didn't you listen to my brother-in-law?


But it was before that Long Wanyu was run out of the city by Gu Hai with a secret code 'happy'.

It was irritable outside the city.

"No, I want to go in, I want to go in, there is a big fierce inside, so dangerous!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Can't go, county master, what did Mr. Gu say? You forgot to listen to him!" Sima Feng said anxiously.

"Dongchengmen can't see inside, go, go to Nanchengmen, I want to see from there!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

Sima Feng did not reject this request. Driving a flying boat, she took Long Wanyu quickly to the Nancheng Gate.

From a distance, it seems that the ancient sea was sealed in the iceberg.

"No, brother-in-law is in danger!" Long Wanyu was about to provoke.

"Don't, the lord, don't go, listen to Mr. Gu, he can't be wrong!" Sima Feng anxiously stopped Long Wanyu.

"Yeah, it's fierce inside, so don't mess up!" The demon spirit in the body also advised.

"But my brother-in-law is in danger! They have to deal with my brother-in-law." Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"What happened to them? Pregnant?" Sima Feng exclaimed.

Long Wanyu's feet also suddenly abruptly looked at the 100,000 people in surprise, and all fell down.

Everyone outside the city rubbed his eyes, feeling alive.

pregnancy? Is the man pregnant?

"Mr. Gu is all right, Mr. Gu is out!" Sima Feng was surprised.

Sure enough, Gu Hai and Wan'er Fairy came out of the iceberg. Sima Feng and others suddenly exhaled.

Gu Hai let go of a fat and thin person, and then run away Waner Fairy, and began to deal with everyone inside.

Sima Feng was pleasantly surprised, but Long Wanyu was anxious.

"This fierce fiercer is getting stronger and stronger, brother-in-law, why haven't you come out yet, come out soon!" Long Wanyu said in horror.

"Ah?" Sima Feng looked at Long Wanyu puzzledly.

"Dark ghost spirit, you say, will my brother-in-law be okay, will not ...?" Long Wanyu cried in horror.

"I don't know. However, the fierce fierce soldiers at this level have almost no chance of surviving, more than last time ... but you don't have to worry, you have left the city and you have avoided the fierce, just leave here immediately! "Demon ghost advised.

"Fart, my brother-in-law is still inside, my brother-in-law is still inside, I want to inform my brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you are almost out!" Long Wanyu was extremely anxious.

"It's over, the people inside are going to die, fat man, run away!" Changsheng rushed to the city gate eagerly.

"Fat your sister, it's not your fault, longevity, you call me fat again, I flatten you!" Ziwei shouted suddenly.

"Don't say, don't say, hurry up, and if we don't go out, we will die in it!" Changsheng eagerly said.

Die inside. Brother-in-law is going to die inside?

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu eagerly jumped to the door.

"Little girl, you, you, won't you? You're going to die, don't you, shall I kneel for you? Don't go, you're looking for death!" Exclaimed the ghost ghost.

"Kneel you, you won't help me, I'll go by myself!" Long Wanyu scolded suddenly.

"Do n’t, it ’s not that I do n’t help, I ca n’t help, the big fierce at this level is simply finished, I, I ..., look at my broken mouth, little girl, it ’s okay, Gu Hai will be okay, you Don't worry, he will definitely survive! "The demon ghost advised.

"Well, lie to the ghost!" Naturally Long Wanyu refused to believe in the ghost spirit.

"Sima Feng, you give way, I will go in!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Sir Lord, no, you can't go in. Did you forget to promise Mr. Gu?" Sima Feng exclaimed.

Long Wanyu bit her lip, her eyes still anxious: "I haven't forgotten, but I can't just watch my brother-in-law die, he is my only loved one!"

"But you can't help him if you go, and Mr. Gu may not want you to help?" Sima Feng anxiously exhorted.

"It doesn't matter if I help, as long as my brother-in-law is okay, I'll go. I can help me avoid evil, maybe I can help him? As long as he's okay!" Long Wanyu eagerly said.

"Ah! Finally came out!" Ziwei suddenly gasped.

Sima Feng and others turned their heads and looked at them curiously.

At this moment, Long Wanyu suddenly slammed into Sima Feng.


Sima Feng was beaten.

"call out!"

Long Wanyu suddenly jumped into the city.

"What? Shire!" Sima Feng exclaimed.

And it was here.


The gates of the Quartet closed suddenly.

Except for Long Wanyu, everyone else was blocked outside the gate.

PS: Even more, tomorrow the college party will be married, and today is on the road. Updates may be a bit unstable tomorrow, I try to stay stable!

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