Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Save Wan Yu

Above the sky!

Gu Hai saw Long Wanyu trapped on top of the blood dragon's head, and her face suddenly sank. Although she didn't know how to get trapped there, at this moment, everything was unimportant.

"Brother-in-law!" In the distance, Long Wanyu cried in horror!

"Gu Hai, do you want to run? You run, I will kill this little girl right away, believe it or not, you run, you run!" Mr. Dongfang snarled.

"Ang!" The blood dragon roared fiercely, seeming to rush towards the ancient sea.

Outside, Sima Feng and others have been flying up in the air to watch the internal situation, and their faces have changed wildly, but the moat formed by the Blood Dragon Shouzhen is too strong to break.

Wu He and Qingfeng have already left, and it seems that everything is desperate at this moment.

Gu Hai's face sank and she drank, "Oriental Life Master!"

"Don't run? You don't run anymore? Why don't you run? Last time for this little girl, you ignored life and death, this time, you still have to accompany her to die?" Mr. Dongfang said cheekily.

"Oh, dead? Not necessarily!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Mr. Dongfang drove the blood dragon, approached little by little, and was not too tight, because the ancient sea was next to the big battle enchantment. Previously, Lu Lu escaped with a sword charm in his hand. Mr. Dong worried It was too tight, and Gu Hai escaped desperately.


Instead of running away, Gu Hai slowly fell down watching Long Wanyu.

"Mr. Gu, how did that guy go out just now?"

"Ancient emperor, do you have a way out?"

"Mr. Gu, help!"




The people who were chased before all of a sudden flew to the ancient sea, looking forward to this last life-saving straw.

Earth Dragon Veins, the purpose of everyone here! But at this moment no one cares about this purpose, as long as he can escape. The ancient sea is what everyone wants.

Mr. Dongfang also stared at Gu Hai desperately, I wonder why Gu Hai could flow unimpeded in his life.

"I can't take everyone out!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The Quartet, the strong man who was about to fly changed his face.

"But, I can try to fight this blood dragon, I hope everyone can help me!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Help? How to help?" The crowd flew slightly. The previous loss was instantly regained.

"Take me as your medium, everyone, pour your strength into my body, and let us deal with this blood dragon together!" Gu Haishen said.

"Media? Oh, ha ha ha ha? Gu Hai, are you stupid? This is not your Chaoge City. You have the energy to protect your body and mobilize the power of the people in this country. This is Longmai City. "Mr. Dongfang flew slowly with the dragon.

"Do not worry about my physique, lords and lords, come on, instill strength into me, this is the only opportunity today, you, fast!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

"I'm coming!" Suddenly a homeowner flew away.

"Ancient Emperor, thank you for your remorse. I would like to trust you and fight with you. Anyway, even if you don't, you will die!" The owner flew to the back of the ancient sea.


A palm lay on the back of the ancient sea, a huge force went straight to the ancient sea.

Cooperating with the ancient sea, is facing the blood dragon directly!

The blood dragon that everyone hides is less than, how dare everyone face the blood dragon face to face? The blood dragon rushes and can swallow you in one go.

However, after all, many people are willing to try.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your previous life-saving grace. I've died once anyway, and I'd like to accompany you to try!"

"Ancient Emperor, I'll help you!"

"Ancient Emperor, I will assist you. It must succeed!"




Suddenly, half of the practitioners near Guhai flew over.


A force came into the ancient sea from the back. The people behind were stuck to the back of the second row, and the fourth row was stuck to the back of the third row. Everyone becomes a channel for transmitting power. The ancient sea is the meeting point of power.

There was a rush of force, and a magnificent breath spewed around the ancient sea.

"What? How is it possible that with so much power coming into the body, you have no luck, and you have not been smashed?" Mr. Dongfang was surprised.

In the rear, the suzerain, the homeowner, and Qin Zibai's old part also widened their eyes, but Gu Hai's strong physique did it. Such a huge strength completely withstood it.

The crowd suddenly saw hope.

Those embarrassing practitioners in the surrounding area saw Gu Hai's momentum soaring wildly, and also showed a hint of surprise, quickly instilling strength to Gu Hai one by one.

In a blink of an eye, the strong behind the ancient seas passed the power of 5,000 people.

The strength of five thousand people all gathered in the ancient sea.

The ancient sea explorer took out the unique knife, and poured its strength into it.

"Huh, the clown jumping clown! I also arrested everywhere in the province." Mr. Dongfang looked disdainfully, and drove the blood dragon rushing to swallow the 5,000 people.

"Sunday ~!"

Stepping on Tianyuan, 291 handles of knife gas suddenly formed a huge knife field, and a huge gas field burst out.

The blood dragon rushed in, but not so long ago, a huge **** gas had poured into the sword domain, and it seemed that the entire sword domain had to be opened.


The blood dragon growled.

"Three!" Gu Hai shouted.

There were five thousand strongmen who instilled their power into Gu Hai. Gu Hai never worried that the power would not be enough anymore. It was cut with a single knife, and the sword area was condensed. A purple light illuminated the whole dragon vein city instantly.

The sword turned into a dragon with hundreds of swords and slammed into the puppet.


Heaven and earth were shrouded in blood and purple for an instant.

Five thousand people felt a powerful recoil, and everyone slammed it, but they suddenly showed ecstasy.

"Blocked? Blocked?"

"I haven't been eaten by the blood dragon?"

"I wasn't swallowed?"




Everyone suddenly showed ecstasy.

On Wednesday, the blade was too fierce to block the blood dragon?

"Hmm, is it blocked? Oh, you have only borrowed the power of 5,000 people. The blood dragon has eaten 30,000 people. Do you think that only you can stack the power of multiple people? The blood dragon is stronger than you!" Mr Dongfang said .

"Ang ~!"

A great force burst out.


Five thousand people were suddenly thrown out by this huge impact.



"Do not!"




All 5,000 people were hit and flew.

Suddenly, those who were not involved in the Quartet saw hope and regretted it.

"Feasibility? Feasibility? Only 5,000 people came together. If we were together just now, wouldn't it ...?"

"I knew it earlier, I should have helped!"

"If all of us didn't escape, would we help Gu Hai and work together, wouldn't we just succeed?"

"Ancient emperor, come again, come again!"




Countless practitioners in the Quartet are excited.

"Hey? Some patience, come again? Do you think I will give you another chance? Hahaha, Guhai, I will not let you unite again, it really is a scourge, **** it, I will kill you first!" Mr. Dong yelled.

"Oh!" Gu Hai sneered at the head.

It was just a moment ago, the razor knife cut the faucet out of a hole.

If the strength of the ancient sea alone, the **** smell and suffocation around the blood dragon, can make the ancient sea unable to approach, but by the strength of five thousand people, but finally cut open a wound of the blood dragon.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, the black gas rushed towards the blood dragon.

The properties of the razor knife, as long as the wound is cut open, the skeleton in the black gas is insanely devouring.

For a moment, the black gas skyrocketed, and in the fast devouring of the faucet, the black gas skyrocketed more and more. Wrap the entire faucet in an instant.

"It's the underworld's skeleton magic again? You almost ruined me last time, and are you here?" Mr. Dong's face sank.

Sifang practitioners with wide eyes, skeleton magic? Is this black gas useful?

"It's useless, oh, the body has already informed me of its disadvantages. It is okay to deal with others. The blood dragon can use the flames to force them away and break!" Detective pressed.


The blood dragon roared suddenly, and a huge gas flame burst out, as if a blood-colored flame was formed on the body surface, and all black gas was exploded.


Black gas and countless skeletons suddenly exploded. Barred faucet.

"Ah?" Quartet, countless practitioners showed despair.

Originally hoped that the ancient sea can save everyone, but still failed?

"Asshole, Gu Hai!" Mr. Dongfang stared suddenly.

But I saw the ancient sea holding Long Wanyu, from the dragon head, as the big bang soared into the sky.

Gu Hai's previous actions were to save Long Wanyu? I was actually distracted? And Gu Hai, did he succeed?

In Gu Haihuai, Long Wanyu's tears stopped. I stared at the ancient sea.

For a moment, I suddenly felt that the ancient sea was so great and good people! Save yourself from the bad guys again?

"Brother-in-law! I should listen to you! I'm sorry!" Long Wanyu suddenly wanted to cry.

The cry this time was not the previous terror, but the warmth in my heart, a nameless touch, and the warm Long Wanyu seemed extremely happy.

Fly to the high-altitude encirclement.

"Crush it and go out!" Gu Hai handed out a sword charm to Long Wanyu.

"Here, this one can go out? Brother-in-law, how many do you have?" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"Hurry up, don't get rid of it!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Is there only one? Just one? Brother-in-law, what do you do to me? Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu's face suddenly changed.

"Happy!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

Gu Hai mentioned the secret phrase "happy", Long Wanyu must agree to Gu Hai's words. Last time, Long Wanyu didn't care about this ‘happy’, but now she and her brother-in-law are in a state of despair. Now, Gu Hai said again?

"I'm not going! I'm gone, what should my brother-in-law do?" Long Wanyu burst into tears.

"I didn't have time to explain it to you, do you still want to be like last time?" Gu Hai glared and drank.

When drinking by the ancient sea, Long Wanyu suddenly felt grief. The last time I didn't obey, it caused the current dilemma and can no longer be entangled. To listen to her brother-in-law, you must listen to her.

"Huh!" Long Wanyu nodded hard and cried, "I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I didn't expect it to be so bad!"

The blood dragon behind had rushed in.

"Hurry up!" Gu Hai urged.


Long Wanyu crushed the sword charm. Jumped up sharply.


The sword-shaped glaucoma formed by the sword charm immediately ripped the enchantment and shot out instantly.

"The lord of the county!" Sima Feng surprised and pulled Long Wanyu into the flying boat.

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu looked eagerly downward.

Below, the ancient sea flew to the mouth of the enchantment, and the torn mouth had recovered.

Grasping the black jade charm left by the unborn, slamming it.


Guhai was bounced back.

"Useless? Can't get out?" Gu Hai showed a bitterness.

Below, the blood dragon has opened his mouth and reached the ancient sea.

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