Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 50: Waner Reappearance


The blood dragon opened his mouth towards the ancient sea

can not go out? Gu Hai never thought of trying again, but turned out to take out the flying boat, and fled quickly in the city.

"call out!"

In an instant, the ancient sea flew into the distance.

"Hum, escape? Where are you escaping? In the blood dragon's life, you want to escape too?" Mr. Dongfang said cheekily.


& n——mbsp; The blood dragon quickly shuttled through the city. For others, it has been ignored, and Mr. Dongfang will swallow the ancient sea quickly.

"Brother-in-law, blame me, blame me!" Long Wanyu stood anxiously on the flying boat outside, showing anxiety.

"The county master, you don't need to worry, since Mr. Gu asked you to go first, there must be a way!" Sima Feng comforted.

Long Wanyu ignored it at all, but looked at Julu Road: "That sword amulet, is there any brother-in-law?"

"No, it was given by the previous two, a total of two!" Julu shook his head.

Sima Feng was staring.

You say more will die? What if the county master doesn't want to open it again?

"Only two? Both are used? Brother-in-law, you must be fine!" Long Wanyu shook her fist, showing anxiety.


In the large array, the flames erupted in the west of the city, and a large amount of dry fire burst out. The blood dragon was only chasing the ancient sea, and the Quartet practitioners could breathe. On the other side, Qin Zibai and King Wu are still deadlocked.


In a blink of an eye, the blood dragon was approaching.

Gu Hai's face was gloomy. Suddenly, Gu Hai thought of what He had said before.

"I went with Qingfeng first, and the woman was about to come out. Oh, with my current strength, I can't help but leave her!"

seal? Who is under the dragon vein city?

West? East?

"Did you! Want to go out?" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

The Quartet repaired a slight meal.

"There is a palace seal in the east of the city. Everyone knows where it is. Break it and we will be rescued. I lead the blood dragon.


The sound instantly transmitted to the Quartet in the city.

"Seal? The palace?"

Suddenly, a large number of practitioners rushed to Chengdong Di Palace without hesitation.

Mr. Dongfang suddenly asked, "What do you know? Dash, no!"

"Why not?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Hum, I will kill you first, you will not die, it will always be a disaster!" Mr. Dongfang, like a demon, manipulated the blood dragon to rush to the ancient sea.


However, it was discovered by the ancient sea that the blood dragon deliberately avoided the drought fire in the west of the city.

"Are you afraid of fire?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed suddenly.


The flying boat flew over the fire, and the blood dragon also flew high. Try to avoid the fire.

"Oh, you have the best thing to fear!" Gu Hai sneered.

The ancient sea was surrounded by constant erupting flames, and the blood dragon's huge body was restrained everywhere.


Sure enough, the fire of the drought touched the blood dragon, and the blood dragon suddenly burst into black smoke, which seemed to be burnt.

"You are really afraid of fire, haha!" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

As long as the blood dragon is afraid of fire, it can slowly lead the blood dragon to the disaster. One day sooner or later, the blood dragon's power will be exhausted.

Ancient sea fly over the fire. In the distance, a group of practitioners opened the earth palace in the east of the city and destroyed the seal.

Mr. Dong looked anxious, gritted his teeth, and his face was bleak.


Suddenly, the blood dragon seemed to be desperate and let the fire burn on him. The whole body is coiled to form a large encircling circle, which wraps the ancient sea's flying boat and leaves it nowhere to escape. The faucet is pressed down from above to press the flying boat towards the flame center below.

"Down together?" Gu Hai's face sank.


Above, it is the big mouth that covers the sky, and it is swallowed up instantly. The blood dragon's body is in all directions, there is nowhere to go, only the bottom.

Below is a billowing fire.


The blood dragon was completely burned by the fire, and a sudden burst of black smoke burst out, but in the face of the ancient sea, it seemed to ignore the general at all.

The flying boat can only be pressed towards the sea of ​​fire by the circling blood dragon.

"Down together? You look down on my blood dragon too much, indeed, this fire can hurt the blood dragon, but just hurt, the blood dragon swallowed everyone and accumulated strength, just to be able to burn in the fire for a longer period of time, Enter the bottom of the flame. The fire of dryness? Ancient sea, if I do n’t die today, I will lose everything. Although my loss is also severe, but as long as you die, the blood dragon can eat other people, and the blood dragon can return to the top! Come on! "Mr. Dong yelled all his life.


The blood dragon's faucet crashed down, and suddenly the flying boat was smashed into the fire.

The fire was exactly the same as the previous altar repression, like a crater, with a raging fire.

The flying boat shattered, and the ancient sea was banged deep into the crater.

"No, brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu cried in horror from the outside.

The ancient sea was hit into that crater?

"Emperor?" Ju Lu exclaimed.

"Arid fire? Isn't Mr. Gu ........." Sima Feng's face changed.

However, at the next moment, she looked at Long Wanyu. Sima Feng was worried that she would mess up again. She immediately pretended to calm down and said, "Mr. Gu should be all right?"

"My brother-in-law was burned to death, brother-in-law, oh oh!" Long Wanyu showed a look of despair.

"The lord, the emperor is alive!" One person said to the side.

"My brother-in-law is all swallowed up by the fire and alive? How do you know?" Long Wanyu sorrowfully.

"Under the Dahan Dynasty officials, Dahan Qiyun is coming. If the emperor is in trouble, my Dahan Dynasty Qiyun will collapse, so I also have induction. Today, Qiyun is still, so the emperor is alive!" Road.

"Really?" Long Wanyu said instantly.

"Don't dare to lie!" The Dahan official nodded.

"Brother-in-law, you must come out, you must, I will listen to you in the future!" Long Wanyu looked at the crater below and prayed.

The west of the city is the crater, and the east of the city is the underground palace.

A large number of practitioners rushed to the palace to destroy it. The blood dragon pressed the ancient sea into the crater. Mr. Dongfang determined that the ancient sea was dead. He manipulated the blood dragon to rise to the sky and headed eastward.


There is a large scorch on the blood dragon. Obviously, the previous fire did not hurt the blood dragon too much.

"Dash, don't move the ground palace, I have eaten you!" Mr. Dong roared loudly.

The burned blood dragon rushed to the palace while roaring.

What Mr. Dongfang didn't notice is that at the moment when the ancient sea was pressed to the crater, a figure in red was also rushing into the fire.

Inside the crater.

Gu Hai's clothes were burned out instantly.


The fire burned, pain was terrible.

"Kaka Kaka!"

A lot of bones came out of the body, trying to withstand the fire of drought.


The bones of the past were so strong that under the fire, all of them flew away.

Vulcan Temple is fully opened to absorb the fire on the surface.

However, this fire was too much. Previously, a trace of Mars had absorbed it for half a day before it was absorbed, and it also burned its arms. Now it is a fire in all directions.

Can't stop it at all.

Is it over? Burned to death here?

The firepower was too fierce, and Gu Hai's consciousness suddenly became a little fuzzy.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came to the ancient sea and seized it.

Vaguely, Gu Hai could see the face of the comer clearly.

"Waner fairy? Why didn't you go out of town? Hurry up, it's dangerous here." Gu Hai said weakly.

But it is Waner Fairy, who is biting her lips and watching the ancient sea in the fire at this moment.

The fire can not help He Waner fairy, but because she is the body of fire tripod. Previously, Qin Zibai and Xi Yan were also rescued by the ancient sea because of this against Waner Fairy.

However, the ancient sea in front of him has been burnt and fleshed.

"The fire of drought is already in the body? You will figure it out and you will be burned to death! Unless my Yuan Ying comes into your body to help you absorb the refining flame?" There was a trace of struggle in the fairy's eyes.

However, after just struggling for a moment, Wan'er Fairy's eyes suddenly became firm, and suddenly she stepped forward and suddenly picked up Gu Hai, hot and humid lips, and suddenly stuck it to the burnt lips of Gu Hai.


Wan'er fairy's clothes disappeared instantly, and she lifted up the ancient sea.

Suddenly, Gu Hai suddenly felt that his "Fate of Heaven and Earth" was running automatically.

Automatic operation?

Heaven and earth's great tragedy will only work when doing men's and women's affairs? now……?

Gu Hai suddenly felt a cool body, a movement of instinct.


At the lower body, the source of coolness is like a mass of things entering his body. Wherever he goes, the flames of the body flow into the coolness.

The ancient sea consciousness gradually became sober, and a ray of consciousness entered the Vulcan palace.

But I saw that it was Yuaner Fairy's Yuan Ying, it was it, she entered her body and entered her own temple of Vulcan.

The fairy infant of Waner settled in Vulcan Palace, where the embryos of the ancient sea infants seemed to communicate with each other. The rolling fire in the body was completely absorbed, part of it was absorbed by the infant's fairy, and part of it was refined. Transfer to Yuanying embryo.


Suddenly, Yuanhai's embryo in Guhai broke through a crack, and a large amount of flame was absorbed by the suction at that crack.


In the outside world, Gu Hai and Wan'er Fairy blend together, but the Gu Hai is the center, and the drought fire around it is pouring into the ancient sea like crazy.

Under the fairy infant's body protector, the fire of dryness can no longer hurt the ancient sea. Instead, it nourishes the body of the ancient sea and strengthens the force of the ancient infant.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The burnt part of the ancient sea quickly crusted and fell, slowly recovering the previous skin, and even a little whiter.

"An embryo is broken, Yuan Yingjing is second most important? Still growing? This power?" Gu Hai's consciousness became clearer and clearer.

Gu Hai finally knew what was going on, Waner Fairy was trying to save herself ...

The body was doing instinctual movements, but the eyes opened to look at the fairy Waner.

At this moment, Waner Fairy's eyes are blurred into silk, and she seems to be intoxicated by the changes in her body, and she makes a soft 咿, um, sound.

After a while, Wan'er Fairy suddenly trembled and had a spasm.


There was a loud noise from the fairy Wan'er, and a different powerful breath emanated.

In a daze, Waner Fairy opened her eyes: "Me? Why did I suddenly open the Temple of Heaven?"

ps: go out, update late, don't blame, try your best to watch chess!

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